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Discuss the Mister FPGA project, clones and other fpga retro gaming devices itt
>MiSTer uses thousands of physical gates in a so-called field-programmable gate array (FPGA) to emulate the original circuitry.
>MiSTer offers lower latency and more authentic graphics and sound than software emulation.
>MAME, RetroArch, Hyperspin, and RetroPie benefit from save states and extensive game libraries, but fall short in delivering authenticity and low latency.
>Original hardware offers authenticity, but using and maintaining 40-year-old machines is cumbersome.
OP here. forgot to mention that I get paid to post these threads. And I still can't afford this overpriced chinkshit
I got a 1st batch Taki but now I'm kind of wondering what I'll actually play. Want to try Saturn, but allegedly it's not that good on it and at the same time I don't want to spend money and dedicate space for a real Saturn. Already have a PS1 and SNES. Maybe I can stash the SNES to save space, but I'm definitely playing PS1 games on the original console. Genesis is not worth playing. Consoles before gen 4 are not worth playing. The N64 core sucks and the N64 sucks in general. I think that leaves me with Neo-Geo and some arcade cores, which hopefully work well and don't require dual ram.

What are some more obscure cores? PC engine maybe?
You special little tards literally don't have the
excuse anymore. There's three boards on the market.
Well why DID you buy it then?
It's $160 for a complete setup now at cheapest, but please do go off
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>>MAME, RetroArch, Hyperspin, and RetroPie benefit from save states and extensive game libraries, but fall short in delivering authenticity and low latency.

Some of the MiSTer codes support save states actually, mostly Robert's cores. Apparently his GB/GBA cores not only support save states but also fast-forward and split-screen.
Retard I already have a bunch of consoles plus a record player and a VHS. I don't have space for all of this shit. It's also $160, moron.
Good price. To have.
Speaking of GBA I do have a Gamecube with the gameboy player and swiss, but maybe mister would be better for it. I wonder.
>i'm a real poster and definitely not the same shill that posts all these threads trying to sell my $600 emulator
You are giving them too much credit.

These idiots already were too stupid to realize how dumb it was to claim anyone could be shilling it in the first place. The entire project is open source, all the add-ons are open source and multiple people manufacture them.

On top of that it relies on getting a cheap FPGA board that was meant for educational use from a major company that creates dozens of different FPGA and ARM development boards who has zero interest in the videogame market and where the majority of their products cost in the quadruple digits.

If these idiots are stupid enough to think that that this company would have even the slightest interest of "shilling" one of it's cheapest products, so that it can be used in a market they have zero interest in, and that they are doing it on fucking 4CHAN of all places, then no logic in the world will make someone that retarded understand that QM and Taki would have no interest in shilling here too. Both QM and Taki's boards are selling out instantly every time they get restocked, they don't need to shill. And I highly doubt either a Chinese bootleg company nor Taki would have any interest in shilling here.

But that's still not going to stop these retards from now trying to claim it's Taki himself shilling it here now that the clones are out.
Back to /v/ with you.
Who are you quoting, newfaggot?
>if i samefag they won't notice i'm a single poster that shills constantly
I mean you made it sound like you just got fomo'd into the hypetrain but what the fuck do I know. I got mine specifically because I'd rather spend money on this rather than spending it on upgrades and repairs for my original ancient toys fastly approaching a sunk cost fallacy status.
>muh rotting plastic toys but new $600 emulator box is an adult mature purchase
lmao you shills are so blatant repeating the same shit
more like FPGAy SiSTer
There are dark forces within /vr/ trying to make the FPGA threads fail by shitting them up. Now that I am the official owner of a Taki Mega Pack, I will not stand for this aggression.

Back the FRICK OUT OF HERE YOU FRICKEN JERKS. *RAWWWWWWR* *Pulls out nipple rings* You've made me very angry, and now I'm gonna GET YOU!
>i'm a real anon fellow 4channers
>you're not real *turns around quickly*
>what was that? *turns around quickly*
>they're after me, they're coming!
lurk before posting so you don't stand out as much when you shill
>oh god... they're already here
>may god help us all..
Yes I did in fact get fomo'd into the hypetrain. I was wanting a mister for ages though, but I was absolutely not about to spend the 600 and I was putting it off until Mars or Replay2 release, so I can get either one of those instead. Now that those two are confirmed vaporware and this taki dude made a full package for 160, I just yolo sniped one first batch. Looking at all the seething from people that didn't get one adds to the purchase value.
> I'd rather spend money on this rather than spending it on upgrades and repairs for my original ancient toys
Facts. I have 6-7 PS2s just because. I have a Dreamcast because it's the GOAT. I got a PS1 and a SNES because obviously you want those, but when you consider the mod costs (xstation, memcard pro, everdrive) it's obviously better to get an FPGAy SiSTer instead. N64 is gay so fuck that. I want a Saturn and a Neo-Geo and a Genesis. Saturn takes too much space and mods are expensive. Neo-Geo costs a house. Genesis is a waste of space.
buy an ad
>more authentic graphics and sound than software emulation.

Depends on the core, there are issues with audio in the gba (channel balance) ps1 (reverb) , MegaDrive (lack of filtering) cores and others which software emulation don’t have, would be nice if people read GitHub bug reports before saying stuff like this.
>I have 6-7 PS2s

I have 2 and unfortunately they are both the same shit model. when that PS1 rip tonyhawk shit came out I was hype then quickly disappointed by my models. not going to care about that anymore though since fpga, I'll just wait for the ps2 DVDEMU in 20 years.
>to emulate the original circuitry.
Again depends on the core, the vast majority are not emulating the circuits from decapped chip information.
I've never messed with tonyhax but in the last few years there's another thing called mecha pwn on ps2 that lets you play burnt ps1 discs without any swapping bullshit. seems like it's a matter of time before someone makes a better solution through the fire wire port or something. I don't think optical emu for ps2 will be a thing
What was the tony hawk shit about again? Wasn't it just a new exploit that nobody needs because we have opl?
No, its a memory card exploit to play PSX rips which you cant do on HDD, HDD is only shit emulation with pops
Yeah mechapwn might be the one Im thinking more likely, doesnt work on my model apparently which sucks.

to flex on the Taki-less.
Oh just get a PS1.
I'll bite what is
ODE: Optical Drive Emulation
That hasn't been needed for ages. PS2 is fully soft hacked. All you need is a memory card with the right files to get started. Too hard to do that? Just buy a prehacked card anywhere $7.
You seem to be mistaken.
You cannot play PS1 games through HDD/Memory card SD without it being emulation.

The PS2 has PS1 chips inside but they cannot be accessed through those means. Only the optical drive atm.
Unless you're saying you can play PS1 CD rips without the mechacon stuff and no disk swapping
Hmm, it works for me. Maybe search OPL and PS1 and figure it out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if you are playing ps1 games through OPL then you are emulating using popstarter.
Gonna need a source for those claims bud

You can already perfectly emulate those consoles on pc so MiSTer is a complete waste of money.

The only console that needs an actual fpga solution; are console that CAN'T be perfectly emulated like the Playstation 2.
>Genesis is not worth playing
>Consoles before gen 4 are not worth playing
Go back to >>>/v/, dipshit.
Shut up little bitch. I stand by what I said.
None of the shit you claimed is there

It’s all there, stop being so dense.
The graphics emulation for the GBA core is incomplete as well. In Mega Man Battle Network 3 the horizontal mosaic effect when enemy sprites draw in has a horizontal line of garbage in it as the sprite goes to full resolution. In Riviera: The Promised Land the opening text screens have multiple horizontal colored bars instead of a pure black screen, you can still see the text but the background is incorrect. Also Minish Cap has intermittent popping sounds. Overall a solid core since I played more than 30 games on it and these are the only issues I found.
Best retro preservation project yet. Good to see it gaining critical mass hopefully it becomes a platform in its own right.
Friendly reminder to armchair crybabies, Mister is an open-source project with limite resources, if something is not implemented you are free to implement it yourself or just pay someone to do it. But crying on the internet will get you nowhere but shitlisted. Good day.
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Just bought one of these, it's great.

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