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Romhacking closed down a little over a month ago, where does everyone go now? Did anyone make a new site yet?
nigga what??? i downloaded a patch some days ago
it's actually still up and nothing changed
They only closed new submissions, it will stay as an archive.
I guess this is what I meant, I used to check new submissions daily to get hacks that interested me is there another place still hosting new ones?
Romhackplaza is the new go to site. CDR is more for obscure romhacks and prepatched language roms.
Thanks, this is what I was looking for
The "shutdown" of RHDN has been a disaster. They were announcing they'd be frozen and absorbed by Internet Archive, then it's "jk not really site's still up and guess what you can still update into perpetuity like you aspies wanted isn't that FUN?!" So now there's a grotesque tumor taking up space that a real, active site should be taking. Either commit to shutting down or not. I guarantee there's some behind-the-scenes fuckery going on to "save" the site, which is why it can't decide if it's dead or not. I say it's time for a refresh. Death to the hugbox echochamber.
It's probably staying up for several months until the "official" successor is decided and announced (ie. whichever gets in their good graces, which was looking to be NeoRHDN before Spike's exodus). At that point, I think most people will have already made their choice, and it'll be the "official" versus "unofficial" successors duking it out for supremacy. Higher-quality competition will probably be for the better.
Back to shilling, eh Kando?
>whichever gets in their good graces
It'll probably remain as NeoRHDN, aka troon central. Nightcrawler gets his nose out of joint over "unofficial" sites. And he's clearly assblasted about his former Discord team (now RHDI).
>Romhackplaza is the new go to site.
lol, no
stop samefagging ffs it's obvious
>where does everyone go now?
OP folks that truly care to experience original Japanese games are learning Japanese to play the stuff first hand, it is the only way to play the original works as intended. Not even official translations are good.
There are no more places to go, the romhacking/translation scene is permanently ruined by highly dubious discoord characters.
u wot m8
Well site is alive and online, the site owner put it under cloudfare.
Seeing how rom hacking is almost dead is kinda understandable, you get better chances of getting romhacks using yandex found a good one of sor3 that replace blaze with kof mai, well seeing how certain hacks started being removed without reason it was gonna die sooner or later.
>final fight hack most enemies are ash from sor3 along poison..... removed.
>sor3 hack kill the faggots.... removed.
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Shame that they closed the submissions
I liked going to site to check new English translation of games from time to time, was able to find some good stuff there
Wonder what alternative is there to do the same
>Seeing how rom hacking is almost dead
Is it though? I still see translation patches get uploaded there frequently, not sure if that itself counts as romhacking
Shit up bitch, romhacking is more alive now than it's ever been. Dont let the squeaky wheel alphabet drama get to you too much. That's what they want, they want to control every aspect of it and without their great leadership skills there can be no rom hacking. Kek, they can get butt fucked up the dick.
I meant making a whole new game, changing sprites and so on.
I was checking an old site of sor hacks and the guy removed almost all the hacks he made for unknown reasons (seeing a 10k visits over 7 years made me think was low visits), worst of all he made great sprite edits of blaze.
>max edit to kinnikuman : removed.
>blaze edit white dress : removed .
>blaze sling bikini edit : removed.
>blaze condom skirt edit : removed.
>no one has uploaded them in any other site.
Most want some fame without putting much effort here is when retranslation, you get your name known while doing little effort.
Nahh is more dead then ever with limited ammount of hacks.
You can find more stuff on other sites then rh, found so many hack on japanese sites i was surprised, sadly some are copying western faggots to the point of showing their hacks but no putting a download link.
ProTip: ThePeopleResponsibleForItsShutDownIsResetera
>Romhacking closed down a little over a month ago
No it didn't. Sounds like you might be retarded.
No I mean more people now are hacking games than ever before. It's more access, so what one of the main sites is full of panzy ass petunias. Idc if people are not posting their hacks online at least they're hacking.
Wow you're dumb.
Used to be I could easily find emulation sites. What happened? I look around and find little.

I assume big N and Sony killed them.
Stop using google just that, even duckduckgo and yandex give better results.
I'm not the tard who said it closed down kiddo
I need a romhack thats not hosted on either of these gay romhacking sites trying to replace romhacking.net
what are my options and how many are there
hard mode: no translations
>what are my options and how many are there
1. Wait until you're old enough for 4chan
What happened?
The commie-rainbow alliance launched a failed coup against the absentee owner, who was slightly less dedicated to their cause.
You mean the rainbow stripes and stars group? Still site is dead, cdromance and the pther are sites made by those mental ill so yes most sites died.
You have better chances of finding a new hack download link on youtube then on other sites.
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>Used to be I could easily find emulation sites. What happened? I look around and find little.
This is why gatekeeping is needed. Apple allowing emulators on iPhone was the start of the end for the emulation scene.
Most definitely, I've been seeing ads for emulators that bring up titles from Nintendo. Bringing attention to it is a mistake that's only gonna push these big corporations to do something. I miss back when people didn't even know what retroarch was.
>pink iphone.
>diamond style deco.
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>OP asking 'where does everyone go now'
>actually gets replies
For fuck's sake, people.
Fuck Apple, we need to find a way to make it learn. Nintendo should sue Apple
I already see my projects uploaded in 3 or so self-proclaimed RHDN successors where I don't have the means to update them myself. And even if I could, it would be a huge chore to keep up with all of them.
Best case scenario, authors will stick to their own websites, forums or dedicated social media accounts, stuff that's easy to search for, bookmark and track. Worst case scenario, it'll be a all on Discord servers, impossible to track and that will soon be lost to time.
Sadly, the way things went down, I don't see how we can go back to having a single centralized place where every hack author maintains their projects up to date directly (mostly). It's a huge fumble.
What's worse is that they'll never do that, they'll just sue the websites we all use for emulation, ROMs and resources, until it's a pain to find reliable sources again, and it's all thanks to a bunch of Apple faggots with poor taste for the smartphones they use, finally learning they can play Pokémon on the go for 5 minutes for free...

I hate you, Steve Jobs.
He's the community manager, shilling is literally his job.
Are you drunk, or something? It was announced from the getgo that the site would remain up, downloads, forums, and all. That wasn't something that happened out of left field later. The Internet Archive backup was in case it did eventually go down, sometime far off in the future.
The only thing that was changing was that submissions would be closed. And that is exactly what happened.
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Support the OG then and help it rise once again.
How much does he get paid?

I don't get paid a goddamn thing
what is blaze?
>doesn't know what is sor.
Seriously dude? Streets of rage blaze.
But why?
Mental illness, probably.
I followed the drama when it happened, the site owner was tech illiterate and wouldn't let the other people working on the site maintain it, then he got pissy and tried to end the site. There are pedantic details but that's basically all you need to know
>Death to the hugbox echochamber.
no idea what this means
Do not give this man a (You) people like him ruin this board with their autism
Based Zophar's Domain is based
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>I hate >>11224045 because he told the truth
lol >>11224045 is right. You should give him all your (You)s. All your (You)s are belong to him. You can't learn Japanese.
do not under any circumstances give this man a (You) he is the dread anon samefagging
(You)s given
>Where does everyone go now?
I think most people go to ROMhack Plaza (formely ROMhacks.org) now, which has been fully operational since November 2023. Some people hate the site and the staff tho due to some accusations about them DDOSing RHDN last year.

>Did anyone make a new site yet?
Many sites popped up as alternatives to RHDN after its shutdown announcemet. The most noteworthy ones are probably NeoROMhacking.net (promoted by Nightcrawler, owner of RHDN) and romhack.ing (created by the former RHDN site/Discord staff), althrough both sites are still under construction and you can't submit new hacks yet.
>I miss back when people didn't even know what retroarch was.
Hard to not know about that pile of shit when its peddled all the time over normal emulators.
>you can't submit new hacks yet.
Wow! So lemme get this straight: No one is uploading there? The site owners are transferring the RHDN database to these unfinished sites without the original authors' permission?
does RHDN have updates to old submissions or do i gotta dig through the original submitter for the latest version of the IPS
this is an impossible task and the permission is already with the dead site that got forked

if you wanna talk about actual edge cases, how about pomf, puush, mixtape, etc.
>wtf i had no idea the site would go down and every file url would become known and accessible, i just wanted to send someone sensitive information on a whim
You can't upload at all to RHDN anymore, so if a hack receives an update you're not going to be able to get it there.
>So lemme get this straight: No one is uploading there?
Nop. Both sites are still a WIP and hack submissions have yet to be implemented.
In NeoRHDN's case though, they already have a pretty active community, and people are already sharing new hacks through the forums.

The latter. Users can no longer update or delete their previous submissions in RHDN.
However, users can still upload news in the site to tell people to go to X site to download their new hack / new revision of a previous hack.
Read the post on the archive, those sites are shit as something community driven.
>cdromance : culprit of rhdn current situation, mostly because it was better for him rhdn going down.
>rhp(d)o : owner of cdromance site is part owner of that site, rest of team did same stuff.
>both victimize themselves.
>both didn't want to follow the rules of uploaders.
The owner of site knows what he was doing and site was fine, the hug ecchochamber wanted to take stuff down because was offensive to them uet the moment they got found they got kicked out hence harrassment against site owner.
Just remember they removed the streets of rage ultra gay edition" because felt offended at the image of playing as ash, they removed the reupload of goemon 3 that had the word tranny, removed streets of rage 3 restoration project because felt offended due to restoring the faggot ash which you can beat the crap out of him.
Retroarch is better than having a million emulators.
No, it really is not.
Shut up
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Remember when the only thing you knew about "hackers" and "modders" was their autism over what game they tinkered with and nothing else?
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I ain't postin' up in no plaza mang
Wrong thread?
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had other window open and confused both, so wrote the reply here.
tried deleting it just in case.
oh yes you goddamn will.
Here in the Plaza we have all kinds of hacks for sale!

NUDE hacks!
Mexican hacks!
DDOS attacks!

Come one, come all!
kando seething hard rn
>NUDE hacks!
I mean, who doesnt like a good nude hack.
Still hoping someone will make one for Golden Axe 1 and 2.
...Neither RHDN successor will get "finished" will they?
>The "shutdown" of RHDN has been a disaster.
True. But what did the Red Hat Developer Network have to do with anything?
Name one issue with Retroarch other than the fucking UI which isn't even bad.
>Name one issue with eating shit other than the taste which isn't even bad.
Have you eaten shit?
>Having a clean emulation package instead of a million folders is ape behavior
Come back when other emulators can run on every system possible.
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That's not exactly a fair comparison though, as Retroarch is a frontend for the various emulators you install as package and use those. So you're doing the same thing as a person just using a standalone emulator, the biggest difference being an interface tying everything together.
I actually use Retroarch myself nowadays because I'm on Linux and too fucking lazy to futz about with other standalone emulators. Though I hear tell Ares is REALLY good with 64 games, so I may use that instead of the 64 cores available for Retroarch.

People being emulator warriors never fails to baffle me. You see some people get REALLY angry over Retroarch.
Isn't Ares also multi-system?
Yeah it is, I was gonna bring that up at the end of my post but I didn't want to make shit too long winded.
I haven't looked too deeply into it, I'm actually not sure if Ares has like multiple emulation cores tied into a package like Retrorch or if it's all custom made shit for that.
The only thing I've heard about it is it's good for 64 emulation, and that's about it.
So fellas, what's a good, interesting romhack that isn't Pokemon or Kaizo Mario?
>DDOS hacks!
>You see some people get REALLY angry over Retroarch.
It's almost as if faggots made that crap UI their religion and boy are they spreading the word.
Nobody from the plaza ever did a ddos, an ex staff member once spammed an autoclicker to try to get banned from rhdn.
Super Junkoid
A Plumber for all Seasons
Super Metroid Map Rando
>95 posts
>1 shitty suggestion
pump those numbers up /vr/
Did you also hate the PS3's UI?
>implying the UI is more central to any piece of software than its actual functionality
Form over function, slay queen!
Except Retroarch's sole function as a frontend is UI, and the UI is shit, retard.
Applequeers poison everything.
Not really. I've been emulating shit since yesterday olden tymes of Nesticle.

I'll take a few clean standalone emulators over the pile of bugs that is RetroArc.
Nvm I read that as "DDOS hacks" instead of " DDOS attacks"
I'm kind of surprised that these things aren't very popular in the romhack scene.
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Nigger are you new to imageboards?
can you still submit reviews or is that gone too?
Gone as well, sadly.
Why the hell would you keep the forum open and allow people to post news on the front page but not allow anyone to post reviews
No clue, it's not like reviews require the same level of vetting that new hacks do. As a hacker it's really disappointing.
Even worse, they are heavily moderating every single post, and banning/muting anyone who mentions any other romhack site.
What's there left to monitor! Holy shit, what a zombie.
What game is this?
What the fuck is Nesticle?
>nooooooo you have to dig thru the forums for the latest patch ver, once you're here you're stuck forever, we won't allow you to unquit us normally
literally toxic. Goes to show how flawed the open-beta system is if your service sucks.
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The SNES version of Brandish and Nesticle was like the OG NES emulator.
Remember to say thanks, Shitman!
Is that a joke? What do they hav to lose at this point?
Jesus, they should've just kept their power-struggle behind closed doors, that's embarrassing.
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Shit, Thanksman!
Fucking dead site
Is there anyone that runs that place, there's an image i lost for years and i need someone to check around and see if it's there.
Yeah... Except NeoRHDN. That one gets a pass by the admins left on the site.
I remember seeing Kando promoting ROMhack Plaza in RHDN a week ago, but his thread got deleted soon after.

On the topic of new sites, one I haven't seen anyone mention is ROMHackHeaven.com
It's still under construction, like NeoRHDN and RHDI, but they're already accepting users and hacks.
Can one submit to the Internet Archive version of RHDN or no?
You can submit to Internet Archive and use relevant tags I guess.
>and the UI is shit
It has every option you need and it works fine with a controller, it's easy and intuitive, I'll never ever get people that are filtered by an UI, and a good UI at that.
Having options doesn't mean it's not shit.
if they get filtered by retroarch of all things their opinion is worthless anyway
just ignore them
Torrents and Russian/foreign servers still exist, roms are never going away. Rom sets are never going away.
No it's not, the actual options you need are obfuscated behind a thousand unnecessary menus. It's unintuitive and bloated as fuck.
emulation gametech wiki
I only play 8 consoles, I don't need 50 emulators in one
I hope to God you're right, anon...
you can switch to xmb, which is incredible on a controller

Also not the sole function, things like shaders are easier on RA
just dl archive
The xmb is even worse.
what the fuck is that display
Your info is outdated.
>English patch for japanese game doesn't work on so-called clean no-intro dump version of the game

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