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/vr/ - Retro Games

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New sub!
>Game Center CX #344 - SteamGear Mash [LocationScouts]



I tried to get into this, but found out I actually prefer AVGN
Why is one allowed on /vr/ and the other isn't? Is it just thing vs Japanese thing?
apple and oranges
GCCX is older, but they both are still before the cutoff. There was a stint where GCCX threads got deleted too.
you can find subbed AVGN vids on niconico. Japs really like him
>SteamGear Mash

Pretty meh game to challenge, especially for the Saturn. Pretty meh game to sub but whatever.
>no horror games this year

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Marchen Maze subs when?
>Dec. 17, 2021 Momotarou Dentetsu V (Momotaro Electric Railway V)
>Dec. 13, 2024 Star Soldier

I think for bonus DVD eps, those are the only real missteps as they could have done like literally anything else instead. PS1-PS2 has a lot of M rated titles to check out and I know the series has to remain PG rated to air on television.
You mean the info hash? The pastebin always has those if you can't open nyaa for some reason.

DVD episodes don't need to be M rated Play Station trash every year.
It'd help especially since there's a slew of M rated games in this era of gaming that they should tackle. I think they're going to tackle the entire RE and MGS series at some point eventually but with some breaks. Might take them a decade to get through them.
To be fair, these two were huge hits in Japan.
GCCX is a TV show broadcast on TV. AVGN is a web series distributed solely on the internet. GCCX makes their money off of their advertisers and merchandise. AVGN makes their money off of ads shown during the video, gained through views. GCCX and Arino don't make a single dime off of people downloading or streaming the show to watch, they only get paid for the ad space for the original broadcast and re-runs. AVGN makes money off of every view.
So when GCCX is discussed on 4chan, it's just discussion about a videogame-related show. When AVGN is discussed on 4chan, it's effectively free advertising for AVGN. That's why e-celebs aren't tolerated on 4chan, not just /vr/.
I guess the silly Splatterhouse platformer is the closest we're getting this summer.
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Anyone else feel like this guy was supposed to be the AD to replace Yanai, but he didn't mesh well with Arino so they went with Osuka instead?
Has Arino ever done any NeoGeo challenges? I know he often encounters Metal Slug cabinets in the tamage segments but that doesn't count
He's done 2 NeoGeo challenges. They won't do a proper Metal Slug challenge because either Arino will be stuck forever trying to 1CC it or immediately brute force the game with unlimited continues.
>He's done 2 NeoGeo challenges
which ones? are they subbed?
oh wait, I remembered they played a NeoGeo fighter in the first seasons right?
Yes, and he recently played Samuari Showdown.
I see, I guess that one isn't subbed yet.
Is there a full megalist of all the game centers and stores Arino has visited around Japan during the "If you're going to [blank], try this one" segments and their addresses?
Maybe so, we certainly didn't see much of Miura at all. Oosuka was certainly top tier though.
He only had 2 appearances IIRC This >>11229993 and Mole Mania where Arino reprimanded him for spoonfeeding him the solution to a map.
They still have the final Clock Tower game to go through, and the Fatal Frame games. They could also challenge Alone in the Dark series. Plus DVDs are gonna continue Resident Evil for some time.
You cam easily watch avgn in a way that gives him no money.
Most of those places died during covid.
It seems like the subbers are working through Season 26 mostly in order lately, so they may get to Samurai Shodown eventually. It's the 18th episode from that season.
For some reason I thought Tuesday was Thursday so was looking for the new episode.
>SteamGear Mash

I have to apologize. A few years ago I went through a list of Saturn under-rated gems, and saw Steam gear so I submitted it as a challenge suggestion. I never played it. It's a meh game, and looks more like an upgraded MD title. There's other, better, and more interesting top down or isometric Saturn games to play instead like Legend of Thor.

I didn't think they'd actually try it!
any Ogawa sightings in recent eps?
Yeah, looking a little frumpy but still cute.
is she involved in any of the side segments?
I hate seeing celebrities get older, and even though the supporting staff members of GCCX don't really count as celebrities, it still bothers me to see Arino and all of them get noticeably older.
I think Ogawa is only 34.
Some women age in dog years
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love hags
sex hags
impregnate hags
marry hags
>Season 28: Episode 9 (#385) "3 kanji characters" premieres on Thursday, September 26th.

I remember the show using this hint several times before. There are a lot of choices.
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It'll be easier for JP speakers to parse out. So it's gonna be a game with a Japanese word, not Katakana, and is 3 characters long. For instance, Hagane is just one kanji character: "鋼" so it's not that game. A lot of Japanese games are actually just English words in Katakana, so it won't be that either. It does narrow it down, but nothing obviously comes to mind.
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Likewise, Kazi Kiri is two kanji: 風霧. So it's not that game either. Tekken is two kanji, and so forth. It actually narrows it down a LOT, but it's not something that is super obvious.

My guess:
>Otogirisō - 弟切草

Three kanji, and a sound novel.
Vast majority of JP released video games have English, Katakana, or are longer or shorter than 3 kanji. The actual amount of 3 kanji games is pretty small so it's a very specific hintu.
I'm wondering if it could be something where the primary title is three kanji but then there's other non-kanji stuff after.
I don't think so. I think the defining characteristic is 3 Kanji, and it's a relatively small amount of games that fit that criteria, otherwise it's pretty pointless if it's:

>"3 Kanji: Bokomatari Onimusha no-Gumi Harashi no Gato"
You're probably right.
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I am hoping it is Otogiriso, as there are 3 more chunsoft sound novels to do. Machi for the ps/ss, and two Kamaitachi no Yoru games for the ps2.
N64 Neon Genesis Evangelion would be a nice game to challenge. It's just a straight run through of the storyline.
Not in the last few, unless she made a guest appearance in some segment in an episode I missed.
If there's any chance of them doing a shooter this time, I'll guess 大旋風 Daisenpuu.
Arino is pretty awful at playing mecha/kaiju battle games
He beat ultra seven.
That may be true, but I don't think that's what >>11229268 is getting at.
By merely discussing a web-based series on this website, you're offering them free advertising. Many potential viewers aren't going to think about how to prevent the e-celeb from getting money. They're going to see the name, get curious, and look up on YouTube. E-celebs benefit from this and it can be challenging to determine what is organic conversation and what is mindless shilling.

GCCX on the other hand - Fuji Television and Gascoin Company have nothing to gain from 4chan users talking about the show because most users will have no choice but to watch illicitly.
I watched the New Zealand Story episode last night, was a good one. Game looks really fun too. I like when they cover PC Engine games, they seem to really have their own style.
yeah, it's an arcade game with a MD and PCE port but strangely no SFC port? The show seems to like these small but charming PCE/MD games, likely because they're cheap to licsense.
it's more like a rythm, fighitng game hybird. It'll take him 12 hours for sure.
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Given how Arino's real passion growing up was manga and anime and only tangentially video games, it's a bit of a shock how few anime games they've tackled:

>2 ultraman games
>1 Ranma game
>1 hukoto no ken game
>many DB games
>zero macross games
>zero gundam games
>zero NGE games

There's a jank city hunter game they could try.
I'm guessing licensing is getting in the way
They have an anime/manga episode once every other season at least but it's typically small potatoes. Gundam or Urusei Yatsura should require the staff to dress up.

Did you know there's a Wizardry clone based on Urusei Yatsura? I figure they should tackle a first person rpg dungeon crawler at some point.
He has a hard time with rhythm games too.
Is DVD set 19 uploaded somewhere (like the FTP) or was it never uploaded at all?
He should play one of the PC-98 Cream Lemon games.
He always jokes about how it's his favorite anime.
never saw any dvds.
Very nice. Thanks to the subbers.
it actually has red blood and the show shys away from that.
Do they ever stop interviewing the devs? It's my least favorite part.
lol that's first season only. The show was imagined as a variety show on video games, and one segment is called "Arino's Challenge". Others were interviews, or segments relating to video game history. So after S1 they cut the dev interviews as they were the least favorite. After that, time is spent between Arino's Challenge, trips, and other segments.
Holy cow, that's good. I'll keep watching then. Thanks, anon.
Not to beat a dead horse but the show focus really shifted around season 10 or so.
It went from "Just what can we do to help Arino improve so he can make the clear before tomorrow morning?" to "What rules can we bend to ensure Arino can leave by 7pm?

To repeat yet another extremely tired GCCX platitude, the show would do so much better for itself by letting the "Arino goes somewhere and eats/plays something" occupy more air if they've completely given up on the "challenge" aspect of it.
You missed a bunch of other anime games they challenged Because they aren't subbed, or not well known in the west.
It comes down to licensing.
Stuff like Sailor Moon and Disney don't let GCCX shop arino's face over their characters.
>Stuff like Sailor Moon and Disney don't let GCCX shop arino's face over their characters.

Cuz they're very protective, so they just have Arino awkwardly stand beside the characters.
That's what I said.
On war forums, it's getting standard to use AI to voice over foreign news clips and this tech is likely going to expand to Japanese media. Will you be able to handle Arino speaking English?

>Will you be able to handle Arino speaking English?
The mere thought of it seems sacrilegious
He did an ad on english already.
arino is getting older
are there sites that let me watch this show? the file size is too big for me
The show has been in its current form for 18 seasons and as many years though
Him being old hasn't been a valid excuse for most of that
>To repeat yet another extremely tired GCCX platitude, the show would do so much better for itself by letting the "Arino goes somewhere and eats/plays something" occupy more air if they've completely given up on the "challenge" aspect of it.

I still find the challenge segments a lot of fun. I could see a tiny bit more time dedicated to the other segments being good, but I think the challenge is still my favourite part of the show.
>Otogirisō - 弟切草
You nailed it, that's it.
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Oh nice. Apparently it's considered one of the scariest SFC games out there.
Why are the file sizes so stupidly huge? Is compression not a thing anymore?
it's fine. the ass was fat
The fatal flaw with that is they'd run out of spots and it was get repetitive fast.
TamaGe works because it's just a small segment.
Think of mini-corners:

>Ogawa's Bishoujin games

Arino and Ogawa go through the history of shoujo and bishoujin games

>Gameboy Fish Finder

Arino and Kibe goes out to fish using the Gameboy fishing radar

>Animal Crossing

Ogawa and Arino build a village and see how it plays out in Animal Crossing N64

>Build a Princess

Ogawa and Arino play Princess Maker, deciding how to raise "their" daughter.

Both Animal Crossing and Princess Maker dont' seem like games that coudl work for a challenge, but mini-corners instead.
>Ogawa and Arino build a village and see how it plays out in Animal Crossing N64
Not even AF+? The original N64 version lacks a lot of stuff including Abel Sisters and the museum.
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>Martial Arts
Arino and Kibe visit a martial arts school/gym and ask them how viable moves/styles are from fighting games. They try to replicate moves.

Arino tries to re-create famous artworks/manga covers/whatever in Mario Paint or DS Art School etc.

>Plot Trivia
Arino, Kibe, Ogawa etc play a trivia game where they are asked about minor plot points in old games that Arino has challenged.
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Ogawa and Arino played Tetris in a cafe in the latest episode.
>Not even AF+? The original N64 version lacks a lot of stuff including Abel Sisters and the museum.

The show has a fetish for original versions rather than ports.
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I think Princess Groomer is enough of a game to be a real challenge. Arino would likely run through the game in a couple of hours, and get an ending, and then say "oh that's it?". But then they'll tell him he has to get the Good Princess Ending which is a very specific run. So he'd run through it blind a few more times and each time they figure out what stats and requirements he needs.

Only question: which version? The SFC remix, PM1 or PM2?
Do you think his wife gets jealous?
Real life and video games take much more bitrate than anime, especially at 60fps. There's a stricter limit to how much you can compress it before it immediately visibly looks like shit.
>>Gameboy Fish Finder
>Arino and Kibe goes out to fish using the Gameboy fishing radar
I want that
jav code?

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