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>see my squad of elite special forces attacked by dogs
>abandon them
I blame Wesker
>Be "special tactics" squad
>Don't bring long guns
>Don't bring working radios
>This happens

Shit tier writing up and down in the scenario tbqh
To be fair one guy did bring a shotgun.
He was the first to get eaten because cutscene cerberus dogs ignore damage versus how easily they pop in gameplay.
Everyone always shits on Brad but in reality if he had stayed he might have gotten killed and then everyone would have been fucked. Meanwhile he stayed circling the place, looking for his team mates, constantly trying to contacat them, even when low on fuel, and ended up rescuing them AND giving the rocket launcher at the last minute.

they left them in the chopper by accident
>super special forces cops
>doesn't arrive at the scene all at once in a coordinated manner, but instead in two separate teams
>lands helicopters in the middle of a dark forest instead of the mansion's fucking helipad
>doesn't fast-rope onto the mansion's roof
>arrives via helicopters instead of cars to begin with
>arrives at the scene with nothing but pistols, one shotgun and one grenade launcher
>brings a fucking grenade launcher to a basic police raid on what's essentially an old man's house from their perspective
>super special forces cop entrusted with the grenade launcher still manages to get owned by literal birds instead of just staying inside the house where it's safe
>one of the super special forces cops presumably trained to be one of the best in the whole department, and entrusted with piloting a helicopter carrying everyone else inside, is actually a coward who literally abandons the rest of the team because he got spooked by a couple of dogs
STARS are retards.
It was all a set up by Wesker, you see.
Why does a little town with barely 1/6 the population of Portland employ a paramilitaristic special ops team as part of their police force anyway?
Maybe it actually does have some of the population of Portland. They put the worst BOW's to shame
How the fuck did Brad miss the giant fucking mansion in the middle of the woods? The helipad was even lit up like a Christmas tree when you look out the window at it.
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*services your helicopter*
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I would not trust this pencil necked geek to fly my helicopter. Barry looks like he's about 5 minutes away from shooting himself in the head here too.
I thought it was implied that STARS was probably from some other, bigger city in RE1? Because Chris wasn't familiar with Umbrella and had to be filled in by Rebecca who was actually a local.
Can't remember if that was Chris specifically being from another location or all of STARS except for Rebecca.
REmake > ps1 shit
>It was all a set up by Wesker, you see.
They still could have made it harder
>>super special forces cop entrusted with the grenade launcher still manages to get owned by literal birds instead of just staying inside the house where it's safe
that's literally horror movie trope
>bring powerful tech into the scene
>powerful tech magically dies for some comedic relief reasons
>everyone screwed now
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>I got a shotgun!
>doesn't actually have a shotgun
wtf Capcom get your shit together
imagine being the helicopter pilot who flies away because a couple dogs are biting people
The dogs later burst through the windows of the mansion and could therefore probably have burst through the helicopter canopy. Brad foresaw this with his razor-sharp analytical skills and wisely withdrew.
It depends on the style of helicopter. Combat helicopters have multilayered bullet proof windows.
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All Brad had to do was tilt the chopper and chop up the dogs attacking the squad with the rotor blades
Bullet proof, but not dog proof
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Look at all these guns that nobody thought to bring along on the mission.
beg thonk
>Bizarre murder cases have recently occured in Raccoon City.
>There are outlandish reports of families being attacked by a group of about 10 people.
>Victims were apparently eaten.
>Bravo Team went to the hideout of the group, and disappeared.
"Yeah we're just going to the hideout of a gang of cannibals who already ate a bunch of people around town and possibly ate another STARS team."
"Knife and pistol should be good enough."
dont forget to bring the 18 year old girl
Meanwhile in SWAT 4, mission 2...
or... it's all after thoughts different capcom writters had to use to make the dumb plot make sense
You do realize they just went to investigate some murder cases in the forest right? They had no idea about the mansion or threat they would be facing. The only reason they get so much firepower through out the adventure is so Wesker can collect BOW combat data, otherwise STARS would have been dead.
>Tom Clancy's Resident Evil
>Spend 2 hours planning assault
>0 casualties, capture every zombie alive in 10 minutes
>Woman left in the kitchen for her own safety
STARS weren't written as a primarly local force in the original game if I remember correctly. Even Chris' ending alludes to that. But then when Umbrella was rewritten as a mega-corporation with several branches scattered through across other states and countries and somewhat experienced in the development of BOWs, it made sense that STARS was financed out of their pocket because they needed combat data on their BOW without involvement of police or military governmental forces. That's also why they had their own UBC unit.
>he didn't get a knife-only clear
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>The Tyrant was supposed to be the culmination and crowning achievement of Umbrella's research and experimentation into biological weapons.
>When later games establish bullshit like the G-Virus, Nemesis, T-Alexia, Marcus' magic leeches, Las Plagas, etc all existed prior to the mansion incident, or were being worked on simultaneously at least.
RE1 gets funnier the longer the series goes on.
The employee’s of the mansion were the z-team of umbrella; Japanese mentality whereby you can’t just fire them, just put them in shitty positions so they quit out of shame. Joke’s on them as the same philosophy created Silent Hill
>You do realize they just went to investigate some murder cases in the forest right?
Big groups of cannibals killing people in the night.
Goddamn SWAT squads take more guns to put down one fat boomer standing on his porch with a shotgun on the daily.
>Culmination of bioweapons research
Dies to one (1) shoulder-launched rocket.
>See a mansion
>Wow! what a mansion
The interesting thing is that seems to imply the zombies have enough brainpower to evade detection. Normal zombies would just rampage through the neighborhood until they eventually get gunned down. These guys are smart enough to retreat back into the woods after they killed and ate a few people.
>as the same philosophy created Silent Hill
A shitty reddit game?
RE zombies are not dead. They're humans who are still alive, but actively rotting to death and their brains are controlled by the virus, rabies-style.
maybe that is how japanese police handles those cases, they rarely get access to even a revolver
somehow they thought that's how things are handled in america as well
But isn't the game supposed to be based on the Living Dead franchise?
Ashley Graham for president
no way fag
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>giant inconspicuous mansion full of logic puzzles is meant to be a front for their laboratory researching the extremely contagious demon virus
>also happens to have a huge fucking helipad visible from the sky
Most of the retardation can be explained by Iwao being a no gunz nipponese hack regurgitating whatever flavor of 80s Hollywood schlock crossed his pen. At least based retard Mikami elevated his D tier X files script to kitsch kino with atrocious audio direction.
Was Wesker retarded or getting killed by Tyrant was part of his master plan?
this game was released when I was 9 and it scared the living shit out of me. I remember actually losing my autistic mind as to why no one stuck together in this game. everyone splits up constantly WHY WHY WHY FUCK
As far as RE1 on its own is concerned: retarded, or rather overconfident.
As far as the franchise """canon""" is concerned: masterplan. And now that's really retarded.
To be fair, the fancy cocoon things that made the Ada Wong clone is exactly what the Tyrant project was supposed to achieve. An infinite line of super soldiers with only the single minded purpose of completing their missions with a single treatment.
>as the same philosophy created Silent Hill
An amazing 4chan game?
I have never played Resident Evil but I love these threads.
It worked many times for Snake
Even as a kid I wondered why they bothered with the tiny mansion lab when RE2 shows Umbrella has a gigantic scifi complex under the whole city.
It wasn't that big, and it was located in the outskirts of the city
he's just a chad
Obviously not that elite if they were taken put by dogs
I wish I could play all the /vr/ ones for the first time, it's not that different from other classic survival horror games gameplay-wise but with all the characters and batshit lore it's a one of a kind experience
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This kills the STARS officer
I wonder if the ShinRa Mansion in FFVII was inspired by the Spencer Mansion, or if they’re both derived from the same horror movie.
This would actually be a really cool game IMO. Kind of surprised I don't know of any tactical combat zombie/supernatural games.
I thought that Operation Racoon City would have been like that, but it apparently is an awful game.
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Quite honestly, Resident Evil story falls apart from 2 onwards. It's part of the reason I still like RE1 1996 so much, and definitely think it has the best story and atmosphere. It was just a paranoid billionaire's mansion with lots of panic rooms and man-traps, a crooked cop and some really dirty experiments going on.
By RE2 you've got nutty things like the police station being full of goofy traps and secret rooms, and the giant underground labs that come from a comic book.
Still excellent video games, but the story goes off the rails.
OK, so Wesker was originally a researcher at Umbrella and then was set up as the captain of STARS afterwards?
I always thought it would be cooler if he was just a cop on the take, and got in over his head with Umbrella by trying to double-cross them. I think the pic in the lab implies that he was already pretty high up in Umbrella before being set up as the Captain though.
I was thinking it was more that Umbrella might have sent out a small team to take them out trying to avoid further leaks, or the zombie/s died of starvation.
Umbrella taking them out doesn't make sense if it happened AFTER the outbreak though.
It became playable with the gamecube version.
Funny you mention this because in Nier the first half of the mansion dungeon is inspired by RE1 and the second half which is its basement is clearly from FF7
looks ruff
nice, so not only the artstyle is piece of trash on that version, but they also changed the story. more reasons to avoid that version
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Wow, what an asshole
What happened was:
>Bravo goes in equipped for a routine investigation, just has standard equipment
>Helicopter was sabotaged beforehand and has to go down
>This leads to Alpha going in with equipment for an assault, as the idea is that Bravo was in deep shit (since they had serviced the helicopters the same day)
>leave the helicopter with guns out
>find a hand and a bunch of killer dogs
>helicopter pilot, who is a notorious pussy, takes off (why he was on that duty is because the captain of STARS was a traitor and planned for that)
>all their shit is also on that helicopter
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>a single 1d6 dice roll determines from a simple table what kind of shit is going to go wrong on all your inaccurate mission briefings
>always on a secret timer because your boss will liberally send in monsters to assassinate you and your team
>Hunk being on your team always secretly changes the mission to be pure bullshit and everyone's luck always fails except Hunk's
>have to lure the big guys into pre-made traps to clear them out
>the truly immortal enemies are so dangerous your mission is always to Nope right the fuck out of there on enemy clearing missions
Shit Anon don't do this to me. Now that I read this the ideas are just rolling around into my head.
>All of this nerd shit
No dude. They just go in and get the job done.
Silly goose, Wesker was ordered by Umbrella to destroy Tyrant as it was a failure. Wes just couldn't let go.
Agreed, the original is just perfect.
SWAT and Rainbow Six uses RNG.
>I have never played Resident Evil
What are you waiting for?
I always think of RE1 Wesker more like Nedry from Jurassic Park or Burke from Aliens. He doesn't look particularly cool or badass in old concept art. Just look at him here >>11233183. He's a dork like Brad covering it up with a slick haircut and sunglasses. He doesn't even have his shirt tucked in for gods sake.
Agree, I like the story better when Wesker is just an opportunistic backstabber who gets in over his head.
From his aerial view, the pilot probably saw way more stuff than just dogs.
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>argue about the coherence, solidity and plot foundations of a literal low-budget spooky monster game for children and teens made by a bunch of salarymen in their 20s
>spend more time arguing about it than the devs probably spent coming up with the story
Peak low-grade autism but I'll take this over zoomers arguing about shit they didn't live through any day of the week
Capcom didn't pour a ton of money into it but it was a whole different ball game from actual low budget titles like something like RC Helicopter.
Calling RE1 low budget is retarded.
You're right, I didn't word that correctly. I meant to say low-budget as in "the story is like from a low-budget B-movie".
>>spend more time arguing about it than the devs probably spent coming up with the story
RE1 actually had a large chunk of its development time spent on narrative, which was worth it since it led to some of the most iconic aspects of zombie media in general.
>it led to some of the most iconic aspects of zombie media in general
You're kidding, right? It's 99% straight up copied and rehashed stories from 70s and 80s horror movies, from the slow-dumb rotting zombies, the haunted mansion with a secret, the mutants, the stranded "elite" team or the secret-lab virus with an evil corp behind it. Don't get me wrong, the game has some great moments, and I'm sure they spent a lot of time thinking on how to present them, but I don't think anyone would call it a great plot that they spent a lot of manpower to come up with.
Umbrella and Raccoon City are synonymous with zombies to most normalfags, as is the idea of the man made zombie virus, which is something RE popularized (Yes, I know it was used before, that's not the point).
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I get your point, but I think that's more of a result of the game becoming popular, not particularly caused because of of having poured a ton of money into coming up with the plot.
>as is the idea of the man made zombie virus, which is something RE popularized
My man, look into the movie The Crazies. It's very well known, it's by George Romero, one of the best known horror directors in history. It's literally about a very contagious military leaked man-made virus that turns people from a town into mindless murderers. It's set in a small town and it even has the stranded elite-unit intervention angle and the "nuke the city to contain the leak" angle. Early REs plots are basically that, but Night Of The Living Dead zombies. I'm sure RE popularized it with younger generations but it's a stretch to say it was something that RE first popularized.
someone called/nicknamed Brad chickenheart Vickers leaves you and you act surprised
>Stop having fun
Brilliant, mr. golem.
The story is the entire reason why the game's development was scrapped halfway through and made from scratch. It's the entire reason why it even became a franchise to begin with.
In the grand scope of the franchise, yes he needed to die in order for the Progenitor Virus to kick in, revive him, and give him superpowers. But that wasn't a thing when RE1 was written.
So, Wesker in RE1 is a delusional guy who thinks he can control the tyrant because he made it.
This is changed, but ostensibly he did still hold that delusion to some capacity- he hadn't entirely planned on the tyrant killing him up until the Umbrella Chronicle retcon of the Wesker's Report retcon (which probably happened because Wesker's obsession with the t-002 was dropped in 5).
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>The story is the entire reason why it even became a franchise to begin with.
Yes, fuck the sales, Konami execs and their investors were just so thrilled about Wesker smirking and saying "heh" that they just had to turn it into a franchise. Go to bed, zoomer boi.
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Dumb nigger piece of shit.
They released two lorebooks with over 140 pages each detailing everything about the game's story when it was new.
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>Dumb nigger piece of shit
Pic related, but anyway: you are right. Resident Evil became a franchise because the story is so deep, as proven by two concept art books that everyone read. My apologies. Totally unrelated, but what year were you born in? Please be honest. It's important.
The story I made up as a kid was that the Tyrant was once a normal guy and hated Wesker for turning him into a monster. So it butchers him first before turning on Chris, because that's just what monsters do.
Bad snoy opinion
in universe
Weskers report the second one and the RE timeline in 5 has the birkin lab built in the 90s where the mansion lab was around since the 60s
real reason
they werent thinking about a sequel
The novelization mentions the bigger weapons being in the copter, the rocket launcher from the ending was in it

I like that OG Chris was depicted as a chain smoker. That is one thing that was removed from the RE-make.
He has his lighter in REmake as well so it's implied
Having a lighter simply shows you smoke. Not that you are chugging in that sweet narcotic air.
Not even, really. Lighters have all sorts of applications from campfires and outdoor cooking to fireworks, candles, and incense. It's a useful utility to have on hand.
This is some good head-canon.
That's true, he seems to have a cig in his mouth a lot in the art and the opening cinematic.
which resident evil is the most racist
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>The novelization
Didn't know they made a novel about RE. Is it worth a read?
It was ghostwritten by a young David Foster Wallace.
This looks like a Weekend Update image
he needed it's combat data
They are alright-there are a bunch of them up until zero-
well the image isn't quite as old but it is at least 20 years old
They must have had zombie crows flying around the rooftop
Up his ass?

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