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So, this idea has been bugging me for the past year, ever since I saw one of those 1UP arcade cabinets at the local toyshop.
Now I have the place for one but it seems people have a lot of issues with those due to poor build quality so I want to make my own.

Have any of you done that and what was your experience?
Can I do it cheaper than 399€?
Should I buy a pre-cut cabinet online or try to cut the panels myself, what about controls? Are those 30€ kits on amazon good enough or should invest in proper ones?
I want to avoid using a raspberry pi and instead use an old PC and a CRT monitor or TV.

I don't think I'll use it for 3 days and then forget about it since for the past year I've been simulating an arcade experience with my megadrive and a ASCII fighter stick just to see if it's a thing of the moment or not.
Literally every man ever lived has had this idea at some point in their lives and like 0.0000000001% of them went through with it. You're not just daydreaming about an arcade cabinet, are you?
I know I'm not alone in having that idea, the amount of videos on YouTube are proof of that, and it won't go away so I mean to go through with it, playing with a stick on the couch in front of a TV is not enough.
You can do it, issue is cost of materials, a tv and pc aren't cheap add the jamma switches, sticks, buttons, add more value.
I build one and wasn't that hard, using an old PC limited the games but fun thing was i could add mugen games to be played with arcade controls.
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i built a 2 player panel, fun project, was a flatpack (this time, this is version 3)
those are just generic buttons, IL sticks i think, control board is an I-PAC (keyboard encoder; push button, recieve letter/number/symbol) no idea on the trackball maybe ultimarc.
I used to be a regular at a site called arcadeathome dot com. It had a forum dedicated to this. This was back in the day when you could still buy a new, real CRT arcade monitor. Might still be active or at least still have archived resources. Good luck.
>Have any of you done that and what was your experience?
I have done it. Both methods of building one from scratch and converting an existing cabinet to an emulation cabinet.

I do not recommend either one. Arcade machines are not ergonomically suited to home usage. I find myself enjoying playing arcade games much more these days with my deconstructed arcade setup consisting of

-LCD Monitor + CRT monitor + Projector
-Desk for monitors and screen for projector
-Sturdy podium for controllers
-Comfortable chair
-Various arcade controllers
-Emulation PC

I highly recommend instead spending effort towards a cabinet instead spend the effort towards the ergonomics of your area and making it so that it becomes very comfortable and convenient to play your arcade games.

I also highly recommend getting a large 36" or bigger CRT in the same place as a cabinet if you do insist on having something like a cab in your space. MANY arcade games are primarily designed for large screen sizes, particularly shooting, dance, and driving games. You will want to play these games. An upright cabinet like your pic is not suited to those experiences which make up a large portion of the arcade experience.
I've had this idea for like 10 years now so it's clearly not going away either. I just know I will never make one because fuck I really do have better shit to do, and if I don't I'd honestly rather just sit down, relax and play some games instead.
If you're doing this much work, why not spring for premium stick/buttons?
>version 3
first 2 were janked together shite on plyboard, not a box, just a sheet propped up on whatever's handy, why spend money on good parts for that?

>say fukit ima buy flatpack
>oh shid i need more cables
>oh hay site sells precrimp wires+long ground loop, sweet, add trakball
>make neat
The issue is primarily going to be the materials, specifically the large side boards and such. If you can find a material and design you like that's cheap on that front, the rest is literally trivial. I mean, it'll just be buying the arcade sticks, buying your preferred emu machine, buying the sidings, and getting it together. If you can find a local furniture craftsman, ask what he could do for you, specifically mentioning that you want it relatively cheap.
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OP here, thanks for all the good advice , I decided to invest first in a good fightstick since thats whats going make gaming on it feel good, and play my games as I did until now, but I still want the arcade experience, so I'll make something like the iconic arcade in pic related, a removable controller so to speak, like pic related
Use a LCD monitor and batocera, then share it with us, I want to laugh.
I advise against building the thing in the photo.
Real arcade machines don't have that form factor.
They don't have the controls that close to the screen.
Instead of building some kind of bartop get a *great* display device of some kind in a big enough size.

Also: two things matter way, way, way more than anything else when it comes to arcade gaming

1. lag
2. the controls

You must get lag down under the threshold of being within 2 frames of the original hardware. Anything higher is in the "why bother" territory of you'll *always* be frustrated with the gaming experience. Once you start playing arcade games seriously it WILL matter.

The controls are second most important because they are the thing that makes all the difference of the arcade feel. Playing a 1980s arcade game on a set of modern Sanwa controls is hardly much more authentic than playing with a gamepad. This can mean you end up investing in multiple arcade sticks and the levers and buttons to populate them for different styles and eras of games. Trust me, f you get into arcade gaming this will begin to bother you if you think "it will be good enough, I'm not that serious of a player". You already are if you're even thinking of this kind of project. You just don't know it yet.
Got me looking at all my favorite crapmames again
>concave buttons
>happ sticks
>generic zero delay usb encoder
all I see is a load of fuck. guess it's good enough for meme cabinets, but that laggy encoder and shit buttons don't cut it elsewhere
I have build my first arcade cabinet in 2015.
Hantarex 20" monitor.
Curved Custom made Panel from a 2mm metal sheet.
Curved Marquee thermoformed inspired by data east ghostbusters cabinet.
Jamma wiring, working coin door, test and service button, and coin meter.

As I build it in a shared woodwork space, My cabinet had a lot of sucess and I build 14 for people but also for bars, restaurants and even for breakrooms.

But in the end, for me it was still not a genuine arcade cabinet.
Now I enjoy restauring candy cabinets than building my own bootleg from scratch.
There's nothing wrong with concave buttons and happ sticks. It's literally just preference.

USB encoders also don't matter for 99% of use cases like OP who will be playing arcade games casually and not trying to build a setup just for Tekken 8 or whatever.
I never played on real hardware (there was no arcade culture where I grew up).
But yes, lag is a concern to me, my idea of reducing it is basically using a CRT and
quality controls, besides paying for actual hardware I don't know what else I can do, I do hope it will be good enough as you say.
I still want to start with controls first since I can just reuse them in the actual cabinet when and if I build it.
I already have an old laptop (from 2014) and I'm thinking it's good enough to run some games, better than a Pi.
Next of course is the software side, what are my options? Mame? Batocera? Pandora box?
Mame seems the easiest way for me
>I never played on real hardware (there was no arcade culture where I grew up).
Doesn't matter. You'll end up wanting to experience it.
>I already have an old laptop (from 2014) and I'm thinking it's good enough to run some games, better than a Pi.
Maybe, some of the older ones. Having a decent GPU is important for some things.
>software side
Don't bother with Batocera. Don't bother with any front-ends or set-ups beyond what is already in RetroArch and MAME.

Windows 10 LTSC or standard Linux desktop of your choice + standard RetroArch and MAME is the way to go. Fuck the gimmicks.
Any plans out there for making an astro city or something sitdown in an astro city form factor? Any anons made something like that?
>There's nothing wrong with concave buttons and happ sticks. It's literally just preference.
Scrub talk.
Pro tip: it matters a lot when you actually play the games at a high level or want to play at a high level. Or in the case of historical accuracy want to handicap yourself by playing with period accurate but perhaps inferior controls like a Nintendo 8-way arcade lever.
I've seen no plans passed around (and I've looked) but really you can probably work off of a Dynamo plan and modify it for a sit-down configuration.
If you want to play games at a high level you buy a seimetsu and play from your gaming PC, not from a shitty unergonomic arcade cabinet.
You buy seimitsu for games where it benefits, which isn't all of them.

I agree about the cabinet with the caveat the stability of the cabinet is an advantage you might want to recreate. You need a good sized stick case and a sturdy place to set it. Lap play is a compromise that I honestly think will eventually fall out of popularity in tournaments.
>There's nothing wrong with concave buttons and happ sticks
Bullshit. I've had sticks with concave buttons and the spacing and travel both suck.

As for happ sticks, the stupid sloppy cube actuator makes it less accurate than any jap stick or korean leaver. which is unfortunate, cause I've always liked the feel of happ battops, having originally played streetfighter with them.

And the generic usb encoder pulls a whopping 22ms of lag, one of the worst pieces of shit porkchop tested.
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>that I honestly think will eventually fall out of popularity in tournament
already has, kids switching to beatboxes and keyboard buttons
Those are gimmicks that have come up short in tournament results.
We've had multiple first place winners with hitboxes retardbro.
do they still sell these at Micro Center?
lol so true.
Then the ones who go through with it realize standing up and playing a video game you could play sitting down is bullshit and it becomes a decoration.
damn thats a crazy kit to sell at a store

based if true
he said he's using iL parts which are not generic.

Looks like it can be done, I was a bit worried about how it might look without the curves but this is actually pretty slick!
Daydreame here: I usually wind up talking myself out of it for various reasons, like that it's big or wouldn't fit right. But honestly one of the bigger, more autistic reasons I talk myself out of it is because nothing genuinely gets me out of the mood for playing games than fucking around in emulator menus, and that's usually what happens in Mame setups. With console emulation, I'm fine cause I can drag and drop the ROM into the program window and it loads up. Close enough to loading something in the console that my boomer brain can feel satisfied with. But hitting the command button to open a linux-esque menu I control with an analogue stick and buttons? Fucking pass.
If I did it all again I would start with a kit.
I think it's more weird how hot women hate video games and mediocre ones are all not bothered by them at all

Spooky even
Are there any modular solutions for an arcade cabinet? When I say modular, what I mean is, is there anything other than the Polycade that lets me slide out one set of controls (Like a stick and buttons) for another set of controls (Like a wheel, trackball, flight stick, etc.)?
db15 doesnt have lag kek
use a crt or gaymen flatpanel
the puppy poster that frequents these boards has cabs. guts 1up cabs from craigslist and puts jamma shit into them with superguns

seems completely ridiculous & like a money pit but whatever makes you happy
fucking atrocious
lol, lmfao even
>builds an entire cab for a fucking pi3b+
I don't think it's that bad, but it's not worth $2500 plus $200 for every controller. The idea of swappable controls is really good, though, which is why I'm wondering if anyone else is making anything like it.
>swappable controls
you mean like a normal fucking console?!
it must be autism, over complicating and convoluting everything
you could have: a nice crt, a nice arcade stick, a nice stand/display, a nice jamma board collection, multiple trackball controllers/spinners etc
and STILL be well south of 2500$+tax
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>modernist design
>hideous/not endearing
>shitty chinese controls from aliexpress
her pussy will be SO fucking dry anon
a vintage cabinet will cost less and atleast be a conversation piece
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I bought a broken machine off the Facebook marketplace for 150 bucks, gutted the inside, removed the console panel, and painted it a different color. I put in one of those small Dell Optiplex inside, bought a 27-in monitor, built a new control panel, and bought those generic arcade buttons and stick packs off Amazon.

150$ for machine
116$ for monitor
8$ for the wood needed to build a control panel
46$ for the buttons and controls
14$ for USB speaker

I already had the PC lying around, but I don't think they are expensive, and if you want, you can simply just buy one of those emulation boxes off Amazon for around 100 bucks and it will emulated games up to the PS3 I think.

So I paid just around 335$ just to put it together with around another 50-60$ on paint, marquee art, cables (shit like mini power strip, USB hub, USB extender, ect), and LED lights.

With everything, it comes to around 400$, which is still a hell of a lot more affordable than a vast majority of Up1 machines, while also having a lot more games to choose from and a much bigger and sturdier form factor.
Do you know someone who has woodworking tools? If so, you can measure it out and probably do one machine from between 1 and 2 sheets of plywood. You can do the math on plywood really easily because they have all standardized sizes.
yeah, may wanna do some research on that. only people running sticks are paid to use them.
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I built one for around 350 bucks during covid. Wood has become really expensive and almost all of the cost went towards that. I did end up using a raspberrypi but if you build it right it's extremely easy to just swap in a computer, which I may do at some point. Also decided to just build the panel for the joysticks/buttons myself, instead of just dropping a prebuilt 'arcade fightpad' on the front which would have looked cheaper. Very easy to do but really helps if you have someone to assist you with the initial wood cuts and structural assembly.
ah fuck, pic wasnt sideways in my phone album. gay.
You're an idiot.
Yeah, I've seen a few different versions of these built. But there are no plans available for it.
Leverless only won a single championship between this year and last Evo after the 2023 rules changes on SOCD, and the game it won was.... Under Night In-Birth II [Sys:Celes].

Leverless also didn't win the Capcom Cup and the million dollar prize. A plain old off-the-shelf arcade stick won.

the top ranked players at evo say otherwise
Not sure why you are only focusing on the big global tournies and acting like people here building cabinets aren't just casuals who at best, just go to locals.
Because I strive to be the best rather than settling for being a scrubby shitter (like you) who thinks it's impossible to ever be good at video games. Even if I don't win I'm not going to let my equipment be inferior just because I see myself as some casual who shouldn't bother with or isn't allowed to use good controls.

Your logic really is stupid if we go back to what started all this
>I'm just a casual player so I should use crappy controls because it doesn't matter anyway.
What? Sheer defeatism. Hamstringing yourself. Possibly pre-coping against the idea you'll ever actually try to win and fail due to your own lack of skill.
This goes back to the original point that if you want to be the best you wouldn't be playing on a fucking cab in this first place. Acting elitist over happ vs sanwa or whatever the fuck when it literally doesn't matter lmao
Number of leverless than won Evo tournaments in the last two years: 1

Number of traditional arcade sticks that won Evo tournaments in the last two years: 11

And the single game that a leverless won was some god-forsaken anime air-dasher with a massive.
>Not sure why you are only focusing on the big global tournies
Because those are the measuring stick, dumbass.
Cabs are good in terms of their stability. You'll play your best on a cab because you won't be worried about the stick moving. Their downside is how it affects your back and neck over longer sessions.
Also many /vr/ era fighting game tournaments are being played on cabinets again, specifically VS City cabs, so you'd be familiarizing yourself with that form factor and not have to adjust in-tourney.

>Acting elitist over happ vs sanwa or whatever the fuck when it literally doesn't matter lmao
Building a cabinet with the idea it won't be possible to play the game at the highest level on said cab is just retarded.
I admire your cabs, I wanted to go the cheap used broken cab route but the cheapest I found was a 300€ one 5 hours away from me.
I'm browsing local marketplace to see if someone has some panels to sell for cheap and I'm asking around for someone with woodworking skill to cut them, rest of the assembly should be easy once I have that
You should try emuvr, once you set your room, you insert the cart/disc into the console and start the game. Very satisfying
>with a massive
with a massive what?
>she uses being a tourneyfag as a replacement for any real accomplishment
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Looked it up. I'll keep it in mind when I eventually get VR myself. Thanks Anon.
input buffer.
You need a acrylic joystick region cover
also looks like it needs another coat of paint
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I've been dreaming about that for 20 years since I was a teenager
I've been seeing examples and blueprints on the byoac community for that long
I'm actually close to getting my dream job and making it a reality
Might get one of those virtual pinball machines too and a driving cabinet
I sure hope your expectations aren't so high after 20 years of waiting that all you're going to feel after getting one is dissapointment after the novelty period ends.
Captcha ASAP
do you still need an ancient AMD GPU if you want to use a real CRT monitor or is custom modelines in Linux enough these days?
Nah, there's lots of options.
That's an I-PAC, not a generic encoder
>Can I do it cheaper than 399€?
>Can I do it
Yeah, at the end of the day it's still the same games. The cab isn't going to magically make them better somehow, especially if you've already grabbed most of the low-hanging fruit of the experience like a good arcade stick, CRT, etc.
I like a fightstick with a brooks board on a freesync gaming monitor. With retroarch using run ahead and the original game speeds you can get everything to about 2 frames of input lag. A lot of these screens now have almost no input lag. I've done the whole custom modelines thing and groovymame stuff with amd cards, and have 8 crts. I only use this gaming monitor now because its that good. Also the geometry and screen centering is always perfect unlike a crt.
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>You'll play your best on a cab
When was the last time an FGC tournament was held on a cab?
>3.5-5.5ms lag
not as bad as those generic usb encoders, but it doesn't touch a gp2040 or brooks
Happens all the time.
Still the standard in Japan and China for all /vr/ tournaments.
In the west the notable major that uses cabs is CEO.

But it's not uncommon at all.
That's where I'm at too after years of going down the various rabbit holes.
I use a HP ZR30W for my monitor since it was affordable, low lag, and has a 26.5" 4:3 display area.
A 29" arcade monitor has a viewable display area of 26.77".
I have a heavy Qanba controller with Seimitsu parts sitting on a sturdy podium.
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Just buy a candy cab instead OP
oh you!
>but it seems people have a lot of issues with those due to poor build quality.
I have one. It's fine. You should locktite the joysticks though, they unscrew easy.
>Literally every man ever lived has had this idea at some point in their lives and like 0.0000000001% of them went through with it.
I made a functioning cabinet in college, but never finished it fully because my schoolwork load got too big and life issues got in the way.
I could do a lot better now, but I have other projects.
That's actually pretty cool. I really only watch 3S and anime fighters when it comes to 2D stuff and none of them use cabs.

Still I really wonder if there's a big difference between fight sticks vs cabs for these pros.
3S Tournaments use cabs whenever possible. It's by far the preferred method by the players.
>Using 3s cabs
Do you have trouble reading? Or are you just stupid? The words "whenever possible" were there for a reason, dimwit.
3S at Evo this year had over 1000 entrants. That would have required more cabinets available than were feasible to gather for the tournament. Playing on CRT set-ups was an acceptable compromise.
Where can I read up on that?
I want to pair either a TV or PVM to an old laptop with intergated gpu (nvidia 820m) using the VGA port.
I found this cable online but I'm unsure if its what I need "VGA zu RGB SCART 15.7Khz USB Arcade Kabel mit Audio PC / Mister FPGA" pic related
The CRT thread regulars will help you out.

That GPU will likely not support 15khz output.
You will probably need to go a different route.
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>anon wants to build an "arcade cab"
>ruins it with shitty mame toaster pc
every fucking time, really saddening.
craigslist here is filled with abandoned gutted cabs with people who had the same "idea"

why go through all that trouble and NOT do the real thing?
i just dont understand

>supergun $100
>rgb2s-video adapter $40
>crt of appropriate size $0-100
>neo geo mvs motherboard or equivalent $80

just build it correctly? what is so hard about that
these threads are like motorcycle enthusiasts trying to take vintage harleys and turn them into e-bicycles or some shit

what the FUCK
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Nice, I do want to get some 80/20 extruded aluminum to make a small stand to hold the monitor and arcade stick. The black aluminum looks great, and would be very sturdy. I want something like pic related, not my pic.
Well that cost goes way up if you're going to have a bunch of games. And only some games have lower input lag than what current emulators can do. In some instances it can be lower than original. And that's not even getting into recapping etc. Plus even with a supergun its still not like the original cabinet because the monitor isn't the same, the controls aren't the same. You're always playing something quite different than original. All of that for 1 frame of lag vs 2 in only a few shmups that are all over $1000 for the board is crazy unless you're a millionaire, and want a much bigger project to deal with.
>The biggest tournament in the globe can't get cabs for Top 8
lol here's your last (You) buddy.
That is correct.
It's a legit criticism and I believe the top 6 should have been played on a real cab, but it is what it is.

This is not a matter of yours or mine opinion, it's simply a statement of facts about the recent FGC history.
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I'm getting all the final parts ready for my custom arcade bartop and am kinda lost in terms of speakers. Are something like these okay? I did a lot of research and it's almost a 50/50 split between people saying 3-5W speakers are okay because most retro games don't have good sound and the purists who think you need an expensive amplifier and 50W car speakers to really enjoy it.
>are like motorcycle enthusiasts trying to take vintage harleys and turn them into e-bicycles or some shit
A Harley-Davidson motorcycle is an absolute gas guzzler compared to an environmentally friendly e-bike.
Do you have any idea how expensive it is to fuel up a motorcycle instead of an e-bike?
Boomers just have no concept of social responsibility. I still remember when miscegenation and mandatory forced integration was legalized in the USA. Obama supporters resisted, but the Republicans were able to defeat the Ku Klux Klansmen and end racism in American.
You don't know near as much about this subject as you think you do.
good lord the bot posts are getting crazy on this site.
>VRR monitor + CRT filters
worst. troll. evar.
I'm sorry you didn't through your example.
You can't even make an intelligible post.
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I am now more stupid having read this
if money is an issue you're in the wrong hobby
it's true you can spend an infinite amount of money
but the mvs 161 cart is like $60-90 and works fine for most titles

as for controls, you can do whatever u wish
i have different cabs with different buttons/levers depending on what is needed

mame/retroarch/pandora or whatever is fine for quick&dirty +discovering new shit to play i guess

but overall the "turn it on and fuckin start gaymen" aspect of it is destroyed

all of my arcade pcb have 2x 3x in value since owning them
its neat hoarding the "history" of it
only had to recap ONE board anon
prob fine its a bartop bro dont overthink it
i put car audio speakers in my shit but its literally overkill kek
hearing espgaluda ost slump is a good feeling tho
>emulation pc
how did you get the pc to output to a crt?
Retroarch has options, there is also the whole crtemudriver thing with amd cards, or making custom modelines if you're really wanting to go down a rabbit hole. Also you may need a vga to component transcoder or an rgb input like scart or mod a tv for rgb. Its pretty ridiculous desu.
There was a period I wanted to buy a candy cab, one of those ones you could TATE as a single person, but I never bothered with it.

These days I guess I wish I had another CRT for TATE, but not enough to actually buy one. The majority of my arcade dreams are satisfied with my light gun setup, which will eventually become fully realised in a few years when 80" 8k is available for reasonable prices so I can play virtua cop with life-like FOV. The arcades topped out at like 50 inches.
I just like the idea of having all the games I like ready to play all the time so I can quickly get in and out of the zone without fussing with emulators, OS, Internet, controls, in a format I love. I feel like I will play and enjoy more with that experience compared to emulating on my computer with a USB controller even if it's the same games avaliable. Like watching the same movie in a big screen on a dark room with good sound vs. in a light room on a laptop with speakers.
Your Concession has been accepted.

If you don't need the authentic arcade experience, I'd recommend getting an emulation handheld. I got one last year and uploaded it with all the games up to PS2 and find it's much easier just to pick it up and game. Something about being able to play in my bed or couch instead off being tethered in front of a computer I guess.

I am still looking to build a bartop cab, but that's more of a luxury and I don't actually think I'll game more on it lol
As evidence that the right form factor can enhance enjoyment of the content, I got myself a GPD XD some years ago and have played through jrpgs on it, a genre I have always hated, chilling on a hammock.
But the arcade form factor surely is the superior choice for action games. I also enjoy the idea of sitting down with intent to do something instead of walking around the house with a handheld, it leads to brainrot and distraction.
idiotic post tbqh
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so what's your point?
Don't get snippy with me, dipshit, I just thought it was a funny one.
>nothing genuinely gets me out of the mood for playing games than fucking around in emulator menus, and that's usually what happens in Mame setups
Then just use Retroarch + FBNeo.
You will play that whether you want to or not.
Arcade games do feel better on a cab, I agree with that.
was gonna say cool, that was before i noticed the pic on the right. lolwut you took out the tate crt and fitted an lcd then painterdit purple, you fucked it proper, what a waste
I built a 4 player arcade
>i just turned 4
This is me.
Recroom masters had some ok stuff. Maybe check them out.
Anyone built this guys designs?
I like the form factor and that it accounts for a CRT , most other plans I've seen assume you want to install an LCD inside it.

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Here it is.
>someone FINALLY built and is selling this design
It only took 15 years.
Although I appreciate the fine workmanship and dedication I can't help but think designing for a 19" CRT would have been a better choice.
b a s e d
I want to build one using a PS3 for retroarch
I think cabinets are cool if you host a lot at home or if you have a business. For your personal use I think they're cumbersome.

I hear you about emulators and menus and what not. I downloaded a gigantic collection or roms and went with emulation station DE, with the coin-ops skin. It's basically RetroArch with a functional front end.

So yeah you get the initial set up (wasn't able to get PSX running last time lmao) but when I've played with my girlfriend it worked great, she loves SNES games and the interface is beautiful.

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