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Is it true that there’s a sort of “magic” that makes playing games on original hardware feel better than an emulator? Or is it just copium?
The "magic" would be something the player's brain concocted somehow. And the whole point of the game is for the player to have a mental experience, so regardless of where this "magic" came from, it'd be real for our purposes because its effect on the experience would be real. Somebody could lie about how authentic a hardware setup was and thereby cause a certain type of person to GENUINELY feel this "magic". It's just a matter of what attitude and preferences the player has. It doesn't have nearly as much to do with the actual hardware.

Of course certain setups will produce potentially problematic changes from the original experience like, say, a lookin' good filter that some people would find extremely ugly, or a little bit of extra lag somewhere that makes an action game much harder than it needs to be. But even that stuff might somehow feel better to certain people. The "magic" of enjoying a game is real, but it's mainly in the player, and it doesn't have as much to do with the hardware.
It really depends. There's no fucking way in 2024 I would want to play on an original Game Boy, Game Boy Color or Game Boy Advance. They're uncomfortable for long sessions and the screens are utter dogshit, especially considering how many of them have degraded over time. With that said, I love the form factor of all those devices, the variants, putting the cartridge in, the nostalgia factor etc. There's something very pleasant about all that which you won't get from an emulator. But for me personally, that "magic" just isn't worth it when there's so much other bullshit to put up with. I'd much rather play it on a good chink device or my Steam Deck and just appreciate the game without barriers.

All /vr/ consoles are like this to varying degrees. I love the Dreamcast, but do I want to use that awful fucking controller and put up with the whirring and clicking of a disc drive? No, I'll just use a wireless adaptor and a GDEMU.

Its also important to remember that this board is completely infested with highly autistic people. The kind of autism that's offputting, irrational and can't be reasoned with. And to these people, the idea of someone playing a game in a way that isn't 1:1 with how they experienced it as a child is enough to cause a full on sperg out. Ignore them, and do what you want.
its copium
but it is a different thing entirely to experience the games on the original hardware as was intended by the developers as was experienced by those that came before you, before modern technology
its entirely up to you as to whether something like that has any value to you or not
>Is it true that there’s a sort of “magic” that makes playing games on original hardware feel better than an emulator?
Yes but it has little to do with an individual game itself. You know how if you like a band, you might stick a poster up on the wall or buy band merch? Well how does that help you optimally listen to their music? It doesn't, you like the band and want the stuff.
People who tell you real hardware is better in some substantial way are often just lying to justify their purchase. The truth is that they just want the thing because they think the thing is cool. They want the old style TV it was made for, they want the console, they want the cartridge, they like the game but they also like that stuff too.
Trying to find the rationality of owning OG hardware is like trying to find the rationality of a guy building a model trainset in their basement. They just think it's cool.
the screen looks too bright to be OG hardware
For most handhelds? 100% copium. Same goes for most console and old computers. Spending money is a good way for low disciplined individuals to commit to something though assuming they actually use the thing. Aside from that you might just want to have it because you like it. The only way it isn't coping is if the device you are emulating is very gimmicky, but people tend to like the idea of the gimmick more than actually interacting with it anyway.
It’s not “magic”, it’s more like whether the experience is “in spec” with how the game was designed. Ps1 games with pre-rendered backgrounds, for example, are 100% always going to look like dogshit on anything but a crt at 240p.
A console/everdrive or modchip setup for most retro hardware can be bought for pocket change by someone with a real job in a first world country, this is poorfag cope.
It's cool that you found employment, anon. I'm happy for you, but none of that counters anything said in my post.
>original hardware
>ips mod
Just knowing that its being played as intended and at the correct speed, if you see a glitch or hear a weird sound you don't have to wonder if it was because the emulator wasn't made right.

If you get an ips its fine and you don't have to worry about weird resolutions those portable emulators run.

But a gbc with ips is cheaper than any new emulator handheld. I don't think those handhelds will late more than 5 years because some surface mounted chip will break or the 4 layer motherboard will get flakey.
>But a gbc with ips is cheaper than any new emulator handheld.
post this in the handheld general so they can laugh at you
>gbc with ips
It's only partially original hardware at that point, isn't it?
I find original gbc screens to be very beautiful, provided they have a new glass lens on them. The pastel colors are very beautiful, and enjoyable. You can't emulate that screen. I reccomend magnifying lens attachment because lights are affixed in the right place, or strong overhead lighting.
Sell all your physical now. Bubble gonna pop soon
I understand that most games aren't as good graphically but that doesn't mean there aren't games for these

My favorite genres aren't really on these, so I rarely if ever play it, but they still have some ok games
Crying about <0.8 of the population and using a word you don't understand

You're even dumber than they are
Not original anymore, but if it gets you playing games go for it? That's the actual point of retroGAMING, is it not? You'll never truly recapture that "magic" from back then anyway so it's all just a facsimile marred by knowledge you lacked as a kid. If getting as close as possibly to the original pleases you, then do that. If you just want to discover games no matter how, then do that. Same goes for anything inbetween like a convenience modded system or chinkshit.

The modern "magic" is entirely of your own creation unless you are a child at which point you should be banned.
There's no definitive answer to that. It just depends on what you like, some people might get a kick out of playing Gameboy games with a keyboard in a browser window and others enjoy it more on original hardware. Just do whatever you know you like and don't fall for FOMO. If someone tells you a certain something has to be played on original hardware that might just be them and the game could very well be a lot of fun on an emulator.
Pic unrelated? That thing has a modern screen you fucking idiot.
I'm not talking about the Game Boy libraries themselves you ESL fucking moron. I'm talking about using the original handheld itself to play those games.
$4 gbc and $60 screen kit with a shell, its cheap enough

Depends who you ask, they evolved from better leds in the gba sp and improved each year.

I never liked that screen even when it was new, it was inferiour to Game Gear and Lynx. The first IPS screen for my gba had screen tearing and it was horrible but the new ones I've got for GBC and GBA are good. The GB and GBP do have a unique style which is worth preserving. I've seen the ambernick gba but I'll hold off for now, if you care about Dreamcast on the go you might as well get it.
The flaws are part of the fun of using those original devices
>but do I want to use that awful fucking controller
Why do people on this board hate the DC controller so much?
I don't really hate it but it does have issues. The triggers are way too low to be pressed comfortably, the handles are angled slighlty inwards instead of outwards making for a bad hand angle, the plastic stick top is slippery as fuck...
I will say though, people hate on the d-pad way too much. They get too hung up on the cross shape when it still has that same sega-style pivot underneath.
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I reshell, use a flashcart, and mod screens on all pre backlit handhelds. simple as.
You did a terrible job on that GBC.
You also seem to suffer from color blindness.
fpbp. it's a religion. ogfags like their rituals of mangling consoles to be actually playable like the OP pic
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actually the gbc is incredible. My OLED screen looks fantastic. you sound like a sniveling fag.
GB/C is what got me into collecting Famiclones. Some people like their Steam Decks and ROG Ally's but I prefer the simplicity of the more basic handhelds

That said I still wouldn't recommend an og GB/C, only because there is no battery or backlight unless you mod them in

I like those buttons anon
Not him but what's terrible about it
terrible chink case and buttons that look very cheap
I can guarantee that the original parts looked much better even if they had wear.
haha you sound like such an insufferable loser. these buttons are so sick. also the case is from one of the most popular aftermarket shell shop in the space. let's see your gbc.
I think anon is talking about new high end handhelds like Retroid Pocket 5, not cheap ones like the GB300
You don't need those to play GBC games.
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You may not like it but this is what peak aesthetics look like.
Jesus it's hideous. what the fuck.
This is only true for consoles and even then there is a certain "magic" when dealing with physical media even VHS and cassette tapes have the petina of a bygone era that still have that "magic" feel. Even worse is the arcade experience. It's not the same at all emulating mame in my house than being at an arcade even in this day and age there is still a "magic" about them and the unique cabs that change the experience extremely. You're a short sighted sociopath if you can't feel the "magic" in experiencing these things first hand. The games are still fun when you emulate, I do all the time, but a whole dimension is missing from the experience that go beyond just playing the game.
>is this subjective experience true?
Great thread.
A lot of that "magic" is just pure nostalgia.

In real arcades, I quickly lost all my money, other kids always hogged the best games, and the owner was a huge asshole.
>Bubble gonna pop soon
God, I fucking hope.
You just focus on the negative. I've had similar experiences in arcades I've also had some of the best times playing games in an arcade. Recently at the pepper mill in Reno.and never had as much fun at an arcade. It was fucking lit they had joust and donkey Kong and Mario kart DX etc... I'm in my 30s so I have experienced enough arcades in my youth but this recent visit will always be my favorite. I got beat up in an arcade once but you don't see me focusing on the negative aspects like you, youre probably just here to taint the thread with your feminist negative Nancy attitude. And you still didn't rebut the extra dimension to experiencing games in arcade or on og hardware.
For me the it's mostly about simplicity, with a bit of nostalgia. I like older consoles because you just turn them on and play, that's it, next to zero tinkering required.
With that said, I wouldn't use my original GBA anymore because the screen is outright shit, I'd rather play on my GBP where I can actually see something, and considering the price of IPS screens + flashcarts buying a chink handheld is just a better option for me.
It doesn't matter
I like playing with original hardware sometimes for the fun of it but you're basically getting the same experience if you're playing normally ie. not some autistic thing like speedrunning
And honestly, even then most emulators focusing on accuracy these days are basically 1:1 with OG hardware for most things up to the 5th gen.
tldr just play with whatever hardware you want it doesn't matter
Oh hey look, a fellow German. I had that sticker as well. The amount of times they put Lara Croft on their stickers...
>the whole point of the game is for the player to have a mental experience
>replacing OEM parts with disgusting chinkoid shells
I hate you fagggots so much
ChinkSP fixed this for me
That form factor has decades of muscle memory for me, plus it fulfills my dreams of playing ps1 games on my gameboy
How's the burn-in?
I play my SNES roms using a real Super Famicom controller.
I find the controller helps the most honestly. I started using a Genesis controller to play my SEGA CD and 32X roms and it feels arguably better than the real thing imo
It depends.
There's still games being found which don't run properly on emulators, granted these are more likely to be things like prototypes or small bugs with certain games, so only the most hardcore would even care. There's also plenty of arcade games which still aren't properly emulated.
As for more pleb experiences like emulating retail games for common consoles, it depends on the console in question. For things like the GameBoy with an integrated screen, the display itself was part of the intended experience, so no, playing an original GB game on an emulator won't be the same as playing it on an original gray brick, just like a Virtual Boy game won't be the same as playing it with a genuine VB headset - for better or worse, it depends on the person's preferences.
There's other nuance beyond just emulating the hardware/games themselves, like the type of controller you use, because sure as shit playing an arcade lightgun game with a fucking mouse, or an arcade dance game with a keyboard, are nowhere close to playing with correct controls and the experience is so far removed from the originally intended playstyle hat you aren't even experiencing the same thing.
>OG hardware
>but also i completely replaced the screen with something new and it looks totally different now
>My OLED screen looks fantastic
No it doesn't, it has the same problem with being massively oversaturated as every other third-party GBC screen. That's why you deliberately chose monochrome black and white for the picture.
>Yes but it has little to do with an individual game itself. You know how if you like a band, you might stick a poster up on the wall or buy band merch? Well how does that help you optimally listen to their music? It doesn't, you like the band and want the stuff.

Can you say you really like a band if you haven't seen them play live?
After all, live is the ideal music experience.
Native resolution and running it as intended is always the best
Nothing worse than emulating and some very obvious emulation glitch to throw you out of the experience
Copium of the highest order mixed with nostalgia.
>OG hardware
Pic not related.
I can kind of understand modding a GBA, but the GBC screen is totally fine.
My parents hated having to constantly buy batteries for my Game Boy.
rechargeable batteries were available at the time
I never saw those at the store.
They were a little less mainstream.
But any Radioshack and the like carried them.
tfw parents went back to alkaline after our first batch of rechargeables expired
>wtf i thought i'd never have to buy batteries again
>The "magic" would be something the player's brain concocted somehow.
It's the intended, genuine experience.
>some very obvious emulation glitch
Stop using early 2000 emulators anon.
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I had one of these
Sure anon, emulation always runs perfectly
name 5 examples
you're telling me you've not emulated a game with a minor glitch on say the dreamcast where you've fallen through the geometry and it's not annoyed the fuck out of you?
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The reflective screens looked really good if you touched grass
The original hardware was built for lasting. A lot of handhelds today aren't as well made. But they do have better performance
These look so tacky

>The "magic"
Everyone can stop reading here.
Should I buy an OG Xbox for OG Xbox games? A few run on my 360 but its emulation is a complete turd most times. If so, Can I service it myself? because I hear there's some capacitor bullshit to deal with.
No. And there is no universe where the GBC generates that much light
Copium, plastic hoarders just want something they can "flex".
Why dont YOU touch the non bot grass and stop posting this pasta you fuck?
Stop saying reflective screens are bad, faggot, go outside lmao
People have been saying that for at least a decade.
Are the buttons modeled after how you paint your nails?
I love them, sister.
Pretty much. I remember loving arcades back then in the 90s (despite not being suitable for long 3h+ plays), and tried them on 2019 and 2024, and mostly loved the experience.

There are objective layers to prefering arcades, if you aren't emptying your wallet.

First to reach an Arcade you have to touch grass. So kiinda counterintuitive, but to go gaming you have to get out of the house.

It's also implied there will be other people you don't know and may get to know also playing arcades there.

Plus, they were common in Cafes. Meaning games felt like a quick break from your "real life" quest, rather than something that would take willingness away from it.

Gives a different feeling to playing a game after just having woken up and not feeling like leaving house because the game is so fun (rather than the other way around).

So for Arcades the answer is an obvious Yes, despite them not being good for more than 2 hour types plays.
>I define colors as gay if they aren't black red or blue
a thread opened with two intelligent, thoughtful posts? how can this be?
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I've been using GameYob on a DSi XL (originally on an OG DS) for many years, I think it's a great balance of "real Nintendo hardware" with a bigger, more modern backlit IPS display. It also allows you to use either Game Boy, GBC, or Super Game Boy colors for original game boy games, with or without borders, which really makes it definitive for me. Pic related, been replaying Pokémon Blue.
Nice pants, faggot.
sometimes the sound is dogshit so live show is the ideal experience if nothing goes wrong.
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backlit Chinese hardware clone > emulator handheld
You're also getting at some difference between enjoying something and being a Fan. Which, our culture encourages fandom nowadays, but it's not exactly the same as liking something.
thanks bro
RuPaul called, he wants his Game Boy Color back
It's the fabulous sparkles I'm talking about, girl.
Does anyone think there will be decline in emulation, where so much modding and emulating has been done non-profit through genuine interest; but as people lose those skills or die off, in short as the internet ages and becomes uninhabitable, emulators themselves will become magical/retro

Like having dedicated emulators like Zsnes is now, but more.
ai will do it for us
Depends on the console. Don't know where the Genesis is at currently in the emulation scene, but I finally got fed up with the awful sound coming out of Genesis emulators around 2016 and figured it wasn't going to get any better. Buying an everdrive was the best purchase of that year. Not sure where the N64 is now either, but it was absolutely recommended to get an everdrive than deal with Project64's malware.
It’s how the game was originally intended to be experienced. The further away you get from original hardware, the further you get from the original experience. In some cases, that’s a good thing. In others, it’s a bad one. It’s also a matter of personal opinion as to which elements of the original experience are worth preserving, and at what cost.

It’s like building a period correct project car vs. just slamming a modern crate engine into your resto mod vs. just buying the current version of that old car vs. loading it up in assetto corsa on your sim rig
Playing Fall of the Footclan on an original Gameboy while sitting by a lamp or under your covers with a clip on light in a kino and unrivaled experience that cannot be captured by emulation or fake hardware
I think I’m gonna mod an OG gba. Already have two SP-101’s, a gb micro, and an og bennvenn gbc, etc. but I have never actually owned an AGB.

It’s that, or a milled aluminum SP shell. Can’t decide what I should go for.
The bubble won’t pop unless we enter a serious financial crisis.
Sadly emulation has issues on modern hardware and OS so it doesn't feel the same specially if you use xinput joysticks or keyboard.
Best emulation settings would be use windows 7 or lower, windows 8.1 is good for certain emus but the must would be a dinput joystick since those are better (hence micro$oftis trying to replace them with xinput).
No, there's a magic that comes from upscaling and overclocking emulated games though. They look so good
Also I'll elaborate, you think the faildevs really wanted you to play your retro game at 20 fps instead of 30 fps the console was capable of? No, just emulate.

I'm 40. In 1997 I gifted my gameboy to a cousin.
When the Pokemon games were released, I emulated them. I think it must have been 1998 or 1999, and absolutely loved them. I downloaded the roms from geocities style websites into a floppy disk from an internet cafe, and installed them into my pc.
Playing them with the arrow keys and navigation keys of the keyboard didn't diminish my enjoyment at all.

Even though I have been emulating games for decades, my favorite option right now is using homebrewed nintendo hardware, I have a hacked Wii, Wii U, New 3DS and Mini Snes. The only console I emulate on PC is the PS2, since Wii and Wii U handle Wii and Gamecube games natively, and 3DS handles 3DS, DS, GBA natively.
All you're missing is the Supreme sticker on it dawg
It depends. I don't feel that way about PS2 but Dreamcast absolutely feels better on original hardware. The controller, VMU beeping, loud disc drive, it's all apart of the experience.
As someone who got a GameBoy literally when they first came out. I can tell you this, I was so fucking happy when the Super Game Boy came out so I never had to fuck with that trash ever again! Also made the Pokemon games absolutely amazing. I even was able to flex to friends bringing over my VHS footage of catching Mew that I'd record while playing. Couldn't do that goddamn shit on a LameBoy. Also once Stadium came out there was no excuse ever playing Gen I or II on a fucking handheld with Doduo and Dodrio modes and Super Game Boy / Super Game Boy 2 models existing. Also there was the Game Boy Player for the GameCube that could play GBA games.
as much as i enjoyed using my gbc, using an emulator on my psp was just better. bigger, brighter screen, carries all your games, sleep mode, etc. theres also emulator stuff like fast forward and savestates if you're into that
I have a GBA 'fat', I wouldn't mod it, is the last handheld with a reflective LCD; no eyestrain.

That OP photo is horrendous, that is not even 'OG hardware' anymore.
1999 was when i discovered emulation, witnessing someone i knew playing pokemon yellow on his win95 box using no$gmb
Except when I am on this board, it doesn't even occur to me to use emulation to be honest. I have a bunch of old games that meant a lot to me, and I want to use them.
wtf do you mean it isn't of hardware lol. it's still running the same board and all the same internal components. only thing that changed in the shell and screen.
That might be the ugliest gbc I've ever seen, you have terrible tastes
You don't understand.
It's good because a real GBC died for it.
i like the opal-like buttons
the duality of man
There's tens of millions of GBCs out there.
ah yes, the real GBC experience of squinting at the nonbacklit sprites as you try to see anything without pristine viewing conditions. no wonder nonbacklit displays are still so popular!
You should connect money with value and your valuable time you spend on earning it.
Spending some on actual hardware and games instead of emulating it makes it more valuable to you and make you spend more time with your investment.
Emulating roms or pirating doesnt connect to value or struggle to achieve it. Thats why rich kids break their valuable toys without remorse
The hum of a CRT and the sound of a PS2 chugging along are pretty unbeatable.
>hasn't played a GBC recently
You're confusing the GBC for the GBA. GBC is far better in terms of visibility.
It's the same kind of screen.
Yet the GBA is darker, so what's your point?
if nostalgia is "magic" then yes. I personally own and play original hardware. Right now I'm playing through pokemon gold in order to use those pokemon to play through stadium 2 and I never had it when I was a kid. When I'm done with that I'll probably go back to using emulators on my switch. I enjoy fast forward, rewind, and savestates too much. I beat Pokemon TCG 2 GR in about 8 hours on 3x speed.
what's wrong with xinput?
Input lag, less controllers support, less buttons support.
There are too many limitations, take for example you can connect 16 dinput joypads without issue or conflicts all of them workibg perfect, yet xinput you can use a top of 4 joypads, not only that extra xinput joypads add lag due to an issue.
Are you sure xinput causes input lag? I have an emulation setup on CRT and can't tell the difference with some things and I'm using xinput always I think. The input lag is super noticeable on emulation for some consoles like ps2 on gc but I don't notice much on 5th gen and prior. How much input lag do you think I'm getting using xinput?
I have a genesis, snes, and n64 and can't really notice the difference in input lag emulating them all compared on the same display. I'm sure there is some but I can't tell like I can jumping from LCD to CRT
they are both not backlit retard. they both look like shit
I like it
Your lack of recent direct experience is showing.
Wasn't the aspect ratio on this fucked up?
NOW you're playing with POWER
If is the same as playing on xbox360 with half drained batteries then a lot, for example using gens32 surreal and xinput wired controller it can go for a bit high lag input to whole 2 seconds to register input (try to make a hadouken in super street fighter 2, with luck will work after some attempts).
In other games that don't require precise commands like beat em ups, action platformers, rpg and so on won't be such a big issue at time but in others well simply don't try it.
Not really, would you call plugging a SNES into a retrotink partial original hardware?
That being said, there’s no good screen mods for GB or GBC
Home consoles don't include the screen as part of their hardware, but handhelds do.
thats like saying using headphones isn’t native hardware because it’s not part of the hardware,
Besides it’s irrelevant because there are multiple different GB models with different screens
Both handhelds and home consoles allow for audio output to anything the user desires.
Only home consoles allow for video out to anything the user desires.
>there are multiple different GB models with different screens
Okay? If you play on any of them you're playing on original hardware. A definition can describe a set of things, it doesn't need to be a single thing.
If you put a new IPS screen mod in a handheld device this can also be called "replacing the -original- screen". It's right there.
You can argue you have improved on original hardware. I would disagree, but that's fine. But you can't say it is wholly original hardware. It's partial original hardware because you have replaced a piece of the original hardware.
not him but you can play gameboy games on the super gameboy and gameboy player on any display
Super Game Boy is original hardware too, but we're not talking about it.
We're talking about replacing the original screen in a game boy with an aftermarket mod.
When you do so, you have made the hardware less original because the screen is integrated into the hardware.
I mod shit a lot, but the screens of each type of game boys are characteristic parts of the hardware and replacing them with modern screens fundamentally changes your experience using the device
Once again, you could say this is an improvement and that's fine. Knock yourself out.
I'm just taking issue with people saying that counts as wholly original hardware.
yea, i agree that a gameboy with a replaced screen is not a completely original gameboy, just that pointing out that home consoles are b-y-o-screen doesn't completely work here because there were official ways to play gameboy games on home consoles, so by extension you can play gameboy games on any screen using original hardware
personally, i don't care what people use to enjoy games, but given the thread is about original hardware, i also don't think replacing major components of consoles like the screen in a handheld (at least with hardware notably different to the original) should completely count, though i understand why some people would, since a different screen doesn't affect how games run at all, it's not like he's overclocking it or replacing the guts with a raspberry pi or something
>since a different screen doesn't affect how games run at all
This is where I would be skeptical because I've heard a lot of screen mods are laggy.
If something has exactly the same latency as any original screen I would care about the distinction a lot less.
my preferred way of playing gameboy games is emulated on my wii on a crt despite owning multiple virtually new gameboys...

also virtualboy games on a decent modern vr headset is so much better than a real virtualboy
Eh nah
I think virtual boy is best on 3DS
NTA. It's cool on 3DS, but it's supposed to be virtual.
I'm sure that's fine if you just want to play the games in 3d, the display is more like a 3d monitor than vr anyways, but vr headset is more immersive like a better version of a real vb
what the disgusting fuck
What is this pilpul? A different screen absolutely changes the way a game runs.
No, a better screen will not change the performance of the CPU. It will worsen the battery life and how the game looks, but not the actual performance.
I see no magic in that image
>There's no fucking way in 2024 I would want to play on an original Game Boy, Game Boy Color or Game Boy Advance.
>I'd much rather play it on a good chink device or my Steam Deck
You're very disgusting
If I had to pick up something, that would be audio lag if you are playing a rhythm game (or something with sound and controls in sync) and the "experience of having a physical object".
Playing Wario land 4 on the couch and realizing 2h later that you took an impossible possition just to catch the light while stil being comfy is something special that makes you connect with the game/time you just spent.
But honnestly, I don't think it's something that "unique" or "magic".
>not using a forward facing Laura, causing her boobs to be the A and B buttons
What a wasted opportunity.
I'm not sure if I like describing it as "magic", but there are definitely a lot of ways that the original hardware can be better.

>Inherent input lag (the big one since there is no way around it).
>Subtle inaccuracies - not quite as subtle for complicated consoles like the N64.
>Controller/control scheme (admittedly this could also be different if you use a 3rd party controller).

Anyone who is a true fan of gaming is also a fan of emulation. I play tons of games by emulation and love them. However the answer to this thread is yes, there can certainly be a magic to playing them on the original hardware.
The concern is latency.

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