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Why did the GameCube sell 10 million less than the N64 despite having such a larger library of games?
Because it was competing with the PS2.
N64 has more exclusives
Gamecube offered nothing new, n64 did
No konami and rareware
1st party on 64 were better
PS2 played movies, had moar gaems, and more mature games.
GameCube was purely a games machine with a childlike aesthetic.

It’s that simple. Nintendo had brand loyalty and years of hype Ultra 64 hype which allowed it to survive better.

GameCube had it rough competing with PS2 and Chadbox
>purely a games machine with a childlike aesthetic
Poor marketing
Once bitten, twice shy.
Its primary color was purple and it has a midget sized controller and went bing bing wahoo. People wanted “grown up” machines in 2001
N64 vs GC
Mario Party >
3D Marios =
Mario Kart <
Smash <
Zelda(s) >
Metroid (lol) <
Pikmin <
Starfox... >
Kirby, I guess >
Pokemon Stadium > Colosseum/XD
Paper Mario =
Bomberman =

I think for similar titles, they're even enough, but the Gamecube just had more other stuff that was better.
It was just a lot cheaper to do multiplats that gen
>3D marios =

Ha ha ha

I like Sunshine but that is an absurd take
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gay purple toy box in the era of mature games for mature gamers
it was obvious to everyone that nintendos had become secondary consoles starting with the n64
Opposed to...
Not here in America unfortunately, I was the weird kid for having PS1 instead of n64.
The game is a solid 7.8/10, but the hate for it is almost unusual.
Like, some one with a severe mental illness has to feel hatred for it. (and by severe, i mean at "Sonic-levels")
Somebody just made that thread again :)
I only shit on it because people swore it's the best 3d platformer to me. I felt lied to and even warned them if it was bad I'd shitpost about it. None of them adjusted their stance
GC's direct adversary was the PS2, and GC was the successor of the N64. It was doomed commercially no matter what.
The Gamecube is a good example of one step forward, two steps back. Going disc based finally was a good idea, and they (arguably) had better third party developer support but...

>No AAA Mario or Zelda title at launch. Smash didn't become this massive sensation until later. Luigi's Mansion was MAYBE worth a rental. That Star Wars game was pretty cool though.
>Xbox probably siphoned more than a few sales and had a legit killer app out the gate with Halo
>PS2 was dominating the market and was going to be hard to beat even in the best of circumstances. Nintendo's best bet was that the GC would be people's second system over the Xbawks.
>STUPID controller and goofy system design didn't help the kiddy reputation which was pretty much anathema to that gamers wanted in the GTA era.
>Speaking of that, no GTA, which defined this console generation.
>Failure to capitalize on online

The system only really appealed to kids and Nintendo diehards (who will buy fucking anything). They're lucky the Wii was such a success with casuals that it created an entirely new market for them.
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PS2 came out a year before and could play CD and DVD. I would also guess that N64 owners saw the great games on PS1 and were jealous, so they made a move next gen.
baby games for little white kids went out of fashion
Japanese console, did better in Japan
>Launches with a Luigi game
>Mario and Zelda were unfinished disappointments
>No 3 party support
>No Halo No GTA
>Purple lunchbox
>Hardly any games after 2003

Also the N64 and the lack of games turned people off from Nintendo.
>i shit on it because few people have different tastes than me
Sonic fan behavior
>No Halo No GTA
Because all the Sandbox/Shooter rarebabies moved to Xbox
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Nintendo was hemorrhaging fans right from the start. None of the systems they released past the NES could live up to the expectations the NES set, and as time went on and Nintendo continued to fail to live up to the NES legacy, more and more people moved on to the better alternatives. Simply put, none of Nintendo's later consoles had the quality of games library behind them like the NES did.
3/10 pleb
The NES only sold so well because it had a monopoly. Once nintendo had actual competition their sales became more reasonable.
Nintendo's choices in 5th and 6th gen have been discussed more than any other topic on this board, and that's saying something. Threads like this remind OP is probably a bot-post courtesy of 4chan to keep people posting. But this in twisted irony turns more people away as they grow increasingly fed up/bored of repeating the same conversations. STOP BOT POST OP'S.
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It was Nintendo's pigheaded greedy pride

>Not paying Sony a fee for use DVDs

They were seethin, and it was obvious.
it makes sense. don't help your competitor.
Less goodwill carried over from the previous console generation.
Kids were getting older and expecting Nintendo to step it up and compete with Sony. They sort of did, design-wise, but there were still the same big problems like Nintendo relying on first-party IPs which resulted in the Playstation getting a shitton more games, and exclusive games too.
Plus, you dumbass, there was a third major console in the mix called the Xbox, made by a company called Microsoft you may have heard of, and they DID step it up and try to go head to head with the PS2.
It's really fucking obvious if you thought about it for two minutes. The Gamecube was better than the N64, but Nintendo's strategy for it was still weak.
>>11240242 (OP)
You need to understand that the success of N64 hanged entirely on America. Nintendo came too late to Europe and lost to Sega with SNES, then Sony basically pulled off unseen levels of distribution / advertisement / dev support in there. In Japan N64 was dead on arrival because Sony had FF and DQ, and it lost to a fucking Saturn.
In US, Goldeneye was one of N64's main system sellers. It outsold MK64 and OoT there. It was one of the best selling games of the decade, and they didn't follow it up. Microsoft took note and basically made a huge competitor console with Halo 1 and w alone. Turned out that there was a huge auditory for multiplayer FPS on consoles and Nintendo lost it.
Not only that, Nintendo lost the claim that they were "ahead of the curve", as all 6th gen consoles had analogs and could do 3D on the same level as GC (if not better). It also probably lost some people when it made the console and its games kiddier, as it was clear they always tried to dodge that image in the West and later even made TP to "apologize" for WW.
5th gen's best selling console games were a mix Mario 64, OoT etc. with PS titles. 6th gen was clearly a new era of GTA and Halo. Nintendo IPs simply lost the crown of the most popular games around, as most people wanted GTA and FPS now, and this pretty much defined Western games for years to come.
GCN literally only appealed to pre-existing nintendy fans
N64 at least had Goldeneye which was basically proto-Halo
Xbox had a good compromise where DVD playback was an optional add-on you could buy if you wanted it.
Didn't you just have to buy the remote? There was no reason you couldn't have controlled the DVD player with a controller.
N64 games were good.
I was disappointed with n64 and turned into a pc gamer. Bought a pre modded ps2 in 2004 and stacks of cdr/dvd-r
I think the PS1/PS2 was so hyped and successful that it took away sales from other consoles too. Maybe people weren't so interested in what Nintendo, Sega and Microsoft had to offer at the time. GC has a solid library even though I thought its support from third-party developers was meager at the time. Games like Melee, Metroid Prime, F-Zero GX, RE4 and Wind Waker/Twilight Princess.
>>No 3 party support
That's just a lie. GCN had plenty of 3rd party support, a lot more than the N64 even.
The gap was not as big in Japan

And that is exactly what she said
Size of the discs hurt its potential.
It needed a better pump
And then the Wii came along and proved that the highest-quality console would sell the best, right? Come on dude, people buy stuff for stupid reasons always, it has approximately nothing to do with quality
it looks pretty good when set against the other 5th gen consoles.... ;)
Wii is basically an SNES One.
You're correct that Nintendo's success with the Wii had nothing to do with it being "quality", but Nintendo's failures with every console past the NES had everything to do with a lack of quality.
Because Xbox stole the main appeal that n64 had with local multiplayer. Nothing on gamecube could provide the 4 player experiences that halo could.
the remote was paying for the license to use it as a dvd player because microsoft didn't want to pay for that on each unit. they still do that shit by charging for dolby atmos separately on their new consoles
Wii was the best console of 7th gen and the last true retro console

I had every console for the PS2/GC/Xbox gen. Increased competition, lack of 'innovation', lack of functionality, lack of backwards compatibility, and lack of 'mature' games held Nintendo back.

As another poster put it - video games went through their 'mature' phase. Golden-Eye, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil were all obvious indicators that that's where things were heading.

PS2 dominated because of the DVD functionality and then just delivered on a gigantic library that hit every possible category you could ever dream of. Xbox came out of the gate really hot with Halo and ended up nailing online gaming before it became a key component of the next gen (I played Halo 2 the most that gen). Both really played up the 'mature' gamer shtick and captured the adult audience while trying to dispel the whole 'gaming' is for kids stigma.

Nintendo, while having a great first party line-up of games just didn't offer as much aside from that. It's funny, because today I still play Melee and Double Dash with friends but back then it just felt dull.
Source. Now!
just google it retard. who do you think owned patents on CD, DVDs, and blu-rays
>Source: Believe me bruh
you are full of bullshit.
The N64 had a bit more going for it:
>Unambiguously the Most Powerful Console on the Market
>Wasn't seen as a kiddie console
>People bought it expecting it to have a huge library with a constant stream of good releases like the SNES
N64 was a hugely dissapointing console that lacked games on multiple genres and barely had support from third-parties. The result was a library that was small, repetitive and aimed almost exclusively at normies. Nintendo has always been about playing safe and Rare followed the same formula except for Conker.
A lot of people just didn't want to repeat the miserable experience. Spending several years with almost nothing but games about jumping mascots and traditional action heroes gets really tiresome.
Even Nintendo was aware of this, that's why they made an effort to attract third-parties and brought back franchises like Fire Emblem or Metroid, aside from producing games like Eternal Darkness. Without abandoning their old audience, they wanted to appeal to other demographics. And they deserve praise for their efforts, but people didn't trust them for good reasons. And the competition was also really strong.
So nobody's gonna complain about OP's barely thinly veiled attempt at viral marketing?

NTA but Nintendo's business model has always (well, since the US NES release) been to own the media. That way they can guarantee to make money of every copy of every game regardless of whether a customer buys the game.
>constant stream of good releases like the SNES
Nintendo took a big risk releasing Luigi’s mansion as a launch title instead of Mario Sunshine.
And now they have to pay
I think he was asking about the image.
I think a lot of the hate comes from autists who get frustrated trying to 100% it, when every normal person who just played it through to the final boss would find it reasonably fun and entertaining
I bought 10 million N64's.
Millennials thought they were too mature for Nintendo at the time
Why does the dog have Fuck Me eyes?
>The game is a solid 7.8/10
What? You’re crazy. It’s a 7.4 at best, and I’m being generous.
There were fewer killer apps for the GC compared to the N64 or PS2

>Eidos PLC chief executive officer Mike McGarvey:
“The GameCube is a declining business,” he told The Times of London. He added, “If other companies follow us, [Nintendo] will have a hard battle to fight.”

>Robert Dyer, president of Eidos Interactive:
“We look at each title and try to determine if we think there is an opportunity on the Cube,” he told GameSpot over the weekend. “We released Hitman 2 and Italian Job for it and will continue to look at what might work with it. As of today, we haven’t announced anything coming up, but that isn’t to say we wouldn’t do something in the future.”

"At press time, Nintendo remained mum on the prospect of being publicly dropped by one of the industry's most visible publishers."
>such a larger library of games?

Because none of those games were GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas or the Pro Evolution Soccer series (or Madden in the US I guess), which were the reasons most people I knew bought PS2s in the UK.

Conversely, the N64 did have Goldeneye, ISS64 and Mario Kart 64, which lots of people I knew badgered their parents for N64s over.

It's all about the killer apps and the male older child/teenage market.
>There were fewer killer apps for the GC compared to the N64 or PS2
Name them all.
The Nintendo hype was dead and the Sony hype was huge.
Weren't the Gamecube discs miniDVDs in all but name anyway though?
SNES was 99% garbage games too
The N64 was so bad that it alienated millions of people who bought it. It made them swear off Nintendo for good. Can you blame them?
I grew up in America and only knew like two people with N64s, lots more with PS1s. The PS1 dominated the N64 in sales in America too.
The N64 being more powerful was pointless since tardtendo gimped it with the shitty cartridge format. Textures were small and blurry as fuck between the low resolution and heavy texture filtering, and they went overboard with the anti-aliasing effects making everything else look blurry too. It also suffered heavily from z-fighting textures, something that zoomers mostly have no idea about since N64 emulators didn’t properly render this until very recently.
Super Mario Sunshine
Pokemon Colosseum
Pokemon XD
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Mario Baseball
Mario Strikers
Mario Power Tennis
Starfox Assault
Starfox Adventure
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Super Monkey Ball
Super Monkey Ball 2
F-Zero GX
The legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
The legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Super Smash Bros Melee

GameCube have a lot of killer apps, cry harder bitch
>Pokemon Colosseum
>Pokemon XD
>Mario Baseball
>Mario Strikers
>Mario Power Tennis
Shovelware, nobody is playing this shit.
>Starfox Assault
>Starfox Adventure
Even GameCube drones don't considered these good.
>Sonic Adventure DX
>Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
>Super Monkey Ball
>Super Monkey Ball 2
These are ports which are better played on other systems.
So, by my count, you have 6, and they're all Mario and Zelda. Pretty sad library.
The Xbox took over as the console of choice for shooters and multiplayer, which were both a big part of why the N64 was popular in America (one of its best markets). The GoldenEye/Perfect Dark/Turok crowd all migrated to Xbox when Halo came out. No Mario 64 sequel at launch and Zelda going kiddy also did irreperable damage to it. All Nintendo had to do was iterate on what they had with the N64, but iteration has never been part of Nintendo's ethos for whatever reason, so they changed things up for no real reason by making the new Mario game one gigantic beach level and making the new Zelda game a children's cartoon when SM64 and OoT were both hailed as some of the best games ever made and they literally just had to take that foundation and make it bigger with better graphics.
I disagree with the idea that the Gamecube was a great console or better than the N64
The N64 has 2 serious candidates to best games ever, Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time, both extremely influential, and still very enjoyable to this day. It had a small library, but it had aroun 2 dozen very good to great games, if you count stuff like Mischief Makers, Sin & Punishment, Wave Race etc. And also, many of those games did things that couldn't be done on the first Playstation. It was the last generation in which hardware limitations was important for game design.

If you remove the multiplayer games from the Gamecube, like Melee and Double Dash, then the only 2 great exclusives it had were the F Zero game and Metroid Prime (which is better played on Wii with wii motes from the Metroid Prime Trilogy re-release, or in Switch with the HD Remaster with new textures)
F Zero GX is the only great singleplayer game trapped in that console.

Super Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker were huge disappointments.
The only reason I would buy a Gamecube is to play GBA games on a CRT.
I could not agree more. Nintendo had the console shooter market cornered with Goldeneye and they handed it to Microsoft on a silver platter.
Pretty much what this guy said. Killer Apps saved the N64 from a total nintendo failure and doomed the GC to be a side-kick.
>super monkey ball
>better played on other systems
Could not be more wrong.
The N64 sold better because people trusted nintendo following the SNES
After the N64 debacle, people started to move away from them and the lamecube sold less, even if it was "better".
>Super Smash Bros. Melee
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Metroid Prime 1 / 2
>RE4, REmake, RE0
>F-Zero GX
>Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
>Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
>The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess / Wind Waker / Four Swords Adventures / Master Quest
>Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
>Pikmin 1 / 2
>Star Wars Rogue Leader 2 / 3
>Super Monkey Ball 1 / 2
>Viewtiful Joe 1 / 2
>Tales of Symphonia
>Skies of Arcadia Legends
>Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
>Luigi's Mansion
>Mario Kart: Double Dash
>Animal Crossing
the playstation btfo the n64, so people expected more out of the ps2 than the gamecube
the n64 would have done worse if it wasn't for the snes doing so well, sega had already ruined their public opinion by the time the dreamcast came out so it never really competed with either generation

people were way more hopeful for the ps2 than anything else, and it came out first by a fair amount, and it could play dvd's which was a massive feature
i was never a nintendo kid, and even i don't understand why people dislike sunshine and wind waker
when i first saw the gamecube in a kiosk in my local store, running sunshine, i thought it was the nicest looking game i'd ever seen... it wasn't quite enough to make me pick a gamecube over the playstation 2 though
>Smash didn't become this massive sensation until later
smash was on n64 first. you do know that melee was the second game, right?
>all those shitty mario sports games
>killer apps
Fucking grim. Nintendo stopped making good sports and party games after the N64.
>muh mature gaymes
i'm glad i didn't go with the gamecube
funnily enough now that i'm older i'm more interested in the more childlike fun games than the "cool mature" games
like i'd rather play splatoon than call of duty modern ops warblack XII: zombie boogaloo
>That's just a lie

But it was true, it hadn't 3rd party support:

>NO PES 1, 3, 4, 5

and I am pretty sure that the list goes on.

Bu...bu... Twin Snakes...
Eidos walked that back in the end, actually. Towards the end of the GCN's lifespan they released Lego Star Wars and Tomb Raider Legend on the system.
>or the Pro Evolution Soccer series (or Madden in the US I guess)
Dunno wtf you're talking about here. GameCube had every Madden between 2002 and 2008, as well as every FIFA between 2002 and 2007, and also PES 2 in Japan.
N64 was actually massively popular in the US with the casuals, Mario 64 was a 3D revelation. It also accidentally became the dudebro/party console/secondary console of the generation by having 4 ports to play Goldeneye, AKI Wrestling games when rasslin was peak, Mario Kart/Mario Party, Smash. However in almost all other areas the console was severly lacking and in spite of a better variety of games and third party support the gamecube sold less. The N64 was already wobbly by 2000 and Dreamcast came gunning for the dude bros with the excellent 2K series, and Xbox picked up its torch when it launched with Halo and the best versions of EA and Visual Concepts games. Microsoft almost rode the Anglo dude bros total victory in the dark age of cowadooty, but mercifully PC and Playstation managed to make a comeback in the early 10s.
I like a lot of these games, but calling most of them "Killer Apps" is an extreme stretch.
Most of these have niche appeal (Monkey ball, Pikmin) or are multiplat (RE4, Twilight Princess, Sonic, Metal Gear, even stuff like F-Zero GX and Animal Crossing).
The RPGs (TTYD, FE9) are only relevant because they were the only solid RPGs on the 'cube; they are footnotes in overall RPG history. Same goes for Double Dash really, if MKWii was ported to GameCube I seriously doubt anyone would care about DD.
Some of these games are less relevant than their counterparts on the GBA (TTYD and FE9 (again), Mario Sports games, Pokemon).
Luigi's Mansion is whatever the exact opposite of a Killer App is. It's a Victim App.

The closest thing the Gamecube has to a real killer app is Melee. Is it the best fighting game of it's generation? Arguable. Does it even make the top ten? Also arguable. Even a lot of fighting game players don't care about it.

The Gamecube has one of the absolute weakest libraries of any Nintendo console. At least the N64 is top heavy.
You laugh but it was a big deal back then. Kids wanted to play games like Fable over Wind Waker because they seemed more mature and grown up. The marketing on the Gamecube was horrific.
that's been a problem for a long time, paradoxically, kids don't want to be seen playing games that look like they're for kids
that's how we went from spyro with friendly looking characters on the front to jak and daxter II, with the main character holding a fucking gun
> Kids wanted to play games like Fable over Wind Waker because they seemed more mature and grown up
meanwhile zelda is still thriving and fable is remembered as farts and faggots: the game
quality vs quantity
Nintendo fucked up hard by releasing Wind Waker at the time they did. All they had to do was make a GameCube Zelda in the style of OOT/MM with Adult Link, and the hype would have been insane.
It never ceases to amaze me how Nintendo fans DEMAND the EXACT SAME SHIT served up to them OVER AND OVER.
I still think Majora's mask should had gotten delayed and remade for the gamecube. Imagine having a dark and edgy zelda game like that in time for the gamecube's launch. I fully believe it would made the gamecube sell a lot at first. Instead majora's mask became one of the least sold main zeldas because it came out late on the N64's lifespam and required the expansion pack.
I honestly don’t think it was the game library which was really good. The GameCube was an excellent release imo it was just the weak link in a console generation of titans competing against the original Xbox’s debut and the PS2.
I think MM is a game where the limitations of the N64 (the dark, muddy graphics) works out in it's favor.
This. I’d be afraid to change anything about the formula that made Majora’s Mask (by my estimation the best Zelda game maybe tied with OoT, MM at least my favorite). Thinking back on the story of the production of the game it was a child of its circumstances.
another kiddie console only it had 1 game instead of 5
i'm pretty sure MM was a hard sell and only happened because "well we did all this work on these OOT assets and engines, we could do another really quickly"
there's no way it would have survived changing consoles
I've always thought Nintendo should have cut the N64 short by 1 year and released GameCube in 2000.

That was the original plan, too. Before "Dolphin", the very first codename of the GCN was N2000, signifying the planned release date.

With a 2000 release date they could migrate a lot of late-era N64 games over to the 'Cube instead. Majora's Mask, Perfect Dark, Banjo Tooie, Mario Party 3 and Conker's Bad Fur Day could have all been launch-year GameCube games. Maybe even Pokemon Stadium 2 as well, although they'd need to release the GameBoy Player alongside it so you could still connect your Gold/Silver/Crystal cartridges to it.
Kind of. It was a hard sell but because Majora’s Mask was originally supposed to be an Ocarina of Time expansion planned to be released on the N64 DD (disc drive) console add on hence why MM seems like bizarro world to OoT/you see reused assets from OoT. The N64 DD absolutely bombed and died almost immediately and it left the team with a partially done OoT and the company asked them to repurpose it into a game but like didn’t give them any additional time to their deadline (bearing in mind that they were originally working on what we’d later identify as a kind of DLC expansion and not an entire game, they were working on a shorter timeframe as a result assuming it was a smaller job). Ultimately that’s what they had to do and they somehow finagled repurposing their project into MM into something totally new. Anyhow, the rest is history. Majora’s Mask was the result of a clusterfuck, the N64 DD bombing. It was rushed, it was stressful, in a lot of ways it was incredibly improvised but someway somehow it gave us as masterpiece.
To my own point though Majora’s Mask would’ve never debut’d as a new game on GameCube. It wasn’t even intended to exist in the first place. Even if the GC gets released a year earlier they’d have made a new Zelda game with more time and able to start from scratch instead of jury rigging an add on for a previous game. It wouldn’t have been Majora’s Mask.
>The N64 sold better because people trusted nintendo following the SNES
And they got burned hard when they realized there was almost no games for it in the beginning. It started hitting its stride with Zelda OoT, but those first two years were miserable and sustained almost exclusively by Mario and Goldeneye.
>no gta
you forgot about streets of ny, easily top 5 gc game
>originally supposed to be an Ocarina of Time expansion planned to be released on the N64 DD
Wasn’t that OoT Master Quest?
nta, it was internally known as ura zelda (other zelda), and it did eventually turn into master quest, though i don't know if it was going to be the same game. like the gigaleak revealed things like majoras mask dungeons in the files for it, it could have had more content that ended up in majoras mask instead, which wouldn't have made sense to then also include in the released master quest

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