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We haven't had one of these in a while. What are you /vroom/ing, /vr/? Are you enjoying OutRun 2's PC fixes?
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I've been playing Moto Racer on PSX for the past few hours and holy shit, it's the best retro motocross game by far.
>Menu design is absolute timeless perfection
>Superbike gameplay is fast as fuck and doesn't fuck around; AI riders will leave you in the dust if you don't master the wheelie boost, making chases exciting
>Motocross also lets you do wheelies, as well as mid-air stunts
>The riders have a lot of fun little animations and attention to detail (raising elbows as the countdown reaches GO to rev the bikes and take off, looking over the shoulder to indicate incoming rivals approaching, changing stances when going downhill, turning left and right in mid-air etc.)
>If you crash into another rider, you will both go down, and other incoming riders will also crash into you as you lay on the ground to hilarious effect
>Game has multiple sounds for the bikes (idle, slow speed, medium speed, high speed, top speed) AND has unique revving sounds that play everytime you tap the acceleration so you can rev the bike anytime to your heart's content
>Music is catchy
>Announcer cheers when you go fast and jump high
>Handling is sharp and responsive
>Wheelies are great
>First person view actually has a fully modeled bike dashboard instead of just being a lazy "flying camera" like so many other racers of the era
Those frenchies sure knew something or two about fun.
I hate it too but is there really a solution to it?
Was it really that hard for devs to implement waypoints for AI back then?
Played Rally Cross.
>Impressive physics
>Cars look like bootleg chinese toys
>Presentation is cheap in general
>Racetracks are about as big as a dollhouse
>Chase camera is slow and doesn't show you where's you're going when you turn
>In-car camera is incredibly miopic
Did they have to sacrifice so much for those physics?
>AI cars
You mean CPU cars.
>CPU cars
You mean Other dudes.
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it also looks great
I've been replaying NFSU2 after pretty much 20 years and goddamn the game is UGLY. Not graphically, it's okay on that front, but it seems to really lack a coherent artistic direction, and most of the map looks like a grimy shithole excluding the hills. The city feels so dead. MW had that overbearing piss filter on it but at least it tried to have an unique look, U2 is a mess.
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Why are the PS1 GTs so ugly and pixelated, even for PS1 standards?
>Playing without a CRT or a CRT shader
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Gran Turismo never had "good" graphics until PS2.
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it's still ugly
Yes, I feel the same way, you had several racers that looked much better than GT1 & 2 but mags and people insisted that they looked soooo good... I felt gaslit in retrospective. Great games but they weren't lookers exactly.
Royale sucks though
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There's no shader that makes it look passable. One of the few 5th gen games I think it's permissible to increase the internal resolution.
Gran Turismo did a good job depicting real life cars but it's really just a novelty "that car your dad owns? you can drive it!". Their menu full lod car models aren't bad looking but I feel like NFS High Stakes had higher detailed car models and Ridge Racer Type 4 is artistically better looking overall especially the tracks and lighting.
You know what yeah I guess so
Don't care about GT anyways, it ain't fun
It was a non-arcade car game when that was a rarity. It had the 'feel' of realism and, for the time, exceptional graphics.

Standards improved. Car sims are like flight sims; each was incredible for its day but the newer one obsoletes and ages the previous.

The first time I played GT1, I watched the race replay twice because it was so realistic that I couldn't believe it. The hype was real, but it's hard to imagine now that things have improved so much.
It's a punishing game as well, all to easy to flip your car
Spot on, the replays were mind blowing back in the day
>each was incredible for its day but the newer one obsoletes and ages the previous
That's a good way to put it.
Good arcade gameplay and art design is timeless, while the empty pursuit of realism constantly seeks to invalidade the past.
It's more fun to look at than play, that's for sure.
GT is a amazing achievement you have no idea what you are talking about. RRT4 can't EVER display all the cars in the race at the same time. The AI will rubber band so there is only ever 3 cars on screen. Meanwhile GT does rolling start with all cars visible. That's a real showing of engine strength.
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Pretty sad that it's been over 10 years since an OR2 port, the last one didn't even include 2SP thanks to stupid XBLA policies too.
Maybe whatever new remake strategy sega are following will finally lead to something, does Ferrari even license out to vidya any more though?
>does Ferrari even license out to vidya any more though?
nvm I forgot assetto corsa exists, but not sure if there's many others besides that
V-Rally 2 on Dreamcast+CRT, it looks and feels great, it's somewhat comfy and relaxing driving through rain or snow

I've also been playing NFSU2 for the first time, I now totally get why it was one of dudebro's quintessential games. Relatable bling2k westjank for normies, easy, comfy, lots of content
Thanks anon gonna give it a shot. Having a hard time diving into psx racing library lately. There are good games but also a ton of forgettable garbage.
>NFSU2 with autoHDR enabled
It was a calculated risk but man, i sure am bad at maths.
Try out Moto Racer 2 as well. Maybe 4.
MR3 and World Tour suck ass, though.
Man I can't get into Rollcage.
You touch anything, ANYTHING at all, and you spin 180 degrees or you crash into something and have to reverse to get back into the race. The "face forward" button makes you spin around like a retard wasting precious time before you actually face the right way again.
Wipeout is just better.
Remember this is why GRIP sucked: you don't spin out by touching the scenery in grip and that is bad.
>you don't spin out by touching the scenery in grip
You do though. That's why it sucked.
Devs fixed this in Rollcage 2, which made it better than 1.
>all people concerned with this title
I'm concerned all right.
Is that why the contrast is all fucked up? I don't remember it looking like this.
No, the contrast probably looks bad on your LCD because of the enhanced contrast setting in the menu. The setting makes sense on crts but looks awful on most LCD panels.
I use to love me some single screen racing games, those things were like brain training for the tank controls that were just around the corner
Racing games don't have tank controls at all. You can't turn around while standing completely still in the vast majority of them.
Garage status: welcoming
yeah, let the AI lose
This is on the PSX? Holy kwaboli I thought the game was only on PC, where I played it back in the days. Got the game with a voodoo video card lol. I read that it's not easy to play on current computers but I'm able on Duckstation for sure!
Only let one guy catch up by the last lap but he can't just pass you with dizzying acceleration, he has to actually out race you.
It's better on PSX anyway. Has more soul too.
The fat fucks are GB finally approved the OR2006 page.

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Did you know that having a dirty car affects drag and makes your car slower in GT games?
That's really gay
Are the ford racing games worth a play? or are they just faux-demo shovelware?
I use to play Motoracer on my old Windows 98se machine with a GeForce 256 card. The game looked great at 800x600 running at 60fps. Though oddly the dirt bike stages ran at a lower framerate.
The top 5 /vr/ games to me for pure nostalgia really.

>1) f-zero
>never realised it was f-zero but went around a cousin's house in the mid 90's and played it. Too young to know anything but this was the hook for GOTTA GO FAST
>2) cruisin' USA
>was an arcade machine at a local restaurant - I went with my friend and family and bested everyone so much my older cousin put their foot on the brake so I would time out and they could have a go
>3) ridge racer
>getting thjis on PSX was head asplosion - seeing the sort of graphics from arcades when I got to watch my cousins play (I was too young really) at home was amazing
>4) need for speed III
>omg weather! omg night time! omg the diablo! holy shit I had that in my tom trumps collection! omg F50! I have (at the time) that poster on my wall!
>5) smuggler's run 2
>omg what a huge open world, such graphics, what a smooth framerate. THE FUTURE IS NOW YOUNG ANON
I legit bought a ps3 on release because of motorstorm and have no regrets. Hell the main reason I ditched console gaming is next car game (aka wreckfest) had a pc release first.
Forza has dozens of Ferrari cars.
GT is a collectathon. Everyone that played GT just filled their garages and showed them off to guests.
>that's a nice Dodge Viper, Dylan.
>no, no, that's ok you don't have to show me your JDM collection.
The guests would try to suppress their eye rolls.

Can you hold the hand brake on a car and rotate 360 from the center, IRL? Because you can do that in GT.
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Now play Moto Racer 2 and tell us what you think
Also PC version is somewhat better in some aspects
when you loop around on a single screen racer anr your going the opposite direction and now steering to the right makes you turn left on the screen needs the same mental training as turning left while facing the camera in Resident Evil
woah mama
All the polygons went into her face and boobs. Good to see their priorities are straight.
>lunar springs actually exists in the PC release
U1 is still great, until it raises the races to be 6+ laps in the second half of the campaign. But aeshtetical cohesion and car control is on point. U2 always felt too slidey (not in a fun drift way either).
I hate how you can't really recover from slides without losing speed once the tires start slipping. And yeah, I remember U1 looking a lot more cohesive and tidy. I guess I need to try replaying that one or Carbon
The only good thing about carbon are the graphics.
I agree, every few years I reinstall it on atmosphere basis alone, despite it being objectively worse than the previous games. It does have canyon races though.
is this the one where you can design your own tracks ?
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You might be thinking of Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000
No what I mean is if there's no rubberbanding then it's basically 2 outcomes every race
>if you fuck up, it's literally impossible to win unless they fuck up too
>if you don't fuck up, it's literally impossible to lose.
Good AI is also susceptible to fucking itself up. Don't know why so many racing games program rubberbanding but not a random chance of making mistakes that gets more likely the further ahead they are from the player. It makes opponents look more real that way.
>Right analog stick up/down is used for acceleration and braking
Why was this so common? Even PS2 games have it. What the fuck were they thinking? It sucks.
Moto Racer 2 is the one with the track editor.
More analog range. The Dual Shocks of yore lacked analog triggers (yes, PS2 buttons were pressure sensitive but they were ass) so that was the best way to provide analog range on PS1 and 2 without buying a NegCon.
It completely removes the function of being able to brake while holding the gas though.
So like IRL racing?
what do YOU think of it?
Similar to the Need For Speed situation, the PS1 frame rate is abysmal enough to get in the way of enjoying it but it does have better flair than the PC version. On PC you do get an insanely huge grid and you can weave by them with full frame rate and unhindered input. They're both good. I've only played Moto Racer 1 demo when I was a kid but I hear that MR1 is actually more soulful than MR2.
more retro racers
the trick to this is to never touch anything while turning, and always land on straight wheels after even the smallest of jumps and bumps
or play as Jet because that grip stat really helps
If I wanted hyperrealism I would go for a racing game that bills itself as much, which isn't many.
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Apparently this is the only wheel with force feedback for the Xbox, but I can only find someone selling the PS2 version.

You think it will work fine if I use a PS2 -> Xbox adapter?
moto racer world tour is good too, but motocross levels are the best ones.
I tried it out, it literally runs at 20 FPS according to the emulator.
Jesus Christ.
so this is going to sound kinda crazy but hear me out -
>Enthusia racing on PS2 is my main racing sim and the one I got into sim racing with but I've always felt as though the cars were incredibly slow despite what the speedometer says. You will go 60 mph and still be able to easily tell details on buildings you pass which, as most know, isn't how it is in real life. Highway speeds should feel quite intense on narrow streets.
>decided to set the game speed on the PS2 up to 110% just to see if it felt more realistic and lo' and behold it feels close to perfect. Maybe 108% would be a bit better but you immediately notice that intensity thats present in rally racing sims but not in Enthusia (even on rally tracks) returns.
>tried it several times now and while not all maps benefit from 110% the ones that a do all feel near perfect with it. The game no longer feels like it's moving at a snails pace on the big long tracks and rally races.
doesn't that fuck up the physics/control response?
I went from constantly trying to go way too fast because it felt like I was barely even going 45 mph sometimes despite the speedometer saying 70 to playing better and enjoying the game more. It went from flawed to not flawed
I went from constantly trying to go way too fast because it felt like I was barely even going 45 mph sometimes despite the speedometer saying 70 to playing better and enjoying the game more. It went from flawed to not flawed
I just need to find a way to fine-tune the speed beyond 10% increments so I can find the absolute best speed for each map.
I went from constantly trying to go way too fast because it felt like I was barely even going 45 mph sometimes despite the speedometer saying 70 to playing better and enjoying the game more. It went from flawed to not flawed
I think that may be an issue on some consoles or emulation cores, maybe? but not on PCSX2, it plays like a dream, drifting around corners feels perfectly natural. and I will mention that I was inspired to do this after playing some rally racing games which feel incredibly intense and fast paced unlike the rally tracks in Enthusia that just feel slow to race on.

that's so weird that it double posted.
its not as bad on a crt but consider this: most of the greatest games since the move to 3d run at 30fps or less in general. The almighty doom is considered full speed (which not many systems could do in 1993) at 35fps. In the grand scheme of vidya 60fps and especially above is a relatively recent thing with the ps2 being the outlier for having some high profile games doing 60 (and don't think the pc space was much different).
i'm sold!
whats better about PC?
how is it even possible for my app to get this messed up? It was like double posting my previous comment somehow. fuck that I'm back on PC
I wish a girl looking like that would let me hump and jack myself off with her boots/tighs like a dog while she lays bored on a couch looking at her phone with that resting bored impatient bitch face
RR4 still looks amazing, gameplay is not perfect for me but the visuals, style and music keeps me hooked
Music quality is pretty constant across the entire series, at least in the /vr/ and PSP entries, I haven't really tried the later ones
The first game ran at 30. If the series as a whole always ran at 20 then it would be fine, but it's just a downgrade from an older title to a newer title.
It likely won't. The adapter needs to translate FFB signals correctly and I seriously doubt there are adapters that actually bother with that.
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I think it would work but you're probably right.
Anyway, just found out there was this wheel as well with FFB and there's a seller near me for it.

Time to cop.
Yeah that sounds like a much better option. Planning to play Rallisport Challenge 2 with it?
First some Sega GT 2002 most definitely then Outrun after that yeah Rallisport 2, only played the first one.
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This reminds me i've got some wheel and pedals in my closest that I only get used for gran turismo 1 and 2. If I can find the full cable set for it (lmao >25 years of storage) I should be able to hook it up to my psx and have some retro fun. I know the cables are around somewhere but still, gotta be somewhere.
i haven't played OG Gran Turismo for PSX in ages. and i still never learnt to drift properly in any videogame.
>I was barely even going 45 mph sometimes despite the speedometer saying 70
Gran Turismo since the PS2 days had this problem. Patch the FOV in 3 or use the secret menu in 4 to widen it and it feels so much better, lap times instantly improved.
>Music quality is pretty constant across the entire series, at least in the /vr/ and PSP entries
The PS2, PSP and 7th gen games were a completely different era and I don't like it.
Ah, so that's why 1 and 2 feel so much faster.
Interestingly enough the PS1 games had a setting for FOV but instead of numbers it's just 3 levels of normal, narrow, and wide.
Get away from me and so she said
You're like a social disease
I'm so tired of being afraid of you
She sees
Save yourself look and see
Think about it, sweet sixteen
You could be anywhere
See yourself standing there
She's my death She's my death
He can't stop imposing himself on her
He likes the way that she is
His heart beats, fingers all over her
wowow. looks like I'm not crazy. and yeah it's really obvious when you can tell minute detail on the wall next to you at 70mph that the speed/scale or something is really off.
>use the secret menu in 4
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GT4 fags this is for you
I just tried another new track and car at 110% game speed and it once again feels much more realistic. going 130mph and walls look like they're moving 130mph.
it's telling that they included a speed blur effect which you can toggle on and off. as though going fast and having your eyes see the surroundings in a blur is something god created a visual effect to make happen in real life or something lol.
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Why is GT4 Online Beta half the size of the original game? Doesn't it retain all the content?
I don't know about you but these seem racist
I think you are retarded.
I think you're too autistic to pick up jokes
Clearly it was a shit joke.
In gameplay and style maybe
In music PSP is basically old tracks from ridge, rave, rage and r4 with some original tracks that I think are good and matching and often by the same composers as before
I liked it
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real shit
Is the JogCon even compatible with games other than RRT4 and RRV?
iirc it emulates a negcon for backwards compatibility.
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I've been trying this one for a couple of hours, really neat mod so far, I like the changes and customization. The only downside is having to start over from zero but at least the cheats to get the licenses, money and complete the missions work from day 1. The new bonnet camera is a lot better than the awkward roof camera, and the event shakeup makes going through the game again feel fresh.
also, I like that finally there's a use for street tires now that they're the default
I've been blessed by the RNG gods

Supposedly GT4 Online Beta has different physics but I cannot find anywhere that documents what had changed. With the new default tires and global assists off, GT4 went from the real understeer simulator driving through peanut butter to no traction sliding through every turn. There's like no middle ground to this unless I spend money to add grip back.
Forgot pic
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>Supposedly GT4 Online Beta has different physics but I cannot find anywhere that documents what had changed
I feel the cars are grippier in my first impressions so you might feel lucky if you're in need of grip.

Another aspect I'm liking so far are the engine sounds, much improved and varied. It was one of the weakest aspects of GT4.

Also, another addition is the interior camera, but let's say it's not too... pretty, as you can see in pic related. Also no rear view nor rear mirror in this mode. Although I bet it will look better with open wheel cars and roadsters.
jogcon detected
Look at this quality. Makes me nostalgic for early NFS titles.
We're also at the point where there's now more GT games with Ferraris than without.
Video previews for tracks in arcade mode were reduced to still images
Less garage 'em ups, more racing.
There's NO WAY the videos took up that much space to demand dual layer
More GT4 Spec II impressions:

Difficulty is a bit undertuned so far, at least for the beginner, professional and regional events. I don't know if this is because now cars have street tires by default (rivals will either use N3 or S2 tires with normal road cars) but the rivals seem slow and it's easier to get high A-Spec scores (haven't tried the event synthesizer stuff yet). It could also be the different physics of the GT4 Online Beta the mod is based on; I'm finding that car handling feels both grippier and more oversteery, drifting through corners comes easier and steering corrections are also easier to perform. It feels in a lot of ways closer to GT3 than the original GT4 did, less demanding but fun in a way. I still have to try a car with racing slicks, but both road and sports tires feel good so far.
They're pretty relaxed about licensing now. They still don't allow you to rice your stuff substantially though, so while they're in nu-nfs for example you can only stick racing parts on your car.
The change in physics makes me curious to try it more than anything else ngl
In my first seed, my random prize fat fuck stock Mercedes convertible couldn't catch up to a 300C in the FR event. Didn't seem so easy to me.
I'm doing all the initial events I can with a stock BMW Z3 and I can easily beat cars that are 70-130 HP more powerful, while rocking road tires against their sport tires, netting 120-180 A-Spec points per race in the process. Exception being when a fucking Elise appears and begins the race in the top place.
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Can someone learn me what happened with the test drive series? It had cops chase you in the streets and a cool mode where you could pull people over as a cop.

Did the studio go on to make other racing games?
Which game made you feel like something happened to it?
It was more the 12 year gap between the last 2 games that confuses me
I looked up the wikipedia page and the games history is nuts, 8 different publishers, 14 different developers
They took it for a test drive
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They removed the juggling.
Ah valkyria chronicles, that well known retro racing game.
Its even worse with Chess bot fighting you.
I liked Ford Racing 2 and 3. Replayed them to 100% pretty recently. I felt 2 was better than 3, personally.
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This >>11258530 anon here

After playing a bit more, I think the reason the game feels easier is because in this game the AI cars don't use driving aids. You can tell in standing starts, they start very slow whereas in OG GT4 they launch like rockets thanks to the high TCS setting. I don't know if this is a thing from the mod or the GT4 Online Beta, but anyways it seems like it affects AI's speed for the worse.

Also, I ran back to back tests between normal GT4 and this mod using the Toyota GT-ONE stock in arcade mode in Trial Mountain and Fuji 80s (no driving aids). Definitely quite different in physics, OG GT4 feels a lot more jerky, the car's suspension more rigid, tires grip less and screech more... weirdly enough I put similar lap times in both versions but the driving feel couldn't be further away, in GT4 it feels like you're battling the car, but the physics of the GTOB/Spec II mod feel 'friendlier' and it's easier to manhandle the car into submission. It's very noticeable in steep turns like the last section of Fuji 2005, in GT4 the cars want to go wide on corner exit, in this version it's very easy to hit the apex and commit to a good exit line. If you prefer GT3 physics over the GT4 physics, give it a go.
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European racing game
>Play as real world racing driver Bingleborf Celebrityton from Sheffield who you likely don't care about
>Intro is usually a moody animation of CGI cars being tuned or raced
>Most predictable and logical car physics in the genre (at the time)
>Usually little story to be found beyond "race through all the tracks, win, go back to main menu"
>Electronic music

Japanese racing game
>Play as an anonymous, sometimes (for some reason) legendary driver that any loser could project themselves onto
>Intro is usually an inspiring animation of CGI cars or characters featured in the game
>Arcadey physics that still follow certain rules of how cars generally behave
>Usually has a story, or at the very least a primer which is usually good for imagination
>Jazzy upbeat music

American racing game
>Intro is usually just stock footage of the (usually american) motorsports the game is based on
>Realistic physics for turn-left derivatives, otherwise arcadey
>Only story to speak of are scanned pictures of real people (and sometimes half-naked trophy girls) all over the screen
>Rock music

Which one do you prefer?
JP > EU > US

I don't think I've ever fallen in love with a US made racer
>>Play as real world racing driver Bingleborf Celebrityton from Sheffield who you likely don't care about
name 3 euro games that do this
most games I can think of, you just create a profile of yourself
How many european F1 games out there don't have a selection of Bingleborfs to choose from? Changing their names to whatever you want just for a save file isn't really substantial, and not even the default option in most of them.
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I miss psygnosis.
I even miss studio33 and studio liverpool.
Are the 98, 99 and 2000 titles at the top row good?
simulators that are based around a real series and often a specific season, have drivers from that specific series in that specific season - that neither applies to all european games, nor applies to only european simulators
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they were real drivers anon
Are you really going to make me explain why I used "Bingleborf" as a humorous obviously-fake name to refer to all the real-world drivers in racing games?
98 is bad. I think 99 and 2000 are OK. I played only those demos of each three games.
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Yeah, something is wrong with the AI in this mod, at least in this new event (JGTC 300), the AI can't stop spilling spaghetti and binning it in half of the turns. Even my rookie B-Spec driver at the slowest pace has no problem winning these races, and the car is not overpowered at all.
apparently some updates were released recently that fixes this among other things
>Version 1.03
>Reduced JGTC GT300 event AI confidence values to lower chances of AI running off-track
But the JGTC GT500 event still suffers from mentally challenged AI. Oh well, it will get fixed eventually I suppose.
I finally played Outrun 2. I'm getting filtered hard by the arcade mode but the missions are fucking awesome
Jokes like that work better if you rhyme it with an actual driver's name
OK, Finno Autisten. Maybe on next year's championship you won't spin out.
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The Viper GTS Coupe
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>no racing trim
In my case, Sega gt 2002 is filtering me.
Just use the weapons
>Honda City Turbo

Such a soulful, little car
Dios mio!
f1 teams don't even want to paint their cars anymore because it adds weight to them
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I've always appreciated the inner peace conveyed through the driver's body language.
lmao, seriously? that's some speedrunner shaving off seconds autism
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you can google it
that's not black paint, is the carbon fiber exposed
Why am I unable to see how shit Test Drive 5 if you keep telling me it is?
Have you had any concussions recently? A history of substance abuse?
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maybe you just never crash into anything and never look behind what the AI does
>Those crashes
That's what you call fun.
Modern F1 teams want faster cars instead of gitting gud. This is why the past is better.
I still can't quite wrap my head around how progression works in ridge racer v.
I just can't stop sliding once my car starts sliding, it's hard to control
Nice TikTok, faggot.
I feel the same way as you.

What I can ascertain you have to "promote" every car to the upper league. So it's kind of like how THPS works where you're beating the career mode with every skater.
Who remembers Flat Out? The first one is my favourite, I only wish the game had an rally mode or more stages variety
Wreckfest is basically flat out 1: HD edition.
Is it legit or too modern?
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FlatOut is not fun.
Control is too janky and the way nitro works isn't conducive to fun racing.
>fun racing
Is it the contact element
It's how you can earn boost by smashing into objects alongside the road. I feel like it gives the racers in front an advantage and forces you to fight with other drivers to try to gain boost that way, which then runs up against the control issues. Battling other racers results in too many spinouts to keep the game exciting.
It's janky to be honest but the car destruction is really cool, I also like how grunge and raggered they're
Anyone tried this? Potentially could unfuck the biggest issue with the PC version.
I know this game isn't retro, but I'm curious if there is anything retro that's like Burnout Paradise. I'm kind of a casual racing game player, I'll pick one up now and then and enjoy them but it's not a top genre overall. There's something about the open world free-form gameplay of Burnout Paradise that it became by far my favorite racer ever.
NFS underground 2? You have an overworld that you drive around and do various races in
Midnight club. Smuggler's run 2 if you aren't too picky about the definition of open world.
Midnight Club series, but it doesn't have much in the way of crashing damage physics.
Cool thanks! I'll look into them, it is mostly the open nature of it that I like, I don't care a ton about crash physics or that kind of event.
Is anorexia widespread in formula racing?
There's a minimum driver weight, if they go below that they have to add a ballast until they go back to ballast and driver being >70 kg
Anon, is the race... a war? When every chase is a battle, and every overtake is an attack, is the racing driver the cavalry of tomorrow?
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Man that GT4 Spec II mod is all kinds of fucked in regards to difficulty. I think I'm gonna put it on hold because the rivals are simply too slow. Maybe after a few updates they'll fix it. Shame because I like the handling and the other features.

A race war, even
Not to mention no superior PAL soundtrack, so you're missing over a third of the race music.
Did they at least include the rest of the Masahiro Andoh tracks from the JP version?
I play mute since I'm sick of the GT4 soundtrack but I think it's just the same as the US version
sequels are kino too.
Was GT1 the only /vr/ GT with a good racing soundtrack in the Western editions?
Yes. Some people like the US GT3 soundtrack but it's too noisy for me outside of some nice tracks like the ones from Judas Priest or Motley Crüe.
Recently I beat Diddy Kong Racing for the first time. I had it as a kid and never beat it. For how kiddy it is, the game is surprisingly hard. The silver coin challenges were definitely the hardest part about the game. I unlocked Adventure Two mode, which is apparently even harder. I've kind of had my fill of the game for now, though, so maybe I'll come back and complete that some other day.
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That's a simple well made game. Fun and addictive. The only bad things is the suicidal AI, but GT7 prepared me for this.
I wish there was a real destruction derby 3.
I don't understand how Studio 33 got the DD atmosphere so right with RAW and then shat it up completely with Arenas.
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>atmosphere so right with RAW
Atmosphere is the only thing they got right and for a racing game that isn't enough.
are you telling me that the AI cheats in racing games and it wasnt just me being salty at mario kart 64?
lol, why is this shown as if it was an amazing quote?
The guy doing that was a fan.
bro's really taking a kanye west shitpost titlescreen seriously
The tracks were great.
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Favorite 2D racers?
>Super Sprint
>OutRun 1986
>Road Fighter
>Pole Position
>Road Rash
>Super Hang On
>Super Monaco GP
>F1 Race
In Mario Kart's case there's also how power-up distribution works: the further you are from first, the more likely you are to get stronger items
Micro Machines, Top Gear 2, Rad Racer 2
I'm partial to Crazy Cars 3 as well but it's purely nostalgia, the game isn't great

you should check out Motocross Champions on Famicom. If you can beat the final 8th course you're my hero
the last two
Lotus turbo challenge
>you should check out Motocross Champions on Famicom. If you can beat the final 8th course you're my hero
I've been playing it for 20 minutes and have beaten the first race. Fun game, if you're around in these threads i'll post my progress
also meant to say thank you for the recommendation anon
>>OutRun 1986
Good taste.

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