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After seeing a dogshit tier list from plebbit, I figured "fuck it, see what the good people of the Boards have to say"...seeing as I trust a redditor's opinions about as far as I'd trust a discord mod around kids.

Like, I know Bubsy 3D is absolute trash (though it gave us Syphon Filter)...but what else is *actual* garbage, with 0 redeeming qualities?
>I trust a redditor's opinions about as far as I'd trust a discord mod around kids.
People here are deceitful as fuck, they tell you an obsucre game they've never played is the best shit ever and there was a thread where anons were claiming Bubsy 3D was actually great. Spend too much time here and you actually start subconsciously beliving all this shit and parroting the same tired opinions
>Mario 64 worst platformer ever
>Silent Hill reddit series
>Bubsy 3D? Now that's a misunderstood masterpiece, a true gem
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pretty much everything on the Amiga from what I hear despite its abilities.
Oh trust me, I know Chans can be squirrely, but this is more a gathering of opinions, whereas Redditors tend to circlejerk and treat the opinions of CCs as gospel, rather than form their own stance.

And besides, worst comes to worst, I sniff out a troll or two, get flamed, etc. Certainly nothing I'm not used to, already.
Damn near everything released by Phoenix Games
They released almost a hundred games for the PS2 in Europe, and a grand total of like two of them are even worth looking at
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>from what I hear
Quintessential "I don't play retro games at all" post. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't have much in the way of exclusive masterpieces, but most games are fine and definitely don't fit in the "0 redeeming qualities" category. That's stuff like the R-Zone.
Sweet Jesus, that cover alone screams "We're doing our best not to get sued"...I can practically smell the bottom of the bargain bin at like...Poundland.
Bubsy 3D is kino. What are you, out of your mind?
Tiger owes the games industry an apology (esp. for the Game.Com). Granted, I never suffered the R-Zone, but I can recall various humdrum road trips that got mileage out of a Batman handheld.
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Back in the day, one of my HS friends did get an Amiga 1000. Rest of us were naturally envious. I really don't remember much besides Ebonstar since 4 of us could play at once, and R-Type which was my favorite in the arcade.

But for the most part, it seems Amiga games were graphically impressive, but meh on the gameplay.
Cosmic Race on PS1. It's so bad, you can't even have fun with it accidentally. So bad that Game Players magazine actually changed their grading scale to add a new category for 0% ranked games called Cosmic Race.
Made by a company during the very beginning of the PS1's life in Japan, that went on to do nothing else ever. It's clear they had no one on staff who had any idea what to do, since nearly every single asset is taken directly from the official PS1 SDK. They attempted to make a racing game, and included most of what would be required to make a racing game. But they left out two important things for a racing game to exist. Collision detection and usable controls.
See those other racers? You can move right through them. See those walls? You can travel through them. There is no collision detection at all. Don't worry about hitting anything, you can't. Ever. Of course, this makes it sound easy to race, right? Well, first you need to figure out how to move forwards. Can you figure out the magical combination of buttons required to move forwards? Good luck with that.
E.T. is playable. Bubsy 3D is retardedly hard but playable. Even tripe like Wall Street kid can be fun for a little while. Cosmic Race is the shittiest game ever outside of the Spectrum ZX's library.
Unisonic Champion 2711, the only system based on the General Instruments middle-of-the-road spec, putting it between pong-on-a-chip and the Intellivision. So it does get the same CPU, but a very simple combined audio/video chip. This allowed it to only display white caps alphanumeric text, coloured playing card symbols and a green background. A card games machine, bland but can't be that bad surely.

Imagine playing Concentration, but it takes ages to play between turns and you pick cards by pressing the button to STOP on a line # and then again on a letter. Just get a pack of cards at that point, you could probably run to the store to buy one before a game is even over.

The idea of a system for your LCD games sounds pretty budget early 80s (iirc was tried before too), just kinda felt like a last hurrah for their LCD games. It wasn't expensive, just $30 for any system format on launch and that would drop very quickly.

Sure, but I think anon wants actual non-hyperbolic garbage. Bump 'N Burn fits the bill, but I haven't played the actual Amiga version, just the CD32 which is a bit different. AI is absolute bullshit and I don't think some later bits are humanly playable with the AI bumping you off the tiny not rainbow road.
Well, fuck, I'm sold. Now I GOTTA give it a go.
The one thing I ever wanted to play on the Amiga as the definitive superior version was Waxworks.
Wimbledon, a late release for the Master System. A tennis game that is rather spastic yet doesn't do anything at all interesting. You need to allocate skill points in the tournament mode and all that really does is make your character unplayably shitty until you win enough to still be shittier than your opponents. There's no way to improve aside from progressing, so your character basically feels terrible to play. iirc hitting far in the corners requires your stats to be high enough, so you are at the mercy of the AI being braindead instead. It's not very interesting if you play exhibition with a good character either. It got a Game Gear version too, so you can suffer on the go for short periods of time.

>A Tennis Game is Shit

Imagine my shock.
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Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum for NES.

First time I heard the title screen I thought the game was broken.

Controls (poorly) like a cinematic platformer (lot of animation, wind up in movement) but the stages are designed around precision platforming.

Collision detection for enemies and platforms is not good. In the latter case, not only unintuitive, but sometimes inconsistent.

Better to avoid enemies than to fight. Unsatisfying, no direct forms of combat (instead relying on planting bombs that are either timed or detonated via remote).

Graphical design feels like a generation behind. Music sounds like a programmer checking off contractual obligations. I don't remember any SFX; either unmemorable or non-existent.

Poorly designed progression. 24 floors, subdivided into multiple platforming stages. Most can and should be skipped due to irritating repetition; it is a genuine waste of your life. Can beat it in 10 minutes with foreknowledge.

Positives: Puts every other game on NES in perspective. Has utility as the best choice of software if you're trying to convince someone these video game things they keep hearing about is not worth their time or money.
Dangerous Vaults is a pornographic parody of Tomb Raider with low-quality 3D sex animations that activate when enemies or traps catch you. It's bad as porn, bad as a game, AND bad as a porn game (in that successful play causes you to see few sex scenes).

Good luck finding a playable copy of it though.

holy fuck
>Spend too much time here and you actually start subconsciously beliving all this shit and parroting the same tired opinions
Contrarianism isn't contagious, you're either a faggot or you're not.
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Grabbing ports for unsuited lesser known systems, especially computers, feels a bit like cheating, but Sharp computers did have a decent go in some computer centric European countries in the early 80s until the more usual suspects took off and centralized that market a bit.

It does give me an excuse to bump with the majesty that is Car Mappy though. More difficult, lacking the bonus stage and being a less floors variant, doesn't register at all in the looks department unless you have an expensive piece of hardware (which was an import deal in Europe iirc) at which point you get some sprites at least. At this point it's not a case of there being a better port anymore.
AIDS Simba, yassified Mulan and Steve Buscemi as Hercules
Sweet lord what the fuck is this cover art
"Legally distinct so as to avoid getting our kneecaps broken by the Mouse." ass designs.
>since nearly every single asset is taken directly from the official PS1 SDK
There was an official SDK? What was its name? Are said assets available somewhere on the internet?
No I'm kinda like that anon except I don't shitpost, when I'm lurkin I have a lot of threads open
So back in the 90's a company named Dingo Pictures made a bunch of Direct-to-VHS rip-offs of popular cartoon films. The kind of stuff nobody actually intends to buy but your grandma sees Animal King in the bargain bin and figures it's probably that Lion King movie she'd heard about and you end up having to watch a shitty cartoon rip-off instead of the real thing.
Dingo never really got past the VHS-era and went out of business as DVDs started catching on. Meanwhile a company called Midas Interactive was publishing garbage video games by the ton on PC, and was moving towards invading the console space.
What Midas ended up doing is taking these awful Dingo Pictures animations they licensed for next to nothing, bundling in a couple shitty minigames like a jigsaw puzzle and pushing it out on a PS1 disc. This turned out to be a succesful venture.
In fact it was so succesful that the people behind Midas wanted to start a new company dedicated purely to publishing trash, as Midas had developed a bit of a good reputation publishing real japanese games in english on PS2. Under the Phoenix label they thought they could publish literally anything on a PS2 disc due to the consoles massive success and somehow still make a profit, and they were right.
These animations weren't all they published, Phoenix also released a lot of really really bad original video games and a few strange japanese localizations which didn't end up under the Midas brand for reasons unknown.
Two titles they made stand out above them all in shittiness and Kiddies Party Pack is one of them. Remember those awful minigames packed in with the Dingo cartoons? Well they ripped out the cartoons and made two bundle packs of just the fucking awful minigames.
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Ullillillia thread?

Your comic wit surely knows no bounds, anon. You will go places, I'm sure.
I genuinely can't think of anything to like about Superman 64
nigger you are being contrarian about being a contrarian.

you are a double contrarian which makes you a triple nigger. Fuck you.
i had ARMORINES project s.w.a.r.m. on ps1 as a kid and it was a dogshit bland fps
I never heard of this one. i have to try it just to see how bad it is for myself.
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Uncanny X-Men for the NES was a total mess and a waste of a good license. I rented it once, played through it a few times and never played it again. What a bunch of hot garbage that one was...
Armorines isn't even close to being as bad as its reputation makes it out to be. It's just bland and unfinished (the PSX version even more so).
Lots of great games on the Amiga
>Settlers 1
The list goes on...
Carmageddon 64 - terrible graphics, framerate, handling and game objectives. You're supposedly racing and trying to mow down zombies in some missions, but it's very hard to figure out where to go next, you have like 1 second to react to the next turn. It's actually incredible how bad it is and what shocked me even more is that the PC version of the game is apparently highly regarded. Sometimes these games give you an appreciation for how hard it is to produce a good game because it's not like there are some easy fixes you could make, not every retard can make a decent game.
hey screenshotfag you should try out forsaken on the playstation it's really impressive
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I want to play it but I want to play all Descent first. Outside of Forsaken / Descent and the shitty ports of Rainbow Six I've played every 5th gen console FPS
I'd do the descent games on playstation too. Just judging from how Forsaken turned out.
Carma64 wasn't developed by Stainless, that's why it's completely different.
King Arthur and the Knights of Justice for Super Nintendo.
The game is open, but doing things out of order usually renders the game incompletable, even collecting items that you'll need in a few minutes.
You need magic(?) to use fireballs, which are necessary for bosses and can only be obtained very slowly on a few screens by constantly re-entering and fighting enemies, and they're not guaranteed to appear, so you can miss the spawn points completely.
The game expects you to know to enter your inventory and use three items while standing near a non-descript altar even though that's not how you interact with anything else, and you're given no clues that you should do this other than something being wrong in a different area that you visit later.
Say you need to collect Wally's Key of Truth. Only Wally can pick it up, so you take Wally as your companion. You travel out, complete a long teleporter puzzle, go through a castle, and Wally steps up with special dialogue and bravely challenges the boss. Except he doesn't have a shield yet, so he can't shoot fireballs, so he can't hurt the boss. The door is locked, so you're forced to sit there and die. Next time, you don't take Wally (realistically, you got wrecked by this stupid trick earlier and would know better than to tke Wally to complete Wally's quest). This time Arthur fights the boss, and it's a cakewalk. The boss drops Wally's key, but you can't touch it. So you go all the way back home, get Wally, then come all the way back and pick up the key. It's a travesty.
One more thing, this is a late SNES game that still uses passwords, and the passwords don't record your location or your inventory, including quest items.
retard here, do you make your screenshot collages in photoshop or something? what's the easiest way to make these?
Speaking of botched licenses, Alien for the Atari 2600.

Like, the bar is already insanely low, you'd expect a clone of...like...Adventure of something, but NOPE. Instead, we got an INCREDIBLY mediocre Pac-Man clone.
I'd be genuinely interested to get your impressions afterwards. Played it originally as a kid; maybe there's some bias there.

I've beat a good 60+ games on the console and played maybe double that, so I do have a breadth of experience. But it still stands out even among other noteworthy turds.
nta. If I were to make a collage like that, I'd probably drop the screencaps into Inkscape (freetard answer to Adobe Illustrator.) Then with object snapping on, just arrange them and they'll snap together like lego bricks. Finally select everything and export as an image. I might have to do additional adjustments in GIMP since Inkscape will do annoying things like produce a 1001 pixel wide image when you told it 1000.
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Superman 64
Superman 64
Superman 64

I rented that piece of fucking shit as a kid for the weekend and every day I have regreted that weekend lost to that putrid pile of goat shit. Even AVGN couldn't truly trash that game, no one can it just has to be played to realize just how awful and terrible a game it is.
Yeah, Superman 64 always seems to be one of the universal go-tos when it comes to the question: "What's a really shitty game that you can't even PRETEND to enjoy?"

That being said, I'm trying to make a list of console games listed here so I can try them all myself, maybe include anon descriptions, then my own opinion after experiencing the trashfire for myself.
"It couldn't be THAT bad" I think to myself as I find it preloaded on my Powkiddy.

>Play it over the course of my break

Oh no. Ohhh nooo.
This shit deserves a full on review once I'm no longer trapped in my wage cage.
I just stick them together in paint, and always try to get native res screenshots when I can
Carmageddon 64 is terrible. Although you could have some retarded fun in splitscreen multiplayer, laughing at how horrible the physics are and trying to make retarded shit happen with it
Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing

Wonder if I can find that on MyAbandonware...Like, I've heard how absolutely shite that game is, from broken AI, to Broken Maps, to a slipshod, busted UI, AND the fact that some retard in development forgot to add an upper-limit to reverse acceleration, but I've never had the displeasure of experiencing the game, myself.

Kinda due to a lack of interest in racing/sports titles. I wanna say I saw a physical copy once, but I chose to pick up a double-bundle of Dungeon Keeper 1&2, instead.
I only just now realize he is moving in a spiral.
Beat-em-ups are tend to have quite a lot of shit. Turns out it is a hard genre to do right despite its simplicity and even then the genre is a divisive one.

Lethal Weapon is probably one of the more boring ones I have played and it doesn't play well either. The Game Boy and NES version are largely the same, but I guess the Game Boy one is better because it lacks levels and you are done quicker.

The Arcade, Computer and SNES versions are more alike as an action platformer type game even if that game wasn't very good either, it's at least what you'd expect "decent" licensed shovelware to be.

It's probably one of its more popular pages aside from Wikipedia and the 1 video.
Turns out no one claimed the game for re-selling, so knock yourself out (so as to not have to play it).
I just played it for the first time. Hoo boy, does it ever suck. I do like how your character speeds up into a run once he gets moving. But why does he move so slow besides that. Makes the game feel slow and sluggish. Plus I hate that you have to move crates around just to access the different stages, because I found out that if you move one crate around to the wrong spot, you can potentially block off one of the stages, making it impossible to complete the level and as a result you have to start over. God awful play mechanic right there..
Yeah. That one is pretty bad. But I think I'd rather play that over Uncanny X-Men any day.
This game, Johnny Mosleys mad trix


Many bad games can be a 6/10, say Devil May Cry 2, because it has one or two elements that are good in an otherwise not good game

Johnny Mosleys Mad tricks is different, because it is negative in a flat line across the board. There is not one "good thing" in the game, or even okay or average thing. Every element in it is below average.

The reason it is absolute garbage is that it's essentially a 3/10 game in every aspect, nothing in the entire game gets to the level of being mediocre, everything is just under mediocre. The music here for instance is a bit bad, the grinding, fonts, score system, secrets, physics levels and models in the game are all "there", but not one of them is good, they're all, a bit bad. As you play the game, it begins to wear you down with the accumilation of it all just being bad and not one elemnt being good or average. It takes a 3-4 out of 10 game and brings it down to zero.

I remember in my teens, playing this I had very low expectations, I could enjoy something like airblade on ps2 or Dave Mirras BMX or evern Trickstyle on Dreamcast, but I amn't exaggerating when I say over time Mad Trix made me feel ill.

It's maybe the worst thing I've ever played because it's bad in an uncanny way. You can't even put your finger on it it's all just shit.
congrats, you've isolated the redditor thread formula
Amiga was a fine platform. It was the Sega CD, CD-i, and 3DO you had to worry about.
The "Unfinished" part really becomes apparent once you get out of Siberia.
Another game that pretty much can be summed up as shit through and through is Ghostbusters. NES/SMS/2600, the format does not matter, those three are utterly shameless, licensed slop that feels more like psychological abuse than actual entertainment.
-Only 1 BGM, and it loops ENDLESSLY
-Gameplay loop is shit: Wait for building to blink, drive to building, enter a terrible driving stage, enter the ghost catching phase, rinse, repeat, enter Gozer building, get ALL THREE CHARACTERS UP THE LONGEST ASSFUCK STAIRCASE...all while avoiding ghosts you can do fuck-all to dodge, Defeat Gozer in the one instance of the game that actually feels WORTHWHILE...get one of the most meme'd on ending screens in gaming, right there next to Big Rigs' "YOU'RE WINNER!".

At least the Genesis Ghostbusters game was a fun little platformer...and had an actual fucking soundtrack of more than 1 goddamn song.
Super Bikkuriman for the Super Famicom. The character graphics and animation look like ass, it plays even worse, and it even has what appear to be loading times after matches before the score tallying begins. Their attempt to animate a background in the helicopter stage has to be seen to be believed.
I'm honestly surprised this game isn't mentioned more when it comes to bad games, because it's easily among the worst officially released SNES games that I've ever seen.

I dunno, whenever I think "Bad SNES fighting games" my brain always defaults to Ranma 1/2 Hard Battle or Doomsday Warrior, but I'll most definitely put a pin in this one to check out after work
Super Monkey Daibouken
After a glance, I gotta ask - who in the fuck was sadistic enough to incorporate a fucking hunger/thirst survival system in a goddamn FAMICOM GAME?!

...then again, the developer also left their sexual info hidden in the game's tileset, so I guess they were cracked from the start.

Gonna add this shitshow to the list.
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Bubsy 3D just had the misfortune of being a "we didn't really know what we were doing.. but we gave you our best shot" type of 3D platformer. It was in development roughly around the same time frame as Super Mario 64. Was released in late 1996, right around the time of Crash, Tomb Raider, NiGHTS, and the non-Japanese release of Mario 64. I guess the developers made more strides into 3D with the later Syphon Filter games.
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The only halfway redeeming thing about Super Bikkuriman is that some of the backgrounds look decent, even though only one of them has any animation (and that is only in the most literal sense of the word - they split the background into two images, and the top image simply scrolls to the left) and they typically clash with the character graphics.
The ending text is incomprehensible, and I have no idea what or who "Teraspyansu" is, as the only search result turns up a guide for the game.
Bubsy stumbled so Gabe could roast people alive with a taser
The problem is that it's not a trainwreck. It's a phoned-in bad game that follows a checklist. They are the worst type of budget dev games because the subject matter isn't a budget dev brainfart like Vakantie (Vacation) Racer or White Van Racer. Though I guess the latter is also terrible in every way. Phoenix games published after all.

You didn't get a CD-i for games, in fact you didn't get a CD-i at all, your rich parents got one to play interactive discs in their media room or a some company bought them to play that one specially made company video on loop for 15 years. Definitely a stretch to call it a video game console in the same vein as the Mega CD and 3DO, but I guess it looks like a god in comparison to the CDTV and VIS.

For the snes, Drakkhen is pretty bad as a game, and only kind of interesting as a tech demo. Cozy music tho... Same thing with Faceball 2000

most movie license games were pretty fucking bad.

Shaq fu was.... a timecapsule i guess.
>Bubsy stumbled so Gabe could roast people alive with a taser

From what I know; Accolade put Bubsy 3D into development after it was known that the next Mario game from Nintendo would be a 3D platformer. Bubsy 3D was an attempt to jump on that 'projected' bandwagon early. I think the devs saw Mario 64 while Bubsy 3D was deep into development, and were worried that Bubsy 3D would have a poor reception because of Mario 64. But the game was a pretty ambitious project. Chuck Jones actually did work on the game as an art designer. His angular cartoon style works well with low poly flat shaded models and environments. You can see Chuck Jones influence in the cutscenes at least:

Huh, yeah, I can see the influence. That said, hearing "Oscillation Overthruster" made me double take. Was *not* expecting a Buckaroo Banzai ref in a Bubsy game. Gex? Maybe, but not Bubsy.
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Bubsy 3D is a case that they didn't really set up the story properly. The visuals weren't some mistake, they were trying to recreate the look of future and alien surrealism like you see in Marvin the Martian or Duck Dodgers, or places like Wackyland.

It ended up looking too retro and unambitious though, far too "early dev build" graphics.
Had the game just tried to do a basic forest or green mountains level or something as an opener the reception would've probably been a lot different.
Bubsy was getting a lot more wacky with its setpieces from the start of Bubsy II, the 90s loved wacky with Looney Tunes making a big resurgence due to TV broadcasting playing repeats all the time.
So, more or less, they had a vision, but lacked the structure to keep it all together?
Which ones were good????
The Terminator on SNES.

It's such a shame, because the film was perfect for a video game adaptation. We got a few fun ones on Mega CD, Mega Drive and even Master System and Game Gear, all were at least decent. NES wasn't good, at all, but it's playable once it clicks... the SNES one though? No, no way, this was, at least to me, pure torture that never got even close to being fun to play, it's a disgrace.
>still no indie/AA game that takes account of Ullillillia superautism
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Oh my God, you're just like Lee the Barneyfag.
I'll just leave this here....
What do you think of Journey to Sillius? That was supposed to be a Terminator game but they lost the licence somehow after making the game and just rewrote the script.
I haven't played it yet, but I plan to soon enough. It looks great, and there are even some ROM hacks to make it look like The Terminator.
Ain't a single goddamn WWF/WCW game on the NES/SNES worth playing more than once. Granted, I did have one on NES as a kid...had Honky Tonk Man, Bam Bam Bigelow, Hulk Hogan...I wanna say Macho Man...it's been fucking AGES, though.
Wrestlemana The Arcade Game is worth playing.
I've heard that the PlayStation version was the best recieved port, though I may try each of them in turn.
Pic related is the one you had.
Ah, Phoenix Games. They were to video games what Dingo Pictures was to animation.
Definitely well worth playing. Even though it's more of a fighting game than a wrestling game.
>People here are deceitful as fuck, they tell you an obsucre game they've never played is the best shit ever and there was a thread where anons were claiming Bubsy 3D was actually great.
What's that shitty mario clone with a star trek tng aesthetic?
Chameleon kid? Not very good.
Adventure island a shit as well.
bubsy 3d has the distinction of being one of if not the only psx game that runs at the very high resolution of 512x480, thats higher than a good number of ps2 games
other high res games like crash and spyro run at 512x240 instead, and for completeness, most games ran at 320x240
oh and yes, bubsy was single-buffered, the psx doesnt have enough vram to do double buffered 512x480
idk why they decided to push the resolution so hard
correction, it does have enough vram for 512x480 double buffered... barely, youd have nearly no space left for textures
Close enough, Kid Chameleon on the Genesis...and yeah, it's kinda...like, not "Bad", but very "Ok", like...middle of the road. Could be better, could be worse

The final boss is utter bullshit, though.
That makes sense, looking at screenshots there are extremely few textures
>Bubsy's face and shirt
>Atoms pick-ups
>Enemy faces
>HUD elements

Everything else is polygons with single flat colors, which isn't far removed from how Mario is modelled in Super Mario 64.
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bubsy 3d didn't do double-buffering, but even without it there's still a fair bit less space for textures than your typical double-buffered 320x240 game

pic related, comparing bubsy3d at the top, crash in the middle with 512x240 double-buffered, and the most common 320x240 double-buffered (ff7) at the bottom
note that this view is the /entirety/ of vram, it's not very big by today's standards
honestly, i don't want to laugh at bubsy 3d, it's bad, but it was a 3d platformer, a genre which didn't really exist yet, so there were no rules or good examples to draw from, and, while self-inflicted, making a good looking game on the playstation using that resolution was insane
basically what i'm saying is, they at least tried. that's more than can be said for some games
ps. if anyone is wondering what double buffering is about, basically it lets the game engine draw to the copy that isn't on screen (backbuffer), then swap (flip) them when it's done
this allows for a couple of things, namely far easier vsync, as the engine can draw at any time without changing the picture you see on your tv, and it also prevents half-finished pictures being displayed, like if bubsy 3d were to start lagging, you could expect to see objects flash/disappear as it's drawing directly to the only buffer, which the tv is also receiving
how exactly bubsy does it's drawing i don't know, but it sure would have been harder to keep a steady image with a single buffer than if they went with two like possibly literally every other game
they were playing on hard mode
Another game that just snapped to the front of my brain was the Famicom port of Altered Beast. Like, it's hard to explain...maybe it's the lack of palette? The reduced audio quality? The fact that the game doesn't have a difficulty curve so much as it has a difficulty cliff? That said, it still would've been interesting to see a Sega-native title on the NES, stateside.

That brings to mind another question, why on earth did they pick the Genesis/Mega Drive for Castlevania: Bloodlines? Was it a doubting from Konami that the game would work decently on the SNES? Did Sega offer them cash for an exclusive?
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Taxi 2 was trash but as a kid I thought I'm just bad at it. I heard this game is notorious in France for how awful it is.
Had it as a kid, I had the same feeling as you back then. Thanks life it was on a burned CD and my parents didn't pay for this.
I should try to play it today just to see, I think I still have it somewhere.
Bill and Ted NES
Castlevania The Adventure GB

Pound-for-pound probably the worst games I've ever played. Bill and Ted is an isometric ... game. It doesn't really fit any genre. You walk around in almost pure silence and have to find historical items to give to historical figures, the problem is the items are not visible and the way you find them is by jumping at things, often times jumping out of bounds. Like the game is on a trail looping around some town, jumping anywhere but the path knocks you over and warps you back to the path. It's slow as shit and you have to jump into random, unmarked trees or bushes to find mandatory items. It's almost not even a game. It's baffling really.
The sad thing is, it's more true to the source material than that Bogus Journey GB game.

People typically don't agree with my "worst games" lists because I don't consider stuff that's clearly unfinished or broken, like Big Rigs, as worthy of worst games. It's clear those are just faulty products so they automatically go in some trash category and aren't worth talking about.
Never heard of it. The Taxi movies were huge though.
suffers the same CPU bullshit as Mortal Kombat and NBA Jam
>first CPU opponent is a brain dead retard
>second fight is an input reading monster that you have to manipulate in a way that makes no sense against a human opponent
all three are great against someone else with the same level of skill/interest but playing the 90s Midway games alone just becomes a slog of manipulating the AI
>Bill & Ted on NES

Oh FUCK is that a hard throwback. I had the misfortune of owning that one as a fan of the movies, I played it like...twice? Then I chucked it into the games drawer and left it to rot 'til my NES and all accessories/games were stolen and pawned by my faggot junkie neighbor who pawned them off for blow money.
>Spend too much time here and you actually start subconsciously believing all of this very obvious bait
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Surprised this one hasn't been mentioned yet. It could have been a decent little game for the Genesis. But the controls are absolutely broken in it, and that completely makes this nearly unplayable. Now, I realize that this was a port of an old computer game from the mid 80's, and you could map the inputs to different keys on the keyboard. But the programmers should have known that that sort of control schele was never gonna work on a console that has a controller with only three buttons. Give 'em points for trying, I suppose. But seeing as how poorly this plays, I wouldn't even bother....
Almost any good game on the Amiga is just a vastly inferior version of a game on PC.
This is the one with the Yamaha'd to hell version of Toccata and Fugue in D Minor that locks onto a single extended note if you pause it, innit?
>absolute trash with 0 redeeming qualities

That's pretty unfair to Bubsy. Its development was before either Crash or Mario 64 had dropped and showed everyone successful formulae for transitioning the collectathon platformer into 3D.

A rookie team was trying their hand at the cutting edge of the industry and they didn't quite succeed, and had the misfortune of releasing in the wake of long-time professionals who had.
You can put hours into polishing a turd, at the end of the day, it still stinks all the same.

At least the developers learned their lesson through trial by fire, and in the cruicible of development, wound up giving us a stealth-action franchise that is dearly missed to this day.
Yes. That's the very one.
I just remember that the Million Dollar Man had 'Girls in Cars' as his theme music instead of 'Money".
Yeah. Wasn't that weird? I wonder why they just didn't use his theme instead...
How do you from Shining to this.
Thanks for this guys, I'm going to rewatch Terminator 1 and 2 tomorrow and I wanted to play some games afterwards.
I'm happy to hear, anon! If you're going to play any of them, I'd recommend Journey to Silius as it's overall pretty well regarded, and has a few ROM hacks to make it look like the license. If you want to play any of the officially licensed ones, I'd definitely play the Mega CD and Mega Drive ones, maybe Master System and Game Gear if you enjoy those, NES if you have a high tolerance for BS like I do, and that's all.

SNES one can burn.
This fucking game was a punishing slog, you had to learn the potion mixing system and do it as you're being attacked from both sides
I'm gonna try them all, including the Bethesda FPS games.
I hope you have a lot of fun, make sure to post your impressions later if you can, anon.
So, I took a crack at Dash Galaxy and the Alien Asylum.

I think I would much sooner bite down on an active dental drill bit than suffer that shit again. Like, it's not even the movement mechanics, those I can get used to...it's the lack of iframes post-impact, the fact a single enemy can drain your full oxygen in mere seconds, the awful soundtrack, and the bombs...THE BOMBS. It felt like no matter where I planted the damn thing, the moment it was detonated, I straight fucking died. Like, I got 3 floors up before my patience finally snapped. I'm nearing 40, I work fulltime, so any time I have to play vidya, I'd rather have spent playing something good, or so bad it's somehow good.

THAT BEING SAID, I would still love to own a physical copy so I can add it to my Cancer Collective, next to Dick Tracy, Friday the 13th, TMNT, and my Genesis copy of Action 52.
Streets of Sim City. It's only redeeming factor was being able to load maps from Sim City 2000. But other than that, it looked like shit, played like shit, and had unreasonably high hardware requirements (Pentium 2 266 MMX at a time when average machine had a P100).

Terminator 1 is awesome, it's basically a Carpenter style slasher horror movie.
Terminator 2 and later complicated things with the "let's alter the timeline" garbage.
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Waste of a movie license right here.
The NES game was a shitstorm, but the Master System and Genesis ports were pretty alright, just blastin' away with a tommy gun.
>The visuals weren't some mistake, they were trying to recreate the look of future and alien surrealism like you see in Marvin the Martian or Duck Dodgers, or places like Wackyland.

I remember reading previews on Bubsy 3D back in the day, and I was actually really interested in the game because 3D platformers were not quite a thing yest outside of a few novelties like Bug! and Jumping Flash. Bubsy 3D looked pretty cool in screenshots, to be honest. Magazines would report that Chuck Jones was working as an art director on the game, And I never fully believed that. I also thought that perhaps magazines meant the other Chuck Jones who worked for 3Drealms and later Valve. But, no the Warner Bros. Chuck Jones did work on the game. To be honest, you can see Chuck Jones signature angular art style all throughout Bubsy 3D. It is one of the games more interesting aspects. I think Bubsy 3D has good things about it. But these days it feels really unconventional for a 3D platformer. Bubsy 3D might have been one of the original collections. If Bubsay 3D managed to get released before Mario 64 (NA release) , it might have had more exposure. But it really came out at a time where it was overshadowed by Crash, Tomb Raider, the N64 and Mario 64, and even NiGHTS. But oddly I think Bubsy 3D still sold well. Atari owns the rights to Bubsy now. I know people hate remasters/ remakes. But Maybe Atari could remake Bubsy 3D into a better game...
>Bubsy 3D looked pretty cool in screenshots, to be honest. Magazines would report that Chuck Jones was working as an art director on the game, And I never fully believed that. I also thought that perhaps magazines meant the other Chuck Jones who worked for 3Drealms and later Valve. But, no the Warner Bros. Chuck Jones did work on the game.

The 'other' Chuck Jones was a CG artist for 3DRealms and made the renders for the monsters in Duke Nukem 3D. He then moved over to Valve and worked as an animator on games like Half-Life 1 and 2.
it had the same amount of available vram for textures as crash 1, but it had a couple major disadvantages compared to crash 1 in that regard, namely;
- because it ran at twice the resolution, 2D assets like fonts had to be twice as big as well, at least if they didn't want to scale them and make them look low res
- bubsy 3d was an open-world game, while crash 1 was an on-rails game, like the camera in crash is on a fixed rail that can only pivot and move forward/back, this allowed them to optimise the everloving fuck out of the environment, and i mean they used expensive equipment to precalculate the visible polygons at any point during a state, basically precalculated culling, and they also streamed in sections of stages, which is also only really feasable for linear gameplay. that's why crash looks so unusually detailed compared to most psx games

bubsy3d failed imo because it was trying to be too ambitious relative to the developers' skill, and it came out right as sm64 and crash did, both of which hit homeruns and just overshadowed everything else at the time
nah if you actually start believing that kind of shit thats on you. Contrarianism is so obvious.
Bubsy is fun. I don't care what other people think.
Holy shit, it's Erdrick and Psaroth
Sega genesis had some bad games. Those beat em ups didn't translate well to that console and were really boring, even back then
Stryx (1989) for PC... unplayable platform shooter. you had no idea where to go, how to interact with the environment, hopelessly underpowered... it was a mess and no fun at all. i wonder who greenlit this

Well'p, I've done it. I played every N64 title released by Titus and I have come to a conclusion - They cannot publish a good game. At all. The closest they got was Virtual Chess 64...and like...How do you fuck up chess? You can't really. It's boring, humdrum, but it's CHESS.

The other 7 games they put out for the platform?
Garbage. Clunky, painful to stomach GARBAGE.

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