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Which 6th gen game could have saved the Dreamcast as a console exclusive?
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DVD playback
>Which 6th gen game could have saved the Dreamcast as a console exclusive?
FIFA 2000
FIFA 2001
FIFA 2002
EURO 2000

Do you get it, anono?
unless you got the big audience, you won't get anything.

Nobody cared about exclusives back then. In the past only three things mattered:

-plenty of games

Dreamcast only got 2 out of 3.
Only thing that could save the DC was a more successful Saturn.
>the third island removed due to console limitation
>sub 20 fps
>worse controls because the controller had less buttons
Luv me FIFA
Luv me PES
Luv me ISS Pro
Love me World Cup 2000
luv me DVDs
'ate Sonic
'ate baby games
'ate games in general
Simple as
Why didn’t Sega Sports make a Soccer 2k game back then to go alongside their NBA, NFL etc games? Seems like something really obvious they should have done in hindsight.
They already had their own soccer arcade game that was on the DC.
>worse controls because the controller had less buttons
I don't think GT3 used that many buttons.
Do we really have to have this thread every fucking day? Its either that or "Why wasn't FF7 on the Saturn? I think Sony committed corporate espionage to have it as a PS1 exclusive." I love the Dreamcast but the Sega nutters act as if there was something malicious behind its failure, rather than a never-ending serious of mistakes from Sega starting with the 32X. No exclusive could have saved it from its fate.
>I love the Dreamcast but the Sega nutters act as if there was something malicious behind its failure
There probably was. Sony during the PS1/PS2 era was an utterly ruthless company.
I don't doubt that, but it wasn't THAT relevant to Sega's demise.
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The overhyping of the PS2 was basically what killed the Dreamcast. Sony was telling people their new console would have "Toy Story graphics" and using misleading pre-rendered cutscene footage to "prove" that. Literally just straight-up lying. When in reality the PS2 was the weakest console of its generation, even weaker than the Dreamcast in some areas. If the public knew the truth back then, do you think the Dreamcast still would have died?
>If the public knew the truth back then, do you think the Dreamcast still would have died?
>When in reality the PS2 was the weakest console of its generation, even weaker than the Dreamcast in some areas.
Do you not see the inherent contradiction in that retarded sentence?
Anygaem with more levels then pso oh 5
>the third island removed due to console limitation
>sub 20 fps
The fanmade GTA3 port has none of that
Dude Saddam Hussein is buying ps2 to make WMD's !
What killed the dreamcast was sega's retarded money management. You don't fucking sell your console at a loss and the most amount of money ever seen at that point in a single game when you're close to bankruptcy
None, the Dreamcast had a good library for a short time and it was well received and sold fairly well, but it wasn't enough to make up for Sega going broke and not being able to afford to support the console in the market anymore.
Their previous losses and mistakes caught up with them, nullifying them making otherwise good moves with the Dreamcast.

That was a good selling point for the PS2, but the core of its success was still that it kept having lots of good games.
If the PS2 had only played DVD movies and PSX games, and there was no PS2 library, then it would not have been a fraction of the success.

Would not be enough because PS2 has all those sports games. Piracy was a complete nonfactor for the Dreamcast's demise.

Even the Saturn itself had mistakes. It's so regrettable because the Dreamcast just by itself had the potential of being as successful as the Genesis, but it just wasn't in the stars.
>Has no idea how game development works.
Sony never stopped being ruthless, but it's entirely obvious that Sega simply made a series of really bad moves which would have bigger and bigger consequences.

>If the public knew the truth back then, do you think the Dreamcast still would have died?
Yes, because Sega ran the fuck out of money, Sony's dishonest marketing is a minute factor here.

Sega didn't have Sony money, or Nintendo money, or Microsoft money, they could not comfortably afford to eat the insane kind of losses those giants have tolerated. Sega made the bulk of their fortune on westerners thinking the Genesis kicked ass, and to an extent their arcades, but then they made all kinds of costly mistakes and short-strokes. The 32X and the mismanagement of the Saturn being the most critical, along with trying to reinvigorate declining arcade earnings by pumping more money into that side of their business but then not getting a return on that.
Most consoles sell at a loss and make a profit through software. Then, when manufacturing and parts becomes more efficient later in the gen, companies start earning a profit on the console too.
Did Sega ever really make money in the west?
Saturn is an obvious failure, 32X died before it was born, Dreamcast was shortlived, and none of their handhelds panned out either.
And if the leaks of official Sega documentation is anything to go by then by the mid-90's Sega of America had absolutely insane overstock of everything Genesis from games to controllers to consoles. Literally millions of units of some of this shit unsold sitting in a warehouse.
So whatever success the Genesis had in USA was limited to the early 90's, and even then it's worth questioning how much ended up as actual profit.
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>That was a good selling point for the PS2, but the core of its success was still that it kept having lots of good games.
>If the PS2 had only played DVD movies and PSX games, and there was no PS2 library, then it would not have been a fraction of the success.
A selling point is exactly what the Dreamcast needed. The fucking Atari Jaguar could have been a top tier console if all the big names made games for it. Companies make games for consoles that sell well or look to sell well in the future. A couple million more sales early could have added dozens or hundreds of 3rd party games to its library and those games would have drove further sales which would have drove further games.
The number one thing that kills consoles is poor initial sales.
Were the Dreamcast's sales really THAT poor though?

9 million units sold between 1998-2001 (with the first year of those sales being Japan-only) sounds pretty great to me.

Maybe it was never going to beat the PS2, but hypothetically lets say Sega were able to keep it going for the full console generation and it was on the market until, let's say, 2005. It seems to me it could have been on track to outsell the GameCube and Xbox (22 million units and 24 million units respectively).
>9 million units sold between 1998-2001 (with the first year of those sales being Japan-only) sounds pretty great to me.
At a similar timeframe in the under performing N64's life it had about 23 million sales, 9 million in 2.5 years is kinda bad for something that is supposed to have a 5-6 year shelf life and years 2-4 are usually the big sales years for moving consoles. It's especially bad because they tanked the price of the Dreamcast at the end to sell final stock, they were moving at as low as $49.
Dreamcast wasn't thriving, even if Sega was financially healthy it was barely treading water at best when it was discontinued. I'd say by the time it was discontinued in 2001, 15 million units sold would have been doing okay, 20 million would have been healthy and 25-30 million would have been thriving.
I hate bongs so fucking much.
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these games. Dreamcast was simply too ludo to allow 6th gen slop in it's library
>Did Sega ever really make money in the west?
Yes, the Genesis/Mega Drive was a huge hit in America and Europe, it was just as popular as the SNES, there's a great reason why it's still remembered so fondly.
They didn't know how to best handle that success though, and they would start sinking a lot of cost into that which didn't pay back, the 32X being the biggest and worst example, which even cut into their Saturn development and production, the Saturn not being well handled itself.

And the Dreamcast did pretty alright to start with, it wasn't obscure or an out the gate flop, they had eyes on them, they had sales, they had hype. It made a big impression for at least a while.

But then Sega just couldn't afford to support the Dreamcast in the market anymore, couldn't continue marketing it or its games, couldn't finance 1st party games or sign on devs for exclusives or even ports. If you stop doing that while your competitors keep doing it, all the market inertia you have vanishes and your console is dead in the water.
The Dreamcast was an overall solid console but which was let down by Sega's other failures.

The Atari Jaguar I would argue is fairly different just because of how fucking annoying and difficult it was to dev for, but Atari weren't exactly doing great at that time either. The Jag had the potential for quite a lot of power, and they actually made a big deal about that power in its marketing, but that wasn't adequately reflected in most of its library, which is why the SNES and Genesis kicked its fucking ass, by having mostly comparable or even better games, and FAR more of them. Then Atari blows a lot of money on a really bad CD Addon which was very cheaply made and error prone, and that doesn't help the thing further.
The Playstation doesn't have all that same power potential, but it has a magnitudes better library and Sony supported devs very well, developing games for that console wasn't like pulling teeth.
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Sega pulled the plug on the DC because they had no money anymore. Everything else is historically inaccurate.
The hype of the PS2 was so strong back then that it outsold all of the 6th gen consoles combined. So who knows what games could have saved the DC.

GTA3 was a DC game originally.
Not at all. As said, it seriously did well in the beginning.
I saw some console comparisons of every gen here and there. I think older consoles like DC brutally overshadow modern consoles in terms of soul, library, technological progress and uniqueness. I find it much more interesting.
Unfortunately most people don't give a shit about that stuff and just want to play the latest AAAslop because that's what everyone else is playing
Final Fantasy X.
Xbox never exists in this alternate timeline.
How about this instead: Sega puts up hundreds of Master System, Game Gear, and Megadrive games for free download off of their own servers. All you have to do is have a sega.net account to download.
The games are downloaded to the VMU. The emulators are on a disc that comes with the system, and better versions of that emulator are distributed through Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine.
The emulator loads the game off of the VMU.
The released VMU only held 100kb but in this timeline the VMU would have held about 16mb.
PS2 games were so good because DVDs had enough storage to allow for a substantial upgrade over the CDs of the previous generation. Dreamcast discs only had about 30% more storage of a CD, compared to the 400% more of a DVD. The Dreamcast was effectively a 5½ gen console rather than 6th gen.
Nobody cared about soccer
>uhm euros
Were maybe 20% of the total global gaming market, and at the time they were hardcore PC autists who wouldn't even look twice at a console. There's a reason why all their sports games catered to US leagues; Japs don't even really like sports games.
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Most optimistic scenario for Sega and the Dreamcast as a whole:
>Convience 92's Tom and every other western division of Sega that the japanese division IS the one with the most relevant software support, so if they jumped ship to the next console then the genesis would not have the support needed to be selling in 98 (lol, lmao), and that by 95 the genesis already had a long lifespan and that tougher competition will exist. (TL;DR: the 32x doesn't become a thing)
>All the Bug! devs to make the Sonic game they were promised, even if the product doesn't become genuinely good, it won't matter because it will sell anyway.
>Don't piss off the Streets of Rage/Fighting Force devs, and allow them to make a sequel to SoR3.
>The early launch is on june instead of March.
>With all the time, resources and money that went on the 32x now going to the Saturn's launch titles, it'll have over 3 times the amount of games it had on release and well as a "3D" Sonic as a launch title.
>Do NOT release the first port of Virtua Fighter in the west, only release Virtua Fighter Remix there to give a good impression of the Saturn's 3D prowess.
>When "$299" happens Sega IMMEDIATLY drops the Saturn's price.
>Since Naka won't do it, have Traveller's tales make the actual Sonic 3D game for the Saturn.
>Chose the "Katana" project from the get go.
>When the dreamcast comes, do NOT allow Shenmue to be made until the it actually takes you out of the mud.
Now, it would take some miraculous fuck up from sega to mess this up.
>sports game
>sports game, Dreamcast
Don't try and pretend like Sega wasn't known as the sports game console for much of its existence. Madden was originally primarily a Sega franchise, and 2K sports were originally Sega first party.
Go look up contemporary press about the PS2's "emotion engine."
Sony made it sound like the PS2 was going to be a revolutionary advance over not just the fourth gen, but over the DC as well.
Gamers fell for it and skipped the DC, waited for the PS2, using budget PS1 games to tide them over.
Gran Turismo 3
Analog trigger brakes and accelerator
I meant fifth
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Dreamcast died because SEGA was broke, not because it needed a 'exclusive gæm'. Its sells where good, it has a good catalog, the problem, then again: SEGA was broke.

>not because it needed a 'exclusive gæm'
then explain why SEGA literally bankrupted all the money they had left on fucking Shenmue 1 and 2
they literally blew over 80 million dollars (150 million in todays money) in 2 games just to make people justify getting a dreamcast
they make money on selling games so they made a game
hard to grasp concept i know

i have a hard time grasping the concept of using 3-4 times the budget of sonic adventure into a new IP that nobody knew about, you dumbass
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>then explain why SEGA literally bankrupted all the money they had left on fucking Shenmue

Shenmue was originally developed with the Sega Saturn in mind; it was meant to be a Saturn exclusive. When the Saturn failed commercially, it significantly impacted Sega's finances.

Shenmue wasn’t the game that justified buying a Dreamcast: It was next 'big' game from AM2 and Yu Suzuki, but it wasn’t the savior of the Dreamcast.

The Dreamcast’s downfall was primarily due to Sega’s financial woes. Why was Sega broke? The Saturn's poor performance was a huge factor, and Shenmue, with its high development costs and mixed results, was a big part of that problem.

Saturn ate his child.

Dreamcast fail because SEGA was broke, not because it need 'the exclusive gæm'.
>The year 2000
>The last year before every best-selling game is dude bro shovelware
New millennium fucking sucks and will never be retro
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Sony passed off pre-rendered FMV content as if ordinary, dynamically-rendered PS2 games would look like that.
People at the time really believed the PS2 would be a major leap above the DC instead of just a marginal improvement.
>Saturn ate his child.
That's Dolphin core
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Little did he know of what was about to unfold.
it's so sad there's no proper 6th gen Winning Eleven/PES for DC nor GC. Controller wouldn't be great either way but then I could unhook the PS2 for good
damn everyone in that picture is like 80 now.
It worked on me with my retarded child brain. I didn't understand the difference.
Not to mention that it already had that killer app: Sonic Adventure. DC was hot in 1999, despite it having to go against FF8 and Smash Bros and Pokemon Snap (and arguably Pokemon Yellow) that year. One iconic, hit game can only carry it so far against consoles with tons of them.

But even for me, it lost steam quickly. It seemed antiquated by mid-2000 or so, which is when I bought my second-to-last game for it, MvC2 (getting Sonic Shuffle when that came out a little later). And I knew of only one of my dozens of friends at school that had one. I talked to my brother about if we should sell it or not (glad we decided against it) probably later that year or sometime in 2001. I even cared so little for it then that when SA2 came out, I advised my brother to not buy it (but he did, and I'm glad he did).

This console never made me want to replace my N64 as my main console. It was just a fun extra one, pretty much a fad. Didn't help that my Sonic Adventure and Power Stone discs were defective in minor to extreme degrees, and that the VMU's battery system was fucking attrocious. But I still have it all and glad I do.

The problem was SEGA was already in debt and selling the Dreamcast hardware at a loss. They really needed people buying the software but piracy fucked that up.
Probably the worst pitch I’ve ever heard. Why would people that were hyped for the new technology offered by the PS2 give a shit about emulated 8-bit games?
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SEGA was terrible with emulation on the Dreamcast
Sounds good and it comes only with it when you subscribed for 2 years so it can't be stolen in regular markets.
Grand Theft Auto III
Super Monkey Ball
That kind of thing is only a modest source of income for them these days, which is when that actually has some marketability to it.
You needed big titles, the kind which the Dreamcast actually had some of when Sega could still afford it.

I promise you that piracy was an inconsequential factor, and that most people didn't even pirate DC games early on.
The PSX had piracy out the goddamn asshole, which didn't change that Sony still raked in all the fat ducats on software sales.

Secondly, selling your console or handheld at a cost or a loss isn't unusual, but indeed, Sega couldn't really afford to do that by then.
>I promise you that piracy was an inconsequential factor

Correct. Piracy is never a factor in markets that actually matter.
Nah. Assuming GTA3 was released in fall 2001 for Dreamcast, it was already too little, too late.
In that timeline besides GTA III it would had Half Life, Monkey Ball and Scud Race.
I think Gaben's old statement about piracy being a service problem has some truth to it. Pirating games became really popular with remaining owners of the Dreamcast after Sega finally dropped it, because it became the best way to get more games for it.

He's right, GTAIII would have been a very good game to boast, as would the other ones, but that just wasn't enough, it would only delay the inevitable a little further. Maybe by another year.

Realistically, sales were actually good, but they needed an absolute miracle product with insane sales to keep them going for long enough, and they would also need it to be so profitable that it would also fund their development for the coming generation.
In that hypothetical timeline, the GameCube, Xbox, and PS2 would lack Sega titles. Instead, the Dreamcast would feature games like Yakuza, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Otogi, Gun Valkyrie, Sonic Heroes, and Shadow the Hedgehog. Consequently, the GameCube wouldn’t have F-Zero GX, Monkey Ball, or Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. Additionally, there would be no Sonic Advance on the GBA, no SEGA AGES 2500 on the PS2, and no Nightshade or Shinobi; both would be exclusive to the Dreamcast.

If Sega could have sustained the Dreamcast for just two more years, it would have undoubtedly outsold the GameCube, with ease. In less than 2 years the Dreamcast sold approximately 9.13 million units worldwide, On the other hand, it took the GameCube 6 years to sold around 21.74 million units globally.

I also believe Sega would have introduced a controller revision, adding a second analog stick along with C and Z buttons.

Then again, the main problem was that Saturn fucked up and SEGA was so broke it sucked dick for 5 bucks at your local gas station.
Sega should have released an open source or freeware SDK so people could have made games on it back in the day.
Sonic Heroes wouldn’t exist if the Dreamcast kept going. There’d be Sonic Adventure 3 instead, likely released in 2003 or 2004.
>Sonic Adventure 3
Even better, in California weather.
It doesn’t matter, consumers clearly weren’t that interested in Sega’s stuff anymore by 2001/02. The PS2 still would have massively outpaced it. Hell, Jet Set Radio isn’t even a top 10 best seller on the Dreamcast. Believing that Panzer Dragoon exclusivity would even remotely move the needle is delusional.
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It's simple, Nintendo has its exclusive IPs and would keep most of the people that stuck for N64 despite it sucking compared to PS1. Those that had a PS1, the majority, would upgrade to PS2 because of it being a DVD player that had pretty much every IP, just like PS1 did, and it had backwards compatibility. Also XBOX got some of the US market.

SEGA's failure was inevitable after the 32x and the Saturn. It was already over.
More racers, basketball, baseball and more arcade ports + another controller

They only needed to release another 1/3rd of their library to save it. It has enough for it, but to be a classic like ps1/ps2 needs a little more games really

Not sure why they quit
More gun light games and more red star genre (they had those except not that many)

+ sports + racing, arcade ports, etc
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I wonder if a more streamlined 3D Sonic in line with the Genesis games would've had broader appeal than Sonic Adventure. Maybe that would've been seen as less ambitious and impressive though, who knows.
I want to fuck Rei Nagase so bad.
What that anon said is that without SEGA games on GameCube, PS2, and Xbox, there would have been way more games on Dreamcast. This might not have hurt the PS2, but it would have definitely impacted the Xbox and severely damaged the GameCube. Imagine a GameCube without Sonic, Monkey Ball, and F-Zero. Without SEGA, Nintendo wouldn’t have its arcade collaboration called Triforce with SEGA and Namco; maybe Namco would have passed on Nintendo like Eidos did.

Yeah, perhaps the PS2 would have had the same massive success, but the Dreamcast would have taken some sales from the Xbox and would have devoured the GameCube.

In a year and a half, the Dreamcast sold almost 10 million units; the GameCube took six years to sell 21 million. The Dreamcast sold more per year than the GameCube. If the Dreamcast had stayed on the market for two more years, it would have overtaken the GameCube.

The Dreamcast was not supposed to win an attrition battle against the PS2 but to survive it and, during that time, outpace the GameCube and Xbox. The Dreamcast needed to survive the PS2, not win that generation. Don’t be stupid.
I love the Dreamcast but I don't want the Gamecube to die because I also love it.
I wish instead the damage would have gone to the Xbox instead of the Gamecube.
>The PSX had piracy out the goddamn asshole, which didn't change that Sony still raked in all the fat ducats on software sales.
PSX piracy required modding the console. DC piracy was download -> burn -> play.
Xbox has Xbox Live and Halo 2. GameCube, without SEGA, would have… … … … …

GameCube barely had third-party support because SEGA was providing full support. SEGA even made F-Zero GX (developed by Nagoshi’s division, Amusement Visions, now called Ryu Ga Gotoku; Nagoshi was Yu Suzuki’s disciple/protégé. This is like if Nintendo were a third party, with Aonuma developing an adventure game based on a SEGA IP) and made Sonic Adventure DX and 2 Battle exclusive to them. Even with that, Eidos forfeited. Without SEGA as a third party, nobody would have wanted to work on GameCube because it was dead on arrival, and everybody knew it back then.

Xbox had Microsoft’s financial backing; Microsoft Game Studios used to pay third parties to develop on their console and provided support to any third party as if it were a second party. The relationship with Bethesda is a good example, and they bought Rare. I know, Rare didn’t make anything as great as they did on SNES and N64, but that move directly damaged the GameCube.

PS2 directly overshadowed the GameCube.

What I am saying is, if SEGA could have afforded to keep the Dreamcast alive for two more years, it would have taken most of the GameCube’s sales and maybe ended up drawing with the Xbox.

Let's be real: Half-Life and GTA III were on the making to be published on Dreamcast... GameCube had nothing like that.
Piracy didn’t really impact the Dreamcast in markets that actually mattered. No one cares about Brazil or Eastern Europe.
It seems unrealistic to me that people would choose to buy a Dreamcast over the PS2 just because it also had GTA3 and Half-Life. The Dreamcast’s main appeal in its first year in North America is that it was unopposed as the most powerful console on the market. It lost a lot of luster once the 'real' sixth gen consoles were all out in late 2001.
People will choose to buy a Dreamcast OVER the GameCube.

Dreamcast would have GTA III
GameCube would NOT have GTA III
PS2 would have GTA III
Xbox would have GTA III
Also: Even if Sega had kept it going until say 2003, they’d once again be putting themselves in the unenviable position of trying to launch another console smack dab in the middle of the generation right when the other consoles were really hitting their stride.
The GameCube still had Nintendo exclusives. I could see a world where existing Dreamcast owners might buy a GameCube in addition to their Dreamcast, but I just don’t see a whole lot of new customers coming onboard. In fact that’s what I did. I had a Dreamcast from launch in 1999 and then bought a GameCube in early 2002. I didn’t get a PS2 until late 2004 when Snake Eater came out.
No needed:
>it would have taken most of the GameCube’s sales and maybe ended up drawing with the Xbox.

By 2003, Microsoft would have absorbed SEGA. Peter Moore would have been the head of Xbox as in this timeline, but with the difference that the Xbox 360 would have exclusive SEGA games such as Yakuza 4 and Sonic Colors.

Microsoft didn’t acquire SEGA back then because SEGA, as a console brand, was struggling. In a timeline where SEGA could afford to keep the Dreamcast alive, it would have devoured the GameCube, and the brand would be healthy. However, by 2003, they would be broke. Instead of Sammy, Microsoft would most likely have acquired them.
Imagine a GameCube without F-Zero GX (SEGA), Star Fox Assault (Namco), Donkey Konga (Namco), Wario World (Treasure), and Mario Superstar Baseball (Namco).

Maybe it would still have Hudson’s Mario Party and Camelot’s Mario Golf/Tennis.

Now, remove all the SEGA games from the GameCube library and consider the potential third-party support that wouldn’t have been there, like Eidos…

On top of that, imagine Twilight Princess being delayed to launch day one on the Nintendo Revolution…

Would you buy a GameCube just to play Sunshine, Colosseum, Star Fox Adventures, and 1080° Avalanche?

No Sonic Adventure, no Phantasy Star Online, no F-Zero GX, no Super Monkey Ball… maybe, and most likely, no Namco support… no Eidos support…

I am 100% sure that the Dreamcast would have eaten the GameCube alive with just two more years on the market. I’m so sure because it took the GameCube six years to sell 21 million units, while the Dreamcast sold 9 million in less than two years. With the Dreamcast on the market until 2003, it would have damaged the GameCube significantly because, guess what? The Dreamcast had third-party support. With the Dreamcast in the market, I doubt the Capcom Five would have happened.
Smash Bros. Melee was the true launch window killer app for the Cube, but I see what you’re saying. I just have a hard time picturing people continuing to buy Dreamcasts when the newer, more powerful consoles hit the market. The GameCube was the breaking point where Nintendo became the other system that people bought in addition to their 'main' console or gaming PC.

It’s hard to envision people choosing the aging Dreamcast over the PS2 or Xbox as their main console of choice outside of diehard Sega fanatics who already would’ve owned a Dreamcast anyway.
Anon obviously implied that the Dreamcast isn't a proper 6th gen console
>could have saved the Dreamcast
Dreamcast fans should look at the Saturn to understand what happened. Dreamcast was only ever made because Sega of America couldn't sabotage the sales of the Saturn in Japan. Sega's failure was purposefully executed by traitors.
>If the public knew the truth back then, do you think the Dreamcast still would have died?
Yes? Time has proven again and again that just being the most powerful console on the block won't win you the generation. The Wii massively outsold the PS3 and 360 despite being a generation behind in performance, same with the Switch and PS4.
People largely didn't buy the PS2 for its graphics especially after the Xbox came out (which beats the PS2 in almost every way at a technical level), they bought it because it was a DVD player that could also play Madden/FIFA.
Agreed. The PS2 also had graphically impressive exclusives in its second year like FFX that really sold people on it. Then obviously the GameCube and Xbox had some very nice looking launch titles that were a sizable leap up from the Dreamcast’s graphics. The general perception was that the Dreamcast had become obsolete.
Summarizing my posts:

The good ending for the Dreamcast would have been to survive until 2003 and hope to be acquired by Microsoft.
It was possible: With the Dreamcast still alive during 2002 and 2003, the GameCube would have had even less third-party support. Without SEGA pitching the Triforce Arcade alliance with Nintendo and Namco, it’s likely Namco would have dropped the GameCube, just as Eidos did.

By the time Nintendo sold the GameCube for $99, SEGA would have been acquired by Microsoft and merged with Xbox Game Studios instead of Sammy.
>It’s hard to envision people choosing the aging Dreamcast over the PS2 or Xbox as their main console of choice outside of diehard Sega fanatics who already would’ve owned a Dreamcast anyway.

Then again, the Dreamcast would have stolen GameCube sales to stay afloat. Is that hard to understand? Even with poor third-party support, it took six years for the GameCube to sell 21 million units; the Dreamcast sold 9 million in less than two years.

The Dreamcast couldn’t compete with the PS2 or Xbox, but it could with the GameCube. Let’s be real: All of you GameCuberts grew up with SEGA games on the NGC. Imagine a GameCube without any SEGA support and likely less Namco and Capcom support (Eidos statement would have come even earlier https://www.gamespot.com/articles/eidos-gamecube-marriage-can-it-be-saved/1100-6074751/). Compare that with a Dreamcast that had games like Half-Life or GTA III (both of which were in development for the Dreamcast and weren’t even considered for the GameCube).
This is all under the assumption that Dreamcast console sales would remain steady instead of the more likely outcome of stagnating in the face of major competition from the PS2 and Xbox. That’s the major flaw I’m seeing in your argument here.
Perhaps the DC could be like the Pc-engine of the 6th gen.
Yeah, in this scenario Sega would probably have to cut the price of the console significantly offer some really good bundle deals.
Wasn't it already being sold at $49 by then?
all the sega ones that came out for the other consoles
Makes sense, is a shame that Sega couldn't afford it.
What is this fucking nonsense
Sold for 50 I wuz told they gave em away for free
That guy's a fagget you can tell by his shirt
The Saturn is what killed everything. Should've just been Genesis -> CD/X -> 32X/Neptune -> Dreamcast

Whatever minor funds they would've potentially lost from the 32X (which we literally don't even know anyway) they could've easily recovered from compared to the huge loss they took from the Saturn. What's more, they could've continued making CD games alongside the Neptune instead of killing everything JUST for Virtua Fighter 2.
>would not be enough because PS2 has all those sports games
The thread is about exclusives tho
Some AI test or something. Faggots want to make deal Internet theory a reality.
Sorry, I'm brain deal today
32x schizo...
nothing desu
the software was fine
the company wasnt
why do we need this thread every day?
I'm convinced it is one anon who absolutely hates SEGA and keeps making these threads just for giggles

We never have threads about the actual games that exist anymore, just exclusively "what if ____" threads
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The Dreamcast didn't need saving. It was the last platform with an ounce of true video game arcade design.

What needed saving was the rest of the industry before it collapsed into what we have today.

It never happened.
>Sonic Adventure

I'm sure it's great, but I knew absolutely no one at the time who cared about that game Anon. The only games any of my friends wanted to play were Goldeneye, Final Fantasy VII, Tekken 3 and Metal Gear Solid, and I say that as a PC Gamer at the time who was frustrated that no one wanted to play Half-Life with me.

I don't know if that was a marketing failure, or if people stopped caring about Sonic after the Megadrive, but it just wasn't a draw.

This, plus DVD playback got you the mainstream crowd, and a decent sales base. Good games for all ages then get you the hardcore crowd who pay top dollar for merch, limited edition hardware etc.
They should've made the dreamcast a cd turntable.
>no expensive gd-rom -> cheaper dreamcast
>games are scalable, could be 1 2 or 4 discs
>play 2-disc vcd movies
>could load up music discs into the unused slots
GTA3 exclusive to Dreamcast could have been a huge deal
Might as well ask here. Skies of Arcadia: Dreamcast or Gamecube version? I have both (undubbed) but I keep hearing mixed opinions on which one is better. Apparently one is even censored?
>they wouldn't have become non-broke if they'd sold a ton of Dreamcasts because of an exclusive GTAIII
SEGA simply did not understand the assignment when it came to fifth gen. It had no big budget 3D exclusives. They still made their games like they were Genesis games, just with polygons instead of sprites. Meanwhile the N64 had Mario 64 out of the gate and continued to build on that sort of 3D exploration throughout the rest of the gen. PS1 had a wide variety of games like this as well.
The Dreamcast was objectively weaker than the GCN and the PS2 (and Xbox). Precisely 0 major third party devs would've committed to its hardware after the PS2 and GameCube launched. They were fucked the minute they committed to GDs, simple as. No game would've saved them.
>but the Switch
The market is different now. PlayStation and Xbox have effectively abandoned the family and kid markets. 2020 is not 2001.
The 32x was the trip that sent them tumbling off the cliff. The Saturn was the rock they smacked their skull on on the way down. The Dreamcast was the alligators sitting in the water below.
Final Fantasy X
All Im saying is Im glad I only played the demo of SA1 before I got a dreamcast. the intro and storyline is for the chris chans of the world
There’s not a chance in hell GTA3 would have been exclusive to Dreamcast. It would have gone to PS2 immediately. Also, GTA3 wasn’t a huge hit just because it was GTA3. It’s because it was on the PS2.
Huh the sega logo is on the persona gaems what do you want?
Ah yes, those famous Persona games on the Dreamcast.
Cancel the 32X, and make most of the games planned and in development for it come to the Sega Saturn, with the rest that have a chance coming to Sega Genesis/Mega Drive with SVP Enchancement chip.
Also, Shenmue never needed a sequel. Scrap Shenmue 2. Make a DVD player add-on module with JVC.
erm >>11243116
It's called money idiot. Companies pay money to keep a game exclusive on their system.
You’re looking at GTA3 from a modern perspective. At the time in 2001, GTA wasn’t what it is now. It being on the hot new console (PS2) was a major reason why it became such a big hit.
>the industry
You mean consumers
Judging by sales consumers want moviegame slop and open world garbage
Nothing, Dreamcast already had a great library, the main problems were that it was too cheap for how expensive the parts were, consumers had lost confidence in Sega after SCD, 32X, and Saturn, and everyone was waiting for PS2 instead.
This video will give some perspective. They were not equipped financially to launch a new console.
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Insulting our customers will really help us sell our game.
You did not understand anything.
This is why the PS2 did good at all.
DoA2 only looks worse on PS2 because one of the managers asked Itagaki for a master disc of the game, supposedly to play it at home, and then sent that disc to factory for mass production without telling him. The game was sold unfinished, literally.

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