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I never played Bomberman. I thought it was all 4 player arcade style action, until I heard there's apparently "Zelda" Bomberman? Which of the games are like this? Also just want to know the best games for single player in this series in general, platform doesn't matter much.
Bomberman story on GB, Bomberman Tournament on GBA, and the N64 and Gamecube games.
The traditional gameplay is fun too, though.
Ok, thanks. Is the rest all "4P arcade" or there are some other cool variants too? Also, are N64 games fine to start from? I think I've seen them posted a few times here.
>Is the rest all "4P arcade" or there are some other cool variants too?
NTA and not very retro, but Bomberman Land Touch! series for DS are isometric adventures mixed with touchscreen minigames.
All of the good games can be played in a single or cooperative campaign mode, though the samey competitive battle modes have been exaggerrated due them being the early multi-tap party games. Yeah there's pseudo-"Zelda"-likes like >>11242195 said. N64 games are also a bit heavier on story.
Bomberman Quest
Bomberman Story
Bomberman Jetters (GBA)
Bomberman 64 & the Second Attack!

All the 64 games are worth it (even the Arcade edition).
In terms of regular Bomberman campaign, the 3 PCE games and Saturn are considered the best. The 5 Super Bomberman on the SNES are also really good.
bomberman hero
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My signature move.
bomberman tournament is tight. you also could play classic bomberman with 4 of your friends but only one cartridge needed!!!
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The most Zelda-like is Bomberman 64 The Second Attack. The levels are all basically giant Zelda dungeons, with various winding rooms and corridors, switch puzzles, different bombs (fire, ice, wind, electricity, etc), boss battles, and narrative scenes.

The first Bomberman 64 game is also a novelty that breaks the traditional formula, but it has a more light hearted feeling and is objective based - The Second Attack is literally just a dungeon exploring game. If you've ever wanted Zelda with just the dungeons, play The Second Attack.
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The Second Attack is my favorite.
Also I know Shadow, Pixie and Knight are the best, but my heart belongs to Catgril. <3
For me, it's Pommy Dragon.
Or Elex from Jetters, that one is pretty cool, too.
The flying types are unique if only because the rules don't apply to them, though I seem to recall they're usually elemental which means some enemies are unfazed by their attacks. Also their attacks are usually hard to connect..
Pixie and Shadow are pretty much upgraded versions of Magic and Devil, respectively. They just have an extra move. I think Devil/Shadow both have the highest dps tho. Pixie is if you're bad at tge game and want free heals.
Knight has the best AI for wrecking things but otherwise he's too slow.
Cat has an interesting pounce attack, you can use it to sequence break if I recall correctly..I think she can pick up and toss objects which is a unique trait but I could be misremembering..
Shadow's the best flier and arguably the most versatile Pommy because his OP tackle can also pick up items and his ice is the only Pommy move that can double for liquid puzzles. Pixie's the other worthwhile nonelemental flier due to the Heart Gimmick. Cat's the only grounded final I tried out and it was fine, but it's kinda hard to go back. From what I hear, every Pommy besides the "secret" types are too one-note.
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Cucco might have higher DPS, it's just ridiculously short range.
Shadow's ice attack sucks, though if it can be used for platforming I'll try it next playthrough
net-rotro but there's a Bomberman Story DS and Custom Battler Bomberman (aka Bomberman 2 for some reason) on DS, but they weren't released stateside.
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Second Attack is probably the most Zelda-like but I recommend playing regular Bomberman 64 first, since Second Attack is a direct sequel. I really like both of these games myself, might be my two favorites out of the whole series.

Bomberman Tournament is also very Zelda-like. It's good.

Bomberman Quest meets the criteria of being a Zelda-like Bomberman game, but in my opinion it just isn't as fun as the others. There's literally never more than one enemy on screen at once. VERY focused on puzzles, where the other Zelda-likes in this series have a nice balance of puzzles and combat. But if you like more puzzle and exploration focused stuff, you should check it out. Just not really to my taste personally, but I don't think it's bad.

Bomberman Hero is not Zelda-like in the slightest but is a great game. Very fun 3D platformer, maybe the most popular single player game in the series overall, and for good reason. 100% recommend giving it a go at some point. Really nothing like the rest of the series at all.

Pocket Bomberman is another singleplayer game that has nothing to do with Zelda at all, but it's quite fun and quite short. Definitely worth playing at least once. I think it's the only platformer besides Hero, but 2D instead of 3D.

Bomberman Generation and Bomberman Jetters...exist. I always saw them as a step down from 64 and Second Attack, but if you want more after playing those it doesn't hurt to give them a try. There's also a Bomberman Jetters for GBA which is very different from the console version, but far as I know the translation hack never finished.

Never played Bomberman Story so can't comment on that one.

Bomberman 2 for the DS is one of the GOATs with a great expansive campaign with tons of customization, but is more of a traditional Bomberman game rather than an immersive adventure kind of experience. So maybe not what you're looking for, but I recommend it anyway.

I think that pretty much covers singleplayer focused Bomberman.
Thanks anon. What are the GOAT Bombermans anyway? Never seen any tier list for the series. Should I start from Hero or Bomberman 64?
Meant for
I wish the glove powerup was the default for Bomberman games so you could toss them at people offensively.
Super Bomberman and Super Bomberman 2 for SNES have great single player story modes. The former even has 2 player co op. One of the best co op games for SNES IMO. Mega Bomberman for Sega was good too.

Bomberman 64 is the best though
The 64 games are cute. The soundtrack from Hero gets circlejerked a lot, but people really only post 2 songs from it, and the whole thing is gooood
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>Pocket Bomberman is another singleplayer game that has nothing to do with Zelda at all, but it's quite fun and quite short. Definitely worth playing at least once. I think it's the only platformer besides Hero, but 2D instead of 3D.
Pocket Bomberman is great, never gets mentioned. Fun little 2D platformer, I wish they did more with that style.
>Super Bomberman and Super Bomberman 2 for SNES have great single player story modes.
The latter has my favorite single-player campaign out of the Supers. Just one problem: it's the ONLY Super without a 2P cooperative option. There's apparently unused -4P- cooperative data in the code, so I'm surprised there isn't a hack to finish it (if there is, I haven't seen it). Maybe it was too ambitious. Also that battle-mode jumping mushroom stage is fun, I don't know why the idea is so underutilized.
>The former even has 2 player co op. One of the best co op games for SNES IMO.
Pretty good, but one major flaw: invincibility frames when starting any stage is too long. This makes the game way too easy.
>Mega Bomberman for Sega was good too.
....Ehhhhhhh, that's literally just a port Bomberman '94, though.
>Bomberman 64 is the best though
Shout-out to Saturn Bomberman for being an honorary entry in the Super Bomberman subseries.
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No problem anon. It’s your call between 64 or Hero, both are good and are honestly not comparable. I guess 64 is more representative of what an adventure Bomberman game is like, whereas Hero is a weird spinoff, so if that matters then there’s some criteria you can go off of.

As for the GOATs, I think most of the solo player games I already recommended are peak for most of the series. For more traditional Bomberman peak:

Saturn is a really really solid game, and has probably the best presentation of any traditional grid based Bomberman. Besides being one of the best, this might also be the most ‘representative’ of what a lot of the traditional games are like. I think it goes on just a *little* long, but still overall is one of the best.

Bomberman ‘94 is really good. It’s kind of hard to pin down exactly why but it’s overall just solid as fuck. Very easy to just slide into and play.

Bomberman 2 (the DS version) is fucking phenomenal but I dont know if it really counts as a traditional entry. I already recommended it, but it’s like a traditional Bomberman game but with rpg gear and a world map with selectable stages that have different victory conditions. Unlike the above two games it saves your progress so it isnt a true arcade experience, but figuring out different ways to rank well in different stages with different equipment in good times ends up feeling very arcadey in its playstyle. Lowkey a score attack kind of game.

People often recommend the Super Bomberman series, and those are good too. To be honest though they kind of blend together for me. I wouldn’t recommend trying to marathon these back to back or anything like that.

Bomberman 2 for the NES is underrated, but at the same time I wouldn’t rank it over the others I’ve mentioned.

>The soundtrack from Hero gets circlejerked a lot
True, but it deserves to be.

Hell yeah, glad to see someone else who likes it.
I'm still mad my boy didn't make it into Smash...
Bomberman '93 is the most based of the oldschool bomberman games. You still get all of the difficulty of Bomberman I and II, like only getting one power up per stage, but it's the most gorgeous presentation of it, you have actually difficult boss fights, intricate vertical and horizontal levels, and so on. It's probably the most rewarding Bomberman game to complete. The game practically forces you to 1CC it because if you lose your power ups you are FUCKED - you won't get enough to beat the final boss if you die within 10 stages of him.
Based. All 3 64 bombers are quinoa
Love this game. Never beat it though cause I had no idea how to bomb jump
Super Bomber Man 2 is good on the SNES. Really fun campaign mode which I think is what you're talking about.
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>how to bomb jump
me playing Powerslave on Saturn
there should be more platformer bomberman games

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