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Old 2d mmos were peak gaming
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tibia is and always has been fucking garbage.
What was the 2d MMO that looked suspiciously like A Link to the Past?
Whatever, grampa. Stop being such a faggot and play Phantasy Star Online with us.
Woah nice, it's on Steam with 130 player 24-hour peak
Were there any 1D MMOs
game is too fucked up looking
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I'm still enjoying Ultima Online a bit.

They're doing a "New Legacy" official server which looks promising, it cuts back on the grinding and how gear heavy the game became.
I tried to get into UO, but literally every freeshard I played was people idle grinding skills in absolute fucking silence. Fucking boring.
PSO isn't an mmo
Yeah I always thought that was dumb. I think they do it to keep the player count inflated. I always liked the servers that just let you skip the skill grind.

The New Legacy official server still has a little grinding but you can do quests for guaranteed skill gains which seems decent enough.
Well - that is a smorgasbord of options.
Outlands is the real uo now. Retail feels like a cheesy freeshard by comparison. It's what the game could have been if it had continued to be developed by passionate devs instead of acquired by EA and stuck in a closet.

New legacy is kind of neat though. It's obviously them (poorly) trying to get some of the hype back from outlands. I've played the beta and I will most likely play when it goes live just to hang out with with my senile friends that can't cut their losses and leave the mess that is what's left of EA's uo.
Yeah I haven't been happy with official UO since AoS, but New Legacy is piquing my interest. I tried Outlands but it felt like it had a lot to grind for and a bigger focus on items than what I really wanted too so I couldn't enjoy it that much either.

New Legacy just seems to be removing a lot of fluff from the game and focusing on actually just playing it which is what I wanted when I started trying it again last year.
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I really miss em
I still play it
>bigger focus on items
What else can there be to focus on? Killing dragons for no reward would get old pretty quick. At least it's not full gear queer like osi with twenty stats on a pair of earrings
I liked some free shards that let you do PvM for cosmetics and stuff like that. Special hues for hair, clothes, mounts, polar bear mounts, blessing items. But none of it was really necessary to make your character stronger. Other than that the focus was just on PvP and special events.

>twenty stats on a pair of earrings
Lol when I started playing OSI again I was surprised to see that gear stats got even worse that way. It just feels like such a waste of time to have to constantly check items for stats like that. Comparing numbers on a spreadsheet vs actually just playing the game.
>LOL he died
Any of you remember text based MUDs?
I played Aeon of Darkness constantly
I decided to try some out because of your post. Currently messing around in Written Realms because I can play it on my phone
MUDs had quickly turned into chatrooms, with everyone talking in the same location and the rest of the server basically empty.
Yeah, I only really enjoyed Discworld MUD long-term. (once I figured out fast-travel and how to get maps in-game without resorting to the client)
I recall being wow:ed for like 5 minutes of one of the cthulhu muds before finding out everything past that was meh, same with that one RP Armageddon mud once I realized it was literally just Dark Sun with power-hungry ERPers.
Tibia was ass and wasted my dialup money. Diablo 2 single player was superior.
i remember one got Twilight. it was hard and all about grinding. the other Telnet MMOs just kicked me out just for not "roleplaying" or for calling one of them a "lady".
>remember one CALLED Twilight.
Outlands is possibly the best rpg ever made which is impressive for an mmo of all things
>Strip Genitals

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