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/vr/ - Retro Games

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Which retro shooter has the best Mac-10?
Project I.GI. 1 and 2 have it but there is barely any point to using it instead of other weapons
NVM that's not MAC-10, only IGI2 had it and I have no screenshot
Go spray and pray and have people call you a hacker because of all the random headshots.
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there right there
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thats a micro uzi
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Mac attacks I liked:
Max Payne (not 2)
San Andreas (max it out for dual wielding)
Cold Winter (nails the spray)
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Are the taped mags a mod or was it always like that?
I think that's why it has 50 round clipazines. (even if that still doesn't make sense)
came to say this
>MAC-10 with a suppressor
Escape from NY reference?
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also this
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Call of Duty BLACK OPS
That's an Uzi, not a mac-10.
Must be. Total nerds made SHOGO and EFNY is the best movie ever
It was designed with the suppressor in mind, works as a grip
Sure but most people who made videogames aren't big into guns so odds are, it has a suppressor in the game because "that cool movie did it"
Why not Max Payne 2? It functions the same but you also get to spam them in extra slow motion in 2 and ragdolls.
Wouldn't taped mags just be faster reload.
Why would it be faster? You now need to untape the extra mag before you insert it
Everything feels worse and lighter in max payne 2 and I don't care for that. Also the ragdolls are so bad in Payne 2. The animated and melodramatic deaths of 1 were far far better especially on the final kill. Instead of seeing some flat faced cleaner cartwheel from an explosion (this gets lame quickly) you see the face of some grimacing goon with blood splashes and a slowmo groan.
Yeah you are correct, BT and difficulty are easier in 2 and I can see why people might see the pre-animated deaths as better than the free physics. Guess there could have been a mixture of two, animations and then free physics.

No, you would just turn the taped mags upside down and insert the other one in quickly, not sure if it works like that in the game. Not sure if that's practical in real life either, but that's the basic idea.
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The ammo magazine opening would be like than and then you just flip it.
>Not sure if that's practical in real life either
No because the rounds would just fall out.
Yeah, obviously..
Not retro but it's actually still viable in CS2. I loved to humble the tryhards back in CS 1.6 with the mac 10 and you can still wreck the casual tryhards in the new one with the mac 10 as well.
Probably this, although it's not like there are many other options.
>Game that tries its best to make every single weapon look and feel as terrible as possible
It baffles me why people take Black seriously.
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Is Ashes considered to be retro?
Those are Uzis, anon.
It baffles me how snobbish youtubers of the past ten years created an entire corral of whiny faggots who circlejerk and bitch about how unrealistic guns are in videogames made before they were born. Especially a game that was specifically designed after John Woo movies and fictional guns from 80s action flicks instead of military instructional videos.
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You know your weapons buddy. Any one of these is ideal for home defense.
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>Game advertised as "gun porn"
>Noooo you can't critique the accuracy of the guns in a game where that was a literal selling point!
More to the point, Black's arsenal goes beyond simple inaccuracies. Almost every weapon in the game is a hideous abomination covered in unnecessary and often non-functional rails, because the devs had somehow convinced themselves that looked cool. Then there's the fact that the majority are modeled off of fucking airsoft guns, because the Britbong devs found looking up pictures of the real thing too scary. I'm not even going to delve into the masturbatory animations which have the player staring at a speedloader for 5 minutes like it's a polished diamond.
Cold Winter is a good comparison here, because it's also by a Brit dev and released a year earlier. Its guns actually look like real guns and don't have stupidly high magazine capacities, and the animations don't beat you over the head with how "cool" they're supposed to be. The arsenal is also far more varied in the first place, and there are some neat details you don't often see in games from this era. See pic related; they've not just taken a Beretta 92 and made it full auto.
It's neat going back to old stuff after knowing who Dick Miller is, and seeing him everywhere.
I liked Black but god the reloading animations were annoying.
Sometimes FPS have animations for wanking all over the gun when you first pick it up. Even that I already find that embarassing. In Black I spent all my reloading time squinting trying not to lose focus of what I was aiming it while reloading.
>Nooooooo why is my porn not realistic
Are you a feminist?
If Black is gun porn, then it's the type of porn that would make even /d/ recoil in disgust.
John Woo movies had Berettas and MAC-10s, not fake abominations that were promoted as "gun porn"
I remember playing Cold Winter and finding it aggressively competent.
Oh boy some of these are horribly animated. No muzzle flash, slides don't move, no casings - was this really acceptable even back in 2005?
EA's marketing team said it was "gun porn", not Criterion. Developers have no say in how a game is marketed, you imbecile.
They had all the material they needed to make it realistic with EA's money, and they chose to make it ridiculous on purpose. They explicitly said they wanted to do for FPS what Burnout did for racing games.
>No muzzle flash, slides don't move, no casings
There's definitely muzzle flash, and casings are there singleplayer. No idea why but they appear to have been disabled in multi. Your point about pistol slides is correct, though at least the hammer is animated on a couple of them. Usually it's the other way around with games from this era. As I said, though, there are some nice details, like the mag release being pressed on the M4 or the RPG-7 being modeled semi-correctly (something games over a decade later would still struggle with.)
Nothing in that interview contradicts what I said. I'm glad you brought up marketing, though, because that's the main reason Black even has fans in the first place. There are plenty of better shooters on the PS2, but none of them pelted impressionable children with advertisements to the same degree Black did.
>Nothing in that interview contradicts what I said
It does. You just don't know how to read.
>Devs admit to modeling their weapons off of airsoft guns and covering them with retarded shit
It being intentional doesn't make it any less stupid.
>It being intentional doesn't make it any less stupid.
But it does make your retroactive realism argument fucking stupid and pointless.
Dumb zoomer.
Woah why is he a zoomer? They said it's gun porn and his gun dick is not hard, what can you say to that?
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I can say that anyone who actually likes guns can appreciate fictional weapons despite flaws, instead of being pretentious.
Old /k/ would rock his ass up and down the street.
>0 results
you guys are frickin pathetic
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There's a difference between fictional weapons and bastardizations of real weapons. The DC3 is probably the least offensive gun in the game as a result.
Like Star Wars blasters, the smartgun from Aliens, the blaster pistol from Blade Runner, the Coreburner from Escape from LA, all of which everybody fucking loves?
You're dense, aren't you? The G36 in Black is meant to be a G36. If they'd gone out of their way to make a fictional weapon inspired by the G36 I'd give them a lot more leeway. Instead what they did is took an airsoft version of the gun and slapped rails all over it. I'm fine with fictional weapons, but if you're going to model a real one, at least have the decency to try and get it right.
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>nooo they can't!
They can. Anyone can.
Fuck off.
Vietcong 2 is an outrageously terrible game not worth playing.

1 is still a masterpiece
It'd be good to have cool explanations on how all these work but all of those are fictional guns and that guy's complaint is that the game is "gun porn" that supposedly has real guns but they're actually airsoft replicas with 35 picatinny rails stamped everywhere.
>"gun porn" that supposedly has real guns
Which is a marketing issue, not decided by the devs.
Shit game
This right here.
All those and you didn't bring up Robocop's gun (aka a Beretta with a bunch of shit slapped on it)?
the animation for spraying enemies with bullets is good but overall it's piddly. start a best shotgun thread and we'll talk.
Tried to be fair
Counter Strike 2
It's something special forces did during Vietnam and as a result was seen often in 80s action movies.
Dumbarse, bullets are held in a magazine by a spring
You see Ingrams with the suppressor more often than you see them sans suppressor. They're basically uncontrollable without them

I'll believe you when you start to get in every Counter Strike thread to bitch about weapon innacurancies.
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He won't. He watches Examined Life of Gaymen, you see.

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