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Sega killed the dreamcast by making poor business decisions.
Piracy has never killed anything because pirates were never going to buy the thing in the first place
at the time personal CD-R burners couldn't burn at the correct speed.
RIP dreamcast. Killed too soon by the widespread high speed internet people used to download games in 2000. If only broadband wasn't in 90% of households by 1995
Bullshit. People were burning libraries and cdx files as early as 2001.
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>kills the /zr/
more like KWABcast lmao
The rampant piracy certainly didn't help but the hype alone for the PS2 killed the DC.
Some games were also too big to fit on a CD and had trimmed versions that removed FMVs.
A friend lent me his Dreamcast with Segagaga that had some movies missing like the skits with puppets.
>at the time personal CD-R burners couldn't burn at the correct speed.
The bigger threat wasn't personal burners making games for themselves, it a handful of guys with tons of burned discs selling them at like $3-5 each.
NO, it was piracy you hater!!!
Are you from an alternate universe where I didn't download a bunch of games from DC++, burn them and play them on my Dreamcast?
*hits crack pipe*

I really do think there was some conspiracy involved in the death of sega. Companies like Sony and eventually Microsoft were non gaming tech companies with much bigger pockets and capabilities to play dirty to eliminate competition. Sega was setting standards for the consumer that were not as profitable by releasing hardware and accessories with lower failure rates. I spent more than the cost of the console on later generations replacing controllers built with planned obsolescence in mind while all my dreamcast controllers are still working perfectly after decades. Major normalfag gaming companies like EA withheld their titles from sega platforms.

Imagine if a company today released a console at the same price point as the current consoles that made them look like absolute shit graphically. There was obviously a type of agreement behind closed doors to drip feed consumer advancements in gaming tech but sega just blew the door open by releasing gen 6 half a decade before it was fully in gear. It made the products of the current companies look like a joke in comparison so they shifted to beating them by fixing the market. It's no coincidence that the same retards who sabotaged sega at nintendo of america were the first on board for the xbox.
>Sega was setting standards for the consumer that were not as profitable by releasing hardware and accessories with lower failure rates.

The laser on the DC was completely fucked and the only game console I've ever owned that was so inconsistent.
the failure rates on the dreamcast laser are much lower than the ps2
>made them look like absolute shit graphically
nintendo been doing it since the wii
But Crazy Taxi was a good game, I got that Dreamcast Steering wheel to play the ripped version that I burnt on my dad's PC.
when will you understand that graphics mean shit. it goes back as far as gameboy vs gamegear argument, just because something is better, doesnt mean it has better games
It's your lucky crack pipe?
You are misunderstanding what I mean, retard. I meant sega made everyone else look like shit by being so far ahead graphically. the opposite of nintendo who uses older hardware to maintain higher margins on console sales
Stop it, thank you. https://youtu.be/Ma0KmHILhzg
Piracy didn't kill the dreamcast. Stop watching that fat fag cucklord.
Sega killed the dreamcast with internal arguments over USA wanting it to have a dvd drive/hdd and japan not wanting to.
The cost of making a GD reader over just using a dvd drive.
Ignoring the fact they knew Developers were going to use DVDs going forward.
Ignoring the fact they knew everyone was waiting on a ps2 not just because it was a console but because it was a dvd player at the same time.
Microsoft leaving them up shit creek with online and going off to make their own console (ms were supposedly going to handle online and not just supply the modems) which meant many places in the world didnt get online to work till after a year.
Losing out on sales of every dreamcast console sold.

If sega HAD released the DC with hdd/DVD combo they might still be here making systems today. They would have gotten devs/publishers on their side right away, had a foot in the door for a year with dvd, made advanced strides with what was possible with a hdd.

It was easier to do piracy on a ps2 than it was a DC because you just needed an action replay 2
>saves the PS1 & PS2!
No one read your entire blogpost
No one cares what you askucally mean
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Steal This Game!
In what year?
It should go without saying that no one from outside Australia/New Zealand, Japan, the U.S. or wealthy parts of Europe/Scandinavia matters when discussing video game piracy.
I bought all my favorites for games and music

There goes that dumb theory
Not him, but territories like China, South America and Eastern Europe most likely don’t even factor into sales projections since it’s just assumed that nearly everything in those shitholes will be pirated. That’s more the point here. Piracy didn’t really impact the Dreamcast either way in markets that actually matter (Japan and NA) during its short lifespan.
Not only this, but it's also advertisement.
Most entertainment things I buy (as an adult) are because I got to try them or something similar out for free and realized they were cool and not just obscure nerd shit no one cares about. Demos are gay.
Mercy kill. Imagine trying to show off your DC while your friend has Super Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime. They dont have hella spiky aliasing.
you can rent a book at the library and then buy it if you really like it. shouldnt be different for vidya, movies, music, or whatever.
why are you so ass blasted about having retarded reading comprehension?
this. same for Saturn too.

dreamcast was already dead in 2001.
Piracy never killed shit, it's just universal scapegoat to deny actual fuckups, because actual problems don't sound good on paper and the entire industry rallies behind anti piracy
>why am i so ass blasted
Because a grownup laughed at you instead of giving you a participation trophy?
You really are seething at having your mistake pointed out. Learn to read, kid.
Sega was horrifically mismanaged by the time the Saturn released. Money was being sent to all the wrong places and talented developers were being ignored for nepotistic corporate circlejerks. Franchises were being neglected that were household names during the Genesis era and almost every major decision lacked any clear understanding of what was popular and selling well under the SEGA name. They were obsessed with one-upping the competition to the point that the Saturn never even got a mainline Sonic exclusive because they wanted to compete as directly as possible with 3D polygonal games. Sonic was the only franchise they even understood had mass appeal and they still neglected it for an entire generation with shoddy spin-off cashgrabs.

The Dreamcast was the death rattle of a company that had terminal cancer for almost ten years straight. SEGA simply could not understand that you need to cultivate a portfolio of exclusive and beloved franchises to truly compete. When Sony released hardware that absolutely blew theirs out of the water when it came to multi-platform games, it killed their profits from third party games. With no long standing franchises to rely on like Nintendo, they were fucked.
The battery life or lack thereof is what killed the gamegear.
Your bot is broken. At least I hope you're a bot. It'd be really embarrassing if you're an actual human child shiposter.
we all make mistakes little buddy
you're pretty stupid if you believe this. My friends growing up stopped paying for games, movies, and music once piracy took off whereas previously they did pay for those things.
>Stop watching that fat fag cucklord
Who? I'm asking because there's like a hundred of them
X2 is all that you needed
>pirates were never going to buy the thing in the first place
I don't know if anyone honestly believes this.
It makes sense now. The Dreamcast wasn't ready for some crazy money.
Did you consume the same quantity of games?

The Dreamcast would've done fine if Sega hadn't fucked up the launch of the Saturn and wasted R&D resources on superfluous hardware like the 32X and the Nomad.

They also should have toned down Shenmue's budget.
Sega's entire history is a long list of fuck-ups really; their management was/is all over the place, despite the talented devs they've had. It's a miracle they stuck around so long in the console business in the first place (and a real miracle they survived as a software dev/publisher, albeit in the guise of Sega Sammy unfortunately)
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fuck you, got mine
not my problem
many such cases
nta, but all the ones I found just had re-encoded video & audio files to shrink them and fit on a CD.
Not all of us cope and project about it
>The Dreamcast would've done fine if Sega hadn't fucked up the launch of the Saturn and wasted R&D resources on superfluous hardware like the 32X and the Nomad.
t.sayer of obvious things that have been said before
Its hard to attribute blame to an event in which multiple factors contributed. But at most it likely only made it die a little faster, kind of like if stiff breeze from an open window finished off someone who was already on their death bed.

If the dreamcast lived a little longer, piracy could have been mostly resolved. Since cds are smaller than GD roms, just have the game code depend on the disc layout. It would be pretty tricky to patch the game code to tolerate a truncated disc. Maybe you could use a custom file system, or not use one at all, bake the lbas directly into the game code, would be hell to try and patch that.
some libraries have video games too
my old school library had Wii U games at the time
I've rented tons of PC games at my local library as a kid
Didn't help, but didn't kill it, schizophrenic.

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