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In Retrospective Sega's decision to wait nearly a year to launch the Dreamcast worldwide was a huge mistake.
Had they decided to launch the Dreamcast in December 1998, with Sonic Adventure, worldwide they would have had a year until Sony's announcement of the PS2 instead of mere weeks.
video games
Sonic Adventure wasn't really ready in 1998, the original Japanese version of the game had a lot of bugs that weren't present in the 1999 release. The 1999 version even got re-released in Japan as "Sonic Adventure International".
It was definitely buggy but not so broken that the launch hype wouldn't have overshadowed its poor release state.
There hasn't been a decent Sonic game since 1992 so who gives a shit
Take a look at the Japanese launch titles and tell me that lineup would have saved the Dreamcast in the West:

>July (a visual novel)
>Virtua Fighter 3tb
>Pen Pen TriIcelon
>Godzilla Generations

Even if you throw in the games that weren't there at launch but made it out before Christmas of '98, you're only gaining;

>Sonic Adventure (a worse version than the one we got)
>Monaco Grand Prix: Racing Simulation 2
>Seventh Cross Evolution

Somehow I don't think it would have made a dent in the PS2 hype.
9 months of shitty 3D Sonic + Virtua Fighter + racing games before the PS2 announcement is still a pretty long time to make a good impression. I imagine that release timeline was asking too much though
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It didn't matter whether it was before or after the PS2, SEGA was crashing and burning financially at that point. It's a near miracle they're alive today considering they even exited out of the arcade biz.
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Was Sanic already has-been by the time the DC launched?
Everyone probably thought it was cringe while the PS2 was about to bring "le mature game for mature gamers".

Let's face it we can run around in circles, the DC wasn't going to make it no matter what.
God i hate Edge(lord) magazine. The most fucking pretentious bullshit on the entire newsstand.

Given that that's a newsstand that also features The Guardian, that's some feat.
to be fair, back in the day no one gave a shit for PS2, as PS1 was pumping kino left and right and the DC doubled on that. Wasn't until late 2001 (GTA3) that PS2 became noticeable, while DC cancelled on early 2001 mostly because of Sega
>to be fair, back in the day no one gave a shit for PS2
People were literally getting into fights and beating each other in stores to be able to get one.
It attracted huge crowds in all three continents.
You got BTFO hard.
Sonic & Tails
Sonic CD
Sonic & Tails 2
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Sonic Pocket Adventure
Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island
Sonic Advance
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Advance 3
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Rush

Sonic's got plenty of decent /vr/ titles after 1992.
Not that many people played Sonic Adventure either way. The demand was not as much. It’s uglier than those games. People wanted Dreamcast because it had powerful graphics and was like being at the arcade. A Sonic game alone was not going to sell systems by that time. Crazy Taxi, Madden, etc would though. It needed its own Ocarina of Time, not a another Sonic.
Should've beefed up the hardware for a worldwide 1999 release instead. Polish up Sonic Adventure and have online games at launch.
Agreed. They had absolutely no idea what they were on about. That headline is such trolling 'click bait', ridiculous. They must have been on something
The hype for it literally killed one of the 2 only main players of the industry before Sony debuted their first console. You have no idea
They should have waited TWO years, released a more powerful version, and pushed to keep GTA3 on the system.

THAT would have saved it.
Imagine delaying your console's release and precious chance of success just for a 9/9/99 launch date
Sega was seen as a lot more adult than bing bing wahoo man. They had lots of arcadey stuff, weaboo bullshit (we know it's cringe but it's hitting a market), didn't censor stuff in games, if you're thinking there's people pathetic enough to think Sonic proves it's for kids what about Jak and Daxter or Crash Bandicoot or Spyro on PS1? Sega wouldn't have had any hangups about GTA3 on its console if they could get it. Maybe you're thinking of bigger=better fags. These cretins assume that the bigger company has more money and therefore always wins. Actually they unfortunately have a point in some industries due to the underhand tactics used by the big corporations, but Sega was a big corporation in its own right with vast experience and in theory should have been able to keep its marketshare.

What I'm guessing really happened is Sega probably borrowed a lot and it got out of control. That's why many of their games ended up great despite it only lasting 2 years and sold decently, it wasn't a failure like the Saturn was. But massive debt was starting to crush them, and they weren't getting the miracle sales they needed so they folded.
>to be fair, back in the day no one gave a shit for PS2,
Sit down and shut the fuck up.
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9/9/99 is so fucking cool though... and that's what SEGA was all about in the 90's, being cool.

It's stupid... but it's still based.
There are 5 continents though.
Retarded controller
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SEGA would've died anyway. I mean, they had lost consumer trust in most places outside JP, few people in the west cared about the Saturn, let alone knowing it existed, and they were up against Nintendo, the classic juggernauts that often won by their IPs alone, Sony, with their new console playing DVDs and being compatible with their previous console with 100m units sold, and XBOX, with Microsoft's money.

It was already over.
i like them
Fuck I want one of those.
>that pic
sega does what sony playstation 2 delivery drivers nintendo't
What the fuck are you on about. There's at least 6.
I know it hurts, but you had to be there, PS2 had no gaems until late 2001 and every other chad and friends were still enjoying PS1 and DC

sorry you can't find that on (((wikipedia))), maybe try some vidya mags from the time
>weaboo bullshit (we know it's cringe but it's hitting a market)
To this day I wonder how people like you make their way into 4chan, of all places.

>didn't censor stuff in games
Streets of Rage 3 had penty of censorship.
>It needed its own Ocarina of Time, not a another Sonic.
But Ocarina of Time is just another Zelda, by that logic. It wasn't "another Sonic", it was the big leap to 3D like OoT was for Zelda.
PS2 had a solid set and stream of games from launch until march 2001 where it really picked up. You fell for a /v/meme.
I think they kind of fucked up with the design too. I have a Dreamcast and I enjoy it because I like all things sega, but it's not nearly as cool looking as the Saturn.
If they would've made it more aesthetically impressive, I think it would've done a lot better. PS2 definitely had a more interesting and more technologically advanced looking design for the time.
I remember there was a long stretch where PSX games were being more hyped in magazines than PS2. But when the hits rolled in for PS2 they just kept coming.
>Not that many people played Sonic Adventure either way.
SA was the best selling game on the console.
I miss the way SEGA did marketing in the west.
We don't get stuff like that anymore.
It was pure SOVL.
>back in the day no one gave a shit for PS2

That’s what you actually said. The PS2 immediately sold out at launch and was one of the most sought after products for holiday 2000. So yes, people did in fact 'give a shit' about the PS2.
and repeat the massive fuck up they made, when they releases saturn ahead of schedule with no games... right

only mistake was underestimating how much money sony was going to sink into hyping playstation 2.
The PS1 had already stomped out the competition with 100+ million consoles sold. Hype for the PS2 was already built in.
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I know what you mean. Dreamcast looks very 5th gen. It actually looks extremely similar to the PSOne model that Sony released in 2000. That grey colour + the disc drive lid just screams 1990s computer/console design.
Yes, for sure. The Dreamcast looks very simplistic. Sony’s designers did a good job giving the PS2 a futuristic new millennium vibe.

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