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Is this game any good? Can anybody just pick it up and play it or do I need to be a certain archetype?
Mark from Classic Game Room used to say that Xenosaga is a game you play while running on a treadmill.
Xenosaga is the kind of game where if you do not like Gnosticism you won't even understand half the shit that is going on. It is also the kind of game where it gives you an encyclopedia and expects you to read it AND a sweet ass children's card game.
The Xenosaga series, even moreso than the Metal Gear series, is proof of why you shouldn't let one auteur have total control over a game's direction.
Xeno 1 is fucking slow, and there's no cutscene skip.
Xeno 2... everyone looks really uncanny valley-like.
Xeno 3 remedies most of the problems for the first two games, but is by no means stellar.
I think it's pretty bad. I've gone through dozens and dozens of ps2 era jrpgs and didn't finish it despite playing tons of garbage. I think the one thing it has going for it is a bunch of jewish kabbalah esoteric stuff if you're into that but it put me off from the game even more.
The first one is great.

The second one is dog hit. It was made by a different studio, had a different style, and even had some different voice actors. Plus dumb crap like you're not allowed to buy anyghing from stores until you pay the Elsa's giant debt, which takes forever to do. Until then you're forced to live off of item drops by fighting as many adversaries as you can.

The third one makes up for the second one, but still not quite as good as the first one.
It's pretty much teh gaem to pick up and play it and eventually drop it in later episodes.
Episode 1 is like the definition of a movie game, possibly moreso than any other videogame out there. I'm pretty sure it puts even MGS4 to shame in cutscene to gameplay ratio.
Oh and before anyone asks, no it's not a good movie.
I fucking love Xenocard. It's the best card based mini-game ever.
it's hard to take the game seriously with those bug-faced characters
I really enjoyed it, but it is definitely not for everyone. It is incredibly slow-paced, and has cutscenes so long that they have save points in the middle of them.

I agree with you entirely. I kind of suspect that 3 has a better reputation than the first game purely because it has much faster attack animations.
Xenosaga was novel for its time. There weren't a lot of movie-esque games with big long fully voice-acted cutscenes at the time. That's definitely what drew me in. Somebody playing it in 2024 might still enjoy it, but there have been cinematic JRPG's since that blow Xenosaga out of the water. Like, Xenoblade Chronicles is way better than Xenosaga.
I liked their Episode 1 designs the most. They did resemble Hallmark Precious Moments ornaments in that game, but it fucking worked. Ep1 KosMos is her best design. I don't like how they were redesigned in Ep2 and 3.
Every other JRPG fucks around with Gnosticism, it’s gotten boring
>Xenosaga is the kind of game where if you do not like Gnosticism you won't even understand half the shit that is going on

Oh fucking please.

Xenogears itself isn't even gnostic. If anything the plot is ANTI-gnostic and REJECTS the central message of gnosticism (that you should discard your humanity and morality because le material world is evil giving all your money and possessions to an enlightened teacher who gets to have sex with babes while your living like a monkl), it just throws around uuuooooh spooky demiurge robot a bit.

Xeno has always been a mishmash of jung, nietchze, pop occult, kabbalah, gnosticism, and star wars. At the end of the day it's just a magical-sci-fi aventure story, it doesn't hold particularly true to any of those mythologies.
Seriously if you know anything about what the ACTUAL teachings of gnosticism is, it's actually crazy to call any of these games gnostic.

Krellian in Xenogears is the closed thing to an ACTUAL gnostic point of view / philosophy, and his whole world view and philosophy gets told off and crushed by an epic jrpg speech at the end.
Skip 2, that's you need to know.
Oh and don't touch Xenogayde
>Xenosaga was novel for its time. There weren't a lot of movie-esque games with big long fully voice-acted cutscenes at the time. That's definitely what drew me in. Somebody playing it in 2024 might still enjoy it, but there have been cinematic JRPG's since that blow Xenosaga out of the water. Like, Xenoblade Chronicles is way better than Xenosaga.
Yeah I get that, but it also makes it a slog to play through after the first time.
>Somebody playing it in 2024 might still enjoy it,

I'm playing it for the first time, and I'm enjoying it a ton so far. Actually I just came to it after playing Xenogears for the first time, which I also adored (well, the first disc anyway).

It's a lovely slice of 00's science fiction anime with a lot of heart, not to mention it's a mecha rpg. A rare thing. It's hard not to like even if it also has a lot of things that haters of the genre and that particular time period of it would scoff at. But for me that's just part of the charm.
This. If you want fucking Gnosticism, go play the Neutral route in any SMT game.
Got examples?
Xenogears series, unironically. Contrary to what those guys above you will say, Tetsuya Takahashi consulted an actual Freemason about Gnosticism. You are seeing a stylized abridged version of what Jewish Gnosticism of Zion looks like. Yes they do in fact believe we are all being controlled by some machine intelligence and the crazies of the crazies have been trying to bring computer Satan back.
I thought the Japanese were completely insular and knew nothing of western culture of religion.
this is why I Don't play this faggoty shit. you seriously want to think about deep spiritual and philosophical concepts, though a fucking cringy hentai cartoon?
They unironically search "esoteric western bullshit" on google and then they shove it in without any decent re-elaboration because as long it sounds deep to dumb teens it's enough for them.
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Gnosticisim came over because of some wierd cult shit in Japan in the 70s. It's what gave us stuff like pic related
and the plot is laid on so thick and the cutscenes happen so sporadically that it just calls for a level of attention that is insulting. it never says why I should give this much of a shit about it, and I'm just not going to put that much effort into it. make me fucking care and I will.
Xeno a shit.
Even before the heavy handed influence of the PC poison some of them would seek out consultations if they could find them within a reasonable timeframe (and understood like being translated to Japanese). They were vaguely self aware that what they had on hand was not adequate.
Is that dude still alive
The occult boom of the 70's which lasted for a few decades, it included UFO's and Nostradamus shit and there was a huge fascination with esotericism over there. A lot of renewed interest in yokai and onmyouji too
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why are they so fucking weird?
>I thought the Japanese were completely insular and knew nothing of western culture of religion.

This is the absolute most fucking retarded post I have ever seen on this website in a long time. All you need to do is know about Mario 1 to know this isn't true.
It's good but the sequels are not
>though a fucking cringy hentai cartoon
Everybody needs a vehicle for understanding esoteric concepts. Whether it be a textbook or a cringy hentai cartoon really shouldn't make any difference as long as the message is clear.
sounds like Fuckin cringy propaganda too me dude aither way. get that out of cartoon games and out of right NOW or else we're going to get more of these propagandy games
ignorant retard hands typed this post. Western influence in japan following post ww2 established freemasonic lodges which are popular to this day. they study all this gay retard shit
how the fuck am I supposed to take it seriously?
If you are not even willing to then never play the Xeno series. You will hate it.
Update I have seen something even more retarded so you are off the hook
I like the first game because it's a mini Trigun reunion with my favorite voice actors.
>A lot of renewed interest in yokai and onmyouji too
That was mostly because of 2 things.
1. Shigeru Mizuki's manga GeGeGe no Kitarō
2. The LN series Teito Monogatari
I mean in her human form she's just Marilyn Monroe for...some reason.
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pretty kino, convinced me to play these games
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XS1 - not quite kino
XS2 - almost kino
XS3 - kino
>Xenogears is episode 5 of a 6 part mega series that runs out of money and turns into a VN in the last half
>Xenosaga is part 3 of another 6 part mega series that’s just a movie
How the fuck did these hacks make Xenoblade?
I find it amusing that Japan's response to the alchemical process of the Magnum Opus is to basically reverse it.
I wish I never learned about stat matching because it fucking breaks episode 1 wide open.
I mean the fact that their takes on stuff like that especially christianity are nonsensical random mishmashes of various elements supports that
is wanting to sniff and bust on a woman's panties even weird? i'd call that pretty heterosexual behavior. the real monkey wrench comes from realizing that those panties could've just been some jap dude brapping into linen after a big sushi dinner and poor office worker keniro never would've known.
It's just your average scifi jrpg. All that stuff can be safely ignored.
Is this from 2?
Is this guy a sith lord or something
It's pretty weird unless you know the woman. There's no guarantee those panties are even worn by the girl on the picture. Shits nasty
My problem with this and Xenogears is why couldn't they have been a anime series or movie - why bother when the gameplay is clearly an afterthought?. Now I know animes cost a arm and a leg to make (at the time), but I'm sure the budget was no different than the game. They're all essentially interactive animes.
There is an xenosaga anime. Never watched it tho. It looks like a cheap hentai.
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Ok so stat synching is best summed up with this gamefaqs post
>1. Starting EDEF for all 3: 20. (Assume nobody else has more than 20, and therefore 20 is the max it'll let anyone raise EDEF to.)
>2. Shion gains a level. Her EDEF is now 21.
>3. Jr. and MOMO spend tech points to raise EDEF to 21 (since 21 is the new max, established by Shion).
>4. Jr. gains a level. His EDEF is now 22.
>5. Shion and MOMO spend tech points to raise EDEF to 22 (since 22 is the new max).
>6. MOMO gains a level. Her EDEF is now 23.
>7. Shion and Jr. spend tech points to raise EDEF to 23 (since 23 is the new max).
>8. At this point, each of them have gained one level (and thus +1 to all their stats just from that level). However, they've each also gained an extra +2 to EDEF due to the stat synching process.
>If you want to be overpowered, stat synch VIT and EDEF. Do it enough and most things will eventually do 0 or relatively minor and manageable damage to you, and while bosses will do more than that, they won't ever do anything you can't handle. Do it even more and even the most powerful attacks in the game will do 0 or ridiculously low damage to you.
The reason it's overpowered is because NORMALLY, characters don't gain points in every stat on levelup. This lets you spend tech points to make sure that as long as someone in the party gained stats, everyone gets stronger with each level.
>characters don't gain points in every stat on levelup.
Sorry I fucked up there, I meant they all don't evenly gain the same stat increases on leveling normally.
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Search for Eden is 1/10th as crazy as Theory of Evolution.
>JP version he rips off his own head and you don't really see it
>NA he cuts it off and you do see it
On one hand, it's way more hardcore to kill yourself the way he did in Japanese, but it was clearly something to make the ratings board happy
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Yeah, they had to consolidate the story (see: entirely remove the plot) into just "reach the end" to fit SNES with all the different stuff you could evolve into. Oh well.

I loved Xenosaga Episode 1: Der Wille zur Macht.
Are the Xenosaga games yuri? I wont play it if there's any hetshit romance in it.
This was Shin Getter Robo and TTGL before it happened lol
You thought the average Japanese person is as illiterate and ignorant as you?
kill yourself
you need to go back
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I actually saw a short documentary about these capsule panties. Basically a bunch of dudes would buy either old lingerie or dollar store equivalent and, with a tuna can and a brush (I'm not even kidding), make a single tuna-flavored streak in the panties before wrapping it up and sending it in.
I don't remember the exact recipe but it was actually a mix of products with a tuna can to get the color/smell/whatever.
Other way around. He rips it off in the US version
>enter the gnosis
japan and cringe, name a better pair
That's pretty funny. I think there were real women that would sell their used panties on craigslist but I'm not sure if it's still a thing
it's not a game it's 3 movies

and no
Trans and allegory.
are they a special type of people or something? Google unit 731.
masonic lodges are all boarded up and falling to the ground

> defensive egotistical retort because I don't know everything about Japan

> weeb detected

I've been playing the first one lately. 15 hours in and I feel like they're only gonna reach miltia at the very end.
Went does Japan get all the good shit?
good post
Still have my physical copy of the first one. Played it last year for the first time since the 2000s. Might have put 3 hours into it, 45 minutes of actual game play. I died and decided to put the game back into storage.
Trash. Stick to the blade games.
>they're only gonna reach miltia at the very end.
The bad news is that you're right. The good news is that you're almost there.
I think he means it's easy to play and not really worth your time, so if you really want to play it you may as well do it at the same time as something constructive.
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>though a fucking cringy hentai cartoon?
> Like, Xenoblade Chronicles is way better than Xenosaga
Not in terms of actual use of sci-fi concepts and story or even how insanely nutty Xenosaga gets later no it doesn't
Xenoblade outside of X is pure shounen trash
People forget how popular occult books were back then.

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