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Which was the superior version?
It just comes down to which guest character you prefer. I feel Link would be the most popular since nobody talks about Spawn anymore and there's way cooler Tekken characters than some old geezer.
Whichever had the most Ivy booty
All the guest chars are kinda stupid but I distinctly recall the hueg having the best image quality even on a composite fed CRT. It's a decent multiplat all around but Xbox is probably the best one if we're being honest, down to controller and goofy char preference.
gc version is unplayable with that d-pad, ps2 is the best overall, xbox is neat but same issue, dpad.
The controller doesn't really matter anymore because of emulation. I imagine even the Xbox version emulates fine these days.
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Heihachi is still better than all those "way cooler" Tekken characters you're referring to.
Oh come on wrestle-furry and the huehue dancer are the best and the rest aren't even close.
Kazuya was the more popular character and he would have made more sense.
I think Xbox graphics wise but in terms of character, GC because of Link.
All versions are basically the same in the end.
this is a soul cal thread, tekken is gay by default
Don't care about Spawn not voiced by Keith David.
is there a 3 in 1 romhack yet?

Namco really knew the target audience of each platform. Link was perfect for the GameCube. Heihachi was a great choice for the PS2. Spawn fits the OG Xbox aesthetic really well.
PS2 version could have had Kazuya or Cloud. Xbox could have had Master Chief with an energy sword. Alternatively GC could have had Samus but Link is the best choice.
re: emulating the xbox version
Seems fine-ish. I may sense a bit more lag than average here, increasing resolution doesn't work.
Man, when was the last time anyone thought about Spawn?
Spawn is the most fun, simple as
Nope, the best we have is the HD release on 360 and PS3 since it has both Spawn and Heihaichi.
I had no idea, thanks.
I always thought the guest character for the PS2 version was Raiden from Mortal Kombat. This image is actually blowing my mind
Yes, it's called Soulcalibur 2 Plus
if you have played the three versions?
I only owned the PS2 version and was already a Tekken fan, so I didn't mind Heihachi. I never got around to playing the other versions, but was always curious about Link. I've heard some say he's low tier, but I DO like Namco's rendition of the classic Zelda theme:
I know there's some version of the game that runs in Dolphin with all 3, have no other details though
Objectively GameCube. Who the fuck gives a flying shit about either of the literally-whos they had feature in the PS2 or Xbox versions?
>I've heard some say he's low tier
Really? I've always hear people bitching about how "broken he is" since he has Bombs, Bow and Arrow and Pegasus Boots.
Is this actually something I can download? Or just something being worked on, or gatekept by discord trannies?
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My ancestor!
Who sucked the least you mean?
Link was ass in SC2 as he was in Melee.
Performance wise Xbox version is the best no contest. I think it even goes 720p. Spawn is a bit whatever, but he was actually fun to play as, so I don't mind him. Link was definitly the coolest choice and the GC button layout was great for pressing multible buttons.
I also like to play SC with the analog stick and GB and xbox both are great with it. PS2 stick felt weird to me.
Cloud was supposed to be the PS2 guest character but Squeenix were shitters about it as usual

it's out and playable but not finished. certain elements lack polish, and most notably Spawn and Heihachi don't have their real models yet. They just reskinned existing ones. It works better than you'd imagine but still obviously not ideal. Their animations and voices are intact though.
Link >= Heihachi >>>>> Spawn
Heihachi is far the most interesting of the 3 since his close melee combat is the most unique and makes for really different gameplay from the rest of the SC cast. That said, Link's tools are really fun to play with. Spawn is the odd one out that doesn't really do anything new. He isn't poorly designed at all, he just isn't that interesting gameplay wise.
I found the links myself on their tranny discord



Do they straight up replace the characters whose models they are using? Like can I not pick mitsurugi in plus since spawn is using his model and presumably his character select placement?
Nope, all the extra characters (Spawn, Heihachi, Siegfried, Inferno) have their own slots and show up on the character select.
NTA but thanks bro, going to check this shit out since I love me some SC2
Spawn was such a retarded choice. They should have just added Rick from Splatterhouse if they wanted an M-rated tier character.
They wanted an American character because Xbox is an american console.
heihachi is my favorite tekken character and one of my favorite video game characters in general, so.
Hate to say man, a lot of dudes back then were hyped about Spawn.
Spawn was still somewhat relevant at the time (although not as much as the late 90s).
It worked very well for the crowd that would have bought an Xbox in 2002.
Spawn was chosen both because Todd McFarlane already designed Necrid, and because Spawn was actually quite popular in japan at the time. Meanwhile Halo along with Xbox held so little interest in japland that the Halo games weren't even the best selling xbox games there.
link > heihachi > spawn
-link fits with the fantasy setting.
-heihachi is a somewhat unique character for soul calibur.
-spawn just doesn't really fit there and only exists because of a collaboration with macfarlane.

>I've heard some say he's low tier
the only person i've ever heard say this is a retard who occasionally posts in the fighting game threads here. you can tell it's him particularly because he types like an edgy middle schooler.

he's probably in this thread right now.
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>wrestle-furry and the huehue dancer

Man I don't even play Tekken and I recognized those.
Also, McFarlene toys were a big thing too at the time. Spawn had many other videogames during the period as well.

>Meanwhile Halo along with Xbox held so little interest in japland that the Halo games weren't even the best selling xbox games there.
They did add a Spartan to Dead or Alive, but it was as "not-master-chief" chick.
Tekken was and still is the only franchise I care about among the guests and I was still disappointed in its exclusive character and thought the others were much cooler.
If you don't care about the guest character and can play on real hardware, then the Xbox version is the best. Native 720p through component. Otherwise GameCube. PS2 version is the worst unless you really love Heihachi or sth. Looks worse than any other and emulates worse than the GameCube version too.
PS2 version is unplayable with DualShock 2 too. Can't hit diagonals at all.
>I've heard some say he's low tier,
Idk the only guy who I've played online with had little trouble beating me up with him.
>Spawn was such a retarded choice.
He doesn't know medieval Spawn dates from 1993-1994
link fits in well
Gamecube for Link, PS2 for controls
Spawn was awesome
I had all 3 versions and still play the HD version on PS3
>delisted from Xbox Store
xbox somehow
People will say Gamecube because Link was in it. Heihachi is a terrible guest character, and Namco should've put the main character of Tower of Druaga in instead. Spawn is cool so I'd put the Xbox version as the 2nd best.
so why didn't they use him instead of normal spawn?
Best guest character
Best controls
Best graphics and performance
Gamecube, obviously.
GC stick is actually decent because of the octagonal gate

It had Link and he is so much fun to play and plays differently than everyone else by quite a bit. He's easy to be good with and troll noobs and good people alike.

It also has better graphics than PS2, and maybe the Xbox with those component cables.

What really sets it over the edge is the CG controller. It has the best analog stick of the three, and the face buttons lend to the button combos easily. Using the C-Stick as a shortcut to multiple button presses is also one of my favorite things to do.
The PS2 version would have been better if they had been able to make Cloud the guest character like they planned.
Yeah I was 10 at the time and thought Spawn was lame.
Splatterhouse Rick is always a risky choice because Horror Inc is notoriously sue happy and Rick is literally Jason.
Haven't played these enough to know

When I played these 3 different consoles the games felt and played similar enough to like all 3. If anything, I would put gamecube last because I didnt care for their controller
Link is low tier. Playing fightans with analogue stick is retarded, the dpad is the way to go. Gamecube had the worst dpad. Simple as.
Yes, though DOA4 came out in 2005 which is the same year that SC3 was released.
Nah, the GC stick works well with fighters. You just have a hateboner for the GC. Simple as
Because the devs literally asked McFarlane for normal Spawn. McFarlane gave out a couple of interviews before the release of the console ports of SC2 and basically revealed how Necrid was made and how Spawn got into SC2:
>McFarlane's company wants someone to make a Spawn video game.
>One of his employees kept good relationships with Jap companies, including Namco.
>McFarlane admits to not being a gamer but knew about SC1, so discussions were made
>During discussions, Namco asks if they can put Spawn in the Xbox port of SC2, McFarlane agrees.
>Later on, they ask if McFarlane's company could design a new character based off of specific criteria Namco gives them, they agree. This ends up being named Necrid, who is co-owned by both McFarlane and Namco (which is why he hasn't appeared in later games but is still mentioned in some supplementary material; McFarlane owns the design while Namco owns the character and concept based off of the design)
I'm not a Spawn fan (my only experience with Spawn is SC2 and Spawn: In the Demon's Hand) but I've seen some Spawn fans say he acts out-of-character during gameplay. This is because McFarlane admits to basically giving Namco as much creative freedom as they want, not really nitpicking as to how Spawn should act.
yes there is, sc2+
Does this work on real hardware? The PS2 version to be specific. I guess I'll try burning a DVD to find out.
>Japanese voices cut from the US and EU versions
>fog effects absent in the final stage
No thanks.
>Playing fightans with analogue stick is retarded
I used the analog stick (ps2) whenever I used Ivy, it makes her moves flow really well, it's hard to explain. I recommend giving it a try to see what I mean.
Aside from that, d-pad all the way for any fighting game.
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xbox is the best version graphically
casuals love gc version but link was bottom tier and literally trash

design-wise spawn fit in well with nightmare/astaroth/voldo, but losing his iconic cape made him a weird choice imo

of course now you can just play the gc version in whatever res you want, with playable online and all 3 character movesets in 1 version.
i liked heihachi because i had tekken experience, and i was able to beat my friend who owned soul caliber.
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Damn, Link packin' for this battle, and not just bombs and shit.
>bottom tier
don't matter, he's the best to me
>most notably Spawn and Heihachi don't have their real models yet. They just reskinned existing ones

I don't think it will be possible to have the models. Back in the days I had the Link and Heihachi movesets in the modded Xbox version, but no one ever found a way to port the models over.
Where do people get the delusion that you need to use the DPAD to play Soul Calibur? The series started with Dreamcast, where DPAD is in secondary position. It’s an analog stick couchside fighter, not an arcade game.
Arcade > PS2 and idk about the rest the competitive standard was always arcade until gen 7 where it was whatever platform.
Anon, not only did the Dreamcast version come out after the arcade version, there was another game before that for the Playstation that was also released to arcade first.
the first game in the series is actually Soul Edge, which was for arcade first (namco system 11, which is based on prototype playstation hardware), then later playstation. that one didn't even have a dreamcast release
I only played the GC version, but I'm curious whether Heihachi or Spawn were ring-out kings on the same level as Link. Get hit with that horseback throw anywhere near the edge and you were dead.
>Ivy booty
Absolute trash taste.
Only the biggest retards in the world judge a port of a game by how the stock controller feels. Just use a different controller, there's been adapters for decades.

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