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What went wrong with F-Zero? It seems like Sega had a good 3D racer formula going on but they did not capitalize off of it. Did transitioning into 3D ruin F-Zero? Outside of Smash Bros and the anime, it’s as if Sega forgot about this IP. In some ways, I see parallels between the F-Zero franchise and Superkartio.
They basically hit the ceiling with F-Zero. Miyamoto has gone on record saying they don't want to make another F-Zero game unless they can figure out a way that'd innovate it past what F-Zero GX accomplished, otherwise it'd just be restewing GX all over again.
They could make another with more multiplayer options, 3D add on, build your own tracks and share them online, etc. Otherwise ya they're probably half right

They didn't think of everything to add for it yet though
They could also add more tracks with elements included (water level, earth level, space level and alter the physics for each according to their environment)
GX was made by Sega. Yeah Sega worked on a Nintendo IP
You're forgetting F-Zero GX sold so poorly it failed to make it's budget back, and F-Zero Climax somehow managed to tank even harder despite being a GBA low budget game.
If they need a gimmick, I say adapt the canceled Virtual Boy F-Zero that was going to feature full anti gravity flight. Maybe design it so only sections of tracks do it or extension of going off of big jumps.
and Climax was pretty fucking good wasn't it?
My only idea why is because they didn't add or couldn't add split screen 2/4 player

Not sure why it didn't sell more
Yup, easily the best 2D F-Zero

GX has multiplayer, I used to play it with my friends back in high school.
Climax flopped because
>NoA refused to bring it over to the states
>4kids didn't finish dubbing GP Legend
>the anime was a total flop they wrapped it up with Ryu/Rick being the new Captain Falcon
>Internet exposure was sparse at the time, nobody knew they made another F-Zero game after GX
The first point i get because it's financial suicide.
It's not like MV where there's a guarantee million buyers who wants to play F-Zero after seeing Falcon returning to Smash again.
Although MV was fucking balls hard and only featured SNES F-Zero Falcon's successor, it might killed new interest for a new F-Zero.
What the fuck happened with the GP Legend anime anyway? They only dubbed like 3 episodes.
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Anyone played this?
Nobody was watching it on TV, so Nintendo of Americaca cancelled the dub.
THAT or NoA/4kids thought it'd be popular like Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh so they prematurely backed out.
>Miyamoto has gone on record saying they don't want to make another F-Zero game unless they can figure out a way that'd innovate it past what F-Zero GX accomplished
I genuinely hate this element of Nintendo autism where they refuse to make a new game in certain series unless they can come up with some new gay gimmick that reinvents everything.

Notice, too, how they only use this excuse with certain series like F-Zero, Star Fox, or (in the past) Metroid. Somehow series like Kirby can get away with forever rehashing the same game like 20 times in the past 3 decades.

Thankfully it seems Nintendo are easing up on these restrictions now as people like Miyamoto are having less sway within the company. Metroid Dread and Metroid Prime 4 never would have been allowed to be made by Nintendo 10 years ago. I'd like to hope we aren't too far off seeing a new F-Zero game on Switch 2, especially after F-Zero 99 was so well received.
It's so strange because for a contract like that you'd think they would've sign in first at least 25 episodes. 4kids were forces to dub Shaman King just because it came with other shows as a package deal, not because they wanted it.

Kirby was in limbo hell for over a decade with the only games being gimmick-ridden like Squeak Squad or Amazing Mirror, it wasn't until Return to Dreamland they realized there was a market for vanilla Kirby.
Sakurai also tried to interviene and stop it because he hates sequels unless they have a different gimmick or gameplay, he's been very explicit about Kirby entries not directed by him or introducing characters he doesn't agree with like the animal buddies or Adeleine as "soulless cash grabs". Guy reallly didn't want the Gamecube Kirby nor Return to Dreamland to materialize.
>Somehow series like Kirby can get away with forever rehashing the same game like 20 times in the past 3 decades.
Kirby isn't entirely owned by Nintendo
Return to Dreamland was HAL's way to start rehashing Super Star and 64 in form of formuliac junk food.
Of course, this led to Kirby being a wrinkled rag because they shat out so much RtDL-styled sequels to the point the last game was the first time Kirby fans left out a huge sigh, already knowing the entire game is going to have most of RtDL's issues again and unsurprising fan service.

also you didn't have to make it all about your loli, Adofag.
You can't really blame him when nu-Kirby is so soulless.
No, I'm not an Adofag, it's just Sakurai has gone on record about humans not belonging in Kirby, his distaste for her and that being the reason for the anime he got involved so the people of Popstar wouldn't be human.
He hated the sequels as early as Dreamland 2 and despised 3 and 64.
The Japanese fans meme that Sakurai killed Shinichi Shimomura, the director of those games, hence his disappearance after Kirby 64.
This, Miyamoto officially gives you permission to pirate F-Zero GX
The last time Sakurai had any involvement with Kirby was for Amazing Mirror.
Huh, I thought Canvas and Rainbow Cruise were his since they fit the "Kirby has to be DIFFERENT and none of the aspects that makes Kirby fun" sort of mold Sakurai always brings up when talking about the series.
I'm not sure he really hated Kirby having sequels. I think that's something blown out of proportion, like what happened with Miyamoto and Paper Mario. The reason he left HAL was more about it being difficult to create a new project for him if she stayed rather than not wanting to work on a Kirby game again. If you think about it, if he didn't like sequels he wouldn't still be doing Smash, which he likes doing because it's wide reaching in it's audience.
>if he didn't like sequels he wouldn't still be doing Smash
He constantly bitches about making Smash Bros. sequels and going "oh woe is me, I don't want to do this anymore but I can't trust anyone else to take the director's seat either" and the infamous seething at seeing smash treated like a fighting game during one of the few times he was at a tourney during the days of Smash 4.
He just likes to grumble about it. For all of his complaining if he felt strongly about it he wouldn't be still doing Smash, with it still looking like he'll make the next one.
>Kirby can get away with forever rehashing the same game like 20 times in the past 3 decades.
Not really, Kirby gets the same thing
>this time...there's FOUR KIRBIES
>Kirby but he touch screen
>Kirby but he lemmings
>Kirby is yarn lol
>Clay Kirby
>Kirby and his giant robot!
>Super smash Kirby
There's like 1 traditional title every 5-7 years but the brunt of releases are gimmicks
>What went wrong with F-Zero?

Nothing. It had one good semi-3D game, two excellent 3D games, and some portable whatevers that I haven't played but maybe they're good too. That's plenty of F-Zero. There's probably room for more, but that's plenty.

>Did transitioning into 3D ruin F-Zero?

Against all odds, it greatly improved it.
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>Super smash Kirby
It's disheartening that not even nu HAL can't do a good Smash-like game either despite being the previous developer.
>it's just Sakurai has gone on record about humans not belonging in Kirby
ITT: things that didn't happen
and there you go making it about your loli again on top of a twisted narrative on what he tried with the anime.
Only once, there used to be a cabinet at the time in my forgotten bongland town's bowling alley.
Sakurai's a fag it's been clear for well over a decade now, he learned from miyamoto after all. Tendies will of course buy anything with the logo on it these days, they really did transition in to being the apple of vidya, so they can pump out or not pump out anything basically. As long as there's a Zelda at launch, the console will sell buckets.
X was already perfection outside of graphics (though even the sterile comic graphics have something going for them). GX was kinda janky but it still got good review scores and no one bought it

So why milk the franchise further? You have multiple 2D games and X which even has a track editor
Futuristic space races are a dead genre for some terrible reason. I like racing games, but realistic racing games are so boring. Why not race through space, or some orbital rotating habitat?
you realize there is a new fzero game, free to play, online, and its awesome?
The genre now caters to autists who want to set up a realistic set up to drive cars they can't IRL.
They should take some hints from road rash, nails the combination of racing and arcade.
Normalfags outnumber us and don't have imagination, they just want realistic shit. It's why /o/ is the normalfag central in this god forsaken website.
OP was a mock shitpost to another deleted /vr/ thread
It's not up anymore so it's irrelevant.
fzero99 is great and dare i say the best thing to happen to the franchise in a long (since ya know the only thing, but i digress).

it's recently celebrated it's one year anniversary. for a solid year, a free game that was barely advertised/announced/hyped has been getting consistent updates for it's dedicated and skilled playerbase.

and they just released tears of the kingdom, patched all the fun stuff like easy duping, and said "eh, good enough".

The snes game was a lot of fun, but I think they made the N64/Gamecube versions too difficult for most people.
racing games being difficult is such an odd concept tho.

i know people who are pretty damn good at rts games, decent enough at modern shooters, flight sims like war thunder, etc, but they CANNOT play racing games with any sort of real skill.

like it's just a thing some people simply don't have. they don't understand racing line, they don't get how to set up your line for corners, they don't understand how to shorten the course with your line, they don't get it.

if you don't get it, you're just going to suck at racing games, no matter what. that being said:

i have well over 100 wins in f zero99, won gp's with multiple cars (fuck stingray lol), finished top 50 in on those discord events, etc. i would say i am, when i'm in the zone, capable of at least ruining the day of the one of the best racers everyone knows. i won't beat them, but i will be right there if they make a mistake and can, have, and will ko them if i get a chance.


i recently got into gx and holy fuck there's just so much more nuance. there's a lot of hidden mechanics at work, and if you don't understand any of those and aren't willing to literally check pages and pages of spreadsheets to have a better grasp of how the various vehicles actually behave, you probably won't have a shot.

there's just a ton of information to visually and auditorily keep track of. it's hard enough in fzero 99 with a really busy lobby. but gx there's just *so much*, there are parts of certain tracks where i kinda legit have no idea what's even going on, or have any idea of which direction i am even SUPPOSED to turn.

if you don't know the tracks, you have no idea which side of a fucking 3d cylinder you should be racing on. shit like that. the 3d games are far, FAR less intuitive than the mode 7 racers, which are just hard in the gameplay of arcade racing.

gx it's hard to even process what the fuck is happening at times. that's a different issue altogether.
F Zero X is better than GX
Miyamoto is a fucking liar and just saving face by saying this. GX bombed in Japan so they ain't making another. How many "New Super Mario Brothers" games are there, the series is mid, bland and repetitive.
There were 4 New Super Mario Bros. games and the last one released 12 years ago, it tanked so bad it was the last one to be made.
NSMB also got Takashi Tezuka (former mainline Mario and Zelda director) at the helm, so they get a pass to be churned out internally due to his power due to seniority until U tanked hard.
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+1 on MIADOmoto is a fucking liar. I thought you board autists were smart enough to not buy the shit Nintendo cooks up for the press. Off the top of my head sales were bad and they're not risking throwing down the money to make and market another potential flop.
Or maybe he's a bot. Dead internet theory is at least partly true imo
I rather no F-Zero than 4 inferior copies of X or GX
I liked 99 tho.

I don't even know what a racing line is and I completed everything in F-Zero GX on the highest difficulty settings... I don't think I ever had the problems you're describing? This was one of the hardest things I ever did in a video game (thanks to Save Jody basically) but it wasn't ever unintuitive, that I recall.

Also I never learned much about which car or car part was good for what; I just picked cool people and sexy girls as my whims dictated.
snes fzero
>a button for gas
>a button for brake
>a button for boost
>shoulder buttons strafe and help turn
>quick turn by using shoulder BEFORE dpad
>holding down on ramps grants further distance AND maintains speed upon landing

that's literally it for snes fzero. thats it. fzero 99 adds spin attack, but other than random stuff like skyway sparks, there are literally no other mechanics. at all. that's it.

f zero gx:
>a button for gas
>a button for brake
>a button for boost
>shoulder buttons stafe and help turn
>a button for spin attack
>a button for side attack
>holding down *both* shoulder buttons puts you into a MUCH quicker turning/drift mode
>but wait, that's not actually *quick* turning, that's done by essentially holding both shoulder buttons for one frame, then letting go of the shoulder you DON'T want to turn with
>if you cannot quick turn, your ship literally cannot make most turns in the game outside of ruby cup. unlike other f zero games where only releasing the gas for very short bursts, (outside of fire field, maybe)
>quick turning is a COMPLETELY necessary strat
>but that's not all you'll need
>you'll also need to know at what speed your particular ship actually retains more speed *with the engine off* so you'll know when to let off throttle to achieve momentum throttling
>you'll also need to know how to strafe attack dive
>because just diving alone isn't enough
>no, you'll have to go off a jump, hold up on the stick, turn to the side, side attack (which is done by just not pressing a button, but a button and a direction) towards the ground, flatten yourself to preserve speed after all this
>oh and also you have to completely memorize each track, the location of each capsule, which enemies are rivals, etc for the nuance of each story mission (otherwise they are essentially impossible, at least compared to other fzero games)

you said it's one of the hardest things you ever did a game. i don't understand how that's not an argument for me
Open World GTA style F-Zero game. It’s a beat ‘em up/racer.
You lose the blue falcon in a crash at the end if the beginning race/tutorial and have to build a new hover car over the course of the game. Uses BotW rendering but digs deep into the shaded American comic book style.

Where is my check miyamoto?
also, my original comment stated that you either have this or you don't.

just because you maybe have never put thought into it, but if you *did* manage to beat everything in the game, i assure you that you DO know what a racing line is, and you likely can establish a good line around a track.

congrats, you have it. i'm talking about the people that don't. and there are tons of them. they....they don't play fzero or other racing games lol. because they suck. and my whole point was because you intuitively understand how to go faster or you don't.

and in the OG fzero game, going faster was basically just making sure you boost in the right spot and limited mistakes.

but in GX, going faster is actually making sure you understand the hidden mechanics of the game to ensure you are actually going as fast as possible. that's *completely* different.
which i can add even further and say that the physical techniques required to playing GX at absolute top speed is so rough on your hands/wrists than literally *every* player who has ever done it says "yeah don't even really both learning snaking because you WILL injure yourself doing it".

absolutely NOTHING in the og fzero requires that kind of technique, and again that's only a thing because of the hidden mechanics in GX that aren't intuitive to the player.

if you are saying you found basically alternating side attacks while drifting WHILE momentum throttling (which means you monitor your speed closely and know when it's beneficial to actually let go of the gas button and turn your engine off to retain more speed) intuitive, then you are an fzero savant. still not an argument for it not being much, much harder and not something that is "oh i just need to take this turn a little tighter, that's how i can get a faster lap time".

to get a faster lap time in gx you have to do the things i am mentioning. that's a whole different game, a game most people aren't going to play and don't want to play.
So you’re saying Sega made a better game than Nintendo ever could?
i never said anything about better or worse.
it's simply more shit to learn other than "oh it's a racing game, got it".
Not a retro game but Aero GPX definitely proves that the genre had somewhere to go and iterations could be had but Nintendo outright just did not want to do it.
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I'm playing F-Zero SNES for the first time and my god, learning how the AI functions is a pain in the fucking butt.
I've at least managed the first two cups on Master after much seething, but now I have to grind Fire Field until I can consistently win it before I even attempt Master on King. I don't even know how I've tolerated so much bullshit to even reach this point but I cleared GX's Serial Gaps, so I know I can do this shit if I channel my autism properly.
all the f-zero games are good, though? wym what went wrong? if anything went wrong, it's that they cancelled the series.

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