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Are humans in FF 1-6 supposed to be small and heavily stylized chibis or tall and fairly realistic?
It's the same as in Lufia.
The protagonists are just manlets and womanlets while the enemies have normal human sizes.
A limitation of the system. I think they had the ambition of making something serious and artistic, which is evident in the playsation entries and up.
Competition from corruption is almost inherent though. Some shit would advocate for stupid, some would listen. What's in charge is generally what doesn't contribute.
Pride also might make them think what they have done was what was best. Ideals that didn't necessarily include them were served, they made some great games, 12 was a wonderful achievement.

I think if they were able visuals would be like concept art or whatever beauty they inspired. They might have started out simple but I think they knew it was insufficient. Did their best. Representations of something rather than it itself until later when graphics was impressive itself. Storage enough to show inspiration in action.

They're scum now. just more animu re-appropriating and ruining. Idolising themselves. Saying it's something else. Making asians content with their subhuman construct.
1-6 were highly compressed stories and experiences that lost a lot of what makes such special.
Final Fantasy? More like manlet rage
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the latter
>backgrounds look like dried poop
>gradients everywhere
>totally nonanimated enemies
>inconsistent proportions to everything
This game looks like fucking garbage and I've never understood the hype.
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>This time we've changed the rules, Gilgamesh
whatever happened to the /vr/ plays FF6 threads btw? The OP never showed us the ending of the game
Everyone is normal, sprites are shown chibi on party members to imply they are good while rrgular proportion characters are shown as evil.
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Some troll pretending to be a zoomer started a mini-playthrough that went over the image limit.
OP's still among us, I know his posting style when he talks about FFVI. Maybe one days, wishes wills come true...
Yeah, but he said he'd make a new thread anyway to finish the job. He never did! What was that, on June or July?
It is unusual that in all the remakes of 2D final fantasy games, they never use full sized detailed sprites on battle screens
The dude wrapped it up, but right at the end of it some retard zoomer shit up the thread with a ton of unfunny posts and pushed the threads image limit so the OP gave up and didn't post the end of the last fight.
People asked him to but I don't ever recall him saying he would.
No? Why would they? It would go against the entire visual design that FF had for the first 6 games.
Player characters are smaller since they all need to fit in a row, and are animated unlike the mobs who only flash for attacks. Also, if you take up more room with the player sprites there is less room on screen to fit large enemy sprites.
"OP" here. I've been even busier than normal, but I'd be lying if I said that was the only reason. Truth is, I've been thinking that it's been a bit too long, and even if I made the thread, it'd be pretty disconnected from where I left off (after all, the idea was to fight the final battle and then see the ending right after, but this would just be the ending and nothing else), so I dunno, I guess I thought the time to make a thread to tie up the loose end has passed.

That said, I think I have an idea to make it work without just fighting the final battle all over again the same way as before. Now I just need to find the free time...

On topic, they're supposed to be regular people, though it is interesting that we have official Amano chibi art of the characters as well. FF4 and FF5 had those chibi CG renders, and FF6 has ones that look very close to the battle sprites, which I always liked. I always imagined a remake would look like that, but alas.
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Why don't we ask the artist himself?
Fuck it dude it's the same hundred 35 year olds posting here every day, you could pick it up and it wouldn't be too late. Only if you want to of course, although I'm very curious now that you've hinted at this alternate solution. Either way, thanks for the threads they were fun
Everyone is normal. Large human enemies are exaggerated to demonstrate power. It's basic symbolism that children understand.
>>backgrounds look like dried poop
>>gradients everywhere
>>totally nonanimated enemies
>>inconsistent proportions to everything
>This game looks like fucking garbage and I've never understood the hype.
Lol, get a load of this guy. Complaining about FF6's "gradients" and "nonanimated enemies" like it's a modern game. You do realize it came out in '94, right? Back when you probably weren't even a glimmer in your dad's eye. The sprite work and backgrounds were peak for their timeā€”ever heard of pixel art, kid? It's called a style, and FF6 nails it.

You think it's "garbage" but then again, you probably grew up with mobile ports and think everything needs to be hyperrealistic 3D to be good. FF6 is about story, atmosphere, and characters, not about pandering to your ADHD with constant animations and oversaturated graphics. Kefka's laughing at you right now, bro.

Stay mad, lol.
I actually quite like his monster designs for FF6, especially the Statue of the Gods (i.e. the tiers before fighting Kefka). And he designed Kefka's final form as well, which I always thought was awesome, even if the face looked like Mr. Burns to my kid self.
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>ever heard of pixel art, kid?
I'm older than you, and I played JRPG's with good graphics instead of FF6. ;)
Even for 94 it looks ugly Chrono Trigger BTFO this game in the graphics department. I'm not big on 16bit JRPG's graphics, not that WRPG's were any better. But it's just hideous even CT is kind of rough. GBA and PS1 made 16bit graphics better, even though they were arguably 32bit games
I will say one thing that annoys me about FF6 is how the summons don't have separate idle and attack sprites, which IIRC even FF3 on the Famicom had, and which FF4 and 5 certainly had. In FF6 they just have the one sprite. It's kinda strange considering what a big part of the story they are in this game compared to the others, but then again it's also kinda fitting considering how much they're nerfed in actual battle.
they probably just wanted to keep the same overworld sprites in battle so they werent different. in ff4 when you fight golbez, he has a huge sprite, but later in your party he has a small sprite like the rest of your party
yeah im retarded, as soon as i posted this i realized ff4's overworld sprites arent even the same as the battle sprites kek
In FF6 they are similar, though slightly different.
I never read any of your threads as I'm looking forward to playing the game myself and want to go in blind (I'm currently in the throes of a big X-2 playthrough) but I always enjoyed seeing your threads in the catalogue and being inspired to play more Final Fantasy.
I don't think it's too late, and if it was ten years from now I still wouldn't think it was too late.
THANK YOU! For a decade now I've been annoyed that nobody seems to use "SD" anymore. Thought I was the only one.
What is anon on about?
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The battle screens are nice but you're smoking fucking crack if you think Phantasy Star 4 looks better than FF6 overall
Abstraction breaking so many players' minds is proof that video games are not an art form but instead are slop for children.
It is time:
Looks cozy
If FF14 is to be believed several of the monsters in this game are indeed that size.
Looks great. What are you on?
The tiling in PS4's towns is extremely obvious, and no attempt is made to hide it.

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