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Can someone give me basic rundown on what the main differences between the various PC engine models are?
Are there games on it worth a damn besides Splatterhouse, Rondo of Blood and Shmups? Do said games have better versions elsewhere? How often do you play your PC Engine? I just won an auction for an untested CoreGrafx in the box for a good price, I will restore it and give some games ago although I know if I like it I will want to upgrade to one of the ones with a CD drive unless the add on one is better in some way?
The PCE has really good shooters
>Can someone give me basic rundown on what the main differences between the various PC engine models are?
Og is og, TurboDuo has the TurboGrafx-CD built-in, and Duo-R is the budget version of this model
>Are there games on it worth a damn besides Splatterhouse, Rondo of Blood and Shmups?
Ys games
Bonk series
Valis series
Fausette Amour
Renny Blaster
Double Dragon II
Riot Zone
Mad Stalker
Galaxy Keiji Gayvan
Shubibinman 3
Kaze Kiri Ninja Action
Road Spirits
Advanced V.G.
>Do said games have better versions elsewhere?
Most of the SEGA titles are better on Genesis imo as well as Chiki Chiki Boys/Mega Twins, most people prefer the TurboGrafx-CD version of Lords of Thunder but I'm partial to the SEGA CD version. Advanced V.G. is better on Saturn or PS1 but the Turbo version is still great

Congrats on your new CoreGrafx OP
I knew I was going to forget some games, there's also Yo Bro and Camp California which have real licensed Beach Boys music in them, maybe a first (and only?) for the console
White PCEs don't have an AV out port
Core's do have an AV out port
TG16's do not have an AV out port
The basic issues they get are power jack connectors getting loose from joint wear (easy fix with some fresh solder)
Earlier consoles have a different controller connector, as do TG16s
The controller cables are short, console5 sells a high quality extension cable

I often say the Turbo/PCE has a huge ratio of good games to bad games. It's a little unusual how few games are stinkers on there, they exist but you're gonna be bumping into more quality than shit. The ratios on more popular consoles like Genesis and Super are far more skewed to the shit side of things despite those both being great consoles.

You can easily get a chinese ever drive for like $30 tops and try a bunch of games. I'd recommend this to get a taste but know that a ton of the library is on CD, you may want to upgrade to a turbo everdrive pro eventually. I have one and I like it, but you need to use transcend micro sd cards because sandisk has signal noise you can audibly here whenever data is being read, especially cd data. Weird problem. Anyway some good games to try:

Alien Crush, Atomic Robo Kid, Aero Blasters, Bloody Wolf, Bonk's Revenge, Bravoman, Coryoon, Devil's Crush, Dragon Spirit, Dragon's Curse, Dungeon Explorer, Gekisha Boy, Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu, Marchen Maze, Legendary Axe 1 and 2, Neutopia 1 and 2, Ninja Spirit, Rastan Saga 2, Samurai Ghost, Shockman 1 and 2, Tiger Road, Valkyrie

This is just a few hu card games to check out.
Some decent Hucards nobody mentioned:

Air Zonk
Aoi Blink
Blazing Lazers
Final Soldier
Legend of Hero Tonma
Liquid Kids
Makai Prince Dorabocchan
Ninja Ryuuken Den
Nekketsu Koko Dodgeball Bu
Silent Debuggers
Soldier Blade
Son Son II
Super Star Soldier


Beyond Shadowgate
Dead of the Brain
Dragon Slayer
Dungeon Explorer II
Dynastic Hero
Gate of Thunder
Super Air Zonk
>Earlier consoles have a different controller connector
I don't think that's true. I think all Japanese consoles have the same controller port.
in terms of aesthetics, which of the PC Engine "family" do you like most, anons
Either the original or the CoreGrafx 2. I really like compact square consoles. Fist CoreGrafx color scheme is just a bit bland.
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I love how sleek the Duo consoles look.
I agree. Og Duo beast Sony to the PS2 aesthetic by nearly a decade and still managed to look even better imo
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PC Engine or CoreGrafx for me.
man, I mostly just play everything that doesn't have any text, like i hate jrpgs and the like. anything that's on hucard that's cheap and good for the pcengine
>Do said games have better versions elsewhere?

controversial opinion: i think devils crush is better on genesis, at least for having a final boss
I've never seen a TG controller in meatspace. Is it more comfortable to hold than it looks?
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I have the PCE Mini controller. It's a little more comfortable than an NES controller, it doesn't have the sharp edges and the dpad is a bit nicer. I like it. Pic is not mine.
Games are on cards or CDs.
-Cards some pins swapped for region TurboChip (US) and HuCards (JP)
-CDs require a system card (boot), the greater ones are backward compatible with the older versions: Arcade (4.0) > Super (3.0) > regular (2.1/2.0/1.0)

For the consoles:
original white PCE - RF out from the side, RGB out back
CoreGrafx - supposedly fixed an audio bug and now outputs component from the side, RGB from the back
CoreGrafx II - no longer has the bugfix for audio, but same as first CoreGrafx
PCE Shuttle - same as CoreGrafx but in a fun shape that allows the power/video connections from the back, but no rear pins for RGB
SuperGrafx - mid-gen refresh with a few dedicated games
TurboExpress & PCE GT/LT - portable versions of the base white PCE

The Duo and Super CD-ROM^2 addon has the system card 3.0 built in for playing both Super CD-ROMs and regular CD-ROMs.

US TG-16 controllers/multitap has a larger connector than everything else US/JP which uses the same smaller connector. The expected standard controllers has 2 face buttons w/ select+run(start) buttons. There are also 3 and 6 face button controllers as well.

Hell yeah. A lot of great games which is why the PCE family of systems are in my top 5 non-portable/computer gaming systems.

Some multiplats are better on the PCE, some worse, some just a lateral. It is a case by case basis.

>Play frequency
Always enjoyable for the games it provides. Easy to revisit for some great gaming experience and I do so on the regular.

PC-Engine systems tend to have old and bad capacitors which will all need to be replaced. It is difficult to find people willing to do the tedious work that will take part of their life away, so expect a high price. As mentioned the games are great already and there are many options for the family of systems.
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I meant composite.
I just got one and I'm already thinking of getting another one that I found because it's way less stained/discolored for a similar price. Am I retarded?
pce white with or withouth briefcase, corefgrafx 2 with super cd or RX
why is the PCE/TG16 so overlooked in terms of the 16-bit era of gaming? whenever people talk about the time period its always about nintendo and sega, yet despite the PCE selling really well in japan and having tons of great games, nobody ever talks about it. why is this the case?
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You said it, it sold really well in Japan. Plenty of western gamers have never heard of it, and I agree it's overlooked outside of Rondo. There's plenty of great games on it

Honestly though at this point I feel 8-bit/16-bit in general is getting overlooked, but that's for another thread
>why is the PCE/TG16 so overlooked in terms of the 16-bit era of gaming?

>bombed in america (partially by only launching really in major cities)
>cult following in europe as an import machine
>did decently in japan but never had a million seller game. console sales slowed down after 1992
Why RX over R?
Different logo and button color really do it for you?
I'm such a fucking retard for not getting a pce mini and the USB controllers when I had the chance
The fucking shits are going for $100+ for just the basic 2 button controller
Unironucally, the PCE is a case where FPGA (mister specifically not anal log) is better to own than trying to collect real hardware and games.
Everything is scalped and expensive as fuck, while the mister PCE/TG16/CD is one of the few that are true 1:1 hardware replacements.
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main differences?
>pc engine whitey = rf only (unless you buy somethin)
>core grafx = has av output
>pc engine cd = first cd addon for vidya ever
>SuperGrafx = meme console with 6 games but is backwards compatible + looks cool af
>turbo express = the power of pc enginekun in the palm of your hand+ you can do curls with the heavy brick on public transit
>turbo duo vs duoR = not readspeed, but a revision in the pcb itself to address overheating issues (otakus were playing for 10+ hours at a time and causing them to fail)
a side note is the duoR has slightly better capacitors however after this much time has passed you are better off replacing them either way...
I always forget about the Express
r and rx are the same
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it was on the wii eshop
that is how i got heavy into it
i never saw a tg-16 in the wild and didn't own one until i was an adult with my own apartment...

also to clarify the cd-rom had tiers of games as well, SUPER cd, ARCADE cd etc
they required a hu-card to be inserted otherwise you would get an "error screen"
arcade card is the best one and works with nearly all titles aside from maybe an obscure handful that only work with the original or 2.0

there are also proprietary cards for bootleg titles such as hi-leg fantasy
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*teleports behind you*
Hence my question, dumbass
R and Rx are okay
The d pad on the anal log is bottom tier chinkshit tier, how the fuck can you stand to play a game like that on it?
If I wanted a Supergrafx, what would I need to make it compatible with everything? I guess I don't care about the Arcade Card games, cause they all look kinda shit.
Is it worth just getting the Analogue Duo? Or the TurboDuo? Which is better?
Why didn't NEC of America at least try to fix the Turbo Duo's mediocre at best capacitor situation?
its literally fine
+when docked i can use whatever controller\arcade stick i want

let me guess, you hate misterfpga too
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NTA but I just hate MiSTER
FGPA Everdrive>Steam Deck>>Aya Neo pro>>Aya Neo Pocket Air>Aya Neo Air>Recalbox>Ayn Odin 2>>Ayn Loki Max>>Asus ROG Ally>Retroid Pocket 4 Pro>Anbernic Win600>Retroid Pocket 4>>Retroid Pocket 3/3+>>Ayn Loki Max>Anbernic RG552>Odroid>>Ayn Loki>Homebrewed and CFW-injected PS Vita>>>Raspberry Pi>>Powkiddy A13>>>Powkiddy X18s>>KTR1>Aya Neo regular>Caanoo>RP2S>>>Anbernic RG505>Miyoo Mini Flip>>Powkiddy A12>>Ayn Odin>Powkiddy X28>Trimui Smart Pro>Anbernic RG35XX PLUS>>Anbernic RG 552>Miyoo Mini +>Powkiddy RK2023>Anbernic Arc D>Anbernic 353ps>>Anbernic 351p>>Retroid Pocket 2/2+>>>Anbernic ARC S>>Powkiddy RGB 10 MAX>>Anbernic RG 405V>>Hacked and CFW injected 3DS>Powkiddy RGB30>>Miyoo Mini>>CFW-injected PSP>>>Trimui Smart Model S>Game Park 32>Anbernic 405M>Minisforum>Anbernic RG35XX>>Revo k101>>Dingoo 330>>Powkiddy RGB 20S>>MARS>Powkiddy RGB 10 Max>>Dingoo 320>>>BittBoy>>Pocket Boy/Game Console R36S>Pocket Boy R33S>Anbernic 353v>Powkiddy q90>>Analouge Pocket>>Retroid Pocket 1>>Powkiddy v90>>Data Frog SF2000>Powkiddy q80>Gamebox SP>>>Powkiddy q20>>Evercade>Coolboy rs-97+>>Pirate multicart>Powkiddy v90>>Pocket Boy R35S>RG300X>MiSTER>>Dingoo 380>>Retroid Flip>Playdate>PolyMega>Powkiddy a66>>Coolboy rs-97
NEC had nothing to even do with turbo duo, it was TTI (mostly hudson of america), and it was a salvage job
Do you have some proof that they knew the caps would be bad?
Seems like something you can only discover after decades
Has anybody ever used a Turbo Everdrive with a SuperGrafx? Are you able to play SuperGrafx games like this? What about Turbo CD games?
>Are you able to play SuperGrafx games like this? What about Turbo CD games
I don't own a super Grafx so I can't comment on that. For CD games they run about identical to a real CD in terms of gameplay. Except for a pretty major audio issue, where at random the CD audio gets distorted for a few seconds. Its rare; only happening about once per hour of gameplay, but It is distracting when it does occur.
yes for first, second i dont know
nice collection bro
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Repros? If not, impressive to have them all with the OBI’s. I’ve got Steam Heart’s and both Spriggan games, really want a copy of Nexzr but you gotta drop some coin for that one.
pce works
i have sapphire too
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Should I pull the trigger on these repros? They look identical to the originals, I can't convince myself to spend hundreds on the same thing but more scratches for authenticity. Or is this where the slippery slope to emulation begins?

Not if you flip the stained one for a profit

My holy grail

Depends if you want to play on a CRT TV, which is advisable as sprites and backgrounds assume the limitations of CRT. Duo is HDMI native, which would be a chore to get displaying right on a CRT. On the other hand it supports all regions, SuperGrafX games, doesn't need to be recapped, brand new CD drive won't die for years
This console had more add-ons than the genesis.

And nips bought 'em all despite PC Engine being a marginal step up from Famicom because it launched during the peak of the Japanese economic miracle, they had yen blasting out their asses and needed frivolous high tech shit to blow it on
I collect for PCE and only go for originals but If you really want the physical games on a budget then go for it. Would cost you $400 or more just to get Winds, Gate, and Rondo. Then you have Sapphire which is like $1500. One thing I’ll say about originals is that (so far) they tend to increase in value over time, repros not as much but you probably won’t lose money either way, there’s always going to be a market for both. Just an aside but I’d consider Nexzr or Sylphia over Sapphire. I think Sapphire is overrated gameplay-wise despite it being so awesome graphically.
if you're going to play them and enjoy them yes
he can always change his mind
and scalp them on eBay for more than he paid
people are retards
What attachments do I need for a SuperGrafx to make it able to play any game? I don't care about Arcade card 4.0 because those games are all unplayable for non-Japs.
all you need is picrel, eveything else is pointless when you have the kino that is the Shuttle.

>but anon it cant play cd games

Jump off a bridge.
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forgot pic kms
That's stupid, there are good CD games
like reddit of blood? if they wanted me to play CD games they should have made the shuttle compatible. Simple as.
The SuperGrafx already plays all JP HuCards, so maybe a Kisado adapter to play US TG-16 TurboChips. Then there are the CD games, which you can use 1.) a RAU-30 to hook up to the Interface Unit coupled with the original CD-ROM^2 or 2.) directly connect to the newer Super CD-ROM^2 attachment. If you chose the first option for CD-ROM games, use the appropriate boot disc for the amount of RAM needed with specifically the "Arcade Card Pro" for the Arcade games; whereas the second option with the Super CD-ROM^2 directly attached already has a Super CD boot disk by default but for ArcadeCD games, the "Arcade Card Duo" is the appropriate one. Also know that using the Super CD-ROM^2 direct attachment, the passthrough power cable does not fit the SuperGrafx, so with the default hardware, both addon and console needs their own power source. I guess for a modern method, try those Turbo Everdrive Pro or Super System^3 devices. As for Arcade games, there's some pretty good games like Sapphire and those NeoGeo fighting game ports.

Thanks! I found a new old-stock Duo RX in storage which I remember I could never find someone willing/able to do RGB mods back in the day, so I had completely forgotten about it since I had other options to play the games. The family of systems are some of my most favorite, so without help in restoring capacitors, I do have some backups for now.
Does the shuttle have all the necessary pins on its expansion port for a CD addon to be possible?
A minimalist dock for the original CD-ROM2 would be a fun project.
I know you're trying to make things simpler, but this really just made it more complicated.

So, basically all I need is a SuperGrafx + CD-Rom^2? And I basically need two separate outlets to power the Super CD and the SuperGrafx, instead of the 1 required for other Turbo models?

Also, just out of curiosity, how big is your vidya collection? I always see you posting CIB expensive shit, and always something new. How much of your salary do you dedicate to gaming?

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