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Are these games worth playing? Never got to play them as a kid.
Same but I've always wanted to give the first game a try because people say it's a linear platformer like Crash and not a collectathon
It's furfag material, unlike stuff like Crash, Spyro and Ratchet.
I wish Sly 3 stuck with the main 3 but had the same variety of missions and minigames. Sly 2 is fun but the missions feel pretty barebones like GTA3's missions. The devs didn't seem comfortable experimenting too much with the missions until 3 where they went wild.

If the gang traveled the world to just learn from great thieves or experts, it would've been better than recruiting them and having them all feel like temporaries.
>look up series on wikipedia
>there's a fourth (non-retro) game released in 2013
>it ends on a cliffhanger
i suddenly don't feel like checking the games out anymore
That was made by a different developer. Sly 3 concludes the series as a trilogy.
Not nearly as fun and polished as Spyro or R&C.
More polished than the other playstation western platformers, the first is like a reinvention of crash (crashfags like myself will like that a ton) the second is a bit more banjo kazooie but does more with its big ass levels and sub levels. At first I thought the stories wouldn't do anything for me but they really hooked me after a few bosses.
ah okay, will check them out then. still a shitty way to go, doubt the series will ever be revived
Sly > R&C
and if were counting Spyro I'd say it's equal to Sly (untill Enter the Dragonfly)
Yeah they're all good. Sly 1 is essentially Crash 4, playing it you can see a direct line from the original Crash games to it, it's "NextGen Crash". Sly 2 has fantastic movement and great little hubs that are a lot of fun to explore. Sly 3 is like a worse Sly 2 but it's still worth playing, though I would say even Sly 4 is better than 3.
I've only played the first one. Short, but very good.
>unlike stuff like Crash
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>unlike stuff like Spyro
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>unlike stuff like Ratchet
Yeah, the second game is best
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I only played 3 back in the day, and only got to play the first two as an adult. They absolutely still hold up.
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All the games end on a "cliffhanger", or I guess some teaser leaving enough room for a sequel. Is till think they work completely well stand-alone and 3 still feels satisfying as a conclusion. I really love these characters, even if people say 3 introduced too many.
4 is basically fanfiction by a different dev and I haven't even played it, so I can't tell you what to expect from that.
There was a trailer for a fucking Sly movie back in 2016, I should probably be relieved nothing came out of it.
4 ends with sly stuck in the past while the others characters vow to find him and bring him back to the present
>There was a trailer for a fucking Sly movie back in 2016
Jesus...you awakened a horrible memory
I always wanted more from this series but it's probably for the best, especially with how furry it is
Yeah that's probably more egregious than 2 and 3's endings. Or maybe not, I found those endings to be nice almost bittersweet even.
She was way hotter when she had the hood on
Doesn't make my dick twitch like Carmelita therefore she doesn't count as furshit, hmpf
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No. Great style but the gameplay is just boring and for babies and everything has a tutorial. Sly 2, the SEQUEL GAME, explains to you how to walk on ropes literally 2 hours in

It's maybe worth playtesting but not worth a playthrough at all. And I like the studio
Personally I like pressing the circle button to spiral jump
I remember unlocking the Sly 3 demo in one of the Ratchet & Clank games. My mother said it looked like a game meant for younger kids and o u c h. I've been meaning to give them a proper try mostly because I'm a huge furfag and I think Sly is hot.
this was about 20 years ago btw
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I loved them as a kid and yet I never turned out wearing fursuits and tail buttplugs, I feel like you gotta seek that shit out.
4 is what happens when actual furries get control of a game
They're fun, they could have toned it down with the dialogue and cutscenes, thoughwithstanding.
I always wanted the first one when it was new, played it on pcsx2 not too long ago and it was pretty good. Worth checking out for sure, but I only played for a short bit so hard to say how it really is.
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The first one is kino desu. They went in a direction in art and gameplay but that makes it more unique
what is this thief 1/2 cutscene framing? is sly cooper based?
what do you mean?
More than. Worth it. All 4 games are great in their own right. Go play them right now.
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We can all agree I think that "and the thievius racoonus" is a fucking dumb subtitle.
Sounded like a Harry Potter title, so not that bad just goofy
They had to get around the implications of "the robbing coon"
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I need this vixen
I'm not a furry but she's really sexy
I've started playing the trilogy on my Vita a few months ago, 100% done with first and second games, going through third one right now
I loved the platforming levels in the first game and really wish the entire game was like that, but sadly each following world kept adding more and more "minigame" levels while reducing the amount of platforming levels and the final chapter was literally nothing but minigame galore (outside of that one short segment where you free Carmelita). Oh, and every single optional ability felt absolutely useless - I really wanted to find some usage for them but couldn't.
Second game pretty much dropped the entire "level" structure of the game and instead went for hubworld approach with GTA-like missions. Platforming is still there but has less focus on it and thus the game no longer feels like a 3D platformer (unlike the first game). At the same time, second game does feel more "thief-like" compared to first game because you're actually doing activities thieves would do. Too bad I didn't really enjoy playing as Bentley and Murray, and, once again, most of optional abilities felt kinda useless (not to mention that the money you get by trading in map treasures is not enough to purchase every ability, so you actually need to farm coins at some point to 100% the game).
Third game feels like second game so far but with even more optional character missions, some changes to hubworld (no more ? bottles, no more big treasure but average pickpocketing pays off better, etc.) and optional abilities still feel whatever.
Series has fantastic aesthetics and great level design but I have mixed feelings about its gameplay across three games. I think going for pure platformer but with various stealth aspects OR going for proper thief simulator with various gadgets and abilities to help you through the missions would've been better than the ending result.
The first one is kind of like that. 2 has open hub levels with smaller "levels" and objectives in them.
I haven't played 3 but I hear it went overboard with minigames, as is tradition.
How fucking pathetic do you have to be to use the Japanese cover art for a western developed game that has a huge amount of dialogue and text.

Fuck off and kys
Why are you getting mad over japanese covers being posted
I beat the first two. I think the second is more fun as a straight play through and the first is more fun to 100% complete.

The gameplay is different between the two but many of the strengths and weaknesses are the same. There’s a few minigames in each that are a bit of a drag. The rhythm sections are pretty akward both in terms of gameplay and asthetic in both games. The characters are fun and memorable although the writing is pretty standard. The levels are well designed and atmospheric. There’s a lot of optional collectables which unlock new abilities, but unfortunately most of the abilities are underwhelming. Stealth is another major theme. It’s limited but well implemented where it is used. A fun gimmick to spice up an otherwise standard platformer.

I would say one major difference is that Sly 1 is more straight forwards platforming wheras Sly 2 is more mission based. Sly 1 also has more janky charm. Sly 1 had a life system that was basically useless since you had infinite continues but getting one ups was still fun. Sly 2 did away with that. Little things like that in Sly 1 gave it a bit of soul even if objectively they weren’t much.

I’ve got a nostalgic bias but even overlooking that I’d still recommend the first two Sly Cooper games. I’ll probably get around to the other two games someday.
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Because they look good and also the creators were weebs who liked Lupin III
Why are you being anal about this
they just look cooler bro, no need to seethe so hard over it
Is my dick worth sucking? Same dilemma, same answer.
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Carmelita's Eyes
Who's gonna tell him?
faun pussy and not Elora either
Someone post the Ratchet and Clank jap cover and how much "better" it is lol
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Looks like a reverse kirby situation.
The sly japanese covers are kino though and live up to the comic book style noir feel the games go for
Japs think big eyebrows are cute or something. idgi
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Furries are ridden with strange and disgusting fetishes like vore and feet and gigantism, as seen on /v/.
Few really appreciate Caremlita's beauty as it is.
2 and 3 are good. especially 2, it's very cool.
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All 3, yes.2 is tbe best by far. 1 has a Crash feel to it and 2 and 3 turn into sandbox maps, occasionally stealth or other missions in subworlds. 1 and 2 have this bottle/safe mechanic in each world where if you find every clue bottle in a level and then the safe, you can open it for a powerup unlockable. The brought that back in Sly 4 but skipped it in 3.
Despite 3 trying to refine the formula I felt it had too many side modes and minigames. 1 and 2 had plenty of filler side minigames but Sly 3 is like the Crash Wrath of Cortex of Sly games. I struggle to think if 1 or 3 is better, but at least they let Bently and Murray have pickpocketing mechanics in 3.
Yes, incredibly. Beat 2 to find out how.
The Raccoon ball is the key to good times for the time trials in 1.
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I really liked this scene. I know they have the hots for each other but this is the first time Sly and Carmelita actually had to sit down and just talk and get to know each other. It humanizes them to one another. It was sweet.
Mugshot is my favorite level and boss in these games
One of my favorite tracks came from one of his levels
Its short but damn thay soul

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