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It's actually kino. The atmosphere is incredible.
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yeah /vr/ is a fan
>pretending to be a journalist
>taking photos of the germans
>they do a pose

Also make sure you enable the twin stick mode.
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Can't have WWII games showing that Wehrmacht soldiers were also human beings with their own lives, families and personalities anymore.
No. Tank controls are better for PS1 games imo.
vr is not a person
Look when some fucking skype on /v/ is bitching about an old playstation game because "/vr/ recommend it" I want it to be fucking me they're bitching about. "WELL /VR/ SAID IT WAS GOOD AND THE CONTROLS THEY'RE JUST....TANK CONTROLS!!!!!" yeah bitch I AM /vr/ and you're gonna play my taste and everyone is gonna call you a faggot for disagreeing with it!
>/vr/ told me this was good and I just...keep dying on the first stage....it's just.....vgh......
stfu zoomer
it's just ok. the sequel is better in most respects, including performance and level sizes.
underground has some rougher spots and the final stages are janky. the first game has the best overall experience and presentation
Does it improve the clunky movement?
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series peaks with pic related. the first campaign mission still floors me to this day
Sorry, I prefer my atmospheres to be credible.
That's why Frontline is my favorite. The music and level design makes me feel like I'm really there.
I replayed both games back to back just last week and one thing really hit me about Underground is how easy and often it is to get stuck against a wall or something. It's actually an issue from the original game but in the OG it happens very rarely, meanwhile in Underground it's literally impossible to go through most doorways strafing or you'll end up stuck against the walls, even if you line up perfectly.
you can skype on /v/?
I obsessively played this as a kid and recently emulating it and enabling the normal modern aiming with two sticks blew my fucking mind.
what the fuck man this whole time
it plays pretty well with the default controls too
>one (1) german steps over trench
>well pack it boys the defenses are breached game over
sniper town gets too much shit and this too little
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I thought everyone moved to Discord a decade ago?
I use dpad+right stick, with the d-pad you can do that diagonal strafe and get double movement speed. Feels slick as hell
I will always remember playing this game as my grandfather watched, and he would periodically chime in and say that it was exactly how he remembered it. I was going to join the military and after him seeing me play this game he lit a cigarette and asked me "warum?" and I didn't know what he meant because he soon disappeared, but now I know. Now I know that I did my part.

If you play this game and beat it then you have earned The Medal of Honor.
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Wewelsburg is the single most unsettling mission I've ever played in an FPS. It even manages to put most actual horror games to shame. The sound design in particular stands out in a game with already masterful sound design.
I wish they had included a zombie mission in the game to be honest. I guess the knights are scary enough.
That would have been retarded
The recent threads make me want to replay but I'm well aware I'm beyond terrible playing FPS with a controller after all these years of not doing it.
>he doesn't know
You don't really need to be good with the sticks like in 6th gen FPS games. It works like Goldeneye where the game largely expects you to stand still and slowing aim around. You don't even have to play with a stick.
it's really easy for the first half of the game aside from huge spikes like THAT desert mission, the game really only gets hard for the last episode in paris and the secret episode
Allied Assault has godawful shooting and level design
It was mostly because all other missions are pretty timid by design. Here is the first and only time when you have to face the fact that Nazis are just mentally ill people who are on the loose in the fucking medieval castle. And Knights were the first and only enemies which were impervious to the heavy assault rifle fire. You couldn't kill or even just slow them down by shooting the head just once. And they weren't just melee enemies - they acted as an empty set of armor and attacked only when you was too close or wasn't looking at them. Basically mimics. They weren't all that original, but you never expected them to come the first time.
Spearhead was such a difficulty spike after (relatively) pedestrian Allied Assault.

But Breakthrough was even worse with severely limited amount of ammunition it gives the player
Siegfried forest from the original game is far more eerie for me.
Both games benefit really well from Duckstation's widescreen and perspective correction
But the dithering in native res adds a lot to the game and its atmosphere, as with every PSX games with short draw distance. So I'd recommend sticking to 1x resolution with dithering even if you use PGXP and widescreen
this, ps1 moh > frontline and aa
rctw gunplay is also overrated but you aren't allowed to say that here
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I find the scaled dithering still looks okay enough, I just love the crispness
yur papurs r in orduh
I was playing it for the first time back in june or july, and I was shocked by how good this was. I never had a PS1 as a kid, but it was easy to get into and just felt right. It had exciting set pieces and everything.

The last few levels are difficult though, because of the bazooka bastards, but thats okay. Not like the levels themselves are long, and its easy to memorize where everyone is.
>Gives up porting the original game's assets for a remaster
For me it's the Salt Mines
The #4 control scheme really helps this game stand the test of time, basically a modern console fps layout
Been meaning to play this for a while, a friend of mine had it in high-school but we never played it much.
I've been on a WW2 kick lately, so might load it up on Duckstation. I always thought this series originated on PC, maybe I'm mixing it up with CoD?
medal of honor was steven spielberg’s baby made with electronic arts for playstation. call of duty was pc
Or maybe you just got confused because Allied Assault was extremely popular on PC at one point.
There's more to it than just the knights.
>Level starts off completely quiet with only the wind blowing, soundtrack only kicks in once you're deep inside the castle
>Doors to the castle slam shut behind you
>The ambientation as a whole, you can hear people talking at the very beginning
>The overall uncertainty over what you're actually going to find in the castle
>SS iconography everywhere
>Tight, claustrophobic corridors
>Enemies that can spawn behind every corner and even behind you
>It's a fairly difficult level in the first place on top of all that
I feel really bad for the Germans but I don't wanna lose my job and Acme Corp and say that
I love ps1 MOH so much bros
>There is a secret room close to Valhalla, just before the stairs leading to it, which can be accessed by interacting the three lights on the wall in the following order: Middle, Left, Right. The nearby wall will open to reveal a room containing health and ammunition pickups, including Crossbow Bolts.

finished the game like 5 times over the years and never knew that
PC warriors like to pretend that console FPS don't exist so they pretend like Allied Assault was the start of the series.

Can't really accept that what they're playing has its roots in Goldeneye influence now that would be too much on them.
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>Can't really accept that what they're playing has its roots in Goldeneye influence now that would be too much on them.
Yeah, there are two field surgeon packs in there. The crossbow bolts can also really help you save ammunition. This is actually important because A Vicious Cycle is a bitch with scarce ammo drops.
It's a bit of a shame that the og MoH games weren't filled that much with boomer shooter-styled secrets, would've added a lot to the exploration and replayability. Rising Sun was pretty good in that regard though, shame they didnt really stick to it, aside from the bonus objectives in European Assault and Heroes 2. Above and Beyond did include hidden collectibles, but aside from the playable music records, they were pretty uninspired.
Replaying Rising Sun and its honestly such a garbage game. People who speak fondly of it are all delusioned by nostalgia desu
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You burgers got the shitty art.
Not a burger here. Are you retarded? PAL version looks like garbage.
Yeah no, the NTSC cover is more striking, and I say that as an Eurofag
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I forgot how difficult the last level of Monte Cassino is.
>Enemies around every corner
>They have SMGs that can take off more than a quarter of your health in less than a second if you're unlucky
>No field surgeon packs
>Health drops in general are limited
Then there's this courtyard. This fucking courtyard. I had to restart 3 times because of it.
MoH Underground becomes shit from that point onwards anyway.
yeah, this game has always been great. it's too bad you don't get to play as the good guys.
lucky ivan gets assigned to the video game board
>OP suggests a PSX era FPS
>can't even ADS
yeah nah
Too bad so few PSX games supported mouse input.
It wasn't made for you anyway, zoomer
They did, anon is stuck in the past, probably still complains about Tumblr too
Game turns 25 years next month. Would be the perfect time for a soft remaster
Beaten this for the first time last month on original hardware (already beat Underground when I was a kid) and I noticed that diagonal strafe with the analogue stick is slower than using the D-pad. Even tried with a Dualshock 2 just in case my DS1 wasn't working properly but it was the same, then I tried Underground and apparently is the same. Finished the game using the D-Pad for movement and right thumb stick for aiming.
Not enough women and niggers for my taste.
>Not enough women

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Opinion discarded.
>directed by Stephen Spielberg

What in the god damn?
Spiel means game in german
He wasn't director
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Wrong. The Paris levels are kino.
I am just upset that we never got more games with MOH atmosphere/pacing in the hayday of WW2 craze. COD came too early with all the friendly AI massive battles clusterfuck. Lonewolf shooters died too early considering the technology that came right after.
I can't stand AI partners either especially when the whole game revolves around it (I don't mind if it's just a couple of scenes)
Late 90s / early 00s had plenty of great "lonewolf" games though, like No One Lives Forever 2, Soldiers of Fortune 2, Black, Cold Winter
Ever tried Hidden and Dangerous?

I also highly recommend Wolfenstein Blade of Agony, it's a free standalone Doom mod that heavily channels that golden age Medal of Honor energy, albeit with some supernatural and sci-fi elements that you'd expect from a Wolfenstein game. It even uses a lot of sounds and music from the MoH games.
bro we got quite a few MOH games before MW1 made it obsolete overnight. idk what you're talking about.

Literally heard the original voice in my head. Nice one
>shooting the good guys
No thanks.
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What did /vr/ think of it?
The first mission storming the beach is one of my most memorable FPS experiences.
The beach is a worse version of Allied Assault's. The whole game is like more of Allied Assault but with level design that is closer to the original MoH in spirit. Still it's a really good game
For me Black was an actual sequel to MoH on ps1
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Artistically, the game is my favorite in the series. The, atmosphere, set-pieces and character models are great, and the soundtrack is absolutely god tier.

The shooting mechanics on the other hand, are actually a step down from the PS1 games, the excessive rng-based bullet spread is just fucking awful and detracts from the experience.

Despite that, I still love the game overall.
You have convinced me to replay it, now the question is, mouse or gamepad?
The PSX games? Only Underground supports (unofficially) the mouse with mouse injector. First playthrough should be d+pad + right analog for both.
Frontline? Definitely emulate the GC version with mouse injector. That game has absolutely awful controls for looking, diagonals barely work.
I will use gamepad for both PS games, I will dig into widescreen support though.
>Frontline? Definitely emulate the GC version with mouse injector
Didn't even think about that, thanks. As this anon said >>11262719 the beach level was amazing.
Yes widescreen in Duckstation works perfectly with both games with no issue whatsoever, I just did a playthrough of both last week like that
Best part about duckstation is that you can bind something like R3 to toggle widescreen on the fly.
My favorite. Best music in the series. Perfect pacing. Doesn't just throw enemies in your face like AA does. Enemy placement makes sense.
Not retro.
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Might wanna re-check the sticky

>Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".
Saw another MoH thread a few weeks ago and decided to install both games on my Vita. Played (and finished) first one as a kid like 20+ years ago, tried to play UG a few years later but I can't recall why I haven't got very far into it.
So far I've 100% the first game about an hour ago, and while I still enjoyed it, I do have a few issues with it
>do a perfect run during first undercover mission (ony kill two officers to get their papers, bring literally zero suspicion and guards are chill)
>nice, another 3-star mission cle-
>wait what
>go check conditions for stars
>95% killed enemies and 75%+ HP
That's fucking bullshit and makes no sense for undercover mission. Another retarded issue that comes with it are enemies that only spawn when you do something specific, so it's possible to miss them and not reach kill quota. I'm also a bit annoyed by enemies spawning out of thin air (check the toilet - nobody; make 4 steps into new corridor - someone is shooting me from direction of toilet room; don't let me even start about rocketmen who spawn behind your back to OHKO you).
Also sometimes I want to save up medical canteens but game outright removes them if I progress into level too far (and I'm not talking about canteens dropped by enemies).
Hardest levels were forest, snow mountain trail and tunnels full of rocketmen. I do love that enemies get smarter and smarter with each level, but even during the last level they really love to blow each other with grenades and panzerfausts.
Soundtrack is some of Giacchino's best work. Really excellent animations too, and it looks great for a 2002 console game. Unfortunately the shooting and a few other gameplay mechanics feel off compared to the PSX installments. They also obviously played it very safe, which is understandable given it was the first installment for a new generation of consoles, but kinda hurts it in retrospect as the last really good game in the series.
Every MOH after Allied Assault is literally COD, you and a bunch of other people in massive battles
Not true. Frontline, Rising Sun, Infiltrator, Heroes, Heroes 2 as well as Above and Beyond had plenty of lone wolf segments.
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What else do I have to do to enable widescreen? Does it require patches for every game like earlier pcsx2 builds?
Change the aspect ratio to 16:9
Pacific Assault for PC is the only blatant COD ripoff. The iron sights and gunplay feels exactly like COD 1 and 2. It's a decent game.
Fuck I really need to sleep thanks.
Also it plays better than I remember with a gamepad.
The Soundtrack by Michael Giacchino is way more important desu
also check the PGXP correction, it fixes the wobbly textures.
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Yeah, the game has aged remarkably well all things considered, feels great to play with my PS4 controller.

Just leave the PGXP depth buffer unchecked, unless you want your weapon model to clip through walls and floors.

Also, has anyone ever played Underground in widescreen and noticed the crosshair position is absolutely fucked, and doesn't at all match where you're actually aiming? Turns out it's a developer oversight that's only barely noticeable when played in the original 4:3 aspect ratio. It's also present in the first game, but to a much lesser degree.

Luckily, an absolute saint on the PCSX2 forum, PsxFan107, made a gameshark code to fix this:

For convenience, I'll paste both codes here. (Note that these are widescreen patches, so you'll need to disable widescreen rendering in the graphics options)

Medal of Honor (SLUS-00974)

//16:9 Widescreen
D0039D90 0005
800505BC B892
D0039D90 0005
800505BE 0C00
D0039D90 0006
8005169C B892
D0039D90 0006
8005169E 0C00
8002E248 FFEC
8002E24A 8467
8002E24C FFF0
8002E24E 8468
8002E250 1020
3002E252 00E7
8002E254 3820
3002E256 00E2
8002E258 3883
3002E25A 0007
8002E25C FFEC
8002E25E A607
8002E260 1020
8002E262 0108
8002E264 4020
8002E266 0102
8002E268 4083
3002E26A 0008
8002E26C FFF0
8002E26E A608
8002E270 1020
3002E272 00C6
8002E274 3020
3002E276 00C2
8002E278 3083
3002E27A 0006
3002E27C 0008
8002E27E 03E0
D0039D90 0005
8002E280 800A
D0039D90 0006
8002E280 8009
8002E282 3C02
D0039D90 0006
80077850 0600
D0039D90 0006
30077A78 00A0
D0039D90 0006
30077AB4 0060
D0039D90 0006
30077FF4 0000
D0039D90 0005
8007B590 0A00
D0039D90 0005
8007B5E4 0004
D0039D90 0005
8007B5E6 240D
D0039D90 0005
3007BA70 0000
D0039D90 0006
3007C6FC 000A
D0039D90 0005
3007FA64 000A

//Master code is replaced with Do-if-true codes.
//Sniper overlay is vert-. Vertical position of the overlay is modified to improve aim accuracy.
//Multiplayer is also supported.
//Sniper overlay in multiplayer is a proper hor+ crop with pillarboxing.
//In both modes the bazooka crosshair positioning is modified to accommodate the change in aspect ratio.

Medal of Honor: Underground (SLUS-01270)

//16:9 Widescreen
D003B600 0005
80053DC0 BE32
D003B600 0005
80053DC2 0C00
D003B600 0006
80054F14 BE32
D003B600 0006
80054F16 0C00
8002F8C8 FFEC
8002F8CA 8467
8002F8CC FFF0
8002F8CE 8468
8002F8D0 1020
3002F8D2 00E7
8002F8D4 3820
8002F8D6 00E2
8002F8D8 3883
3002F8DA 0007
8002F8DE A607
8002F8E0 1020
8002F8E2 0108
8002F8E4 4020
8002F8E6 0102
8002F8E8 4083
3002F8EA 0008
8002F8EC FFF0
8002F8EE A608
8002F8F0 1020
3002F8F2 00C6
8002F8F4 3020
8002F8F6 00C2
8002F8F8 3083
3002F8FA 0006
3002F8FC 0008
8002F8FE 03E0
8002F900 800A
8002F902 3C02
D003B600 0006
3007D9C8 0000
D003B600 0006
8008214C 0600
D003B600 0006
30082370 00A0
D003B600 0006
300823AC 0060
D003B600 0005
300877E0 0000
D003B600 0006
3008748C 000B
D003B600 0005
8008A820 0A00
D003B600 0005
3008F2BC 0004
D003B600 0005
3008F2C8 007C

//Master code is replaced with Do-if-true codes.
//Camera and Sniper overlay are vert-. Vertical position of the overlay is modified to improve aim accuracy.
//Multiplayer is also supported.
//Sniper overlay in multiplayer is a proper hor+ crop with pillarboxing.
//In both modes the bazooka / panzerfaust crosshair positioning is modified to accommodate the change in aspect ratio.
yeah I did notice that but I mostly thought it was the spread on the guns
Do MoH and MoHU have mouse/analog aiming patches like some games do?
Me and my frens played this as kids. We were all very dissapointed there was no Hitler boss battle featured in game
both games support analog by default
mouse injector supports Underground but not the original
oh but the manual aiming isn't supported and the turrets barely work

Really you're best to play with a pad, the games were balanced that way
I really like Medal of Honor Airborne but the fact that if enemies can see you they only shoot at you is really fucking annoying. Are older MoH games like this?
I just thought the mp40 had beyond abysmal accuracy
It does affect all full-auto weapons, apparently the other guns use a different aiming system for some reason
Airborne was a bit underrated but it was way too short. And no, the older MoH games generally don't have squad mates running around with you, so everybody is shooting at you.

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