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How do we feel about remastering retro games with mods?
Who is we?
The many users of this board. By inquiring broadly, OP hopes to hear many varied opinions on the topic.
Most of the time they look like shit, but the games most of the games already looked like shit and we didn't know any better.
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I use some mods here and there but that looks like shit. The sky textures are one of the best looking parts of Morrowind.
>By inquiring broadly
if he typed ‘you’ instead of ‘we’ it would have the same effect. the board is made up of individuals and is in continual flux. there is no consensus or ‘we’ to speak of or ask
It's called a royal we
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You will not get a consensus, which means we is the incorrect term.

Code switch away from your faggy book talk, Many of us are underachieving "geniuses". It doesn't mean shit here, gaylord
now that looks like shit, thanks for trying though but don't.
why are you arguing this as if it matters what so ever?
>autistic retard doesn't realize i was being facetious with the "faggy book talk"
Definitely a genius
who said anything about a consensus? you guys just get to America?
do it all the time. love it
You talk like this ugly filipino kid I used to know. do you do art and get beat by your gf?
this is among the most rent free posts I've ever read in my whole life

does your new gf cuck you?
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I have a lot of fun with it.
this is not reddit, everybody can have a different opinion
No that guy's gf gives me wicked dome though
They're cool but I'd rather experience the games as intended for better or worse
>You talk like this ugly filipino kid I used to know.
Oh fuck
>do you do art
>and get beat by your gf?
Okay phew
You're welcome.
This. I've grown out of mods as I aged.
morrowind is a game that most fans of it will say is good because of it's exploits & glitches which is just cheating with extra steps at the end of the day. the obsession with purity, authenticity & "sacred cows" on this board is cringey bullshit that reeks of trying too hard to fit in.

it's like a bunch of suburban trust fund kids having a masturbatory conversation about how big of a punker/gangster/non-conformist/etc. they are.
"as intended" is a spook as games kept being changed and re adjusted right before and after release with updates even back then.
dumbass geek
u dont know shit about anything
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If it's a PC then of course that's fine. It's in the nature of a an easily modified piece of software. Some mods even go as far adding a physics engine for ragdolls or debris.

Loading an old N64 or PS1 games with a bunch of graphical overhauls is just silly to me. Some shaders to emulate CRT blur is sensible but trying make the actual graphics better is a waste of time and resources to me.
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Romhacks that give you more content for games you love are far superior to graphical mods.
>Loading an old N64 or PS1 games with a bunch of graphical overhauls is just silly to me. Some shaders to emulate CRT blur is sensible but trying make the actual graphics better is a waste of time and resources to me.
it depends on what you do, the usual "upscale to 1080p/4k" is meh, it leaves no room for imagination and leaves games feeling sparse and simple
i'm more into psx, and there's is some things i like to do in emulators, namely supersampling (that is, rendering at higher resolution but then downscaling it back down to the original resolution to remove aliasing), as well as the GTE precision hack and PGXP to remove/reduce the wobbly verices and texture warping respectively, while it's true that they're a key part of what makes psx graphics look like psx graphics, it's also true that they were never /desired/ at any point. i still don't enable texture filtering, however, while i'm sure if it was easy to add they probably would have back in the day, but eh, they just look blurry with it, it clashes with the low polygon count. it's one reason i never really liked n64 graphics

at the end of the day there's no right or wrong choices here, of course
Fixing wobble on PS1 with PGXP is also pretty reasonable but to enhance textures just to smooth out visuals is the wrong way to go about it. You can mix a few shaders together and get a beautiful smooth look that mimics what the devs were looking at while they were making it on a CRT. Interpolation and bloom with some scanlines can radically change how pleasant a PS1 game is on the eyes.
It's fine, but not as an introduction.
Play the game as close to vanilla as possible at least once.
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This, for example I also love modding Morrowind but I hate the idea of someone playing it for the first time and setting the draw distance to 8 cells and not getting the experience of stumbling around in the fog looking for mushrooms and that one specific cave.
>internal resolution: increased
>anti-aliasing: on
>widescreen hack: installed
>HD texture pack: loaded
Yep, it's retro gaming time.
It's Haram in video game religion. There's ups and downs. For me, the spyro remasters are some of the most offensively disgusting visual representations of Spyro. They're better than skylanders, but they missed the pristine purity of the original artsyle by a country mile turning it into a disney pixar furfaggot atrocity. On the upside though, it brings attention to Spyro as an IP and the gameplay is untouched. A new generation of people who missed out on the PS1 classics will be exposed to Spyro and perhaps they'll like him enough to go check out the originals, which opens up a whole world of possibility if they are now open to playing low poly PS1 games. It's the same with other remasters and reboots.
This happened to me with the Bionic Commando reboot back in the 360 era. I was too cool for NES games at the time but the Bionic Commando gameplay was good enough for me to check out the original, which then led to me exploring the NES library. I bet at the time there were tons of people shitting on the reboot for ruining the artstyle of the original.
objectively better than WWHD being your first playthrough
There is no reason to not patch out gamebreaking bugs that the developers did not intend for a first playthrough
it's pretty rare for a game to have gamebreaking bugs that are easily triggered by a casual player, though it can happen, especially if we're talking about old pc games on new pc's/os's
Such as?
And why do you think "remastering retro games with mods" means "essential bug fixes"?
NTA but because of the OP pic he was probably thinking about the early 2000s. It was super common for those games to hang at random moments in my experience. It's not game breaking but it sucks when you lose progress like that.
I fucking hate texture mods in these kind of games because none of them ever cover the entire game requiring multiple texture packs, and they often lack visual uniformity, so you might as well just stick to vanilla textures. Gameplay and items mods, on the other hand, are less consequential since they often end up using assets that are already in the game.
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What, you don't like your game deep-fried in piss?
I feel that having the freedom to do so is enough. I may enjoy a given game with mods, I may not but the fact that I have the choice and capability is value within itself.
Depends on the game. I hate how a lot of these Morrowind modders seem to think Morrowind needs to be saturated in trees. I always got the impression it was supposed to be a mostly barren volcanic wasteland. Its ugly but yet beautiful because of how unique and special it looks compared to most games if that makes sense. Yes it might mostly be that way due to the hardware of the time but I still think Bethesda originally did not intend for the game world to be saturated in trees.

However there being a lot of fog actually makes sense to me. So if modders want to increase that like your pic shows it might fit with how Morrowind should probably look. One thing I hate about all of these Morrowind mods though is I am pretty sure if Bethesda ever revisited the game with a remake or a new entry they would be heavily swayed on what visual mods fans created over these years. So they would saturate the land with trees and dense foliage.
There's some amazing QOL romhacks out there. That counts as modding, right? Still waiting for that Hybrid Front translation...

What are some cool things like this?
Unironically better than the original
>For me, the spyro remasters are some of the most offensively disgusting visual representations of Spyro. They're better than skylanders, but they missed the pristine purity of the original artsyle by a country mile turning it into a disney pixar furfaggot atrocity.
I am not against playing the remasters and I am not sure if I see it as quite as extreme as you do but I do more a less agree. They definitely missed the mark on the visuals which really sucks because they could have easily brought that PS1 artstyle visual it was going for to life with modern graphics I am absolutely sure of it. They wanted something more soulless and recognizable on purpose though.
A bit different for me. I actually did play the NES Bionic Commando way back as a baby (yes a baby possibly between 3-5 years old). It was one of the first three games I have ever played along with Super Mario Bros and Spy vs Spy as my earliest video game playing memories. I probably played Bionic Commando a handful of times after that but definitely never got too far and would have probably been like 6 years old at the oldest the last time I played the cartridge on an NES. Fast forward to the reboot and I was actually hyped to play the game since it was quite literally that game from my childhood I remembered thinking was cool and fun but was too young to have ever gotten far. So I bought the reboot, played it, beat it, I love the game its amazing and incredibly underrated. So then after that some years later I decided I may as well beat the original game on the emulator and I did that to. Both games are fantastic and some of my favorite platformers. I have beaten the NES game a bit more times then the remake.
we don't like your kind around here
>OP is a flip

Thread discarded.
Sometimes I use reshade just to color grade the game if I remember it looking better than it actually does
Pixel art, heavily stylized, cell shading, etc is fine as is, but I almost always want 'realistic' 3D bumped up to 6th gen graphics
I respect the passion for the work they're putting in considering they're doing it all for free, but a lot of the time I feel they focus more on what they perceive the game as, rather than what it is.
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Give me vanilla. nearest neighbor, please.
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>>How do we feel about remastering retro games with mods?
"Modding" is broad and can mean a player-made Starcraft map, a custom Morrowind plugin, or private server emulation. Even if it's not in a way the developers intended, I think its most important to enjoy yourself.
It's hilarious because that original Ecce Homo was a plagiarized piece of no relevance, the butched up restoration game it worldwide fame and relevance it never had before.
NTA, but 4chan has had a horrible case of hive mind for at least a decade and from 6 years ago it's begun getting to /vr/ as well.
The only hd texture pack I've seen that isnt like your meme is re4. That one preserves the art style pretty well because the mod author had the proper ratio of autism to talent.
In 99% it's bad, but I have to say I liked how generic posters, abum covers etc in Scarface were replaced with real one
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Anvil release any month now... any month now...
you will never be "authentic" kid. stop trying so hard and just be yourself people will like you more.
Why are disingenuous people always post the launch version of WWHD when the bloom was removed in the first patch?
>How do we feel about remastering retro games with mods?

I was making 'HD' texture mods back in 2002. My first game was making HD textures for the Duke Nukem 3D source port, and I still see those textures are being used in the current HD packs. I see them used in other games too. I don;t see a problem with this either, as they are purely fan made. Don't like them, don't use them.
nah! you dont know shit about anything
I'm pressed for storage space. Usually these remasters include 4K textures or whatever takes hogs my GBs. I can upscale the original ROMs or ISOs at no extra storage space and they honestly look great as is. I'm playing Echo Night Beyond at 2.5x res and it looks like a 7th gen game to me.
i know that you'll never be anything more than a poser until you finally grow up and get a clue.

but we both know that'll never happen.
Because we didn't like it and went back to the original instead. There was no reason to check back for an update because we were already playing the better version.
u talk a lot of shit considering u dont know shit! bitch!
I think it's a great idea. Most people whine and complain about this sorta thing and I never understood why

I think remaking classics is fun and I always play em most of the time
morrowind can't be remade with its non-existent ai and terrible animations
>what they perceive the game as, rather than what it is
To a person the game is what they perceive it as. How would you even know otherwise?
because we don't care what your corporate overlords do in their latest reddit update. modders already fixed it.
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>game gets updated to fix glaring issue
>"we don't care what your corporate overlords do in their latest reddit update"
Painting shit with gold paint doesn't change the fact that it's still shit
I never played WWHD so I wouldn't know how shit it is. Calling game updates "reddit" is retarded though.
Most of the time its a better alternative to playing an official remaster/remake, since those are usually just dumping the game into a new engine version which creates a lot of new bugs that they dont do QA for, and adding a few out of place graphical effects that do not look good with the original artwork. Incorrect lighting, anti-soul gas, politically correct censorship, new content that doesn't make sense contextually etc.

Yeah nah installing a couple of mods that you like is a better idea.
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What I mean is, the game in their head is valued more than the actual game that's on your computer. That's how you get stuff like Fallout The Frontier.
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RE4 + HD mod + autoHDR (not pictured) is great.

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