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If you judge this game at face value and don't think about the esports, the koreans, the shitty sequels, the remaster, the fall of Blizzard as a whole, it's just one if the comfiest computer games ever.
terran edition is for faggots
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I like it because it reminds me of C&C covers
RTS games are for the kinds of autistics I don’t like.
Blizzard has always been shit. Diablo sucks too.
Why? Did they make fun of your Mario-themed diapers?
Yeah that’s why actually. They called my Mario diapers gay.
Nothing wrong with pointing out the truth.
Straight men wear Sonic-themed diapers.
It's one of the comfiest games in general. Even esports matches for BW are relaxing, I only wish they used the old version instead of the remaster. Old TV recordings of the tournaments are maximum soul
Yeah. No Shit. Why would you ever think about that other shit? Who is suggesting you should otherwise?
too unbalanced and frankly not as fun as Civ games and Dawn of War 1(before patches unbalanced the not=elf factions).

terran hicks: versatile but hard to micromanage. expansion's medics however made the marines mooks wildly effective. almost cheating.

zerg: not as "zerg rush" as memes suggest. only zerglings are fast and cheap to produce. mid and late game still require abuse of abilities from queens/etc or ambushing enemies at choke points to win with zerg.

protoss: cool units .awfully inefficient. they just cost too damn much compared to terran units.
>dawn of war
>don't think about the esports, the koreans

If we don't think about Korean esports, this game would be virtually forgotten. It was bargain bin material by 2001 - I got it and brood war together for a fiver, Blizzard was so desperate to be rid of those discs.

Pretty much the only reason anyone ever mentioned Starcraft 10 years after its release was to comment on how crazy popular it was in Korea. Were it not for the Korean market, Starcraft 2 would never have been made.

>RTS games are for the kinds of autistics I don’t like.

It's a dead genre for that exact reason. No one remotely normal wants to play a game centered around memorising the most efficient build order you can find and then seeing how fast you can click through it all, and that's all the genre boils down to in multiplayer.

If RTS's had stayed a primarily single player and LAN multiplayer experience, they might still be a thing, but they were among the first genres to swing heavily into global online competitive multiplayer, and that, ultimately, killed them.
>No one remotely normal wants to play a game centered around memorising the most efficient build order you can find and then seeing how fast you can click through it all, and that's all the genre boils down to in multiplayer.
t. someone who has never played multiplayer
In the real world you get cheesed in 10 different ways and are forced to react. The build order is just the ideal scenario that happens if you opponent is asleep or wants to turtle (in which case you should have been the one to cheese him)
Extremely rare knower of rts concepts... sugoi
>12 unit selection cap
>FPS games require you to be fast and accurate, as well as have the map memorized so you know where everything is and can spot something out of place quickly
>that's fine
>MMO's require memorization of game mechanics and equipment, as well as knowing the best time to use what ability/spell
>that's fine
>Fighting games require memorization of move lists and good knowledge of game mechanics, as well as quick and exact reactions
>that's fine
>Brood War needs good knowledge of tech trees and unit counters, as well as fast and accurate actions and reactions
I get it, you beat the singleplayer campaigns and hopped online to show everyone your leet skillz, and got your ass handed to you with an attack before you even had your first unit out. Quit trying to play the competitive ladder with the APM chasing autismos, and come play Use Map Settings maps with the rest of us.
Or you can try to git gud. Practice getting all four of your starting workers mining before the first one even reaches the mineral line. Done properly, you'll click-drag to send them all at the same mineral patch, then grab the three farthest away from the minerals one by one and send them to different patches, all before the in-game timer hits 4 seconds. From there, it's a matter of rushing to your first attack unit before the 2:30 mark. If you aren't prepared to handle 6 zerglings at 2:30, then even the AI will filter you in skirmish. The next trick is mastering the art of the quick expand. Having a 2nd base up or on it's way up by the 5 minute point can jump-start your starting economy. Using tournament-level maps like Circuit Breakers can help in learning how to wall yourself in for a fast expand, since they have set choke-points outside of the natural expansion specifically for fast expand opens.
But let's stop the mental gymnastics of acting like RTS games are any more of a learning curve than other genres.
Yeah? I don't think about any of that shit. Multiplayer can suck my nuts. I play games because I don't want to interact with other people and I play rts games because I like to take my time and genocide every living creature on the map. With starcraft and the zerg in particular you better believe the whole map is covered in creep at the end.
>If you judge this game at face value and don't think about the esports, the koreans
but i like thinking about this
4chan rts threads are hilarious because you can tell everyone here has no idea how to play them, but instead of just admitting it, they try to use scapegoats like "m-muh gooks took away all the strategy, it's just gookclick now!"
just stick to turn-based strategy if you're afraid of real time gameplay. lmao
Most people are not good at real time strategizing, let alone strategy in general. Most people are the soldiers being told what to do. I remember playing age of empires as a kid and getting my ass kicked every time until I understood that I'm not just willy nilly doing shit, I have to actually think ahead and plan my attack. Then it all made sense, still got my ass kicked but at least I was making headway. I do think most people have the capacity to understand how rts games work, but they just don't find it interesting enough to waste time playing them. I'll still open up empire earth and aoe2 once in a while.
I hope you get raped by a wild pack of hydralisks.
Game is good regardless if you're thinking of Blizzard's downfall or not. Dont be autistic, one thing has nothing to do with the other.
If you even remotelly like RTSs, give SC1 the campaign a shot. Its free, works great on modern pcs, and its really fucking good.
Thoughts on the n64 port?
>asshole just said games requiring skill are dead because they require skill.
Oh I fucking weep for this generation.
I really dont like rhe aestethic, it makes the game uncomfy to me. It has some really amazing music though. Age of Empires series is the opposite, nice atmosphere but terrible music.
I love the game but the aesthetics is just copied from everywhere.
Space Marines from warhammer40k VS Alien VS Predator. The terrans even have the robot villain from Robocop as a unit. Everything is ripped off some movie or IP.
retards like this guy is exactly why mobas are popular btw
how can you not like SC's aesthetic? the fuck is wrong with you?
replaying it has been a chore, it's time to start cheating
God, yes. I fucking miss old Blizzard. Used to LAN this shit all the time with my friends.
I hated the fact that the music tracks are cut down and loop too often.
Otherwise, somewhat enjoyable but weird experience. It was a novelty to try it out, but I still enjoy replaying the PC version much more.
Thank God I don't care competitive autism and just enjoy building comfy bases and commanding armies in SP at my own leisure

t. c&cfag
how the FUCK do I get good at this game? My older brother keeps pwning me every single time we play and it's getting embarrassing.
Why don't you ask him?
yea it's based but so are the koreans for making it a fun game to watch to this day. Just because you think the campaign is "comfy" doesn't mean you should shit on a swathe of the fanbase because you're an asshole
nah he's right your opinion is garbage
Bro just look at the replies above. Competitive players are miserable in their pursuit of "optimal" strategy and don't know how to have fun. They are the kind of people who die from a stroke early.
yes, all videogames are derivative in some way. In fact every piece of art is in some way derivative. You're wrong, the "aesthetics" are fine for a fucking video game.
you don't have to watch the games, you're just mad you can't play at fucking 300APM like those people so you feel like you need to undercut their worth. How you can't see this is sad to me
It's got a great vibe, but I'm terrible at it. To this day I've yet to win a skirmish against the ai.
That's probably because you don't try to win by learning. In RTS it's rarely a good idea to make up your own plan until you've played a lot of games and learned from people who play better, partially to develop good habits and partly because you can waste a lot of time floundering if you don't know what you're doing.
The AI is dumb as hell though, they only do a few things. Toss has a zealot rush and an occasional DT rush they do; zerg can 4pool u and that's the early rush with zerglings that will kill you if you don't suspect it because it'll come around 2:45 or 3. Terran typically just sends out a bunch of marines early.
Once you understand what each AI race does it's not that tough to kill them
>be mad
>call others mad
Bro, you're the one who cares about esports too much here. Do you even have fun?
i don't even understand what you're trying to say. It's a false dichotomy, you can have fun and play optimally at the same time
I've been talking to the anon who has projected his frustration about being unable to "play at fucking 300APM" upon me as if it's the end-all of RTS gameplay.
I genuinely think a 50-60 APM capped mode for multiplayer RTS would bring back popularity. Then you could fairly argue you were out-thought and not out-clicked.
Those exist, they're called turn-based strategy games.
this is extremely delusional. Projecting your own pathetic insecurities onto everyone else.
Hell, I'd be interested in a real-time-with-pause strategy game, maybe taking inspiration from games like Balder's Gate or Neverwinter Nights. It'd be original at least.
Micro in RTS never made sense to me. A man shouldn't fight better getting 90 contradictory orders from HQ every minute.
There's a big difference between derivative and flat out copying. Also, there is a thing called "being original" which also exists. Sure, the game is fine. But the visuals are all flat copies of some other media.
>still feels the need to broadcast that he's above playing with the toy in that way
>doesn't understand that there are people who enjoy both
Must suck man
>Micro in RTS never made sense to me.
It's the alternative to having a blob of troops you just mash into the enemy blob and either win or lose depending on who had the stronger blob. Micro makes it so victory isn't just a matter of who has the most powerful army, but also a matter of which side uses what they have to the fullest extent.
If it wasn't for micro, mutalisks would be absolutely worthless against Terran players. If it wasn't for micro, vultures would be worthless against most ranged units. If it wasn't for micro, lightning storm would be death incarnate and every protoss player would make nothing but High Templars.
Micro gives RTS depth beyond build orders and unit positioning.
give an example apart from le robocop goliath. They're sci fi tropes, nobody is inventing the wheel. Whatever you say has been "copied" by fucking brood war has undoubtedly been "copied" many times over from written works previously. Your criticism is meaningless
This is Jimmy.
Really? "An" example?
Zergs are copied from the Aliens series. Protoss are Predators. Marines are Space Marines from warhammer.
Its not even criticism. I love the game. But to deny that the visuals are all copied from somewhere is stupid.
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>Zergs are copied from the Aliens series.
No dumbass they are Tyranid rippoffs(which did copy from Aliens)

There is not a single thing original to a Blizzard game. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. It's nice to have fun and dig into cliches and archetypes through the RTS format. Warcraft did it with fantasy, Starcraft did it with scifi.
>they haven't read Starship Troopers
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Everyone saying Starcraft is unbalanced is very ignorant and I don't even like competitive games
I'm not the person you replied to, but Warcraft is almost a piece-by-piece copy of Warhammer and Starcraft is, again, an almost literal copy of Warhammer 40K factions. If you can't see this, I don't know what to tell you.
Nids only looked like zerg starting with the edition that came out well after statcraft released. So it's actually that modern nids are a zerg ripoff. Ironically, the original "zerg" from the Warcraft 2esque prototype statcraft looked like the original nids, that is to say neon colored space clown dinosaurs.
>Everyone saying Starcraft is unbalanced is very ignorant
it's only "balanced" because modern maps have to be designed in a very specific way to account for the broken units, i.e. so that mutalisks don't steamroll literally everything

try to play maps from the time when brood war was last patched for balance and it would be a completely broken mess
>it's only "balanced" because modern maps have to be designed in a very specific way
Well, agreed, but what is your point? You could say the same about virtually any online competitive game, like Counter Strike or any MOBA, among others. Maps have to be remade and tweaked all the time to account for new refined strategies. Balanced map design is essential for a game to be balanced; you could have the most balanced units and buildings and tech trees ever, but if the map design favors the usage of certain units that only one faction has, for example, it will be a mess.
>because modern maps
whats modern mean in this context? Because it was relatively balanced in the Kespa era which was like 15+ years ago
wait so you're saying if you play unbalanced maps the game won't be balanced?
it was everywhere and cheap because it was wildly successful and everyone was buying the battlechest, retard lmao
in a balanced game, map symmetry would be enough

having to bend over backwards to make a map with specific traits just so that a certain opponent cant do this or that specific strategy is a blatant sign of imbalance

moreover there are units in the game that are utterly useless, another sign of game design that is far from ideal

by your logic any game with maps customization is balanced(if there's enough time and interest): just ignore half the tools in the game because they suck and keep tweaking the maps for decades(whenever someone comes up with a strategy that is OP in the previous set of maps make another batch that prevents it)
Well no fucking shit.
the remaster is one of the few remasters done right
And that's a good thing. A perfectly balanced game is bland. By balancing the maps instead of the units the skills you developed with the units doesn't need to be relearned, just applied in different scenarios
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nothing wrong with it. now wipe away those tears.
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I'm not crying because I know my pirated copy will never ever be tainted by revisionist garbage
Any game will reach this point if autists care to break it down scientifically as a job for 20 years. Fucking chess is imbalanced my nigga
>map symmetry would be enough
what makes you think this?
And name two "utterly useless" units
the worst example of a portrait change is the Vulture desu
>my pirated copy
Lost your discs you fucking mongoloid? Jesus christ you're pathetic
>in a balanced game, map symmetry would be enough
oh youre actually retarded, nevermind
OG discs are succumbing to disc rot as we speak
not that anon but ghost, scout
scouts aren't useless, they're good just too expensive.

ghosts are useless
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>too expensive.
which makes them useless.
makes them bad, not useless
>unit has 10 000 hp and does instakill damage
>costs 75 000 minerals and 75 000 gas with a build time of 15 minutes
>"i-i-it's not useless, just too expensive!"
sure bud. Not my fault you won't be buried with your Starcraft discs, that's on you.
Ghosts are not useless, just difficult to obtain at higher levels, unless it's TvT in which case ghosts are used often to break stalemates in longer games. This just shows you don't actually watch or play the game, you just shit out of your mouth.
Scouts are nearly useless but they still see use from time to time as a way to plink tanks during a rush when the terran tries to skip anti air or when their turret scv has been killed. It's not common but it is a tool that exists.
You don't have a dick to stand on man the game is as close to perfect as anything can be; bitching about fucking STARCRAFT is a masturbatory exercise. You're in the minority.
really complex analogy you crafted there anon, it's all so clear now.
I bet against you they would not be useless. They're often used to mock players because of their high cost and dubious utility.
But yes, the scout, you're right. I guess the game is bad, huh?
yeah. that's a travesty. I wish they would let you use the original graphics and portraits in widescreen. That's all I want, but when I'm actually playing the game I don't give a fuck about any of this.
One thing the remaster did that was actually cool was provide a ton of spoken languages in which to play the game. In french, when the marines stim, they scream "OOOH OUIIII"
So I think it's a net positive.
Show me a serious competitive level tournament from the past 5 years where ghosts are used(not as a joke/for showboating purposes)
get fucked retard.
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tick tock
what exactly is the problem, it's not 100% exactly the same, therefore bad?
>serious competitive level tournament
>some random game with a guy that never made it to ASL getting dunked on
uh huh.
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have you tried drinking bleach? heard it tastes great
fkin metzen is a retard
>it's just one if the comfiest computer games ever.
that would be microsoft fury 3, star craft requires you to think and its got shitty click to move here click to grab this click to upgrade that game play
best post in the thread, click to do thism click to move here, click to attack. click menu click exit game. wow so fucking fun all you did was click and watch pixils move, fuck you fucking rts loving nigger faggots
mobas are just shitty rts sept you control 1 unit, its still the same click to move here click to move there click to attack that bull shit. its fucking retarded
Even perfect information sports/games like soccer, chess or basketball have had to make changes to the rules throughout their history to keep the game balanced as new strategies come up, my man.
>by your logic any game with maps customization is balanced(if there's enough time and interest)
You are correct.
Ghosts are niche but have been successfully used in top games and they show up in almost every top level tournament at some point; it's the go-to strategy for Terran to bust a turtled up Zerg and bust all their defensive buildings at once, and they're used very often against Protoss and Terran too for the EMP spell against carriers and battlecruisers. Scouts are the exception that proves the rule because they're stupidly expensive and you need a lot of them for them to be useful.
>Ghosts are niche but have been successfully used in top games and they show up in almost every top level tournament at some point
Proof you are completely and utterly out of touch and talking out of your ass.
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Nukes used on ASL, the top tournament in the world, against Larva, former ASL/world champion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I216esl5toI&t=2796s
Nukes used by Rush, major proleague winner and 2 times ASL runner-up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cwp3bOC5pQ&t=770s
Ghost rush by Mihu, one of the top players in the world and the best Chinese player in SC history, in a tournament best of 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Yn1GtOsIx0
Light, ASL champion, using nukes in top ranked game against Protoss https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxBfqdelvBHAacgosiJDsxzK0PyNssDARe
Artosis getting to S rank by beating an S ranked Zerg using nukes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjI4Chybshg&t=17s
This is just from a quick YouTube search for "starcraft asl nukes", I haven't even searched for ghost EMP usage against BCs and carriers or even searched Liquipedia for ASL/KSL uses. Would you want me to keep going, or are you going to be a man and apologize?
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oh, so apparently there is an active starcraft thread i didn't see

anyway, one thing i know about this game and why it's so comfy is that Blizzard tried to get the rights Alien and Predator and they didn't have the money at all so they just ripped them both off somehow

now i'm gonna do the exact opposite of op and ctrl+c ctrl+v my post on esports

https://youtu.be/eW7d2ef1TeE?si=zLKD84u9VOUIzmdc [Open]

uhh, i don't know if you guys consider hd remakes of retro games retro, but there is no starcraft general because a very long time ago these assholes were using it as a kpop general, and basically, you don't get more retro than a game of slayers`boxer vs some really good dude

the most hilarious thing about this his screen name is Limraynor, and boxer's real name is Lim Yo-hwan, so he KNOWS he's the most important terran commander ever

i just randomly found this shit on youtube and dropped everything to watch it and still understand all the lingo even though i've been out of this game for over a decade now

starcraft broodwar is basically chess 2. they really fucked up starcraft 2 so bad it still pisses me off
because i'm going in for major surgery soon, i just don't really have time to read or respond to your thread, but i hope i'm contributing something
Iconic game, based unit quotes
They aren't any good at those either.
Every /v/ board is just full of shitters these days, the kind of fags we used to make fun of on here. Thread after thread whining about sweats, sbmm, no sbmm, having to move and shoot at the same time, crpgs are too complicated, this metroivania map is too big, this mmo takes too long to level. Holy fuck it never ends.
Imagine spending so much time playing video games and still learning nothing and being trash at them.
Dude if you're talking about the kpoopers from like 2010-2012 /scv/... i understand
This is beyond true and I often avoid threads about games I actually like/am into for this reason. Arguing with ESLs who haven't beaten the game and are using youtube LPs as debate references is just not it for me
>lost your discs
Why would pirates have discs? I downloaded all my games off the internet. Unless you mean those third world pirate compilation discs in which case...
>paying for piracy
it should not have been a forced upgrade regardless of whether or not you purchased it, this was the beginning of the end for blizzard in my opinion.
So you can bury them with your camels and other cherished artifacts when you die, how stupid are you?
no, Activision was the beginning of the end.
I'm going to set everything I own on fire before I die to make sure no bastard gets even one cent from me.
you realize I still have laserdiscs from the late 80s that play fine, right? I will be dead before my discs rot. It's not an awfully common phenomenon. Some discs were manufactured better than others
Maybe he just downloaded a pirate copy so he won't have to go through the trouble of fetching the discs everytime he wants to install the game.
surely he can burn a CD for that.
yo the ghost spell is called lockdown but you're absolutely right, it has been used at high levels plenty of times
True, my bad. I don't even look at the spell names anymore adn the sound effect made me mix it up.
I'll put it this way. My PS2 I used to watch DVDs every weekend. I played GBA and some DS games. I mostly don't care much about NES or even SNES. However, Star Craft I replayed in college. It's a great game. I can only appreciate NES in hindsight and I still don't like most SNES.
Would it be worth playing on the N64? The only games I play on PC are fps multiplayer ones. Don't ask me why because I don't know why myself, it's just how I roll.
YSC was in ASL multiple times including this season
For me it's the Nintendo 64 version
I wouldn't think about or occasionally revisit Starcraft if it didn't have some of gaming's best music.
Starcraft 64 fucking sucks
Blizzard did not attempt to get licenses of other IPs for any of their games, this is a fake and extremely gay myth that somehow keeps getting perpetuated.

When starting Warcraft 1, they began with a discussion about possibly contacting Games Workshop about doing a licensed Warhammer game, and that discussion apparently lasted about 5 seconds before they decided they wanted to retain all creative control. They never contacted GW. That is the only licensing story Blizzard has at all, and all the other supposed shit -

>Starcraft was supposed to be AvP
>Starcraft was supposed to be WH40K
>Warcraft was actually licensed with WH and they changed it all half way through

Is total bullshit, with no discernible proof whatsoever. And in any case, I’m not sure why people get up in arms about the idea anyway - id Software did the exact same discussion about making Doom a licensed Aliens game (in fact I think 20th Century actually contacted *them* about it first) and they decided on the same path.
bad balance affect single player too. IIRC the campaign games are impossible to beat in DoW1 on harder difficulties because the dev nerfed almost all the factions.

less obvious in SC1, but Terran campaign games were so obviously easier due to marines+medics combo.
>Zergs are copied from the Aliens series. Protoss are Predators. Marines are Space Marines from warhammer.
they're all have literal counterparts in WH40K except less cool than WH40K. why ya think i mentioned DoW1?

i don't ever play online, and i agree that Terran is topdog/unbalanced stronk. i never thought of rushing Ghosts though.
blizzard is gay
no one needs to prove starcraft is the better game. How many people still play it versus these other games you've listed? How much evidence is required?
>i don't play
>terran is OP
haha why are people like this
so starcraft and warcraft is just nerd rts mugen
My friend and I played it together. We had fun with it. The fact that SC was ever able to be ported to the N64 at all was an accomplishment in and of itself.
I always thought that with how popular it was, that it should have gotten another better port to the PS2, but it didn't happen.
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Check out They Are Billions. It has a pause feature and puts a heavy focus on base building and defense, while still requiring constant expansion.
It's really fun, but can also be very unforgiving if you make the wrong kind of mistake.
The guy who responded to you really didn't read Starship Troopers.
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PS2 decided to go with the other popular RTS of the time.
if you think micro is about spamming clicks that's probably why you don't understand it. It's about understanding the timing of unit animations and when you can actually move the unit, what the best way of attacking is (in brood war sometimes patrol-moving will be faster than right-clicking) etc.
For protoss, "microing" goons involves stutter stepping them in sync with their attack animations; if you try to move them during an attack animation, they'll freeze and waste time. If you don't manage them by clicking every second or faster, their pathing can easily make the wrong decisions.
i already posted one retard, go scrape youtube for another opinion
Stutter stepping represents exactly the kind of thing that shouldn't work in real life and therefore crosses the grain of my autism. Get your guys, put them in place, let them cook.
that's not RTS, what you've just described. You'd probably like autobattlers. No good RTS is going to just let you right click the minimap and forget about it, that's just a nonsensical expectation. You're asking the game to play itself for you
It's perfectly playable
I played all the way through C&C and StarCraft in N64 and all the Command and Conquer games on PSX, very comfy ports. The games are not very complex and the controls work fine, don't let the speedtranners tell you otherwise.
Unit type selection, disposition of forces, and (especially) correctly anticipating enemy action should all be key factors.
Did you ever play Act of War? Infantry in that could prepare ambushes, where they became stealthed and when attacking out of ambush got a brief x2 damage buff. The result was a game of anticipatory cat and mouse, as you attempted to get your forces to where the enemy would go FIRST, and with enough time to set the ambush up (little wheel-fills-up thing).
I hate videos where someone can click a million times in a little circle and make a worker unit kill a space marine. The space marine should just win, and no amount of motivational pager beeps should make the protoss robot prevail. It's stupid, even by the standards of a children's action figure world like Starcraft!
yeah i feel you, it's retarded what probes can do. I'm not saying there isn't room for advancement in this genre, what you just described sounds fun.
But you've got to remember it's just math, the marine has 40 health and the probe deals like 5 damage per shot and it's got the longest range of all the workers afaik, so it's just one of those things. It's unique to the matchup though, so you can prepare for it but TvP is a very fickle and delicate thing. If Terran fucks up in certain places he just loses, it's part of the game. The same can be said for TvZ, if Z fucks up in certain situations T gets a free win basically. That's the nature of the game, but not every match is like that
>low retail prices years after launch means nobody cared anymore and the game was forgotten by everyone but hardcore competitives
I am utterly astonished at what a cosmic fucking mongoloid you are.
How do you do it?
I know what you mean mechanically, but it completely violates the... fantasy? of the game? I don't know how to explain it.
It's like if an enemy in Rainbow Six could soak a tank shell, or if the fourth world in Spyro was a rape factory. It wouldn't just be dumb, it'd ruin the game.
Spyro: Whatever doesn't kill you just makes you a little... Stranger

did you ever play World in Conflict? That's my kind of rts
No they aren't, you don't understand disc rot at all.
Discrot is a matter of the bonding on the reflective layer failing because of oxidation, which happens either because of very low quality manufacturing and can be identified by batches, or because of serious physical damage, something so serious it pierces through and exposes the reflective layer to air.

On top of that, if you look at the absolute worst affected cases of disc rot with laser disc, which IIRC is the movie Eraser, that is as high as a whopping 10% of discs, which is incredibly bad and indicative of extremely sloppy manufacturing, yet that still leaves 90% of those still good, and that number hasn't exactly climbed.
Yes, you fucking faggot.

Fucking Dunning-Kruger crackbaby.
I hope it went well. What're they're putting you under the blade for?

Fox didn't contact iD, they just looked to see if the license was available, which it was, and they thought about it for a bit, but decided they wanted full creative control.
As luck has it, some wonderful fucker releases an Aliens TC for the game about 10 months after Doom's release, so we got both in the end.
As evidenced by the insanity in this thread, the RTS genre was killed by online multiplayer elitism. Veteran players and their psychotic fans succeeded in shooing away newcomers at every turn, with Starcraft in particular convincing everyone that competitive ladders were more important than a well-made singleplayer campaign. It all became "what's meta right now?" and "we can't have asymmetrical maps that give players advantages based on where they start from". Same reason why arena FPS games died.
This game was a blight.
dude blizzard decided to make a shitty campaign or do whatever they did with sc2. That's got nothing to do with anything. The fact of the matter is the gaming industry as a whole has changed so much since these games were broadly popular, it's a vastly more complex issue than the qualitative outlook of a fanbase. Companies decided these games didn't make money, and lots of companies decided they didn't need to make real video games anymore. RTS games require passionate developers with vision and willingness to take risks. These days, there's no stomach for that type of thing because investors want a sure thing. etc etc etc
pontificate all u want retard but i don't know what you think you accomplish by calling Starcraft a blight. fkin homo
>dude blizzard
I don't care to know what size of dildo blizzard shoved up your ass, you mongrel. Them's the fucking facts.
it's not my fault you suck dude
>go into starcraft thread
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i think it's fair to assume a single probe could absolutely kill a single marine. I mean think about it dude, why shouldn't that be the case? It's a levitating alien thing that harvests actual tons of minerals and gases all day, it's designed to be pretty robust. The marine is only as strong as its exoskeleton which, technologically speaking, is vastly inferior to protoss machines
Sc hicks
Check this song i made yesterday with a transmission from beyond the void (its the last 45 seconds of the suno clip)
>meme using remastered graphics
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Micro manuvers vs macro manuvers, ludicrous speed 4x, micro-map only
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You require more minimalism
It looks like shit and sounds like shit on N64.
>I genuinely think a 50-60 APM capped mode for multiplayer RTS would bring back popularity. Then you could fairly argue you were out-thought and not out-clicked.
You APM obsessed idiots don't even know what you are upset about. First off, only pro tournament-level players are getting APM's above 45. Some pros play at 250APM, some at 400+APM, it makes no difference. The majority of the clicking is just pointless noise. Look at how high their APM is at the start of the match compared to 12 minutes in. Their APM actually goes down the more they are actually doing things that matter. The entire reason why they make so many fucking pointless actions is just multitasking-maxxing. Because they drill it into their heads that any millisecond not spent doing something is a millisecond wasted.
Below the pro level, APM is 100% meaningless. You didn't get out-clicked, you got out-played. Period. You can literally do the pro build orders with 5 APM, they will function the same way. You don't need 300APM to make a supply depot with your 7th or 8th SCV, or to make a barracks at 10 SCV's.

The probe has 20 health(0-3 armor depending on upgrades), 20 shields(always 0 armor), and an attack of 5(aprox 5.411 DPS), with a range of 1. The marine has 40 health(0-3 armor depending on upgrades), and an attack of 6(aprox 9.52 DPS), with a range of 5. Outside of running into a marine that is moving instead of attack moving and getting the first strike in, only to run away and wait for shields to recharge only to do it again, OR a 3/3 upgraded probe against a 0/0 marine, the probe isn't beating a marine in 1vs1. Protoss will usually send a probe or a few with the first few zealots to do damage to the marines while the zealots soak the marine's fire, but only a retard would have probes engage marines 1:1.
By all means, show me this video and I'll point out why you are wrong.
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RTS genre went 3D and esports too early. An ideal RTS (from a casual perspective) would be like a mix of Starcraft and Red Alert 2 because when you play both of them you really see how they compliment each other.
Starcraft has that asymmetric races, upgrades and skills but the game is so 2D and limited it hurts. The animations are worse than 1995 C&C - the units don't come out of buildings and just appear out of thin air. The units only have 4 degrees of rotation with 4 other degrees being just the first 4 reflected. There are only two levels of elevation visually but technically it's just one level with cliffs just being walls impassable by ground units but passable by airborne ones. There is no height in the game whatsoever. All air units just float at fixed height, they don't take off or land. All projectiles just fly straight. In fact, most attack that look like pojectiles are just hit scan with projectile animation on top. Starcraft campaign has no proper civillian factions and buildings, the maps are very barren with nothing interesting other than some critters. Scripting is also minimal. Vanilla Starcraft campaign is basically just skirmishes with occasional "bring a something to a designated point" missions.
Red Alert 2 and Tiberian sun are more technically impressive. Buildings are fully animated. Voxel units have many degrees of rotation. The terrain has not one, not two, but many levels of elevation. Everything is affected by physics: units travel faster when going downhill than uphill, tracked units has different speed penalties from wheeled units or foot units, depending on the terrain surface. Every projectile is a physical object. Even flying debris have damaging potential. Flying units have variable height. There are proper naval units. Campaign maps have a lots of detail from civillian buildings and units to many objectives and scripted events.
(continue in the next post)
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And yet, C&C game system is poor. The factions play the same way: the same building method, harvesting units composition etc. 90% of units only have one attack and no skills whatsoever. Several have one additional "deploy" skill (click on the selected unit). A couple of units have one additional attack against buildings like Tanya's C4. Tank rush solves most situations. Superweapons being free use with a cooldown is boring - just compare RA2 nuke to the way SC nukes are deployed and used. The whole system of shared production queue between different buildings of the same type is stupid. If I have several factories, they should work in parallel like in SC. Unit upgrades only come with veterancy and they just boost stats and don't unlock any additional skills. Tiberian Sun tried building upgrades but it was a useless gimmick - why should I build a turret base separately and then choose a cannon or a rocket turret to build on top if it could just be two separate structures?
>why build turret base
because that way you can have the bases in place and then upgrade them as needed. That way you don't have to pay the full cost up front but part of the defensive structure is in place and the rest is finished more quickly.
I agree both games have soul, both games have shortcomings and strengths. But SC has stood the test of time more visibly than other titles
idgaf I don't play in 4:3 anymore wanna fight about it nerd? huh????
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but I do remember what they took from me
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Do you have the old lobby selection where UMS or use map settings was a mode
Maximize your minimalism... mine less minerals.
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Must target non-mechanical ground units.
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WoW does what sc don't in 3d terms, but WoW will never have a mini-map
>There are only two levels of elevation visually but technically it's just one level with cliffs just being walls impassable by ground units but passable by airborne ones. There is no height in the game whatsoever.
But there is high ground in SC. Units on high ground get an advantage over units on low ground. Namely, units on the low ground will only hit 2/3 shots against the units on the high ground. It's why fighting up a ramp into bunkers is such a pain in the ass. High ground giving an advantage is precisely why maps like Gladiator and Heartbreak Ridge have a bunch of high ground and low ground sections in the middle, to prevent those areas from just being empty space.
it's a 25% chance to miss
>wanna fight about it nerd? huh????
yes. why do you have bad opinions, and why do you do stupid things?
Ironically, Strarcraft has a great single player campaign and storyline that has been explored in novels and comic books.
Blame the ones that came later, saw its multiplayer success and decided to go that way. Including Blizzard. This happens to lots of extremely successful game in every genre. People blame Myst for killing the point and click adventure, Half Life, Gran Turismo etc.
It's never the games, it's always the industry trying to copy a successful formula in times of change. Those games just gave lots of consumers exactly what they wanted to get. In the end there's not much that can be done to force something you like to remain in the spotlight forever and after it's not hip anymore it becomes much less profitable especially when production costs increase.
Even for indie games there's 1000 crushed dreams for each successful new entry for nostalgic genres. There are a million mobile free to play slop developers out there that would kill for a life of making great single player games like the ones they had growing up, but they have food to buy and bills to be paid.
so you just boot it up once a year to play the campaign in 4:3? I play online in 16:9 but nothing is stopping me from playing the campaign in 4;3 on my viewsonic crt
Played it for the first time recently (haven't done Brood War) and all races were easy desu, setting up defenses and spamming air unit blobs clears every level
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marines start with a range of 4 actually, and it's unlikely you'd have the range upgrade against protoss. He never said a probe could kill a marine 1v1 but it absolutely can if you mismicro the marine or if exigent circumstances like bugged AI or mistargeting allow the probe the get its shots off.
People are leaving WoW in droves, because World of WC won't ever have a mini-map
>DoW balanced.

Anon, all the battles in that game are completely unpredictible. Vehicles completely moggs entire squads of infantry. And even tho, you can always harass your opponent to don't get mid tier no matter the race are you using.
You're a faggot with aids
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What am I forgetting?
not a cheat but if you idle on the tutorial level for long enough, the adjutant will become worried about you, eventually leave and then a recipe for chinese lemon chicken will appear much later.
I tried to play WC3 but the story wasnt as good as everyone says. and apparently the way i was playing it was wrong. youre not supposed to build up a base and a little place to live in youre just supposed to run and kill (why are those mechanics even in the game then?)
whats mine is mine
breathe deep
something for nothing
black sheep wall
staying alive
medieval man
food for thought
the gathering
war aint what it used to be
Old b-net before hd upgrade, leaving a game end screen would prevent the host from automatically re-creating the lobby with the same title because the old match was still open

I just discovered a glitch in gta online to prevent idle-kicking after 15 minutes, it involves being in the facility, observing a player from the batlltlestation and opening the map from the pause screen, infinite business growth (not sure about saving the winnings though)
Pictured battlestation
If I suck at Starcraft, even single player, how do I stop sucking so much?
Most people never played online anyway and a well made singleplayer rts campaign wouldn't sell these days expecially not for 60$ or 70$ or whatever it is they are charging now.
Gamers moved on from mission based games, it actually hurt Armored Core 6 that it wasn't an open world game like people were hoping. Not the that it did bad for a mech game but it would have been even more successful otherwise.
They didn't decide, they literally don't sell. Newer gamer demographic on console and pc generally aren't interested in stuff that looks like a mobile game.
Do you suck at C&C too?
keep making workers and increasing supply, don't hoard too many resources
Once you get eco down then most singleplayers stuff becomes a cakewalk because you can just overwhelm the campaign enemies who just exist to job to the player.
Send as many units on miscellaneous sudoku-quests, asap . That's what computer players do and they're better than an average. player. Press a-key to attack-move, the unit will find a path (usually). This great old game named Iron Cross from 1994 was the last of the custom pathing games before c&c arrived
>haha why are people like this

Starcraft is a single player game too. >>>/b/poortrolling

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