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>Has you shelve out €200 for their new console
>Includes a mechanic in their flagship launch title that wrecks your controller

They did this on purpose.
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You don't understand.
It was the first analog stick on a gamepad ever.

Please ignore this picture of a popular Japanese Mega Drive gamepad from 89.
The tasteful thickness of it. Looks like Knuckles.
Meds now
When gaming remains in moderation as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle this would never have been an issues. The controllers were not designed to be used to no lifers who burn their entire lives away gaming.
I was an avid gamer, but by no means hardcore.
I had three friends with an N64 and they all had this issue. The Bowser parts are the only moments I can think of where the analog stick took so much abuse. Would've probably been fine without it.
yes you may have another controller
for 50 dollars
What games would one play with this?
>"so how gimmicky do you want it?"
Your example is weak. Just like your wrists.

Mario Party 1. Bowser tug of war. Much better example.
I never had a whole lot of trouble with my sticks until Mario Party came out.
The sticks on demo stations were beyond fucked though, it was embarrassing.

no one who isnt a speedtrooner has ever had an issue
No-friends detected. Everyone knows which controller you get determines the winner in goldeneye and smash
You weren't even alive back then, zoomoron. This absolutely was a huge issue, still to this day it is an issue that has not been recompensed, tourist.
I had two brothers and three controllers. Really the only one I wrecked was the original grey one and that's entirely on Bowser. It's not like we had multiplayer parties everyday, so I just used one of the other ones. It wasn't a huge issue, but it was common.

Kek, nobody wants to play with the controller that has stick drift. Did you use the analog stick for Smash N64, that seems awkward? I never played it but I played a bunch of Killer Instinct Gold. It felt more natural to play it with the D-pad and I wasn't killing my analog stick.
Wow... it's almost like smash games use analog inputs, and traditional fighting games use digital inputs, like on arcade sticks. No shit zoomlet
>This absolutely was a huge issue
here, take this hyperventilation bag. it has a picture of mario on it and is officially licensed by nintendo. you are 100% talking out of your ass, being comically hyperbolic for no reason. you fight bowser 3 times total. the first 2 times, you only have to spin him once. in the final fight, you have to spin him thrice. that means 4 total spins (or a few more if you miss). how often do you think the average mario 64 player was spinning their joystick? we get it, you still sleep in nintendo jammies and have a stockpile of analog sticks for the pending apocalypse. you are one of 100 people on the planet who has ever thought about this non-issue.
>Implying the average gamelet beats Bowser on their first try
>Implying people only played through Mario 64 once.

It was an issue.
I'm not reading all that shit, it was and still is an issue, tourist. No amount of paragraphs of cope you write will change the fact.
I'm a dyed in the wool Nintendoid and even I can admit the N64 analog stick was shit.
>the first 2 times, you only have to spin him once
This true? I should replay it sometime.
This was a problem in Mario Party. In Mario 64 it wasn't really a big deal.
Reminds me of that Mario Party minigame that Nintendo got in trouble for because the joystick was giving people friction burns on their hands.
Yeah, the first two Bowser fights are kind of pathetic.
How much would a tiny amount of grease per controller have cost them? It would have made the sticks way more durable.
Samefaggot retard OP, games designed around a specific controller are a lot different than controllers designed to make certain games easier.
This. That's the only game on the entire system that actually causes stick damage, unless you are actually retarded (Mario 64 never needing you to rapidly spin the stick, even in Bowser fights).
Definitely not an issue. I just played through SM64 and I hardly had to spin the analog stick. Besides that, you ought to take up reading. Your reading ability is at a great disadvantage if "all that" is too much for you. That anon barely wrote much at all.
That Stick isn't analog, though, it's digital inputs. Slightly moving the stick does not affect the Mega Drive games in any way, just digital all or nothing.
>shelve out
good morning
>Mega Drive in Japan
Bait used to be believable
What are some other controllers for this feel other than alphagrip and the duke controller?
>3 minute "boss fight"
>anons controller is prematurely worn down and unusable
sounds like it may be an issue pertaining to your relative level of skill
joystick doesnt mean analog, retard.

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