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>Sega doesn't release either the Sega CD or the 32X
>Waits til late 1995 to launch the Saturn with beefed-up specs, stronger than PS1
>Puts everything into having a true 3D Sonic game ready for launch day

Would this be enough to make Saturn win?
Maybe. But seeing as how Sega just loved to shoot themselves in the foot, I wouldn't have been surprised if things worked out the same way for them.
I mean the CD was fine and far enough away from the Saturn that won't hurt them, 32X drained significant financial and development resources. I don't think lack of power was ever the big issue, it was apparently just a real bitch to program 3D for.
A 3D Sonic game wouldn't be ready for launch just because no one had a good concept for 3D Sonic. They would probably be better off making a 2D Sonic game for launch and a 3D one for year 3. At the time 2D Platformers were still big, Rayman, DKC 2 and 3, Yoshi's Island, they all sold millions of copies, a 2D Sonic game would move systems.
So no 32X, no insane rejection of 2D games by Sega of America, simpler hardware to program for, 32bit 2D Sonic game on launch, 3D Sonic advertised for the future, don't rush it to market pissing off devs and stores and don't reach too far on the price. Yeah, that'll do it.
No. The cd was actually succesful, and the 32x was a symptom of the american and japanese branches' bickering manifest moreso than an issue in its own right. The real way they could have saved it was if in somewhere around 1993, someone pointed out how important 3d was going to be, and how they could take the 32x prototype chips an tune them up for more 3d capabilities, including settling on a 3d sonic game ASAP, and release the saturn in 94, moving the 32x games in development to it, and making it backwards compatible with the genesis and cd because it's just using beefed up hardware. ALL of their momentum would have been behind it, it wouldn't have taken more dev time, they literally already had the chips, they literally already had some games, it would have taken very little extra dev time, and they would have had ample playable games at launch, post-launch, and with their backwards compatibility, which would have definitely been enough for some genesis owners to swap over (I get to keep all my games and finally play the sega cd games?), it was literally just their lack of coordination. Oh, bonus, just make the 3d pad the default controller. I know that's a bit anachronistic, and probably pretty controversial, but it's a great controller and would have made it the first 3d analog stick controller on the market and be a big deal with showing it off. As long as they had 1 3d game to show off (sonic 3d, again, doesn't matter what it is really) it would have improved their lot in life considerably.
The American public just didn't want 2D games at that point. A 2D sonic would have gotten shit reviews and sold terribly kids wanted 3D.
>dont release the 32x
>instead, release the saturn as a genesis add-on
Done, sega wins the gen
That's an even worse idea.
3D plataformers weren't common in 95.
They could get away with it.
The problems with the Saturn were fundamental. It could not be "beefed up", it would need to be pretty much completely redesigned. At that point is would not be the Saturn anymore.
Video games
The add-ons were better anyway, especially CD
>The American public just didn't want 2D games at that point.
In 1995? I listed 4 that sold well over a million units each, Sonic is one of the most popular 2D platformer franchise, of course it would sell.
DKC2 was released in 1995 and Mega Man X4 was two years later

In fact most Americans did not even have a Saturn by that point, we were still on fourth gen until like '98 when the new consoles were more affordable
This is actually a great idea. Saturn's biggest issue is straying too far from Genesis and its architecture, instead being so convoluted that it's more difficult to emulate than its successor the Dreamcast. Making it an add-on would've made it cheaper and easier to develop for, more affordable, and way easier to emulate, just like the other add-ons. Best of all it would've meant having an actual Sonic game to play on it, not just ports.
Nope. You're wrong. 2D games and JRPGs don't sell in the west. It is preferable to release nothing over those garbage "games".
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Better idea, cancel the Saturn and continue with the 32X which was cheaper to make and develop for, and put more Sonic games on it like originally planned

No Saturn, no problem
32X has at least five good games, that's 1/8 of its library. Saturn has maybe ten, which is a lot worse considering the size of its library
Sega CD should, and can, stay. The biggest part of the Saturns failure was the bickering between SoA and SoJ. If you can somehow solve that, the Saturn would likely have done better. If they got along, the 32x would likely have never happened, allowing for all development to be focused on the Saturn (or vice versa).
>releasing an actual sonic game at launch would have helped too
>Saturn with beefed-up specs, stronger than PS1
The original Shitturn was already more expensive than the PS1, this won't work
Literally everything good that could be done for the 32x would've been just as good or better on the Saturn.
>would've been
It wasn't though
Same could be said about the 32x.
Why not just make good games for it? It's embarrassing how bad the Saturn is. Even C-tier PS1 shovelware Mega Man Legends shits on the whole Saturn library.
It was though
>Virtua Figher
>Virtua Racing Deluxe
>Mortal Kombat
>NBA Jam
>After Burner
>Space Harrier
>Shadow Squadron
>an actual Sonic game
What more do you need? Genesis also has some good JP exclusives, like MWIV

Then it wouldn't be as funny
>>Virtua Figher
>Virtua Racing Deluxe
>Mortal Kombat
>NBA Jam
>After Burner
>Space Harrier
>Shadow Squadron
The Saturn had all of those.
Saturn's library is already filled with space shooters.
>an actual Sonic game
3D Blast is way better than Chaotix and it's not even funny, I'd also put R above it.
Literally the only game you listed that is better on the 32x is virtua racing and that was a rushed port.
>The add-ons were better anyway, especially CD

The Mega/ Sega CD was released in December 1991 in Japan and October 1992 in NA with a 1993 release in other regions. I don;t think this add-on would have any affect on the Sega Saturn sales at all. If anything it helped Sega adapt to CD ROM tech much faster. The 32X was released during the same month as the Japanese launch of the Sega Saturn. The combination of the 32x and the early surprise release of the Sega Saturn in North America really screwed Sega over at retail.
>The Saturn had all of those.
For $399 in 1995 and still annoying to emulate in 2024
>3D Blast is way better than Chaotix and it's not even funny
Good thing it's on Genesis too
>For $399 in 1995
Point being?
>and still annoying to emulate in 2024
Lmao, it's acceptable enough.
If you nitpick everything than even the Dreamcast, N64 and Nes are shit to emulate.
>Good thing it's on Genesis too
I like how you cut the part where i said Sonic R was also better.
>>Virtua Figher
Oddly I still feel like the 32x port was better than the saturn port in many ways.

>>Virtua Racing Deluxe
Virtua Racing was outsourced to Time Warner Interactive for some reason, and the game itself doesn't really feel like the arcade game at all. Some people do prefer the Saturn version. But the 32x Virtua Racing Deluxe felt more like the arcade game overall.
>>Mortal Kombat
You mean Mortal Kombat II. It was a slightly enhanced version of the Genesis game with higher colour character sprites, some additional animation, better audio, but still used the low colour Genesis backgrounds and ran at the Genesis resolution. Saturn has MK II and MK3.

>>NBA Jam
Enhanced port of the Genesis game. Saturn version is arcade accurate.
>>After Burner
After Burner Complete is pretty nice. But it was included in the Sega Ages compilation for the Saturn.
>>Space Harrier
>>Shadow Squadron
There's a Shadow Squadron II for the Saturn.
Basically Astroids in 3D. *shrugs*
>>an actual Sonic game
2-player co-op game starring Knuckles. The Saturn at least had Sonic Jam.
>For $399 in 1995
The dropped the price to $299 in october of that year.
32X was only $159, you could buy it and a bunch of games for the price of a Saturn. R is also on PC like 3D Blast
>The Saturn at least had Sonic Jam.
... Which is a compilation of games already on the Genesis
>32X was only $159
You forgot the fact that bunch of its games also required the Sega CD and buying both plus the genesis would be basically the exact same price as the Saturn except it wouldn't be as powerful.
>R is also on PC like 3D Blast
The Saturn by the time both of those games launched was far cheaper than any PC that could run them.
>32x schizo is at it again
Reminder that the best selling add-on in history is the Xone Kinect (which came with the console for most of its life) followed by the 360's kinect which sold a grand total of 10 million units.
Both of them had far more appeal and games than the 32x, there's simply no fucking way the 32x could've competed with the ps1 specially when Sega's main software supporter (SoJ) didn't give a fuck about it.
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>You forgot the fact that bunch of its games also required the Sega CD
Five whole games, FMV games at that
Maybe. But it may have at least stood a chance against the N64 especially with more support from the west
>But it may have at least stood a chance against the N64 especially with more support from the west
That's assuming it would Live long enough to compete with the N64
Literally all support it had was from the west.
Not really a bad thing to be desu
Buck bumble could have saved it.
>The real way they could have saved it was if in somewhere around 1993, someone pointed out how important 3d was going to be, a

They already knew how important 3D was by 1993. Nakayama had some of the Arcade division go over to the consumer division around this time to start training them on making 3D games. Saturn already had VDP1 in it's design the 2nd SH-2 was added by late summer of 1993.

>and how they could take the 32x prototype chips an tune them up for more 3d capabilities,
All the 32X is is 2 slower SH-2s and some RAM to do software rendering. And in 1993 the thing didn't even exist. It wasn't even conceived at the design level until January 1994.

Really to save the Saturn all you need to do is not do the 32X and get Sega of America to fall in line and start prepping for a 1995 launch. Have a good launch line up ready and by Fall of 1995 they could have easily launched at $299. Would it beat the PS1? No, no way you stack the deck is that going to happen. But a solid 2nd place finish to be in a better financial position come 1999/2000 to launch a a stronger Dreamcast is definitely doable.
Grafting two consoles together is not going to fix anything. The genesis hardware is not going to provide any useful functionality to Saturn games. So you would have the same convoluted Saturn now in the form of a tumor hanging off the genesis.
Secondly if you really want Genesis compatibility that could easily be done as a cartridge adapter on Saturn. The Genesis hardware was already down to one chip by this point so they could just put that in an adapter cartridge and use the EXBG and EX Audio lines to pipe the Genesis audio and video to the Saturn's AV out and have a simple ROM to map the Saturn's controller inputs to the Genesis in the cart.
>Really to save the Saturn all you need to do is not do the 32X and get Sega of America to fall in line and start prepping for a 1995 launch
Nta, I've been saying this for a while and I'm glad to hear others have similar thinking. I also think not having the CD would help, but it's a big gap to navigate without another console. Though, they were selling md's in third world countries like hotcakes in the mid 90s. That could've possibly held them afloat while developing an actually competent Saturn.
Honestly the Sega CD was fine for what it was. The Genesis was dying by 1994-1995, and people have a hard time admitting to this. What probably would have been a good 16-bit transition strategy would be to start sun-setting the base Genesis in 1994 with the 1994 Holiday season being it's last hurrah so to speak with remaining games being finished up and released for it, and Saturn being due out in the US the following year. Sega CD could be positioned as a cheaper legacy/transitional system.

For example release in 1994 a cheap combo unit and discount the remaining add-on units they had in inventory. That could be the way to clear out remaining inventory of software and accessories. It could probably even handle down ports of certain 5th gen games such as 2D games, FMV games, etc. Probably even something like Resident Evil could have been done with scaling sprites in place of the 3D character models. Use that as the transitional system they wanted 32X to be and finally sunset it in 1996.
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>Secondly if you really want Genesis compatibility that could easily be done as a cartridge adapter on Saturn.
I don't though

CDX already plays CD's
CDX and Wondermega/JVC X'eye were the combo units, only problem is they could not run 3D games like Virtua Fighter and Virtua Racing Deluxe which are still somehow better on 32X than Saturn, didn't make much sense in 1994 but it's better to just play them that way nowadays
>CDX already plays CD's
There's more to the Saturn than CDs.
>CDX and Wondermega/JVC X'eye were the combo units
They key word was cheap. The CDX and X'Eye were anything but cheap.
>Virtua Fighter and Virtua Racing Deluxe which are still somehow better on 32X than Saturn
Only because the original Virtua Fighter port on Saturn was rushed, and Saturn Virtua racing was outsourced with no original source code.

SEGA's best chance would've been to scrap both the Saturn and the 32x add on, and instead have the Nepture be their PS1/N64 competitor, it was cheaper than both, but with 32 bit hardware, and it would've been compatible with both Genesis cartridges and accessories, making it an amazing budget option and a given for anyone that had a Genesis to simply upgrade too. PS1 would still win, but SEGA's situation wouldn't have gotten as bad as it got thanks to the Saturn's miserable failure.
It would lack japanese support, so it'd fail unfortunately.
>I also think not having the CD would help, but it's a big gap to navigate without another console.
How so? Nintendo coasted through with just the SNES, no add-ons, until 1996. Don't see why Sega couldn't do the same thing
The genesis is older than the snes.
Neptune would have been just as much of a disaster as the 32X. The thing was just way too underpowered to seriously compete with the PS1 and N64. No one wanted the thing, they wanted to wait for PS1 and Saturn instead.
>Nintendo coasted through with just the SNES
Not by choice. If they had their way N64 would have released no later than 1995. The 16-bit market was imploding in 1994 and 1995. Sales on both Genesis and SNES were down significantly compared to previous years. Sega with their massive amount of unsold stock was seriously hurting from this situation.
Only barely.

>If they had their way N64 would have released no later than 1995
Sure but that's when Saturn released anyway (and 1994 in Japan). I don't think Sega simply doubling-down on the Genesis/Mega Drive with no add-ons until 1994/95 would have been a bad idea. If anything, it would have made the jump to Saturn seem much more impressive.
Sega CD honestly was fine and made sense for when it released. If it weren't for the 32X failure we'd probably look back on the Sega CD in a more positive light. Really what they should have done is just sunset the Genesis in 1994 with the 1994 holidays being it's last hurrah, and release Saturn outside of Japan in Fall of 1995 with no 32X at all. If they really wanted some transitional budget system they already had that with the Sega CD.
>Only barely.
Almost 3 years is not barely.
Mega Drive JP release was 1988
Super Famicom release was 1990
I wonder if that thing could have hosted 32x carts with integrated chips to boost performance just like the super fx chip and the SVP chip. Could we have seen expensive carts that could run PS1-tier games? I doubt it... but interesting, right?
You have a good point with DKC2 but X4 infamously took a while to turn profit which is why X5 was made on ultra low budget with an outsource team while the X4 team moved onto Legends 2 and Battle Network.
Oh, i thought it was released in 91, my bad.
It in no way guaranteed that. Remind yourself that the creation of the 32x was caused by the infighting of sega, with sega of america basically giving sega of japan the middle finger and saying "we're gonna make our own 5th gen console" with sega of japan basically just letting them do it and seething while working on the saturn.
It took me a while to figure it out, but this really is the best strategy. It would've been cheaper to produce and to purchase, plus you have your backwards compatibility with Genesis built right into the system. Easier to develop for and would've had way more western support than the Saturn. Which if you live in the west, is a good thing

The N64 and the Genesis itself did great despite having less Japanese support than the SNES or the PS1. Also Virtua Fighter is very Japanese

It honestly feels like SEGA CD is the system Saturn wants to be. It has Sonic, it has other (actually good) platformers, it actually was a 2D powerhouse for its time, and weirdly enough it kind of feels like a better competitor to the PS1 since its library is completely different. It's quality over quantity

32X isn't a masterpiece or anything but fully playable Virtua Fighter on Genesis almost renders the more expensive Saturn kind of redundant imo. The console should not even be comparable to a $159 add-on but the amount of quality games on it is almost the same with VF2 being among the more discussed ones. I think SEGA and Nintendo just did better with 16-bit honestly
>The N64 and the Genesis itself did great despite having less Japanese support than the SNES or the PS1.
But it still had it.
The non-sport titles that people care about are japanese.
You are insane. Sega going into the 5th gen with a "console" as underpowered as the Neptune would have been literal suicide. They wouldn't hav even lasted long enough to even think of making a Dreamcast in that timeline.
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32X had
>Knuckles' Chaotix
>After Burner
>Space Harrier
>Shadow Squadron
>Zaxxon's Motherbase
>Virtua Fighter
>Virtua Racing Deluxe
>Cosmic Carnage
>Metal Head

So one fourth of its entire library, was already Japanese games. You literally don't need more than this, otherwise you end up with a situation like Saturn and TG-16 where there's too little western support and an overabundance of VN's/mahjong games/dating sims/horse betting games. Imagine if instead of Banjo and DK64 the N64 had only Japanese games, it would get boring very fast. This is the problem with the Saturn. GameCube made the same mistake and ended up doing very poorly in the west (and worldwide, to an extent)
>You are insane.
I know

But also remember there were no real defined console generations back then, also remember the Pico used Genesis hardware and outlived both the Saturn and the Dreamcast. Just saiyan
>we were still on fourth gen until like '98
I got my PlayStation for Christmas in '96. I wanted to get a Saturn in 1995 but my family had a hate boner for the Saturn. They were also heavily against getting me a Dreamcast on 9.9.99 but I still managed to at the very least get that. I was the only kid in my class that had a 5th gen console until later into 1997. As most either had a SNES, Genesis, and/or still playing on a NES. I also was the only kid in my class that had a PC playing DOS games as well.
Most people in the west didn't care about those after like the first month it launched.
>Imagine if instead of Banjo and DK64 the N64 had only Japanese games
Notice how those were made by rare, one of the only good western developers before they became common in the 5th gen.
And even then, most of them wouldn't support the 32x/Neptune
>I wanted to get a Saturn in 1995 but my family had a hate boner for the Saturn. They were also heavily against getting me a Dreamcast on 9.9.99
What the fuck? Why did your parents hate Sega so much?
>We're going to release a new system that is dependent on owning an old, outdated system that sold less than the competition
No, lad... Sony developed a superior stategy that probably couldn't get beat unless you got most developers onboard somehow to make you exclusives. As for anyone saying 3d Sonic... N64 had Mario, Zelda, etc. etc. and still was a very distant second to Playstation. If by some miracle Sega won the gen then they would just get pummeled again when PS2 launched with DVD
>It took me a while to figure it out, but this really is the best strategy
It's a retarded strategy. Secondly with no Saturn there is no 32X. The 32X design is inspired directly from Saturn's design. The SH-2 CPU wouldn't even exist without the Saturn.

> Easier to develop for
lol no. The 32X is a trainwreck to develop for and makes the Saturn look simple by comparison. And that's not even getting to bringing the Sega CD into the mix.

>fully playable Virtua Fighter on Genesis almost renders the more expensive Saturn kind of redundant imo

You keep bringing up Virtua Fighter, have you forgotten that Virtua Fighter Remix was available on Saturn before Virtua Fighter on 32X was released?


And then Virtua Fighter 2 was out on Saturn about a month after Virtua Fighter 32X released:

And the awful Genesis port wasn't out until over a year later at the end of 1996. So no this really isn't a good strategy. It's a stupid one. All you're showing is that you know nothing about the Saturn's library and capabilities.
The price and along with my uncle feeling betrayed by Sega. He had a subscription and I still have the VHS promotional tape for the Saturn we got in the mail. He also told my mom that his friend had a Saturn and all of the games were overpriced shit. We'd save money and get better games for the PlayStation. Trying to play it off as a better investment. My uncle was always in my mom's ear when it came to buying me games. He even threw an absolute tantrum over me getting a Nintendo 64 in 1998 and the Pokemon games when they came out. He was always like this. Called me a fucking toddler thumb sucking baby because I got Yoshi's Island but after watching me play it he ended up not letting me play it anymore and sat on my SNES playing it from start to finish because he became too obsessed with it. He was a fucking sperg. Sad that he ended up getting hooked on drugs and started to only play dumb ass Tiger Woods golf on GameCube in later years. But I guess he was always a bit of a retard and fucked me over getting a Saturn as a kid. Didn't get one until after high school when I bought one second hand along with Albert Odyssey and Panzer Dragoon Saga.
damn man, cant believe you almost lost the chance to play albert odyssey. tragic stuff, but all is well what it ends well.
The Saturn is a great console for people who hate the Genesis
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Why would I lie?

It's not a bad system, I just prefer its predecessor (+ add-ons). Same with N64 honestly
>Get's BTFO
>"Welp, i can't counter that, better use strawman to get the last word!"
Yep, I still have it. I have a moderate Saturn collection now. Prices started to really shoot up as I started branching out getting more games. But I do have a Psuedo Saturn cart as well as an ODE for extra options playing more games. Plus my computer handles Saturn emulation pretty well too. So I have plenty of options for Saturn goodness. I just need to get my hands on an arcade stick and some light guns.
It's a great console for people who love Sega and not just Sonic.

Saturn fans prove me right on this every single time though. They hate the Dreamcast too lol
I don't hate the Genesis, I simply don't see it being competitive at all against the PS1 and N64, and the Neptune/32X isn't good enough either. Genesis' time was up, it was time to move on. Sega of America's stubbornness to not move on is what killed the company.

Seriously if your main gripe is no backwards compatibility with the Saturn that could have easily been solved with an adapter cartridge with the Genesis hardware built into the cart. All the pins are there on the Saturn cart port to do it.
You had no point to be proven to begin with.
I'm a Saturn fan and I also like the Genesis, Sega CD, Master System, and Dreamcast. I'm just not an idiot who thinks sticking to a system from 1988 would really be a viable strategy going up against the PS1 and N64 in 1995 and 1996. 16-bit was over, it was time to move on.
>Sega of America's stubbornness to not move on is what killed the company.
It isn't dead though
No, that would be the Dreamcast
>It isn't dead though
They no longer make consoles and the company only avoided completely going under because one of it's CEOs dumped all his life savings into it to keep it afloat when they went third party. Sega Enterprises as we knew it effectively died with the Dreamcast.
They didn't have to do 5th gen at all

Look what happened to NEC
Dreamcast doesn't have Shinobi game nor Shinning Force.
Sonic x Shadow Generations is looking great
Become completely irrelevant worldwide and give up after the 4th gen?
Legions is good but I never got into Shining Force

I probably prefer Crazy Taxi over Daytona or SEGA Rally
Saturn has tons of great Sega games on it. Much of what you like about Sega's 1st party Dreamcast games is reflected in their first party Saturn games.

>They didn't have to do 5th gen at all
And that would have been worse. 16-bit was effectively dead by 1994. The market completely imploded. They needed to either release a new 32-bit system to keep up, or go third party. Sticking with the Genesis wasn't an option.

>Look what happened to NEC
That's literally the strategy you're trying to champion with the Neptune/32X. The PC-FX was old underpowered tech that they shelved and then dusted off quickly to try and ride the next gen wave. It was horribly under powered and it failed because of it.
Neptune is literally just a Genesis and a 32x stuffed into the same box. Its meaningless to talk about the Neptune without the 32x existing since the Neptune is a 32x. Also, releasing the Neptune without releasing a standalone 32x would be retarded. The very essence of the 32x is that of an addon, if you were making a new standalone console you would not make it like the 32x.
>Streets of Rage
>Golden Axe
>Dynamite Headdy
>Gunstar Heroes
>Alex Kidd
>Wonder Boy/Monster World
All completely missing on Saturn

Meanwhile there's like five Virtua Fighter games for some reason

It does have Ecco and Phantasy Star however
Isn't that what happened anyway?
Those aren't on the dreamcast as well.
>Golden Axe
Every single scenario that has the neptune as a "cheap" option is fucking stupid because cartridges were significantly more expensive than cd games and anyone looking for something cheap would see a $70 neptune game and something else instead.
>Meanwhile there's like five Virtua Fighter games for some reason
I'm convinced Sega was retarded and was sabotaged, none of this makes any sense.
>>Streets of Rage
Was succeeded by Die Hard Arcade, provided another new vision for the genre. Ancient was more interested in following up The Story of Thor and exploring 3D games.
>Golden Axe
lol. nonplayer.
STI couldn't make any games because they're incompetent.
>Dynamite Headdy
Treasure continued making games on Saturn, they rarely do sequels.
>Gunstar Heroes
See above.
>Alex Kidd
And only 1 on Genesis, the series was finished.
>Wonder Boy/Monster World
Series concluded with MW4.

You don't actually play any games, do you faggot-kun.
Sega went full on retarded after during the middle 90s all the way up to their demise. I still don't know what were they thinking.
>Another what if hardware thread
why haven't you gone to another website yet?
How many times do you have to be told that the power of the console doesn't matter
They don't get it anon
The Golden Axe "game" holds as much weight as what they gave Sonic

They didn't even bother porting Revenge of Death Adder

>they rarely do sequels.
Advance Guardian Heroes and Gunstar Super Heores don't exist then?
Look up what "rarely" means.
Don't forget about the CG Collection discs for each character
The correct move was to not release a Saturn at all. Just leave the console business. Also leave the arcade hardware business.
If they had done that they might be in the place Capcom is now.
The cost of ROM chips would have murdered Sega, bank switching games cost a fortune and the memory map on the genesis/32x would have limited it in the long run. Look how much work the Doom mod needed to get just 1MB of additional addressable space
Still would’ve gotten btfo’d by the PlayStation because muh cds and shit but it would’ve probably ended it’s lifelong sales close enough to the n64s to still be taken seriously by console war stuff (basically it’d be like the 5th gen equivalent of the ps3 360 battle with the Saturn doing good early on while the n64 takes half an eternity to actually come out and then by like the end of the generation gets overtaken by it because n64 still likely would’ve had the bigger system sellers) both are dwarfed by the ps1 the ps2 probably beats the next bens to release still in 2000 (I’m imagining the Saturn lasting a couple more years If it actually sold well) sega releases the Dreamcast late in 2000 or something the GameCube and a slightly different styled Xbox drop in late 2001 and later 2002 respectively all get slaughtered by the ps2 and then so on kk snmt
Hijacking this thread to ask: does anyone have any recs for a 4-in-1 cart? Are they able to play backups or do I need an action replay card for that? This shit's confusing. t. retard
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The cart sitting so high on these franken-neptunes really triggers my autism
>sega shifts production of sonic 3 from the genesis to the saturn
>sonic 3 is still 2d but think Astal level of 2d artwork + maybe some 3d bonus stages ala sonic 3d blast
alternatively, they could've just bit the bullet and sold the console with panzer dragoon as a pack in for $400. they really needed something to justify that price tag + a game that really defined what was great about the new system
i had a somewhat similar experience with my older brother. his opinions weren't always trash but he's such a fucking sperg if you disagree with his. he also had the most say in what games we got. overall i probably got to play a lot of games because he was so into it but it had to be this big hassle if i wanted something that he didn't approve of
the way it would've worked for sega was first as you say, to stop the pissing contest between the america and japan branches, second if instead of going hard into the fmv fad, they make the 32x an actual workable upgrade to compete with the snes, that alone would've been enough to extend the life of the megadrive.
Third, make the Saturn backwards compatible, it had the 32x+genesis hardware, and the cart slot to do so, so no it didn't really stray too far from the megadrive arch read the full specs ffs, sega was just a boiling mess at that point.
Not really, it would've work if done right, but sega had too many piled up problems at that point, the history is well documented, nevertheless if soj had found a way to co-operate with soa better at the very least maybe the story would've been different.
Once and for all: the Saturn didn't need saving.

Video games needed saving from the influx of casual and movie games; but not even Sega could do that impossible job.
Your uncle sounds like he was a fucking dick.
>Imagine if instead of Banjo and DK64 the N64 had only Japanese games.
Banjo maybe, but by the time of DKC64 the console was already overloaded with the same type of games.
Final Fantasy 64, Tekken 64, Silent Hill 64, Tenchu 64... Those games would have actually covered genres and styles and audiences that N64 was not oferring.
DKC64 was just another game about jumping plushies. When you had a N64, it was either this or games about Hollywood action heroes. No library in video game's history has been blander and safer. More Jap games would have been a blessing.
>influx of casual-pandering and movie-slop games.
FMV games of the 1980s and 1990s, as bad as some of them were, still have some charm over TLOU series and God of war after 3.
>sega catches wind of what the playstation will be capable of
>they don't flinch
>they stick to their original spec for the saturn
>they actually release the original saturn in summer of '94 with the now reworked Sonic 3 as a launch title
>instead of panicking over not being able to compete with the playstation they stick to their original plan while taking the suggestion of the 32x for the genesis and implementing that on saturn instead
>saturn releases june of '94 for $299 with sonic 3
>when playstation launches the following year sega drops the price to $249 while also introducing the saturn 32x for $149 with VF2 as a pack in
>early adopters of the saturn get a rebate for the 32x having already paid for the saturn before the price drop
>ken kutaragi kills himself
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>32x on the genesis was a disaster but what if we release it for the saturn instead
You'd get threads 30 years later about how sega was retarded for releasing an expensive addon for the saturn only a year after it launched, and people would make up what if scenarios where maybe if sega released the 32x for the genesis instead then it would've been great. I don't know why the fuck people try to save the 32x, it's very obviously a horrible idea. Nobody was going to pay $150 to attach a tumor to their console, especially when the gain in power only makes it as powerful as another console you can already buy. Like wow yeah great idea, instead of buying a playstation i'm gonna buy a saturn and then an addon for the saturn that makes it as good as the playstation, oh and also less games because development in split between 2 different platforms instead of focusing on one so the addon doesn't even do shit for half of the games on the console. Ken Kutaragi is going to commit sudoku when he sees that the saturn needs an addon to be as good as his console, people will be lining up to pay $400 for a saturn+32x combo instead of $300 for the playstation. The extra $100 is worth it to play masterpieces like Bug! and ports of arcade games that nobody in the west gives a fuck about because its the mid 90s and arcades are dying.
Oh and this kills the saturn in japan, which is the one market where the saturn was doing great until ff7 released. You either have 2 options: release the saturn without the 32x on launch and be btfo by the playstation because of how weak the saturn is in comparison, OR release the 32x on launch and tell people that they need to buy an extra addon if they want their saturn to be as good as the playstation.VF1 was the big killer app that made the saturn successful, are you gonna need the 32x just to run it in this alternate timeline? I swear to god if I see another "here's how the 32x can still win" post i'm gonna kill that fucking hedgehog.
yes but you're forgetting about sonic 3 being on saturn now, bringing the base console sales up to 1.8 billion. saturn 32x is basically just a victory lap
In the long run, it wouldn't have mattered. Nintendo Ninjas were destined to destroy Sega from within.
The PSX launched in 94 in Japan along with the Saturn, dingus
Just get a Saroo.
Considering that, one generation later, Sega still didn't see the benefits of a dual stick controller, I don't think so. If you're making dream scenarios, take into account the actual abilities and vision of your idol company.
yeah, at the tail end. even if they were 6 months ahead of them at a lower price point and launching with a new sonic they'd be in a much stronger position than where they actually ended up
>Would this be enough to make Saturn win?
No, they would've found a different way to fuck themselves over and still lose in the end.
Even in 2000, twin stick wasn't a standard yet. The number of games that used both sticks on PSX were minimal and outside of a couple of exceptions like Ape Escape (which came out mid 99) were always an optional control scheme.
Saturn was doomed the moment Sony made the $299 announcement(arguably as soon as Sony decided to do the PlayStation by themselves rather than with Nintendo but definitely at that point), if anything Sega should have focused on the Neptune as a budget stopgap successor to the Genesis/Mega Drive to maintain Sega's presence in the home market* while it develops an equivalent to the Dreamcast for a couple years down the line

*no real competing with the PlayStation, but I do think it could have maintained a much stronger third place position than the Saturn ended up in if for nothing else than the combination of extremely low price(supposedly the Neptune was planned to have an approximately $150 launch price before it got canned, and I imagine it probably wouldn't have taken too long before it got price reduced even lower) compared to the competition and it being backwards compatible with most of the Genesis software library and accessories would make it very appealing to budget conscious parents(particularly as it'd allow Sega to engage in some anti-Nintendo marketing by pointing out how Nintendo never does backwards compatibility on their home consoles, while Sega did so for the Master System and Genesis and now again with the Neptune)
why does anyone listen to reviews? what separates a critic from anyone else who plays games
I really don't understand the hard-on some people have for twin sticks, it really isn't important. How often do you ever actually use the partial movement on both sticks rather than just jamming one of them all the way over? Almost never.

Dual sticks is not such an important thing, especially for older games. How fucking brainwashed have you guys been that you think that trivial point is such a huge deal.
Neptune was a retarded idea. No one wants a stopgap console when everyone is looking forward to the actual next gen, it would do no better than the 32X because it is just a 32X and Genesis duct taped together. All it would do is be ignored as people save up money and move to PlayStation.
Not that I think delaying is a good idea but if they want to hold out for a mid generation late 90's console like Nintendo did, enhancement chips in their cartridges and a well made new Sonic game is the way to go.
There are some pretty significant bottlenecks that, if lifted, could have made games much more performant and given more room to impress. At the same time, development for the Saturn would never be easy in any world.
NES is shit to emulate? Mesen takes care of it pretty good if I'm not mistaken, unless there's something I'm missing. Mednafen is excellent for Saturn but I don't think it'll ever get as close as NES emulators have.
Man, remember the days were devs were like "We're tasking you with porting our game. No, you can't have our assets or source code. You have 3 months, GO"
The saturn was doomed because sega was an arcade developer that made arcade games, and the industry was starting to care less about hardcore arcade games. They don't have a gigantic big budget story game with millions of dollars of cg cutscenes like FF7. They don't have couch multiplayer games like goldeneye or twisted metal or kart racers. There is no collectathon with a big 3d world to explore like mario or banjo-kazooie. These were the types of games that people wanted at the time, and it was something sega was unable to make because all of their experience was in arcade games.
>one of it's CEOs dumped all his life savings into it to keep it afloat when they went third party.
This and the fact that they merged with a pachinko company pretty much confirms the yakuza rumors in my eyes.
Sony would still have bought out every third party under the sun
it's a shame too, because personally, the older I get, the more I love the simple arcade style games of eld. I hated them as a kid, now I see the appeal as a working adult with a family.

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