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/vr/ - Retro Games

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Shit just flying out of nowhere and the twitchy jumping controls means I rarely make it even past the jungle level.
The music when you transform is kino
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>The guy who's stuck in the Amazon is named Amagon?
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Zelda 2
countless others that I dropped for one reason or another and want to get back to
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The music I play when i slap the clitoris.
Dino Riki for NES, I should sit down and try it again as it’s been a while since I played but I’ve been getting btfo on and off by that game since I was a kid.
Ninja Gaiden 1 on NES. I've beaten 2 and 3, but for the life of me, i can't get pass the second form of the final boss of 1.
Oh yeah. I love it when games turn on the superhero music when shit gets real.
While there's only 4 worlds, I don't think there's a proper ending and the game just loops.
I had a lot of trouble with this guy too. I actually watched the How 2 Beat Video Games video on the game and was able to do it after that.
The key is to be patient and STAY ON THE GROUND, only hope on the platforms when you're ready to attack then hurry back down. Don't jump up to him unless you think you can avoid the fireballs.
The US version makes your character into some badass marine but the Japanese plot if you're basically a deliveryman transporting steroids and your plane crashes on an island full of hostile creatures and you have to take the steroids to give you the strength to fight them off. KINO game plot, they don't make them like that anymore.
Rocket Knight Adventures and Contra Hard Corps
Yes this game is pretty insane. I have a mea culpa to make to the last anon who said this game was hard, I was like, I beat 350 NES/FC games, I bet this is nothing. Of course I didn't beat this one, but honestly it's not very fun so there was incentive to keep playing.

Get good
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Streets of Rage 2

I suck at beat 'em ups...
Fucking Time Lord. That cowboy boss is actually fucked but sheer button mashing got me through. The needed 5 items per level get increasingly cryptic to find and collect, stopping kid me at the pirate level. Last time I tried it seriously I did actually figure out how to find all the progress items but still got ground down by the general gameplay, getting a game over in the war level or the last level.
And I think im just gonna leave it. Its the only childhood game I have left unbeaten.
Yeah I didn't beat this one either; the amount of HP the cowboy boss has is insane. Kind of a shame because it's a good game otherwise. The engine reminded me a lot of Nightmare on Elm Street.
>the amount of HP the cowboy boss has is insane
Its worse than that, its HP literally regenerates. You are not just shooting it till it dies, you have to out DPS the regen.
That's even a pretty easy one, especially on Normal mode. Tough scene! Try playing as Max.
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The 3 Ninja Gaiden games on NES, Super Mario 2 and Double Dragon 3 are a few to come to mind. There's a lot more than that though.....
It gets a lot less hard when you get a grasp on controls. Took me until learning third stage to realize jumps aren't fixed length.
Thanks, anon. Blaze is still so fucking hot.
Zelda games
Final Fantasy Adventure
Sonic Heroes
Metroid Prime 1
Hard Corps is the biggest memorizer out there.

Watch a playthrough once or twice, take Browny for optimal cheese. Spam yoyo next to bosses, use boomerang for long range, A for popcorn enemies. Slide makes you invincible.

You'll clear it in less than two hours.
>this thread
Jesus fuck
/vr/ - anons who are not very good at video games
Big boy.
>The 3 Ninja Gaiden games on NES

ninja gaiden 1 is much easier on pc engine
ninja gaiden 3 japan version is easy

idk about ninja gaiden 2. it has a whack ass amiga port i havent tried
I've said it on here before but I often find games by playing stuff people are bitching about, and 99% of the time either A. that anon didn't have hands, or B. that anon skipped every tutorial/the instruction manual/etc
I think a lot of zoomers, raised on PS2/GC/Xbox era games really struggle with what came before.
My own kids love NuMario games but STRUGGLE with all the older stuff.

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