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holly shit i just realized Joanna Dark = Joanne D'Arc
It actually wasn't intentional
didn't Clone High make the same joke around the same time. wonder what was in the air
god gamn slowpoke
Also, the game is set in the year 2023 and is about uncovering extra-terrestrials and alien technology being held at Area 51.
2023 turned out to be the year that the whistleblower, David Grusch, came forward with details on UFOs.
>PD now takes place in the past

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> = Joanne D'Arc

It's Joan of Arc or Jeanne D'Arc, not a mix of the two
>Although the name "Joanna Dark" alludes to the French pronunciation of historical figure Joan of Arc as "Jeanne d'Arc",[2] game designer David Doak explained that the name "Joanna" was conceived before any reference was noticed.

I wonder if that's the excuse they came up with after they realized that Jeanne d'Arc is a figurine right wing extremists claimed for themselves in France (every year they used to gather in front of her statue).
>Oops, sorry we didn't know I swear!
No it's Joe and Ark.
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oh is that so? what about this guy then?
Holy shit!!!!!!!!!
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It ('Dark') was also a play on the original concept of the game, which was to feature a lot of visual darkness. It was aiming to look (and feel) like season 1 of the X-Files and have more lights-out based gameplay but they weren't able to pull off any of the things they dreamed of on the 64 (including the requisite tone for a 'noir' mood with their wibble-wobble jk rowling brit-brains). Luckily Deus Ex came out the same year and surpassed even the vision
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Did you know there once was a Pink Pony in Perfect Dark?
i loved learning about all the beta stuff back in the day
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do you seriously think anyone gave a shit about politics in vidya when this game came out?
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they should have called it Perfect Disappointment
the shittest shotgun muzzle flash and spread in any game ever made
The interview that claims that is from 2020.
In other words this is how I think things went

>Her name is Joanna Dark!
>It even makes a pun with Joan of Arc, see it's perfect because she's a strong WOMAN with short hair!

>Start development on a new PD game
>start doing more research on the source of the franchise, realize that where she comes from Joan of Arc was claimed by right wing extreminists known for their racist outbursts
>right in the middle of cancel culture
>Make an interview claiming it has nothing to do with it, we didn't know I swear it's just a coincidence, before anyone can try to cancel them

That 2020 game is probably cancelled by now, but the devs didn't know that in 2020.

BTW the movie by Luc Besson with Mila Jovovich playing Joan of Arc came out in 1999, I don't believe one second the connection is by pure chance. They would have realized long before the game came out.
>That 2020 game is probably cancelled by now,
They released a new trailer not long ago. It looked like a copy of Mirror's Edge but with (more) guns.
Someone remake Perfect Dark with Deus Ex engine please.
The name Perfect Dark was concocted by them shoving a bunch of cool sounding words into a computer and seeing which two words put together sounded cool.

After that, calling her Joanna was an afterthought of one individual everyone else just went with.

This is literally the explanation in a YouTube video with the Rare team.
i read it as 'pony pink' and it comes off as some kind of slang for horse pussy, that's probably why it was cut
Jessica Alba would make for a good Joanna Dark
This game has such good reviews but looks so janky to play.
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That’s how all console FPS were 5th gen. Every single one, even the doomclones, are “janky”. PD is no more stuttery and choppy than Turok or Dark Forces.
PD is also less fun than Goldeneye. I’m not sure why since it’s Goldeneye+ but it just is.

I also want to say I just tried playing the Perfect Dark GBC game on my pocket and it’s shit but it has some of the longest and clearest voice samples I ever heard in a gameboy game.
>It looked like a copy of Mirror's Edge but with (more) guns.
What the Based?!!
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Damn. I need to make more Perfect Dark webms. Also bump.
Well it's a console FPS. There's a PC port now anyway so you don't have to worry about that.
Did you also notice the ayylmao in her eye
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You have now brought it to my attention, since I never realized that until now. Props to you.
Was Perfect Dark the first game to have a weapon wheel (or something similar)
>psp boondock saints

kino. god I loved the psp, wish I didnt sell it
The design of area 51 abs the hangars is based on the description by Bob Lazar

>yfw perfect dark manages to combine the Grey's, reptilian, and Nords alien conspiracies in one conspiracy

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