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It's crazy that once upon a time, Marvel was so broke and desperate, it was possible for just about any bottom of the barrel developer to license their characters to put them in some complete shovelware for about fifty bucks and a snickers bar. So many of the Marvel games in the 80s and 90s were straight trash
You forgot the best one
Dude pretty much all licensed games were done by shitty developers back then, LJN had the market cornered on it

Blockbusters like Back to the Future had shitty games, that's just how it was, has nothing to do with Marvel or their money
I love this game.
you shut your filthy whore mouth
that was one of the best superhero games

besides, marvel is still whoring themselves out, they just have a higher price tag now
This, it's effectively went from shitty shovelware you spent 40bux on versus shitty shovelware you spend 70bux on, and then harassed with microtransactions.
ain't even a bad game, the voices were just hilariously off.

mandarin fight is my favorite, fucker is so smug posing while he fights
>shows one of the best games but the worst version
I will call the police
If only you posted anything but the garbage SNES port, the arcade original is great.
I'll never understand how at their peak popularity they were completely broke and desperate.

btw this game has some really weird ass screens. Hawkeye fights a boss with this black and white, optical illusion background and it is so hard on the eyes. Never seen something like it in a game. Thought mine was broken or something because no one in their right mind could think that looks good.
Marvel in the 90s was almost exclusively held afloat by Spider-Man and X-Men books.
A series of poor decisions undermined their success, also the comic industry was in a huge slump.
But enough about PS4 Avengers
>sega lord x claimed this game was great
Arcade version was great, and Genesis was pretty good. The SNES port sucked.
I miss that time, back then we could have a new Spider-Man video game every year, often more, all made by different developers, going for it's own unique take, often those were bad, or just subpar, but often it was quite good... now we have to wait years for a premium developer to produce modern slop that's bloated just to take hours to finish, full of propaganda and bad OCs...

Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin > Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Pic related was the first truly good Marvel game
I always liked in this game how when you fight the boss they have their boss music at the beginning of the fight and then as you start to win the heroic Avengers theme starts playing. Good shit, I like when games do that.
the arcade version is a fantastic range em up
stop making genres up
Yeah, I remember THQ for a while made all the movie/tv show games and they were all shit.
Everyone loved that in the arcades and at home, though.
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Activision/Neversoft Spider-Man 2000 is S-tier
Due to investors/speculators trying to get rich off of comics. The one and only time a hobby i loved shouldve been gatekept but no, we need the sales. Thats why marvel had so many titles at the time, if they couldnt beat dc at sales, dc had the death of superman, batman and greenlatern, then marvel would flood the market to make up the diffrence.
Anyway, rip valiant comics.
Play the snes version and get back to me
That game was nowhere near as bad as you're making it out to be.
Don't forget nearly all their talent leaving to form Image
git gud
Indeed, probably still the peak Spider-Man title.
Marvel was really hit or miss at that time, but in this case, and many others, titles were released for a ton of different platforms and there's often a version that's at least tolerable. Another title that comes to mind where this happens is non other than Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six on NES, the only Spider-Man title on it, and it's a subpar time, but on Master System? It's garbage.

I still manage to have fun with it though, I guess my tolerance for BS is just way too high afterall.

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