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Are they worth getting into if I completed ATTP and OOT?

Which version is the best? I don't necessarily want to play the janky NES version.
>Which version is the best? I don't necessarily want to play the janky NES version.
Well it's better than the PC-88 original but still the best version is probably the PSP remake
zelda 1 is quite similar to lttp, although obviously more primitive. zelda 2 is its own thing and unlike any other game in the series.
>I don't necessarily want to play the janky NES version.
theyre nes games. i dont even know what you are talking about
>best version is probably the PSP remake
Are you high right now?
FDS versions for both. Way better music.
>i dont even know what you are talking about
There are remasters of both games retard.


Seeing where bombable walls are massively improved the game. I'm not 11 anymore, I can't spend 5 hours searching every single tile for secrets.
The Legend of Ysda
>game becomes an ARPG sidescroller halfway through
Your retard father used to spend 5 hours fucking you in the ass when you were 11
nothing "janky" about either of them
If you're too dumb and pressed for time to solve the puzzles in a children's game, don't play it.
Resorting to a mod is just pathetic and embarrassing.
you know damn well that shit game was made to sell nintendo power
the remake is shit too, just no need to play the first game.
What about the second one
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>that video
>I still have that sweet Grey Cart Zelda 2 i got from some awesome anon back in the /VR/ Sell/Trade threads
>even had the letter

Good Times, better then these,

Yeah Cancer.
Only gays talk like you do. You're gay and belong on /b/.
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>Are they worth getting into if I completed ATTP and OOT?
>Which version is the best?
It doesn't matter.
>I don't necessarily want to play the janky NES version.
GBA (if you can find it)
Pirate on your PC
>Are they worth getting into if I completed ATTP and OOT?

For you, no. A person who wants remakes before having even tried the originals is too stupid to enjoy these games. Play something else.
Kusoge series, kusoge company.
They don't hold up imo.
you didnt do majoras mask? the only two games in the entire franchise that you need are Zelda 2 and majoras mask. the rest can suck it
they're good but later games in the series are better imo. i don't find em too convoluted personally.
that looks like ass dood, just look up a guide for heart containers. in dungeons bombable walls are only ever in the four cardinal directions, so worst thing you'll have to do is grind for bombs. but there are bomb bag expansions in two of the dungeons so keep an eye out for them.
yea they do tf you on?

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