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/vr/ - Retro Games

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How is this word pronounced? Is it "Faz-on" or "Fay-zon"? I pronounce it "Fay-zon".
Metroid Prime 3 ended the debate over a decade ago. It's Fay-zon.
retro only games please
Fay-zon if you are an Anglo-Saxon. Never mind that the story is an allegory for the phases of decay society and nature have undergone since the industrial revolution
Oh, did they say it out loud in that? I didn't remember.

I guess it makes sense, though, that game had more spoken dialogue than the previous two.
> Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".
And Prime Remastered is a 2023 game for a platform launched in 2019
You're allowed to talk about remakes on /vr/ because it's an important part of the discussion of a given game. To put it in simple terms, just because your mom sucked my dick in 2002 doesn't mean she didn't suck my dick in 2023; it's still your mom, sucking my dick as usual.
Give it back, Phazon.
I always pronounced it as "F-ah-zonn."
It's REALLY easy to just consult with the Japanese text.


See? Was that so hard?
ei is pronounced aye, as in aye captain
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In English the sound of the "a" depends on the next syllable, examples:
>Pharmacy, Phalange.
>Phase, Phazon.

But me, I pronounce it like pharmacy because that's how it would be in my language
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>fantasy about turk getting his brain sucked out by a Metroid. The Todd high-fives ridley and Dr. Kelso is mother brain. Dr. Cox yells at JD snapping him back into reality and calls him Samus before walking off implying he saw the cut away too.
Like FAY-zon
No, it rhymes with "hey" and "way", whereas "aye" is pronounced the same as "eye" or rhymes with "high" or "sky". This is because transliterating japanese uses literal pronunciation instead of edge-case english pronunciation; /ei/ is pronounced as /e/ followed by /i/, which forms the diphthong /ei/, found in english in words such as hay /hei/ or way /wei/.
Based informed ESL.
How do you even pronounce Metroid, anyway?
....thats very convincing scrubs writing
i miss scrubs... wonder if im too racist and sexist these days to give it another watch
it's just pronounced like detroit except with an m
It's a Japanese word, meaning "inability to crawl"
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Nah it still holds up.
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I pronounce it like Ar- Pharazon but without the "ra", so the former.
>implying he saw the cut away too.
Wait, did that ever happen?
it's FAZE and don't you forget it
>*casually walks into a friendly local GameStop, looking directly at the sales associate with a knowing smile*
NTA but yes, Prime 3 has full voice acting and they say it out loud, especially the Aurora Units.
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It rhymes with 'skittle thief'
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I thought you edited some dude into the middle of the image
wtf is that It's been 10 years since I've played this game also my life sux
it's just a mushroom

Japanese people, for all most of us know, would pronounce this fay-u-zo-no or some crap because they apparently can't handle consonants without lots of extra vowels padding them the way our hardier European-derived brains can.
It's okay to not post if you don't know what you're talking about.
>for all most of us know

That was my point, nothing-phantom. You're defending against my claim that we are mostly ignorant by retorting that I am ignorant.
フェイ is pretty explicitly a "fay" sound
Fawtsone. Fatson.
I've seen this meme several times now. What is it meant to indicate?

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