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Why do they make you move so slow in this game? It makes it unplayable. There's no strategy for boss fights since you can't move quickly enough to dodge anything, so the fights are basically spam whip and hope they die before you do. And don't even get me started on how far you get sent back if you die and losing all your power-ups and secondary weapon.
Castlevania is different from other platformers, OP. Give it time, it takes a bit of getting used to but you'll get the hang of it eventually
The secondary weapons are important, also iirc most of the bosses do have weaknesses in Castlevania

Also don't forget to check the walls for chicken
don't play the gameboy games. you move slower than someone casually walking on the sidewalk
nah I gave up on the game after having to do that stupid level with the Giant Skull boss and the big rock boss. They expect you to go through like 10 stages, 2 boss fights and if you game over you do it all over again. Fuck that.
>and if you game over you do it all over again
The game has infinite continues and passwords.
The game an be beaten in about an hour.
First retro game or what? Are we at the point that going back 5 minutes when you die is "not respecting your time"?
Huh, this is new bait, usually here people bitch about Castlevania 4 being piss easy, a game for baby, Super Castlevania World and other such monikers for not being as hard as the previous entry.
the "super cv bros" failed meme was just 1 guy forcing it.
CV4 is not any easier than most other classicvanias outside of III, Dracula XX and X68K
yes that's fine, you still get sent back pretty far if you game over. The game is boring in general otherwise I'd keep playing despite the problems.
You say that, but nearly every single thread here about the 16bit Castlevania games have been nothing but bitching about IV being ruined because the 8 directional whip trivializes level design, /tv/ rejects posting soijaks and inages of James Rolfe with the text "I CAN AIM THE WHIP? KICK FUCKING ASS I CAN CRUISE THROUGH THE GAME WITHOUT NEEDING TO THINK OR BE CHALLENGED AT ALL" and so on.
>pretty far
Levels are about the same length as a level from Mega Man X, they're quite bite sized.
You don't like Hammer nor Universal films, do you?
it's not 5 minutes, that whole section is just tedious and boring. You have the part where you hand on the ceiling with the level turning and medusa heads flying at you, you have the slow moving platforms that go upward that also take forever, and the two boss fights like I mentioned where you just hope you have full power for your whip and just spam attack. If you have a weak whip then might as well game over and start again.
>gets mad about losing enough to make a thread
>"i-its b-boring anyway, n-not like im mad or anything"
how about getting good?
Yeah I'm not saying anons on /v/ and /tv/ make sense. Mind you most people here don't even olay video games, and if they do, they emulate and use save states. I'm just saying how it is.
Never played Mega man, but I imagine there's a lot more going on in the levels to keep you engaged rather than just slow-walking and killing the same skeleton enemies over and over.
>If you have a weak whip
There's no situation where this happens, all classic Castlevania release the whip upgrades right away with the first 2 to 3 candles.
people praise this game all the time, so I made the thread to see what the fuss is about.
>just slow-walking and killing the same skeleton enemies
How early into the game did you drop the game?
Okay, get good then.
>but it's boringggg
Stop getting hit, start there.
then what's the point of upgrades then? Just have a default strong whip at the start.
I dropped it at the big rock boss.
Not that anon, but you might prefer it, it's a bit easier imo

You might also like Symphony of the Night on PS1. It's Castlevania but different, there's a lot of cool sub-weapons and other abilities you can unlock
you move so slow that it's hard to avoid stuff. Plus your jump speed is jank compared to walk speed so it's just a mess all around.
Arcade game design. Rondo removes the whip upgrades but you can't aim your whip as a trade off.
I already played that plus the GBA ones. The metroidvanias are 10x more fun since you actually have to look around. These shit-vanias are just go from beginning to end without dying and appeal to low-IQ gamers who just want to kill things and not use their brains.
Get good.
>Stage 4
>Didn't even make it to Dracula's Castle
>ignored the decapitated horses, Mudmen, Mossmen, Zombies, Devils, Ghost, Rabbit Demons, Fleamen enemies so far
>"it's just skeletons"
I fucking hate how this board is just reactionary bait now.
Castlevania threads on /vr/ are consistently bad. I just read them to laugh at the bait, nothing more.
Huh normally ever since Arin Hanson's sequelitis video over a decade ago people call Metroidvanias worthless fast food that only hits dopamine receptors and isn't good for you since you can grind and item equip your way through with Classicvanias compared to a small dessert that's more filling to cap off in it's simplicity where there's nothing between you and the game but skill.

His words, not mine.
why would I keep playing a boring game past level 4?
>guys I keep dying! It's boring!
>game where you're a Conan-like barbarian crushing enemies out from Universal and Hammer film series (as well as other monsters from cinema and folk tale) with a morning star until you reach Christopher Lee and beat his ass
Maybe Madden or Call of Duty is more your speed, boy.
it's boring due to the mechanics, which leads to me dying too much. Ive played games where I die a lot but still have fun due to it being fair and enjoyable.
>it's boring due to the mechanics
So it's "boring" because you keep refusing to learn them? Have you at least tried to get a Triple Shot to scrub your way through?
The manual is available online as PDF
>which leads to me dying too much.
>game where you walk like a senior-citizen using a whip (what?) and not a sword or other hard hitting weapon, spamming your attack button and nothing else while staring at low-quality graphics and artstyle.
The only good thing about this game is the music
Stop getting hit, anon.
having bad controls is a valid criticism for a game and heavily takes away from the enjoyment of it. The game would be 10x more enjoyable if you actually moved at a realistic pace, especially in relation to your jump speed.
>A whip
>Forgetting Indiana Jones was at the height of its popularity around this time and was Akamatsu's inspiration
>Forgetting Arnold Schwarzenegger, the inspiration for Simon Belmont mainly walked menacingly to its targets in films like Terminator rather than run
>Spamming attack
>When the same can be said of literally every weapons, "spamming attack" to shoot Mega Man's solar bullets, Link's slashes, Mario's Fireball
>low-quality graphics
>when enemy sprites from this game such as Slogra and Gaibon kept being reused as far as the DS games
>When the backgrounds are perfect representations of the sets used in Hammer's horror films
I hate zoomers so much, man.

>muh jump speed
Holy fuck, I don't know what's worse: the people who complain this game is casualized because you can readjust your jump mid-air (thus your jump doesn't have to be a total commitment) or this.
I adore how this game continues to mind-break mentally ill people. It kind of makes an already timeless masterpiece even better.
>spamming attack"
like I said earlier, what I meant was since you can't move fast, your only strategy for bosses is to stand there and spam attack and just pray he dies before you do.
>Holy Water
>Double and Triple Shot boosts
>"nah m8 there's no strategy just stand there and pray you dont die"
There's being a no skill scrub and then there's this.
You can't really do that with bosses like the golden bat or Slogra. But considering you suck at Castlevania, you won't be seeing them anyway.
But yes bosses in CV were never that big of a deal, most bosses in CV1 are all about spamming attack and hoping they die before you do (medusa, mummies, frankie). The main forte of CV is level design, which is evidently raping you.
>But yes bosses in CV were never that big of a deal
You say this but I always thought the Boss Rush against the original CV1 bosses in Rondo and it's remake was super cool, especially since they had new moves and cues.
>irc most of the bosses do have weaknesses in Castlevania
yea lol theyre extremely weak to spamming crosses
>another option is to spam even more over-powered weapons than your whip. I love it when I prove people wrong!!
Because Rondo is different, level design is more based on exploration, and bosses are indeed more of a main thing.
People tend to forget that "Akumajou Dracula X" is supposed to be a spinoff.
Post your 1CC run not losing your weapon and Triple Shoot panel the whole way through, I double dare you, you triple nigger.
the point of castlevanias platforming has always been the "commitment".
you jump?
you jumped
and now youre going to where you jumped to, whether you like it or fucking not. its the core of what the games difficulty is designed around

also cmon m8 this is the ez one dont make me say git gud again
We had a rare good one awhile back where I had some good autism discussion about the whips used throughout the games. Learned about a whip named DEATH MERCURY too, which is sick.
I still think more CV threads could be good if we had more good autism like that.
Death Mercury indeed, that's the whip Simon uses in this game before IGA simplified the story for the sake of consistency.
Hi anon, good to see you again
>It makes it unplayable. There's no strategy for boss fights since you can't move quickly enough to dodge anything, so the fights are basically spam whip and hope they die before you do
>like I said earlier, what I meant was since you can't move fast, your only strategy for bosses is to stand there and spam attack and just pray he dies before you do.
Apparently this guy didn't get the memo. He doesn't get hit once yet here you are going on about there being no strategy.
>All bosses, no damage, no subweapon.
Uh oh zoomer alert
You don't mean that OP. You'll get it, just give it time

I think this is the best way I've heard it described
>just be autistic and beat the game 100 times to develop muscle memory and you can take no damage!
Welcome to Retro gaming
Im not a zoomer, but keep using that argument whenever you can't think of a good discussion point.
Figured that was the cope you would go with instead of realizing there are viable strategies beyond "spam whip and hope they die before you do". A no damage run is the apex of practice skill but you have access to sub weapons and aren't looking to take zero damage, the bar is much, much lower for you. Instead of looking at this and say "so that is how I can get better" you just double down on your denial, no self reflection, no urge to learn, just a fast dismissal. It's not your fault, it's the games fault that you won't learn how to play.
NTA but if you weren't a zoomer you wouldn't be bitching about having to learn and get better to proceed further as that was the ethos of videogames before the sixth and seventh gen decided to add constant checkpoints, removing 1ups, making a challenge easier after a set number of deaths and other alleged "quality of life improvements".

It doesn't help the game you're struggling with is both loved and hated by virtue of having basic bitch difficulty and very forgiving mechanics, if this game is such a struggle, I'd hate to see you play the original Castlevania
I'm not a zoomer and I never really played much SNES games. I only really played stuff from PS1 onward and only recently got into older stuff.
Okay, here's the deal and I say this without an ounce of irony or underhanded insult:
This is how games used to be because the developers were still also working on arcades simultaneously. A good arcade game like Metal Slug is very hard as you die in one hit, obviously to quarter munch but at the same time part of the ethos by the developers' own word in various interviees was that no game should have a cheap "impossible moment" every single screen in every stage has a way to be beaten or a safe spot. It was expected of the player to keep playing and get better with the goal of getting a high score and beat the game in one quarter, your initials immortalized in the arcade booth (Season Zero of YGO for example had Yugi and Joey wonder who KAI was, a gamer who had the high score on almost every arcade machine). These design ethos are still present on the NES, Master System, Genesis, SNES, PC Engine and Saturn.

Your start with games comes from an era where games began getting easier and more lenient, wanting to tell a story over a challenge. Not as bad as it got later on but, for example, this was the era Mega Man got infinite lives. Either that or just a fun rollercoaster you can beat with ease.
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So you just have the attitude and mindset of a child. Either get to practicing this game or simply just move on rather than making more threads bitching about a game you don't like.
I was just making a thread for discussion purposes and getting people's opinions on it.
im sure everyones opinion is one of bewilderment over how tf anyone with any sort of hand-eye coordination whatsoever could have difficulties beating this game.
one of the only common complaints you hear about this game is that its far too fucking easy for its own good.

ive never even heard of someone getting filtered by super castlevania. its literally the game you tell zoomers to go play who have never touched /vr/ before. only thing easier i can think of is maybe kirby on NES.
idk what to tell you man, this some real git gud hrs up in here
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You might like Kid Dracula, OP. It is still a Castlevania game, but it plays a bit different

There's also Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti
I'd argue Mega Man X and Donkey Kong Country are way easier but somehow they get a pass and people say the latter is hard for some reason.
its the minecarts
people with dead cat reflexes are going to get filtered by it, and its very early on
CV4 has nothing even close to that kind of faster timing required in it
really the trick with castlevanias in general is playing slowly and deliberately. you cant be bouncing around everywhere like its some super mario bullshit
Stopped reading there. That only made the rest of this abhorrent post pure garbage.
>op btfo he posted in other thread
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is this your first castlevania game? it's not exactly a fast paced series, not even the metroidvanias until mid-late game at least. personally i like that, makes the games pretty reasonable to learn.
the minecarts are nothin compared the treadmill levels, especially trick trak trek. or snow barrel blast for that matter.
Playable Kinomanias:
I, III, IV, Rondo, SotN, Aria

All the rest of the ones considered retro range from serviceable but not great to complete shit.
>the minecarts are nothin compared the treadmill levels, especially trick trak trek
NTA, but really? Trick Trak Trek and Tanked Up Trouble to me seem pretty easy.
Snow Barrel Blast legit, I agree, though, I always end up accidentally shooting myself to the shortcut.
you try jumping high with plate armor on
Bloodlines is kino.
>moonwalking all the stairs
fuck yeah
Get a new hobby.
The mine carts definitely caused the longest break in progress for me.

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