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I am so glad we are finally getting some innovation here. Italian bottom is out the window. I also appreciate the ramp heavy focus on the game. It seems like flow central.

too much art. can't even tell what's what on the playfield.
This isn't really a problem when you're actually playing, I'm guessing.

But yeah, I agree with OP. Marvelous innovation + some ideas that have some precedent but are being expanded upon.

Compared with Avatar. Not a lot of courage there.

Weird in a cool way: The danger room mini-playfield

Weird in an interesting but not that great way: the pop bumper in the lower playfield in Avatar.
I didn't realize how the pop bumper in Avatar worked. You change the target that's lit with the flipper buttons. I have revised my opinion of it upward.
New Gameplay Video
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Thanks for posting this.
May not end up happening
Wait... but that's not retro.
jack danger clearly a fan of gold wings
I agree its too busy
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Cuphead pinball strongly rumored to be next from American Pinball
I haven't liked American's games, but hopefully they prove me wrong here. I love cuphead. It would probably just be a location play anyway.
that's cool. how often are new pinball machines still made?
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Stern makes 2-3 games a year.
Jersey Jack makes 1-2 games a year.
Spooky Pinball makes 1 game a year, but in the past they've done two different games with the same layout but a different theme.
American Pinball makes about 1 game a year.

Multimorphic is a modular pinball company that does a whole different thing which you can learn about here:
They do about one major release a year.

Labyrinth released their first game, and it was a success so there will be more from them.

Pinball Brothers does a game almost every year but they skipped 2023.

American Pinball has made some very dubious decisions with themes and layouts recently, hopefully they "bounce back", so to speak.

Chicago Gaming Company mostly rereleases old games from the 90s. Less than once a year. In 2023 they made an original game based on Pulp Fiction which I've heard was slow to roll out. Retro 80s/late 70s playfield layout, well received.
Pulp Fiction

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