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Pretty soulful Zelda OOT inspired game that keeps throwing soulful things at you. You just need high tolerance for slow pacing and tutorials
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>You just need high tolerance for slow pacing
funny that people say twilight princess has a slow start when all these ps2 games exist. way of the samurai literally explains how to talk to npcs for 5 minutes
>This is all I have on the subject of how to talk
lengthy tutorials for weird japanese games that have systems on top of systems on top of systems is one thing. In zelda they just inject text to tell you the most obvious of things. Really that is the generation of overbearing tutorials, it only got worse in the 7th gen because everything possible was standardized but games were still teaching you that clicking the left stick in lets you sprint despite. The smartest ones were the most minimal, Twilight Princess may be the worst offender of the generation but SotC and Ico? The best examples to follow. If you really have to teach something, do it quickly and get it over with in a sentence.
My wife's game
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>In zelda they just inject text to tell you the most obvious of things.
you're replying to an image that explains how to talk to npcs. another example i can give you are the sly games that literally explain everything they want you to do hours in
>Twilight Princess may be the worst offender of the generation
you don't play a lot of games and you say this in a dual hearts thread
>but SotC and Ico? The best examples to follow.
not like those have a lot of mechanics to explain. and sotc literally tells you how to beat every boss
>you're replying to an image that explains how to talk to npcs
Weird, I saw that image you posted crop up recently too. New half-baked slide campaign? Do you know what way of the samurai is?
>New half-baked slide campaign?
yes i'm sliding the retro game news. every final fantasy has a slower start than zelda tp, more dialogues, more tutorials, more linear, while fewer mechanics and not letting you skip cutscenes
>Do you know what way of the samurai is?
a game that forcefeeds you the information how to talk to npcs
Not a very smart reply.
the goat herding in tp and even the fishing are high octane action compared to this
Autistic cherry picking.
>You just need high tolerance for slow pacing and tutorials
Oh so like OoT and Twilight Princess
>Autistic cherry picking.
that's what you're doing with tp, a 50 hour game that teaches some of its 100 million mechanics and ties it to world and character exposition. 'campaign' also if anything describes what you're doing
>see nintendo fans complain about slow tp start because they are used to bing bing wahoo or get filtered by the fishing
>also pick the one negative they can find in tp reviews
>blow it up and push the nonsense that tp is some kind of tutorial hell game
>for 20 years
>larp as objective idort or game expert when in actuality just an autistic fanboy
and your furry game is factually bogged down by tedious gameplay and tutorial videos that interrupt the flow almost purposely with cutscenes and an awful mission impossible binocular screen. see the video i linked, this picture >>11254438 or when it even explains something as simple as pressing circle midair multiple times hours in
>half minute tutorial to explain how to press circle midair to walk on the glowing rope
>something the first game already explained, never mind
>explaining the same move again again with a long video because you could accidentally use your brain here
>doesn't fuck up all flow to explain simple things

>If you really have to teach something, do it quickly and get it over with in a sentence
literally what your furry game doesn't do but what tp does even for mechanics that you don't know from other games
no retard anon, maybe actually play the game op posted (or really most ps2 games) and then play tp and especially oot again. oot just throws you into a big village and you can even fucking ignore the key character salia after she was introduced by a short cutscene. dual hearts walks you through its towns for half an hour and shows you every building and npc. unplayable without fast forwarding
this is why i don't play nintendo anymore, just ruins your brain and prevents you from enjoying good games
you are literally the prime example of someone who has his brain destroyed by sony fanboyism though. and stop samefagging, just post your garbage argumetns so i can debunk them and call you a retard. not everyone is lifeless like you
not interested in arguing with someone who defends toilet princess, a game that opens with a 9 hour tutorial yet decries tutorials in 6th gen games (u picked the wrong generation to play games if you care that much)

also play games stop watching youtube its clearly rotting your brain
PS2 audience needs this though, most of them bought it to watch DVDs
>not interested in arguing
we both know you will reply to me with your alter ego later
>someone who defends toilet princess
you are defending sly pooper, an actual furry kid's game where a talking turtle tells you literally everything you need to do. it puts a big button on the wall, gives a big block to throw against it and then starts a long cutscene to TELL YOU TO DO IT so you can't even have any sense of reward from figuring it out and it exists for no reason and is just bog >>11254438. doubly disappointing because it's actually a decent developer, they made the n64 game robot on wheels which had a lot of neat puzzles that weren't spoonfed to you
>(u picked the wrong generation to play games if you care that much)
>he says right after pushing the muh twilight princess tutorials meme

zelda rarely just outright tells you the exact process of what you should do, let alone in annoying cutscenes. and people get stuck in the easiest rooms
Reminder to dump your gf if she has no thigh gap.
I’m 90 percent sure this is optional.
Also isn’t this from the second game?

Also WOTS 1+2 are legitimately some of the best games on PS2.
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Slowest ass start of all time is picrel
>I’m 90 percent sure this is optional.
not that part and the rest of the tutorial touches on one or two things you should definitely know going into the game. it's 101 how to not teach things in a game
>Also WOTS 1+2 are legitimately some of the best games on PS2.
i get the appeal and the gimmick sounds cool on paper but it's still acquire soge. if you people keep calling 6/10 games the best ever on ps2 you can't be surprised people think the ps2 is overrated
This is what happens to you when you trick yourself that watching a Let's Play is the same as playing the game.
7/10 games are the best games, much better than 9/10 kusoge like madden 04 and wind waker
Way Of The Slop fucking sucks
1 and 2 are shovelware tier trash
3 was ruined by the terrible game design especially the QTE in fucking combat
4 was ruined by reddit tier story/writting and ''no fun allowed'' time limit
played it on acid, weird ass game. also played dawn of mana, was even weirder.
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Why are there fags arguing over zelda shit than talking about this gem. Remember playing and beat dual hearts in 2018 but didn't 100% it. I cheesed the final boss with the exploited the bad game design. It's a fine colorful 7/10, the semblance it has to zelda is the text fronts on the icons and barely the of idea of exploring dungeons.
yo TP is the fucking furry game dude, how gay are you to even give a shit about any of this? They're both made for children
Cool idea, visiting different characters dreams. I like the mentor sheep’s dream a lot. Very calm and pleasant environment.
It's hard to lower your expectations when you're used to quality.

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