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18 items remain for the HG.
>le kill enemies by clicking on them
>le get weapon with +2 damage
>le repeat
>that hud
great series
lol 100% this. Every single person I knew growing up who liked Diablo had the personality of a doorknob, the most plain mid-iq semi-nerds who wore khakis, plain t shirts and glasses. Diablo was like an edgy set of jangling keys for their shitty brains. Fuck this stupid “game” and fuck blizzard.
Blizzard made exactly ONE good game, which was Blackthorne which blizzard enjoyers never mention and most are ignorant of.
Blackthorne was nothing but Pitfall ripoff, ripoff like every other Blizz game.

Anyway, Diablo 2 is best game Blizz ever did.

>Diablo 2
>rexxar campaign in wc3
>ten empty spots
>the rest

absolute greatest game design. Crack open a cold one of monster energy mango loco, roll up a fat one and click away while listening to nailbomb point blank.
Blizzard fans are such stupid doorknob people they don’t even know the game Blackthorne was ripping off lol. They shit on it anyways since it isn’t a mindless number cruncher.
>Crack open a cold one of monster energy mango loco, roll up a fat one and click away while listening to nailbomb point blank.
You are the equivalent of a geriatric hypnotically pulling the slots lever. That’s what Diablo players are.
Absolutely. And proud of it. It is simply the greatest game design ever. Same reason why Tetris and Doom will forever rule as kings of gaming. The simpler the better. Imagine having both hands on keyboard and mouse instead of one on mouse and other on a weed. Pfff

Blackthorne is Super Mario clone with proto-orks.
Got bored of diablo 2 both times I tried to play it. I prefer different games
Tetris and Doom require twitch play and mental focus.
Diablo is adjusting numbers and clicking. You can’t eat and drink beer and play Tetris or Doom. They are actual video games.

The main inspiration for Blackthorne was Out of This World.
wish d2 had an endgame, no synergies, no immunities, better itemaziation, less mandatory runewords, actual melee, no dupes, no bots, no teleport but well it is what it is.
Play Project Diablo 2
>Crack open a cold one of monster energy mango loco, roll up a fat one and click away while listening to nailbomb point blank.
You just made your opponents sound awesome, dumbass
Not even true for Diablo 1 at least. Even with the best gear on the highest difficulty you can't just walk into a big group of monsters and stand there clicking on them, you have to do some pretty strategic clicking.
>You are the equivalent of a geriatric hypnotically pulling the slots lever
And yet it's the zoomers, who didn't play Diablo 2, that fell hard for lootboxes & microtransaction. You know, actual slots style gambling.
doesn't it have everything that anon mentioned?
I used to also path of diablo since the very first season 7 or so years ago but both mods especially pd2 shifted more and more away from diablo towards poe. usually I would say thats a good thing because poe is better than d2 in almost every single way but if I wanted to play poe I could always just start up poe.exe.
Someone needs to do a study on what it is about certain genres that causes everyone else to get the urge to go "N-N-NOOO THIS IS BAD GAME DESIGN, YOURE NOT HAVING FUN". RTS games, MMOs, and fighting games all seem to have this effect. Obviously the real problem is that you have an inflated child's ego and actually think you are the divine arbiter of taste - the question is how do you guys get this way? Chew glass niggers
you sound like a hipster weirdo.
It has a map system somewhat like PoE, and there are maps that lack immunity types, so all builds regardless of damage type have a place in end game. It has an actual end game. No bots, no dupes, runewords are extremely strong but the added prefixes/suffixes in the game make the best yellows the actual best end game gear most of the time.
Its good, its everything D2 logically should be
>no synergies
incentive to go dual element builds to bypass immunities
>introduce synergies
incentive to go single ele build because of synergies. now you are fucked by immunities

1.09 was the best and you cant change my mind
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Everyone, Shut the fuck up and post yer drops/items
>inb4 hurr durr d2r
People who started playing with LoD have never played true Diablo.
>progression? finding items? endgame? nah lol let me just slot in the same runewords on every character *teleports away*
You have no itemization, you have no character identity. You are twisted by charms and runes into a trivial baby game with no replayability.
>amp damage
oh, I thought it just introduced some minor qol improvements. sound cool, thanks. I'll check it out
Its so modded its practically a new game in it's own right, and has several new abilities for every class, so there is much much more build verity.
Its hands down one of my favorite community mods for any game, and it's online is surprisingly really active. Although maybe not at this exact moment since it's towards the tail end of the current ladder, next ladder and patch are probably about a month away.
if you aren't playing hardcore, you're a bitch
>no immunities
the point of being end-game elite is breaking immunes. also it's good that you don't just coast through everything. I wish there'd be random mini-bosses to break up the run-through. this does happen sometimes on maps.
>d2r shit
I played for years thinking hardcore seemed retarded, and then after actually playing that way I can never go back to vanilla
>every decision has weight
>forces you to become better at the game
>you feel legitimate panic when you nearly die and the greatest sense of relief when you survive
>beating the game feels like a true accomplishment
>your character becomes more personal to you because you've controlled them the entire game without ever failing them, and without them ever failing you
>the kino knowledge of knowing that your character will almost certainly one day die, just like you, and will be remembered on the select screen for their efforts for all eternity
Hardcore is D2 at its finest.
I'm glad others also understand
there's just no other way to play it
without permadeath there's really nothing at stake, and it becomes boring
I've lost dozens of characters at this point
explain why d2r is shit without rambling about muh nu-blizzard, trannies or politics.
the art direction is shite, especially the hud. the included og graphics are intentionally hamstrung to make the remake seem better. overal it's just too sterile and misses the mark
meant the UI
d2r is smoother. classic feels like shit because of the 30fps also no 16:9 support. at this point are you just hating for the sake of hating.
>explain why d2r is shit without rambling about muh nu-blizzard, trannies or politics
>butchered art direction
>n-no, not like this! y-you're just hating for the sake of it
oh fuck off faggot
any good single player mods while i wait for the next pd2 season?
nigger you talk about art direction in a 30 year old fugly game thats all about collecting loot. no one fucking cares about the "ui" or the "art direction". if thats REALLY whats bothering about the game despite all the improvements they did then I dont know what to tell you. not that I expected anything else from /vr/ boomers.
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Trying to grail in sp hc lod. Javazon has been using 2 20 blues forever, shes 91 atm. Never been more tempted to hero edit an item drop before in my life. So fucking close...
you lack the ability to perceive beauty because your soul was stolen with vaccines, GMOs and iphone usage. you are 23 year old. you have my condolences.
Reminder that LoD (and especially 1.10+) is a "streamlined" remake, made without Schaefers and without two thirds of the original team at the request of online farmers. This remake is directly responsible for D3 online only and Median-PoE korean roulette. Even the artstyle if LoD is way off. Even the soundtrack of LoD, despite being created by the same man, was from his "orchestra experiment" quickly abandoned phase.
are you ever going to stop with this retarded shit? you've been at this for years now. if you like pre-LoD D2 so much, feel free to go back and play with 2 less character classes, one less act, no runewords and less items in general and keep telling yourself that it's le more ebinly balanced and fun. it isn't, nobody cares. please just kill yourself.
>LoD is responsible for D3
i repeat, please kill yourself.
As a matter of a fact i took several months "vacation" and had accepted, that D2 threads are completely filled with retards like you, but it is good to see, that i am not alone in my crusade of educating unwashed masses.
>and had accepted, that
and yet here you are again.
>retards like you
if only we could all be intelligent enough to spend our time shitting up fourthchin threads and wanking off to a pre-expansion version of D2 with half as much content.
I remember that the biggest amount of dead HC characters were Barbs. Often caused by shit like Iron Maiden casting mobs in Act IV or dropping into the middle of a ton of mobs with Thorns aura. Sorcs who were unprepared for the amount of mobs with two elemental immunities in Nightmare. Really, Blizz did a number of us back then, when info about builds was not yet as vast and before consequent patches fixed certain "Fuck You" parts of the game.
not retro
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I like that he started listing the difference between soundtracks ever since I brought it up. I wonder if he'll start using the lack of an IP to really schizo up these threads.
I otherwise think LoD is fine with a great artstyle.
yes it is because the game doesnt feel rewarding if there isnt at least a lose condition. having to reload your zone and losing 10% xp is hardly a lose condition. playing softcore has the same appeal as turning on godmode in a fps. its fun for maybe 10 minutes until you are bored out of your mind.
I mean I like druid but other than that what you're describing just sounds like an upgrade.
>charms are supposed to trade off inventory space for power
>it's a stupid annoying system that no one likes
>so both Path of Diablo and Project Diablo 2 band-aid fix this by adding a charm inventory
>so now there's no tradeoff to carrying charms, aka there's no decision being made aka no game
Just fucking remove the charms then holy fuck, they add nothing to the game.
>they add nothing to the game.
they add more items to grind for!
Your dopamine receptors are burnt out from too much porn bro
They add character customization. I am not saying that I like them at least not in d2's form or even pod/pd2's form. D2 is already way to basic in terms of character customization and stuff like that adds a little flavor. The perfect solution would be to add a really small 3x3 charm inventory or straight up flash out the skill tree and stat system.
They're for customizing your character and filling the gaps left by your equipment... Its hardly a hard concept anon
Those are end game chase items anon, that doesn't invalidate using charms to say fill out your resistances when you first enter hell, or get your attack rating up to snuff, or other uses.
I'm guessing you're the kind of retard that only focuses on absolute meta end game things and don't actually understand gearing strategy leading up to.
>he fell for the holy fire meme
That's me, I'm the one who fell for it
The holy fire is doing like 10 damage a tick and my scepter whack can do 80
What were they thinking with this meme skill?
Charm I found yesterday add 11 all res
The ticks clear the really weak trash so you can focus your swings on the stronger mobs.
Its a 10/10 skill for normal difficulty and gives a super smooth leveling experience. Its makes pally one of the strongest levelers out of the gate for normal.
You just spec out of it anywhere around level 20-40 depending on how you want to roll.
I dont get why people like these games at all. i keep fucking trying but its just so boring. you just run around and kill stuff. theres just nothing going on. and nobody talks about these games like normal games. they keep playing the same character even after they beat the game but they're just grinding items even though they already won. i dont get it. these games feel like gacha or something. i dont want to dismiss it as slop but god damn man. just put log in rewards to diablo 2 and you can just ship it in 2024.
i like other games related to this stuff a lot. i like PSO and MH a lot. huge fan. but these games from blizzard and everything thats more directly inspired from them are just so bland...
>I don't get why people like exploring a dark medieval fantasy world killing demons and looking for treasures and riches
is it possible that you're just kind of a retarded faggot? you kill, you wander, you complete quests, you get stronger, you meet friends, you make enemies, you find cool shit, you soak in the atmosphere and enjoy the music. if you don't understand the appeal of "holy fuck I just killed a 30 foot tall demon and he dropped a crystal sword that lets me shoot fireballs" then i can only surmise you are indeed a faggot and potentially medically retarded. to say nothing of crafting, trading, gambling, PvP or anything beyond the bare basics. you don't get why anyone likes these games? i don't get you.
but the game doesnt really have any quests. its just killing and going down floors clicking. listen man im not being a troll. im not hating on your game. i really am trying here.
i played for hours and i didnt put any thought into it at all. literally less than a jrpg. and i dont mean that as an insult. that was my experience. i ran around killing everything. i put on new gear. and that was it. there just wasnt anything going on
You only played D1 didn't you?
1 and 2 but didnt beat them or nothin
>play 1
>don't even beat the game
>play the sequel for some reason
>still don't even beat it
>go online and talk about it
I'm going with the medically retarded diagnosis as previously stated. Good day.
i played 2 first i dont understand why youre taking this so personally
That would be better. If not moving the power into another system entirely, at least compressing it into a few stronger slots. As of now it just feels cheap and not engaging.
Literal filler items.

I like your thinking

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>Blizzard made exactly ONE good game, which was Blackthorne which blizzard enjoyers never mention and most are ignorant of.
Too many people these days get filtered by this game somehow
my theory is that they get to act 2, get lost and then get raped by duriel and give up. many such cases.
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I wish this game wasn't so stiff concerning viable builds. I tried a 2h avengerdin once and it did ok through normal (as pretty much any build would I guess) but it got instantly destroyed in nightmare act 1. Paladins just can't make it without holy shield, which is a shame because 2h paladins look swell.

I wish we could make melee casters (necro, sorc), shieldmaidens (sword and shield amazon), hybrid martial/ranged assassins etc. Throwing potions. Go whacky, you know. I hate how class-specific items are, makes them lose much of their value. Besides 99% of them being unusable trash.
>got instantly destroyed in nightmare act 1
Respec and regear. It's not hard.
i can't do this game without HC anymore, the stakes alone adds so much that its hard to go back to softcore. and yet there's something ridiculous about the sole most fearsome enemy in the game being those little exploding skeleton guys. then maybe the ghosts who shit lightning from across the screen. and any unique with fire enchanted. and unique packs in general that spawn right at the entrance of act 3's ruined temple...
They didn't say it was hard, dipshit. Telling someone to switch to a more viable build in response to criticism about too many builds not being viable is honestly the smartest thing I've ever read thanks for posting it.
>choose build that isn't viable on the hardest difficulty
>told to switch builds
>chimp out
grim state on this board
>not enough builds are viable
>just use the viable ones!!
we're done here. good day, ma'am.
There's PD2 if you want greater build diversity. >lamenting that a game released over 20 years ago doesn't dilute its mechanics to make every build endgame viable
Baffling post.
>punctuating every reply as though you're dropping a mic and closing the tab
Viciously homosexual.
>Amn runes pile up one morning
>I want to up them with a chipped amethyst
>five days go by
>start getting really disgruntled, muttering here and there about RNGesus
>and still no chipped amethyst to this day

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