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the Commodore 64 is well loved and rightly so, but its essential sidekick the 1541 disk drive barely gets a mention, and its a critical part of the C64s history.
this thread is about the devices for your /vr/ machine that don't get enough attention.
what's your favorite /vr/?
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The power cord, probably the most important of all console peripherals.
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Turns this 6/10 lil fella into one of the 10/10 best of the 4th gen

hello fellow based CD add on enthusiast. Just started trying out sega CD games. I grabbed snatcher and Sonic Cd what else should I try?
>sewer shark? how fitting it comes with this since this thing is a piece of cowadoodie dog shit puked out of a penguins aasssssssssssssssssssssssss
Still my favorite
The 1541 sucked ass. It was so slow compared to literally every other disk drive.
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for the Game Gear it was

the gameboy magnifier actually did work really well, it made it look front lit and you could just about see the gap in the pixels
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>he didnt have a Fastloader cartridge
yeah native 1541 speeds sucked ass, it was fixed.
I didn't have one, and I envied the kids who did.
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The humble PS2 (fat) vertical stand, the console is simply naked without it.
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I made a quick list, PCE CD/TG-CD is great too
>but its essential sidekick the 1541 disk drive barely gets a mention,
chad device.

wasn't the disk drive that was slow, it was the transfer protocol used in the roms. some fastloaders were so amazingly fast.

> epyx fastload
i use this cart all the time
Even when compared to the Original Disk II for Apple ][ line, and the Atari 810 Floppy Drives for Atari 8-bit?
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I always had a magnifier/light for every handheld until backlights were standard. I even had this whole retarded setup for my GBC. The thing for the d-pad and buttons was kinda pointless, but along with the grip on the battery pack, it did made the whole thing kinda comfy to hold.
1541 is a decent little computer in its own right. You can load and run programs on it directly.
The NES Advantage is a great controller. I especially love it for the arcade ports.
The Playstation Mouse is cool and there are actually a lot of great games on the PS1 that support it. If you like console ports of early-to-mid 90s PC games anyway.
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this, no question about it
if the CD-addon didn't exist, pc engine would've been dead in japan by 92 at best
the CD gave the system a lot of life
I wanted one so badly but just couldnt afford it as a kid, costs around $1250 in todays money
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>mogs 1541
>stuck to a Speccy equivalent for Hungarians
>but its essential sidekick the 1541 disk drive barely gets a mention
lolwut? Maybe the kiddies on tiktok don't make memes about it or something. Any grownup who even knows what a C64 is has mentioned what shit it was. The drive itself was decent and had some nice features, but the overall implementation was an infamous clusterfuck.
Please elaborate.
anyonw who knows about the C64 would have a fastload cartridge and fixed the clusterfuck
thank you my antiquated CD cousin. Had no idea about the Road rash port with the cool music, that is next. Plus my wife is mad autistic about streets of rage so she will be thrilled to try out this port I think.
There's an Amstrad interface as well, for the Spectrum.
>Any grownup who even knows what a C64 is has mentioned what shit it was
never happened
>but the overall implementation
the drive was fine, it was protocol used by the roms that was gimped at factory level. not that it mattered - people that weren't poor had jiffydos or fastload carts to undo commodore's shit. many commercial games also incorporated their own fastloaders of varying speeds.
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>anyonw who knows about the C64 would have a thing that only works on something they might only know about and not own that collectively sold a fraction of the units the system did
So kiddies on tiktok do talk about it after all
>never happened
Just because you're not a grownup yet doesn't mean it never happened for anyone else
anon is right. the roms from commodore speed limited the transfer rates. fastloader carts/programs and rom replacements dramatically decreased loading times.
> doesn't mean it never happened for anyone else
what did the compulsive lying schizo that knows nothing about commodore hardware mean by this?
>i is right
No (You) isn't
>strawman cope
I accept your concession
that's a lot of copy for a hd
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Watching dodgy late night tv on SBS (aus network) in bed as a kid in aus between columns games, peak childhood.
What's up with the 1571 and 1581? I always thought the disk release mechanism of the 1541 felt weird.
> lies about drive
> gets btfo by people that know what they're talking about
hilarious and cringe.
lmao. anon was right, you're just a compulsive lying schizo.
>I wanted one so badly but just couldnt afford it as a kid, costs around $1250 in todays money
atari fags didn't get much benefit for it. c64 version was broken and created incompatible disks. i always thought this drive was a scam.
>I always thought the disk release mechanism of the 1541 felt weird.
because it's ancient and dates back before the 1980s. 1571 and 1581 are using better hardware and matches the design of the commodore 128.

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