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Previous Thread >>11269534

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r (embed) (embed)
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Powkiddy/Retroid official websites

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but $100-200 range), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality, avoid the RG Nano), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 300$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

>Before you buy
- Handhelds come with low quality SD cards. Back them up, throw them away, buy new ones.
- It takes some tinkering. You better have bare basic desktop knowledge on how to unzip files and put them in folders. We are not here to teach you how.
- Overall quality of these products is very cheap.
- Reviewers get free handhelds, caveat emptor.
How is 3ds emulation on the RP4 Pro?
It's alright. Varies from game to game. I had to play around with settings and set it to high performance to get Fire Emblems to play. Most of it is fine but there is a little pause/hiccup when it zooms into battles. Other games run better.
>Retoid Pocket 5>Odiroid Ultra>>Odroid Super>Retroid Pocket 4 Pro>Ayn Odin 2>>>Retroid Pocket 4>Wiz>Retroid Pocket 3+Trimui Smart Pro>Anbernic RG 552>Retroid Pocket 3>Ayn Odin 1>>Anbernic RG 405V>TJD 80>Anbernic RG 35XX PLUS>Retroid Pocket 2S>>Anbernic RG 35XX>Trimui Smart>>Powkiddy RGB30>Retroid Pocket 2>Powkiddy X55>Anbernic RG405m>Powkiddy Q90>>Retroid Pocket 1>>Datafrog R36>v90>XU-10>>>Gameforce devices>Trimui Model S>>Playdate
Steam Deck > all that trash
If you keep battles off then it sounds perfectly fine. Only issue would be bottom screen layout I guess.
Standard 'high tier' emulation then. At the very least it sounds like its far better than vita emulation.
I bet you get 0 pussy. Who cares that much about fucking chinkhelds? Get a PSP or a Steam Deck, faggot.
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based, psp is handheld purity
Model S2 when?
>I bEt YoU gEt 0 PuSsY
How is that relevant point, dear baitmaster shitbag?
I get what I can choose, fuckwad projecting cuntface. Enjoy your asinine Dickwaving contest. BTW, I have a PS Vita 2000.
IPS or OLED for a GBC?
>How is that relevant point, dear baitmaster shitbag?
Instead of spending time on each and every chinkheld like that
faggot you choose a handheld that is well known for how good it is (PSP, Deck) and invest the remaining time and energy in something productive, I assure you 100% that you will get real pussy.

The only way I can think of with which you can get pussy by consooming so much useless information about chinkhelds is if you shill it on youtube for idiots to buy through your referral links.
Since when can the RP4 handle Switch?
It sucks but the games boot.
aaaaAAAAAAHHHH it's the first chinkheld I ordered sinxe the R36S like a year ago and I am already getting impatient waiting for it to arrive.
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Remember that 00's trend of turning home consoles into portables?
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lets get this shit started
>$200 + tip for a 3.7 inch screen
it will be a disappointment. why would you buy a tiny candybar console?
Meant to be a middle ground between the RP2 and the RP4P, which it is. RP2 whoch most people still swear by is 3.5, and with the hardware the RPMini has, ya. $200 is amazing, retard.

Keep in mind I am >>11279789 and focus on sub $50 chinkhelds. But you're just being comically stupid.
Plus a 'chinese holiday' to delay shipping to let the checks cash first.
>200 bucks for 3.7
Rememebr when retroidfags were shitting on the x28? Bet they were just jealous of the speakers.
>$200 (for a lil babby screen) is amazing
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Glad my favorite device didn't even make your fuckboy list.
Anbernig employees on damage control imbetween ads again?
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>Fuckboy list
Try harder, damn waste of life and DNA.
Try DEEZNUTS, copaloid retroid fuckboi.
You really are a bsll broken like bitch, holy fucking shit.
Is this all some prepuscent/arrested development show that you're not Reddit by going full Reddit and yawningly bringing your Miyoo/Anbernic fanwar shit here? Piss off, you actual fucking retard.
Remember when Anbernig unironically, feverishly shilled the RG Nano here for sales when it bombed hard, kek.
Actual Anbernic employee or blind fanboy, just fucking stop. People actively stop buying Anbernig and go Powkiddy when the shilling comes.
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>anal squirting lol
Nice assumption there, dick with ears. This banter is not productive. Now GTFO, Nigger.
Hey, >>11279789 here.
I can still cancel my order and totally will if it means not associating with people behaving as you are. Grow the fuck up.
you won't do shit BITCH we all know you can't stop consooming
>Redditroid BITCH calling others reddit when after getting mindbroken by fucking anbernig of all people
You're fuming brah. You're fuming over SHIT screens and you think that makes you a non niggitor.
The RG28XX is literally the first chinkheld I bought since my R36S a yeat ago.

Or should I say; was. Fuck supporting retards like you at any capacity. Filing a refund with Aliexpress now.
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Says the shitflinging Gibbon, faglord
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>no cancellation pic
Cancelled and instant refunded my RG28XX through Anbernic's official Aliexpress store. I will not be associated with such immature, impotent idiots.

Gonna buy a Powkoddy V10 with the refund.
>He acutally thinks ANYONE in this thread works for anbernig and its not just the retroidfag having an autism attack.
At the very lesst, you probably wouldn't like the 28xx anyway. Microhelds are kinda dumb.
>glass front
>28xx not in pic
probably a pair of socks tbqh
Why not a Powkiddy RB30, Retroid Pocket2S, Retroid Pocket 4 Pro, Powkiddy X18s, or Powkiddy RGB20SX?
US SNES or DMC Grey? I'll have $5 left over getting this instead of the RG28XX. I would get transparent purple bit it isn't GBC atomic purple, more like N64 grape.
I have $60 with my RG28XX refund, refund is on Aliexpress, I like little handhelds smaller than then GameBoy Pocket but larger than the GBMicro.
I miss it. Emulation handhelds are soulless.
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>five bucks left over
Buy candies
anbernigs BTFO
Candy attention whore on suicide watch
>aliexpress gave you a full instant refund after the product left the country but hasn't even arrived yet
Can anybody else confirm they do this?
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I want a Game Gear, but it's so fucking expensive to get one in working order (caps, new screen and lens) + flash cart. Probably just gonna get a GKD Bubble and cope.
Ali has given me full refunds for shit a day before they arrived in my mailbox.
That's on the Vita emulator in general. I played the prologue level and ran around a bit in Trista in Cold Steel 1 just fine but most games aren't playable from what I've heard. Any chinkheld you're looking at, always watch a "(chinkheld) play (console) games" video first.
Don't know about base RP4 but Pro does alright with some games, but usually only at 0.75x res. You can watch videos on it but from experience I can vouch for ASG1&2, ASG3, (sound issues), Mighty Gunvolt Burst, Bloodstained CotM 1&2, Alliance Alive HD, Super Mario 3D World, NSMB U DX (needs older prod keys to not be a blank screen after title, 12.1.03 or something), SaGa Frontier Remastered, Sonic Mania Plus, Tunic, and there are a few more but those are the ones I can think of right now.
Aliexpress has been the best site of all time concerning customer service/instant refunds, better than eBay/Paypal, banks, anything. Just don't abuse it or they can and will limit your ability to get refunds for a period. Rarely, people will have themselves put on parole for asking for too many refunds despite being legitimate, but that's the failt of the buyer buying from too many obvious scam "shop120393873662" stores.
I used to love seeing these things.
A handheld Gamecube was the fucking dream, and now we can just emulate it on $50 chinkshit.
Ali sides with buyers every time as long as it's a legitimate issue. If you just lie in an attempt to get a ton of free shit, you'll be banned and issued a court order from a local rep.
great handheld
SNES Grey with purple buttons
Wasn't that cancelled?
Which one?
Mine didn't either (RGB30)
OLED or Analogue Pocket
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See if you can find a Q36 Mini or GG Micro anon. If you want bigger there's also RG Arc which can play not only GG and SMS but also Genesis, SEGA CD, 32X, Dreamcast etc.
more like anal log
No way I'm paying that much for a fucking emulation slab.
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You are the maddest retard I've ever seen in these threads
We're all laughing at you btw, you really shouldn't take this site so seriously.
>lead infested chinese gutter-oil candy
lol nahh
Is the Odin 2 Max overpriced or is the Steam Deck underpriced?
>whoch most people still swear by
Because of its function with that price.
nah orders went up for chinks went up like a week ago and have just started arriving
theyre even planning to release it in 4 of the original nip gg colors
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Look at all that chinkslop and you coulda just gotten a Steam Deck, or a PSP Go complete with component cables, Dualshock 3, and charging cradle back in 2010 like I did.
I caved and bought the RG35XXSP even though I don't need it...
4pro can. Check compatability list. Mostly indie games and 2d.
>somewhere in a later thread, a totally inconspicuous anon starts posting about his experiences with his 28
Uh huh
Jesus fuck you are a zesty little bitch
>chinkheld advertises tv connection
>connect it to my tv
>chinkheld starts burning in my hand
Literally every time
From baidu. The rg next. Also, wtf happened in this thread?
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I love the little previews you get for PSP games on an actual PSP. Gives it that extra bit of flavor over emulation that handhelds like the GBA and the GBC just donā€™t have.
Those previews were so massively ahead of it's time. I don't know if zoomies can even understand.
I think some linux firmwares can do this, but setting it up is ass
Psp was the same gen as ps3/wii. Zoomers had em
Zoomers are whatever the latest generation is, they're too young for 7th gen
Gen alpha is the latest.
Alpha is when you're a chad. Is this like your first time on the internet or something?
>PretenDANG to be retarded
Retr*idbro, we literally to laterally JUST went through this.
>Gives it that extra bit of flavor over emulation that handhelds like the GBA and the GBC just donā€™t have.
GBA was a simple system. Insert cart, play game. No menus, internet, distractions. Pure gaming.
Gen beta would be born after 2025.
Don't know why everyone says PS2 was the weakest of its gen when its biggest games always had more detailed graphics than the competition and emulating it requires higher specs than the Shitcube.
>we're all laughing at you btw
>claims to speak for all in the thread.
Gamecube is still at least slightly more powerful than the Dreamcast.
The beta generation was millenials, get your facts straight.
Dreamcast was the weakest console of its generation.
That would be xoomers
>Years of skateboard shilling instead of the suppiror cars
>The reason retards think rodents make good pets and not snacks for pet snakes.
>Weakest console with the best re.
Where did Anbernic's reputation of quality products come from?
350/280, 351 and 353 series.
And if it were made by a western company?
405M and rg nano
ps2 has 4+ chips and an entire ps1, renders interlaced to squeeze performance while its competition rendered the full 480p and possibly did other hardware level tricks to boost fieldrate
much like n64 you emulate at 2x internal res to remove the cope so you end up needing 2+ghz
It presumably came from their earlier releases when they were the only semi-competent name in the game. But at this point in time they've been long since surpassed in terms of quality, to where even Powkiddy has been catching up to them in terms of budget devices that are decent. Anbernic just shat out too many devices this year with annoying problems at release, and its only with the 406V that they've finally fixed some problems; at the cost of the consumer likely having to buy another device.
>best re
That's right, RE2 did have a DC port iirc
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depicted, the plane flying from Miami to my third world country carrying my miyoo mini plus. it should arrive on Wednesday. I can't wait bros
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Does anyone knows a place to buy a psvita? on ebay they fuck my ass with usd on shipment. Any alternatives?
my best advice, don't get one. it unironically has less gaems than PS3 and one of the least intuitive UIs of any machine ever made.
Never looked into emulators, how is the back touch pad handled?
it isn't, it's used for nothing outside of absolute meme shit in a handful of games. think the gyro controls in early PS3 games but worse. seriously dude, don't buy one. you've been warned.
Deoending on the games you want, emulation or ports may be a better choice. If you do buy one, it may be in your best interests to get the necessary modding tools like the sd card thing.
not even worth it with cfw?
Retroid really is the peopleā€™s champ of the chinkslop
Powkiddy > Gpd > Ayaneo > Retroid > Anbernig > Shartui > Game console
Bro, your MagicX?
Does New 3DS run Yoshi's Island at full speed? 3DS doesn't come close, so I want to upgrade.
The only list that actually matters is:

Steam Deck > Analogue Pocket > PSVITA
If we're just talking design and build quality the vita trumps basically everything else. I'm still mad about how hard sony fucked up with it.
Unfortunately design and build quality arenā€™t the only considerations because they shit the bed HARD. I hate that itā€™s not at the top of the list too.
Id really like to see a device release with an aspect ratio for vertical arcade games
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The RGB30 is, and always will be, the miracle machine
but it doesn't play 100% of the saturn library at 60fps without speedhacks therefore it's shit and you must buy a $200 16:9 lagdroid for your NES games goy
Depends on whether you consider it Gen 5 or Gen 6. It was discontinued before GCN or Xbox were even released
I hope you're pretending to be retarded, but the leafbucks don't inspire confidence.
So my RG28XX arrived today
zoomers grew up on gba and 6th gen you morons. just because you're in late 20s doesn't mean you're not a zoomer, that's literally what you are
You can tell if someone is Gen Z if their favourite Pokemon was Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, some of the shittiest entries in the franchise but also Gen Z's favourite one.
I'm a millennial and those are among my favorites.
"Among your favourites" are still not your favourites.
Millennials would know better.
Chinkhelds is for losers and weak dudes.
They're like second place after gen 5
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I'm a zoomer and my favorite gen is 4 because I played it as a kid
It's obviously a gen 6 machine, same as how Switch is a gen 9 machine.
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I tried to tell them. Size matters when it's $200 and trying to emulate anything above ps1.
I would love to do a rasppi mod to a broken PSP but even for parts psps are expensive nowadays
Eh, I'm thinking of probably getting either an Anbernic 405V, Powkiddy A13, Powkiddy RGB20SX, Anbernic 351MP, Retroid Pocket 2S, or Retroid Pocket 4 Pro instead.
>"Among your favourites" are still not your favourites.
1 In the midst of; surrounded by.
1e a pine tree among cedars.
2 In the group, number, or class of.
2e She is among the wealthy.
3 In the company of; in association with.
3e traveling among a group of tourists.

Anon, to be among one's favorites is to be one of the favorites. it means to be in the group. I hate you ESLs and your pseudo-intellectualism.
Forgot how bizarre this cartoon plane looked. I bid him safe travels though, given he has your miyoo
Oh ffs I'm just so tired of this
>Kids had GB Pokemon, tried it and loved it
>GBA was my first handheld and Ruby was my first Pokemon game I actually owned
>Realized it was same shit as old gens, less interesting 'mons but better QoL/graphics
>Never really put it above other games or attached myself to it
>Tried Crystal
>VERY weird game, only later learned it was more like expansion to gen 1
>Got filtered by GBC graphics / sound and lack of QoL
>Later get super hyped for DP
>Totally disappointed after I beat it, same shit pt. 4 (now slower and worse)
>Didn't even try SSHG or BW
Some 18 years later, any time you mention Ruby on /vr/, people literally SEETHE saying you're a jealous zoomer who wasn't alive during gen 1 for daring to say you liked it. I don't attach myself to Pokemon gens like you do, I'm tired of this crap. I beat it, I had fun, it was the first and last Pokemon I truly enjoyed. Yeah, others may be better, but I never cared about this too much. Deal with it.
I am glad to played red and crystal when I was 8yo. I enjoyed Soul Silver a lot.
I kind of wish I played the 1st gen, the cartoon was all the rage at the time. But gen 2 to this day just feels off to me. It starts with mainly gen 1 mons. Many of the new ones just feel weird or too much like updated versions of old mons (see Steelix).
I asked here once and I guess people said it was quite literally like an expansion, a new Island for RGB or something of sorts.
Funny, you quit before the best games, HGSS, BW, and BW2.
Yeah, you are. Also, Gen 3 sounds fucking horrible and looks bad, you're nostalgic.
>hide bezels behind plastic
>hey guys, zero bezels

Is it really that easy?
"Works 100% of the time 40% of the time"
>I am tired of this
>Proceeds to tattle on himself hardcore on why it bothers him so much
this is the one instance id want bezels for the 3.7" manlet screen
Hope you like it anon. Thinking about pulling the tigger on an XXSP as well, but also wondering if Miyoo flip is worth waiting for, to potentially have onionOS and dual thumbsticks. But the damn thing has been in
>It'll be announced in 2 weeks
status for almost 2 years now.
bro i replay red and crystal with different ips files every few years. it's not a nostalgia thing, the game is pure style and open-ended gameplay
I mean, if you consoom chinkhelds you may be a retard; make sense that chinks are aware of it.

Get a PSP, Steam Deck or a Razer Kishi/backbone like mobile controller. Chinkhelds are meant for idiots.
Did I say it was nostalgia? No, of course not. For me it was just hard to get used to those games, while I kind of lost interest in the series overall. You can't bring back time when you stayed up late just grinding levels. Maybe one day I'll finally get to beating gen 1-2, but I have more than enough games to play right now, and the fact that I won't get all 150 or whatever the fuck the number was kind of kills my mood for it.
Just play Heart Gold/Soul Silver and stop being an impotent, whiny bitch.
Didn't ask
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it's larger than I thought it'd be and I love it. can't wait to configure it when I get home from school/work
>chinkhelds by and for retards
True. I had an Ambernig rg350 and the battery fucked up in 2 months. Waste of money.
How did retroid go from the darling of the retro game community to the villain?
imo they're still the darling, but $200 + tip for a 3.7" screen is a terrible meme.
Villain to who? Anbernig shills?
They didn't. There's only some fags being anal about the bezel on the Mini, Linux devs are on the moon over them making good on their promise, reviews are positive, yadda yadda. Still butthurt over the glass myself, might end up folding depending on how it goes and if the successor drops Linux support, dunno.
They stopped cutting corners with LCD + Dimensity / Tiger, and this came back to bite them in the balls. Plus high expectations after RP3>RP4 jump, with some tardos expecting 8 gen 2
8 Gen 2 probably isn't coming out until next year if that. And even then it probably isn't including OLED if it wants to be cost efficient.
Why are people so autistic about the glass front if the Vita 1000 had one? I thought the OLED Vita was the handheld scene's darling?
Because who the fuck has a Vita and I hate the fingerprints on my phone already.
It's one of the reasons I prefer the Vita 2k. I love the Vita 1k in spite of the glass front, not because of it.
Theyā€™re still alright with me
>implying they're going to be used to play retro games
>don't buy those chinkhelds, buy these

They're all chinkhelds.
>optional start and select buttons
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I prefer 3:2
Bitchlite lost nigga. Although the ick on ek DOES seem inter salad dressin.
Only the kishi and backbone are. The only non chink razer controller is the junglecat and the kishi 2. Which is funny, since the kishi 2 uses fucking switch sticks. (Beta testers prefered it, lmao)
If something is in the midst of, in the company of, or surrounded by something, it is generally assumed to be a part of those things. You complain about ESLs, and yet...
>Funny, you quit before the best game, BW2.
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chris is coping again bros...
Already know I like it since I bought one of the first ones for a friend
If you can ward off the fomo or frivolous buying spirit, may be better to wait for the Flip. If you don't NEED the dual sticks, the SP is right there and in better colors.
Could have just released it with that 4 inch 720p IPS the 406V uses for $170~. No glass too.
Don't sign your posts.
>I am tired of this
>Proceeds to say why he is tired
Classic /v/tard line of thinking, "if the person cares about what they are talking about then that means they lost the argument."
They should just make a cheaper 2S successor with the 4" IPS screen to shut those people up.
Exactly my thought. That screen with a cheaper price and no glass front would've been a banger.
Too many devices too quickly as they try to slowly approach Odin 2 pricing but not Odin 2 performance.
Do people really only care about raw screen dimensions? Because a 4:3 960p OLED screen is still very appealing to a lot of people, just in a different way.
>Keeps posting his L's
960p OLED is cool as fuck don't get me wrong, but that size just kills it for me.
It's not a good proposition when the 5 exists right next to it for the same price and much more 4:3 real estate.
Yes but some people specifically want 4:3 screens and don't want to use 16:9 even if it gives them more real estate. The 5 also passes the threshold of pocketability for some. It's dumb to say the 5 invalidates the Mini, they're for different people.
>but better QoL/graphics
What QoL? Losing features from the original, smaller Game Boy carts of Gen II? A terrible map and boring story? Lackluster designs in a mediocre Pokemon title?
People wanted Retroid to compete with Ayn by releasing a $200 oled which is as powerful as the Odin 2. People are idiots.
>Yes but some people specifically want 4:3 screens
That's me, they're asking me a premium for that. Neither are pocketable if we're being honest.

Honestly, I didn't want OLED precisely because it would be used as an excuse to hike prices until everyone else has it.
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>reddit game uncle says none of these companies are big enough to commission the creation of a panel and would drive costs way too high
>that is literally what max zhou claims he did for their 4" screen
I'm not an anbernigger in the slightest, but honestly that was super based and I don't know how he did it.
>smaller Game Boy carts
They're like twice the size of gba carts
ambernig is trash, Mowgli
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The amount of data the carts could hold, moron.
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saturn-sama, please... have mercy on me...
Maximum Zhou in "the cleation of the ful inch scleen"
the end
I wonder if Sega's engineers have a sense of pride knowing that people still struggle emulating the Saturn.
>describes that he is mad and what he is mad about
Congrats, you have the pattern recognition of the average /v/tard.
And beetle has no upscale iirc so that's just base Saturn performance
Considering even Sega can't work around the shaturn's code to do more ports, probably not.
Shouldn't you be using Yaba Sanshiro? RetroArch cores on Android suck dick anyway
He was using the Beetle core just to prove that it can run most of it fine.
realistically why isnt there already a 4 inch oled screen?
Yaba Sanshiro is kino and definitely the way to go for most Android handhelds considering the performance gap but it's super inaccurate visually. For most games I can cope fine, but for something like Burning Rangers the fucking lights aren't even on.
Sega should have collaborated with either Hitachi, Fujitsu or the CGL (computer Graphics Lab) for more talent regarding 3D graphics and rendering on the Saturn. That and Tweaked the VDP 1 to be at least slightly less janky and less of a maze to work with in general.
People are less likely to all go buy a $200 device that only plays up to DC
Anbernic is too cheap to commission a screen, he's lying.

No big boy industry demanding piles of them.
>Sega should have [cared], [spent money], and hired [talent]
And war companies should have manufactured tools of peace
The only reason I don't think he's lying is no one has used it before or after.
Say what you will about Sega, they had more talent than Nintendo.
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They had the 3D talent in their arcade division, the problem was likely that they couldn't just eat the cost of everything they put into the Saturn at the point, they had to try to salvage it instead.

The fucked up thing is I actually think SEGA was right (from a perspective of taste) to initially believe 5th gen wasn't good enough for 3D yet, and to focus on gorgeous 2D instead. It's the consumers who were wrong.
Agreed, then Nintendo poached all that talent simply by being a better company to work for.
Is there a Model 2 emulator for Android? Last Bronx was originally an arcade title. The Saturn port doesn't add anything new other than a cool anime intro and just downgrades the graphics a bit to make the game able to run on Saturn.
Who is the uploader? not clicking if it's jewy or w*lf.
There's no Model 2 emulator on ARM for some fucked up reason. You could MAYBE try to run it using one of the MAME cores, but 3D in MAME was a total shit show even on Windows last I checked. Things may have changed for the better since, but I kind of doubt it.
Nope, MAME is still retarded with 3D.
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Very cool.
>It's the consumers who were wrong.
The customer is always right.
False equivalence, fucktard. Sega did spend money beyond the bare minimum back in the Mark III, Mega Drive/Genesis days, and wasn't as much of a clusterfuck in general. They still went further than Atari Corp. video game console division, either way before pulling out.
>brings up the nano
Was this written by an ai?
I almost buy this but I went with the TSP instead, which I love.
pretty sure it's voiced and video clips are pulled by AI, too. probably with some slight tweaking and additions to the script by an actual human. the rp4p review is hilarious and sounds like it was trained off /hgg/ posts.
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Anyone still rocking their RG353p? Are the latest firmwares worth updating?
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Xzibit would be proud.
o shit free screen protector???
Haha no, pay up.
I wonder if Retroid is considering working on a cost efficient version of the Mini. Bezels, IPS screen, no glass panel, but a cheaper price tag. It honestly doesn't seem to be worth the hassle when people seem happier with the cheap-but-trustworthy RP2S.
This. RP2Pro or Mini S when?
based dodo uncovering issues other jewtubers missed because he actually plays games
Funny, one of the other jewtubers specifically said he checked to make sure the buttons weren't scraping against the glass front. Guess we'll find out more when actual customers get it.
It'll probably come out by next year, because it sounds like their community manager wants to rope themselves with all the bitching surrounding this years product line.
How did that make past engineering? Could it be the review units are worse?
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They were banking on reviewers not using them past the review.
At this point it just seems like Retroid was better off sticking to what they know, cheaper plastic devices that offer the best bang for your buck.
they did it so well with the odin 2 and RP4, no idea what went wrong now tbqh
They heard people saying they want the Retroid devices to be more sleek and ergonomic and instead of just stopping at rounded corners and grips like they should have, they went overboard and tried to make it look like some modern glass smartphone.
It's because they are listening to web forum retards
>I want Oled
>I want PS2
>I want it Le Vita shaped
hello, blacklisted
Those are all good requests tho, the problem is the gay glass front and babby sized screen. The RP5 at least solves one of those problems, but the colors suck.
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>but the colors suck.
True. Don't know why they didn't use these colors for the big RP5. It looks rad.
Anbernig wins again
Rp4 wins (On sale) wins again
>Vita shaped
Trimui smart pro and gpd wins again.
I wanted the Saturn and Orange one. But yeah, that's the first time I've seen the black/red combo and actually thought it looked really good. Maybe because there's way more red than usual due to the red back.
Because it looks evil. Those are villain colors.
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I wish I got one of these when they were still cheap.
I also forgot 4:3. You see, they want all of that in one device AND sub $200.
I would be fine with that Oled screen on a RP2S
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>Retroid thinks they're pulling out all the stops; OLED screen; the fabled 960p 4:3 resolution; Snapdragon chip; sleek design; grips
>turns out they would have made more people happy AND saved money by just putting a 4" screen on the 2S and rounding out the corners
This shit is so funny, this scene makes me laugh.
kek yeah pretty much.
They could have listened, but no.
I'll bet this was the exact image they based the Mini on kek.
I was interested in the surface phone, but The insane amount of steps just to replace the batteries is a complete joke and Microsoft literally wants like $400 to replace them.

(Unless you're going to get a new phone every two years I'd highly recommend looking up ease of battery replacement for any phone you're interested in. Same with gaming handhelds or anything else too)
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How bad is the Odin 2's latency issue?

I have a Logitech G Cloud that I love everything about, but I want something with a little more horsepower for local PS2 emulation. It's either an Odin 2 or a Pocket Evo, because I can't go back to small screens after the G Cloud (and I already have an RG405M for a pocketable device).
It has like 2 extra frames of input lag compared to other most other Android handhelds and then those Android handhelds have like 2 extra frames of input lag compared to Linux based handhelds.
Thanks, that sounds fairly significant and about as bad as I feared.
Itā€™s such a small thing but it makes such a big difference, the .3 inches are going to eat at them for awhile until they repent and make a 4 incher. 720p non OLED with smaller price tag shouldā€™ve been a no brainer but they got tunnel vision

Iā€™m expecting anbernig to pick up the slack but Iā€™d buy a retroid over their devices any day if they announce one in another 6 months. Otherwise Iā€™m sticking with the RP5
Why stop at 4inches. Let's just go 5" 4:3.
Theyā€™re the only company with decent quality control and power that isnā€™t charging an arm and a leg, so their mistakes are going to be amplified twofold
Why is android piracy so inconvenient? I wanted to try out the FFIV pixel remaster and finding the files without going through clickfarm websites was impossible.
It looks fucking rad ngl
Should've made it clamshell..
>tfw you're looking for that damn fourth Chaos Emerald
>according to Goldgreed's spidey man character universe;
Ah, when people fuck up applying protectors, it makes me happy I'm not the only one with bubbles on my screen.
The fully fleshed out XX line is the best thing to happen to the chinkheld market. There is literally nothing wrong with pumping out like 10 different skews of the same product, and having a consistent, identical, good-value product in multiple different formfactors is nothing but good for the consumer.

Jewtubers complaining about needing to cover too many devices are not something you should listen to.
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>The system is way too small to justify how powerful it is
>Why would anyone pay extra money just for a better screen and a more premium build quality
>The build quality actually feels unfinished, I can see the screw holes
>Even though it's bigger than a 3DS screen, any 3D games more powerful than PS1 are basically unplayable due to how small it is
>It's also way too big to call itself a "mini" console, here it is compared to the RGNano
>They shouldn't have made this more powerful than the 2S

What's his problem?
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I bought these, and the Miyoo A30 earlier. The RG Nano Iā€™ll just keep as a keychain, and Iā€™ll try to decide whether I like the ā€˜Nig or the ā€˜Yoo more. Whichever one I like less, Iā€™ll donate to my workā€™s toy drive later this year
>shills the Ayaneo Pocket Micro
>complains about the Retroid Pocket Mini like a week later for being too much for the price
>both are the same price, Retroid has a better screen and CPU
But muh 3:2 AR for pixel-perfect GBA! Just ignore the Powkiddy V10 doing that for a fifth of the price
He also brings up "Why should anyone buy both a Mini and a 5, when the 5 does everything the Mini does for nearly the same price and a bigger screen?", as if collecting them all is the main focus, and not just picking the one you'd rather have.

Reminds me of when he reviewed the original RG35XX and gave it a 5/10 because it "fails as a mini console". To quote from his website review, " I just wish they truly made this mini, maybe next time."

He was so obsessed with it being mini even though it's never referred to as a mini in any marketing.
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in hindsight, the whole RP5 RAM delay comedy might've been more than a publicity stunt if it turns out they're using the mini buyers as beta testers for production issues.
maybe they'll actually put a 4 incher in the Mini Pro if everyone continues to make a stink about it
>yfw "he bought a rpmini" becomes the new "he bought a cube"
Tbf, they've said the reason they went with 3.7" was because that was the biggest OLED they could find before the system got too big to be a mini, and I honestly believe it considering that all these companies are sourcing pre-made parts from third parties. 4:3 OLEDs in general seem super niche, I'm surprised they found any at all.
Probably from some super-fancy smart home controller.
They werent right because the consumer wanted 3d games, but they should've been because 90% of 5th gen 3d games dont hold up today and its the worst aged gen in gaming
Just use z-axis correction and an upscaler in your emulator bro.

Yes, I agree that 5th gen aged like milk.
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Goddamn it, getting the itch to grab the orange 28xx just because it's cheap. What's wrong with me.

>There is literally nothing wrong with pumping out like 10 different skews of the same product, and having a consistent, identical, good-value product in multiple different formfactors
That's not what happened though. Varying degrees of quality, like 3 different models of d-pads, buggy software that carried over to CFWs, busted sticks, really bad early batches, people getting fucked for not just waiting 2 weeks for the better version to be teased and so on. This only ended up benefitting development, which is still surprisingly anemic for how many of those are out there, one of them being -the- SP.
I swear some people in this general are purposefully speedrunning becoming the chinkheld collector meme. Don't forget to buy an Analogue Pocket on your way out.
It's understandable from their point of view but at the same time the videos they make are informative to any potential first time chinkheld customer. They aren't being forced to do these videos unless...? though so they can quit whenever if it really bothers them that much.
>What's his problem?
Read the green text above your question.
Ayaneo has a more premium build quality and a better aesthetic.
5th gen was the awkward teen years of 3D but you can't blame consumers and devs for being excited to see games go full 3D, it may have been messy but it was a necessary era of gaming and we're lucky companies were so competitive about it that they were able to make several advancements in technology for their time (ex: Spyro's draw distance technique, OoT's perfected Z targeting, the rise and fall of tank controls, etc).
>"If only it had OLED and Qualcomm chip, I'd buy it even if it was more expens-
>"REEE Retroid has abandoned us!!!"
No one has a problem with the 5, it's the Mini that's ridiculous.
Hey bros, I never knew Retroid had input lag compared to Linux. Is there any way around it other than run ahead?
Not premium enough to spring for a fucking OLED apparently.
>Ayaneo has a more premium build quality and a better aesthetic.
>fart firing speakers
>inline triggers
>glASS front
>Lelio G99
>function buttons in range of accidental taps with the base of the thumb while using the sticks
>no oled
>no 3.5 jack
Except for glass front meme, Ayaneo 'helds indeed tend to have a "premium" build quality.
The micro is not one of those.
>buggy software that carried over to CFWs
This is what sucks the most imo. The new line has gone so widespread. If only we had Garlic OS 2.0.
Runahead isn't a solution. Android being laggy is unavoidable and that is why people are excited the Retroid Mini and 5 are going to support Linux eventually.
That's because everyone complained about the Plus/Pro/S strategy, specifically the 4:3 models being underpowered compared with the 16:9 models. So they listened and instead did two versions of the same machine, a 4:3 and a 16:9 one.
But then people want it to be cheaper also, fucking how?
How does a 4:3 3.7" machine cost the same as a 16:9 5.5" machine with an extra 2GB of RAM?
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>How does a 4:3 3.7" machine cost the same as a 16:9 5.5" machine with an extra 2GB of RAM?
It doesn't?
With only a $20 difference it really feels like the Mini was meant to be the mid-product offered to make the main product more enticing. I mean at $200... just $20 more... But it seemingly backfired because everyone's discussing the Mini and hardly anyone is discussing the RP5.
Same difference. There's no world where you have both available and it makes any sense to buy the Mini.

Only because the 5 isn't out yet. Mini will get memory holed the moment the 5 is out even before Anbernic puts out a high end 4:3, I guarantee you.
Except many like smaller handhelds. And it has the power as the bigger one. The extra RAM doesn't do much for emulation.
Do you think having less plastic, less glass, and less space somehow cut costs? It increases it because now they have to manage another set of plastic molds, glass cutting and optimization of the internal components space. The Oled screen might not be any cheaper than it's 16:9 counterpart either.
Also, the extra 2GB RAM was a last minute panic addition, I wonder how that is going to fuck them over.

They made the Mini specifically to people that want the 4:3 format.
The only handheld that retro gaming enthusiasts need is the Steam Deck!
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I just want a moderately high end clamshell device that fits in my pocket.

The slider thumbad is more than adequate. Just slap one on the right side and you're good to go. That's really all I want.
You'll miss the extra RAM once Portmaster pops off with these specs.
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*raughs in 3GB*
>There's no world where you have both available and it makes any sense to buy the Mini.
maybe the same world where people buy the nig SP over the 35XXH when the latter is larger AND cheaper with the same SoC.
Form factors and portability are one of the biggest points to consider when choosing one held over another, if it weren't this would be the steam deck retro general
I do agree the price should be lower, or preferably, the entire thing smaller to fit the screen.
The 5 wasn't supposed to have that 2gb of ram. The only difference was supposed to be the screen size.

Some dumb youtubers were interested in the mini for the novel screen size, but anyone who's tried emulating ps2 and up on a 3.5" screen knows it's too small to use. Only people that collect devices without playing them would get the mini.
I've played 6th gen games on a 3.5" screen with shittier resolution.
I could see anything fine without problems. Maybe you're just blind.
I think his general points about price and power are correct. With devices like these "more power" doesn't always translate to meaningful function. Even the RP2S (which I like a lot for the money) sees a chunk of its power a little wasted because it's not particularly good for PSP. And despite looking more premium it still falls into the usual pitfalls that these companies do from spamming devices at a scale they can't keep up with. The buttons scraping against the shell isn't a dealbreaker but it is especially embarrassing.

It still looks good overall and a 4:3 OLED screen is a pretty cool novelty, but the Mini is as emblematic as it gets for the market's ridiculousness.
Looking for good PS2, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Saturn, N64, PSP and Gba emulation
$300 budget for handheld+Carrying case+ Screen protector.
Anything other than the Retroid 5?
4pro or 5. Base odin 2 is $299. You could also go the Abernic 556/cube/406v which would give you most of that. You'd need to lookup which ps2 games it can play. There's probably some powkiddy or similar that can which is on the way one day.
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I feel like dual screen handhelds will be expensive forever because they're only really good for playing ds and 3ds games
>I just want a moderately high end clamshell device that fits in my pocket.
You posted a picture of one, and it's more than good enough unless you want to emulate N64 on it.
tendie slop is not "high end", lmao
Itā€™s high end enough to play 3DS, which 90% of chinkhelds are unable to do.
The idea isn't the worst, "all these handhelds have the same specs, just pick the one with the screen and the form factor you want" sounds just fine. But they just shotgun them one after the other, and it's not like they space them out to fix on any issues that need fixing. All of them launch with some sort of defect like shitty analog sticks that the community needs to step in and fix. And it doesn't even stop their other line ups from having software issues like the RG Cube and RG556.
But chinkhelds are?
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Pretty confident that the rp4p is the way to go now
Can it play KH2fm full speed with no frameskip/whatever speed hacks?
What's the input delay like?
How is n64 and Saturn?
Is the rp4p not plagued with hardware issues?
NTA, but I was about to bite the bullet on it, (especially because it's on sale for $185) but this video >>11282429 concerned me.
Is it pure AI-generated nonsense or is it an actual review just voiced by a tts? The Reddit posts are clearly real, but is it an issue that only a minority of buyers had? Many of the comments on the video seem critical too.
The video is also from 7 months ago, is it safe to assume the issues have been fixed?
That is literally the point he's making, ESL-kun.
my rgb30 does it better
>inb4 saturnfags
I feel so confused over how the mini is being recieved. Does the chinese handheld audience all suffer from advanced eye deterioration?
The review in question gave it an 8.7 out of 10.
It's primarily for retro games, meaning we're majority old cunts. So yes for the most part.
The gpd xd+ was always midranged and not even being made anymore. Make a new one you fucks. Who the hell even uses the xp?
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Android is such a horrid dogshit OS that you have to use termux just to extract an archive
Skill issue, there's no shortage of file managers. Suppose this might be marginally faster though.
You sound like those boomers who can't open PDF
holy shit, great bait
phoneposter moment
This is literally zoomers who exclusively have this issue, bub. Most of them growing up on iOS, iPhones, and iPads are alienated by files and folders.
>fucking how?
Mindset that 4:3 'helds should be cheaper because that's how it's always been.
Do you really have nothing else to be proud of in your life than futzing with consumer electronics?
Square games run surprisingly well on NetherSX2 in general, like even on the 405M they were the games I had the least trouble with. I can vouch for FFX Int, FFXII ZA, and KHFM1, but haven't tried 2 on RP4P yet. Try one of those gameplay videos on youtube, they might have given it a shot.
>ES File Explorer was removed from the Google Play Store in April 2019, along with the rest of the apps from DO Global. The app automatically clicked on advertising banners to increase revenue, which goes against Google's usage policy.
Typical pissdroid golem using shitty malware disguised as an app.
I'll continue using termux and simple open source programs that mog your pajeetware
>trained off /hgg/ posts.
Nta but I can safely say I have never had any problems with my 4Pro, but there is definitely an argument to be made about the occasional defective unit being shipped so my experience isn't the same as everybody's. Chinkhelds in general are a roulette when it comes to quality in any regard.
That's pretty clear reading the post, I don't know why I thought it was the opposite. Probably speedreading like usual.
Kek. Personally I prefer RS File Manager for everything and for the few times the zip program doesn't treat a file properly, there's the 7zip File Manager.
There were screen issues which may have been fixed with a patch. They probably remains some ghosting issues, but i think it was the green tint issue that was fixed. The first versions also had shoulder button issues, which some people on reddit still complain about. I would look up more recent reviews regarding the screen.
Yeah that also seems to be the case
Comments on the video say retroid is pretty good with replacement parts so I think my fears are unwarranted.
(Shipping might be delayed by the port strike doe)
Reminder that linux is for gen 5 and below and android is for gen 6 and above because the input lag is less noticeable in later games where player characters have more animations when they move.
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>extracting files in the device
Retroid's good with replacement parts in everything except the battery past the pocket 2+. That's why I don't insult the phonechads in these threads. The phones they use are legit less jewish with battery replacements.
>it's ok when pcfags do it
next you'll tell me you downloaded them in the device too
I don't know how it is on GARBAGEnux but here's a reminder that you can use joiplay on android devices to play some rpgmaker kinos
>phonechads in /hhg/: "I literally do not know how to do a single goddamn thing."
next you'll tell me it's ok when pcfags do it
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>he did
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This guy is a massive retard and it came clear as daylight to me when I read the RG35XX review you mentioned.
Rank the chinkheld reviewers
I'm the only one I trust
Retro Tech Dad is useful for teardowns, forthenext is very easy to reach and takes a bunch of requests, I'm indifferent towards or hate the others.
/hhg/ shills > not /hhg/ shills
Tech Dad does the best battery tests, and the does them every review. Too he's mentally regressed into a tablet obsessed gen alpha babby.
*Too bad he's
Anyone is better than someone who gets shit for free and has a need to keep riding that sponsor dick.
Portmaster has been odd lately. They fundraised for a 5, but it feels like the group and the discord are only really doing the bare minimum for stuff they personally enjoy.
>discord are only really doing the bare minimum for stuff they personally enjoy.
Why doesn't that surprise me
>not shown: mod-only ERP channel is the most active discussion at all times
More of it being it is a circlejerk for only supported devices, and most of the user/porters are constantly posting the newest devices and fixating on those.
I think Wicked will always be my favorite
Would they even need to fund one? Just contact Retroid, the rep who spends all day on discord must know them.
>Tech dad
Alright, but went downhill when he started accepting review devices
>Wicked gamer
Not sentient, but his shitting on legit ewaste is funny
Not a shill I think. Just someone that needs to get his shit together
Replaced by ai. I give him points for not showing his face
Avoid. Test videos and reviews are worthless because they make constant dumb jokes and kissy faces for some reason.
Who knows? Someone was impersonating the lead dev on Steam as well asking for donations.
The 4P had some launch issues but they've pretty much all been sorted out. The one nice thing about Retroid compared to other handhelds though is that they actually have functional customer support, so if you do get a defective unit, they'll typically repair it for free, or send you the needed replacement parts.

I use one myself and I'm pretty happy with it. The screen admittedly has a very, very mild ghosting, but it's subtle enough that you'll only really notice it in extremely specific scenarios. Still better than most Nintendo handheld screens either way
So why are they still making handhelds after the SP. There's nothing left, yet people still buy? Or are the shills the loudest in the room?
It ainā€™t over til they make the RG35XX DS
Just wait until chinkheld devs get their hands on 3D screens and old VR equipment
I still maintain the circle pad is actually better when the rubber is broken off, as just a little nub you slide around.
It's from the era where they still knew how to make hardware, anon.
Hell it has a microswitch d-pad, do any chinkhelds bother for that?

Its only problem is that it's old as hell at this point. An N3DS with a modern chip would completely BTFO the entire handheld market in a way no chinkheld could hope to.
They won't put a chip in it that could handle it.
Not quite, it's just metal domes. Same ones they used on the SP.
You got filtered by a file manager.
Sit down.
>Changu the RK3566 can't handle the PS4 VR game you're trying to-
>So in conclusion I find the RG35XXVR to be a great streaming machine, but think of VR games as more of a bonus and not something you'll be specifically buying the device for.
Your life long futzing with consumer electronics is exactly why you're as ignorant of basic modern knowledge as you currently are, anon.
Keep using chinkware faggot
Termux mogs all
>basic modern knowledge
>You vill install ze app that opens its own ads, goy.
Who are you trying to fool?
Oh, I get it now. You just don't know how to find decent software.
Probably installed the first suggestion on the play store and got scared off any file manager that isn't Files.
If the source is not available I don't use it.
Your impotent struggle would be hilarious to me if it wasn't a real fucking issue how many modern new hires literally do not know what a fucking folder is, and teaching basic fucking file managing to new hires has become an expected part of the job. "Haha, a Windows desktop? That's like, what Millennials and Boomers used in the 90s!"
I think they also changed the screens they use.
Please explain to me how termux is superior to just SSHing into a device from something with a fucking keyboard.
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RG35XX bros
why are you the only one who can't get it running full speed thou?
im not even using an android based device and it still feels like im using a phone. fuck phones
If the source is not available I don't use it.
Also to do file management in a terminal you literally need to be able to conceptualize the directory structure that you're working with.
You fucking retard
This device is gonna FLY once mainline with vulkan comes
Lol h700 shitters will forever be stuck at ps1 as the highest tier console it can run full speed.
With some easier n64.
Also with wonky ass drivers that cause a shit ton of input lag that you have to use a lot of run ahead to compensate for
>t. 'nig sp owner
Because you don't need a whole other fucking computer to type in 7z x rom?
Are you retarded dude?
The Steamdeck is the only true modern handheld that doesn't feel like a phone.
I'm still using my RG351MP
>Conceptualize the director structure
My god it's a fucking folder path, not brain surgery, you fucking idiot. You legitimately impotent retard. You don't need to conceptualize the structure of fucking anything, just remember paths.
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>Gen Z "conceptualizing the structure" of file folders in their minds in an attempt at figuring them out
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>conceptualize the directory structure
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>to do file management in a terminal you literally need to be able to conceptualize the directory structure that you're working with
I was going to knee-jerk ask you told you this but you're self-evidently making shit up from your ass, you're so fucking ignorant about the topic, holy fucking shit
You're literally the, "my dad works at Nintendo" kid
>in a terminal
You mean a fucking DESKTOP COMPUTER? Zoomies literally think approaching anything with a mouse and keyboard is some archaic piece of 70s tech that they're going to break, lmfao
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>you literally need to be able to conceptualize the directory structure
There's a little invention called, "the user interface" that was standardized over thirty years ago, kiddo. Windows literally shows you folders and directories as a window with its path as its, "url"/"web address"/whatever the fuck your kind is familiar with growing up unironically on iPhones
We're all getting three day vacations for raping this Zoomer this hard and I don't fucking care.
>Nintendrone pouting with arms crossed because the source of his 3DS and Wii U digital purchases is no longer available while everyone else just fucking pirates around him.webm
"If I can't click the first result and get what I want, I simply do not use it."
A lot of unironic boomers and doomer Gen X complained about how immature and overly sensitive Millennials in the workplace are, but my fucking god at least Millennials either grew up with computers and knowing how to use them or they have the wit to figure things out as they need to. Gen Z systematically is just pathetic and useless outside of the golden retriever ones who can follow basic instructions at least the level of a fascinated grandmother who's trying to learn.
You need about 1-to-1.5 Millennials to do the same work as someone from Gen X who isn't completely strung out/depressed. But you need fucking five Zoomers to do the work of one fucking Millennial. What the absolute fuck?
Every fast food job from the 2000s that would normally staff 3-5 employees handling entire stations solo and maybe a manager now has twenty employees staffed at any given moment, doing everything assembly-line style and fearing stepping out of their assigned position. Most jobs are like this, just with fast food being the most visible. Most coffee places don't even have the same person working the register taking your order as the one who's making it. I appreciate the overall corporate sentiment is that the less individual tasks an employee has to focus on then the more proficient they should be one the few tasks they do have to do, but the entire system is only as efficient as its weakest link/slowest employee. And most employees in these positions are zoomers or foreigners who feed off of each others' incompetencies.
Love the genuine retard here replying to my post multiple times pretending to be different people kek.
Who knew a pic of termux running on chinkdroid could rile up such autism
This sƵy owns an Anal Log, his opinion is irrelevant.
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Is "Literally conceptualize the directory structure" worthy of being up there with, "Hello, cancelled", "I feel incredible!", etc?
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You literally need to be able to conceptualize it dropping on a child.
why are you talking to yourself?
Yeah, you wouldn't want another >>11284527
>confessing your ignorance of Brother Zhou posts
Just kill yourself, you impotent idiot.
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That wasn't even me kek, I was just enjoying your spastic responses to that post and my termux post.
Keep sperging out tho its funny
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Wow, he's literally a phone poster.
You...realize you can literally plug an Android device into a PC and instantly access all directories, right?
He probably tried tethering it to his iPad thinking it was a computer, kek
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"K-keep posting, you're falling directly into my trap!"
That would require the zoom zoom having a computer to begin with for him to plug his Android device into.
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I think I've been using my handhelds wrong. See i click the rom on my computer and drag it into the rom folder on my handheld, and then I play the rom on the handheld.
I don't see how his post implied that it was some sort of trick, just that he was enjoying the aftermath
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Is the steam deck truly the most complete emulation handheld?
Unless you're getting the 1TB version, it gives you the best bang for your buck. If you could find something that's better and cheaper, let us know.
Will the Retroid sale last until the end of chinese golden week?
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How do (you) see?
yeah, ok. What with?
Are you?
Do you regularly need to install games without a fucking PC vaguely nearby?
There is no bi-fold clamshellā„¢ version, so no.
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>but anyone who's tried emulating ps2 and up on a 3.5" screen knows it's too small to use

People keep saying Mini is too small for PS2/GCN and I don't get it. Nobody complained about those systems looking small on a 3/4, even though it was only 0.08" taller than the mini is. Playing on a Mini screen is practically the same experience as a 3/4 screen.

When playing 4:3 games on the mini, it's functionally a 3.8" screen. If your eyes can't handle a 0.1" decrease in size, a 3.7" screen's not your problem, the problem is your eyes are fucked and you need to get off your ass and see an optometrist. I say this as someone who has a prescription, and could play GCN on my 2S without glasses just fine (with what few games worked well on it).

Fuck's sake guys, how did you survive any handheld gaming before the year 2010? It's like zoomers who complain that playing any games under 60fps makes them motion sick.
That's so old I don't even recognize that assortment of characters. Months in the chinkheld scene feel like years.
>shitlennials can't even imagine a 3D computer folder in their minds
Why is this always the case?
It's "each other's," you pseudointellectual twat. I'm not even mad or obsessed but your actually getting on my nerves with this shit.
If you hate tendie slop so much why do you want to play DS games at all
>implying zoomers aren't the ones raised on GMOs and porn hub from birth
wen rg406h
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Yeah sure you can read this, you freak.
Holy kek, "3.7 is actually 3.8!" What's next, "a 3.7 measured up to 3.8 is actually a 4!"
Not every DS game was made by Nintendo you sperg
NTAYRT, but that looks to me like some sort of internal overlay, fps/thermals/etc.
Actual in-game text from that era tends to be large (oversized, even in some cases), since it was usually displayed on some shit-ass 19-inch TV some 6 feet away from the viewer.
>Nobody complained
Except they did. Lots of people wanted more than 4.7" of screen. It wasn't even a loud vocal autistic minority like in the case of aspect ratio tards.
Retroid could've just brought out the RP5 with mechanical blinders to slide/ flap over the screen when the content isn't 16:9. As if the blacks in the OLED weren't enough to assuage autistic screaming.
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That's not a matter of screen size, that's a matter of resolution. That's the emulator overlay, and the font in most emu overlays are at a fixed resolution. So if you're playing it on double the resolution, it'll look half as small, etc etc.

You can see the same issue when playing old PC games meant for a 480p monitor on a modern HD display
His point was that nobody raised these issues when using a screen that was only 7% bigger by area.
>*plays those same games on a 16:9 chinkheld that has a screen just as tall as the Mini's which tricks them into thinking the image is bigger*
*crack* *sip* Yep, it's /hhg/ time.
I agree it isn't too small, but plenty of people wished the RP4 had a slightly larger screen to make use of its power. I'm fine with it. I remember reviews complaining about the size of the 2S's screen, too. I'm not bothered by that screen either. I understand it, though. I'm satisfied with my Pro 4 and 2S anyway, but the Mini would be more tempting if the screen were a little bigger. It is what it is. The buttons scraping the fucking shell would be a much bigger problem for me, but that might be something they address.
The 4 Pro is pretty great now that they got their shit together but the 2S is still their biggest slam dunk, in my opinion, even with the somewhat dodgier build quality.
It's doubly funny when it's a video game specifically designed to be run through a shitty composite signal on a 18" screen sat like six feet away from you if it's in a living room, potentially more.

I feel like the CRT gooners who set up a "battlestation" with a premium CRT that they've fine tuned and use special ordered cables to ensure the highest possible video quality made people forget that the actual PS2/GCN experience was visual garbage, and the games were designed to cut through said trash
Plenty of people wished it were bigger, sure, but no one said things like "There's no reason for it to be so powerful because GCN/PS2 is basically useless"
I wonder if they'll still keep selling the 2S for the foreseeable future. It doesn't sound like there should be an reason to discontinue it since the T618 should be costing less and less.
They aren't doing a 2S sale like they did to the 3/4 when their successors were released, so I think it's sticking around for a bit
I want something to play PS1 games on duckstation (can't stand RetroArch PSX cores, games look awful) that also has at least one analog stick and a 5"+ display, what are my choices? I've been keeping an eye on the RGB10MAX3 / X55 particularly because of their looks and size, but apparently Powkiddy devices aren't that reliable? I just threw an Anbernic console to the trash because of a drifting analog and a swollen battery

don't want Android devices
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>a 16:9 chinkheld that has a screen just as tall as the Mini's which tricks them into thinking the image is bigger
The image is bigger.

A Deck? Not many options there.
Swapped ugly Arc-S for Arc-D now the down input on the dpad is slightly looser than the rest. Fucking chinkshit reeeeee
Trimui Smart Pro with crossmixos lets you use duckstation, but as a retroarch core and it's not great in my experience.
You're supposed to use sawn. Duckstation core doesnt work correctly on the smart pro.
Which site is that? It sort of looks like retrosizer but those options aren't there
>a screen just as tall as the Mini's which tricks them into thinking the image is bigger
Excellent bait you got some replies.
I will not buy a $200 device with a screen that is just 0.2 inches bigger than a $100 from a year ago, simple as. People who wanted Retroid to use OLED are retards and Retroid is stupid for listening to them.
No, they were retards for listening (You) whining about wanting to play PS2 3x res on it, creaming about Cube's ergos, Le Vita's design (but forgot to mention the glass). That's what driven the price up.
All they had to do was to put the Oled in the RP2S, hell, they should've just made a RP3S, maybe that would shut the fuck of everyone up.
I'm glad this happened, maybe Retroid learned their lesson.
I can easily
R36S for 24 euroshekels
A $150 device with T610 in 2024 when RP4 exists? Wow, you're a genius.
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Retroid's build merged into Batocera dev, Rocknix first booting on Mini.


Keep forgetting to link it.

Err, >>11286474.
Thank you
I hope they get the fan working by the time of the 5's release.
Which chinkhelds do you own 2 or more of and why?
Because I'm not retarded.
my brother has a Trimui and I really hate how the back gets hot with regular use, it's pretty uncomfortable

so, are Powkiddy devices any good? or should I just get an used PS Vita?
Powkiddy's basically even more bootleg Anbernic.

What don't you like about PSX cores out of curiosity?
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love this fucker like you wouldnt believe, espcially with custom firmwares.
we need more clamshells. I'd love a more powerful one with better ergonomics.
feels stupid playing old aspect ratio games on it desu.
you just get this massive brick where half of the screen sees no use.
Retroid Pocket Flip
>incomprehensible crying
4:3 games on a 16:9 screen are better than 16:9 games on a 4:3 screen, you could get a handheld that isn't either of those things but then you'll have black bars no matter what.
R36S and soon RGB30
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I'm normally all about tech dad's reviews for the battery tests, but he's either retarded or totally sold out here.
>high end test is gow2 like usual
>2x res
>but set fan mode to "quiet" and performance mode to "standard"
>can literally see frame-count in top right is red, likely because throttling
It's hard to believe he didn't do this on purpose knowing that a highly active fan eats an insane amount of battery.
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Minor black bars are alright. This shit here is retarded.
I gladly use my steam deck for games that scale well, but not this.
arent those discontinued
Nta but isn't it notorious for bad hinges?
That is why I honestly believe 1:1 aspect ratio is king for retro games
Get a job and invest in a RGB30, you don't have to wait until your birthday or Christmas when it's like half the price now
Looks fine to me, maybe you should dilate.
>posts a 10:9 game instead of 4:3
quite disingenuous
1:1 is a meme. It's the ultimate compromise.
I never brought up 4:3 in the first place.
You replied to a post that did. Plus in general, it's by far the most common retro aspect ratio as all TVs were 4:3 back then.
man I dont care.
it's a 4" screen
inb4 3.7" manlet cope
>4:3 content on RPMini: 3.7"
>4:3 content on RGB30: 3.5"
>but because the latter screen is 4 inches, people will say the latter is better
This scene's obsession with 4 inch screens is fucking autistic and dumb.
except im playing 8:7 not 4:3
>it's a 4" screen
Didn't say anything about the screen size, you coping brainlet.
you dont even know the aspect ratio retro games run at
still not buying your retroidslop
>buying chink toys
okay retard. anyways no one is obsessed with 4 inch screens, they're obsessed with getting out of the 3 inch manlet pit which 3.7 is still a part of. 4.5 or 5 inch would be the peak for 4:3 screens.
>except im playing 8:7
Retarded. The games are meant to be displayed at 4:3. Might as well stretch them to 16:9.
$2 has been deposited into your Retroid Associates account
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Oh no no no no
nice, now show me a handheld game in 4:3
not even shitendo accounted for the stretch, samus morphball is a fucking oval in 4:3 lmao. Square is the only one that even occassionally gave a fuck. also you're not playing on a crt anymore while using a handheld, you're playing on a modern pixel diplay, so playing in pixel aspect ratio looks a trillion times better.
Uh, ok. Concessions accepted, I guess.
Show me one in 8:7.
Got something that isn't an opening cutscene?
>samus morphball is a fucking oval in 4:3 lmao
As it's meant to be. All TVs were 4:3 so that's how the games are meant to look. SNES with stretched pixels, Mega Drive with squished pixels, etc.
Retro console games were made for 4:3 televisions. Anything else is a cope.
4" 1:1 is the important part, there's 4" 4:3 but you're only getting larger genesis, psx, gc, ps2 out of it, everything else is still manlet tier
games just render better with Duckstation (standalone), some like Breath of Fire IV are night and day
I'm still running my NES games at the resolution it's rendered and programmed in. I don't want a fucking Retroid.
I'm still not buying a Retroid. I want to play RETRO games, I don't want a Switch clone.
>you need a 1:1 screen so you can, uh...run games at the wrong aspect ratio
weird shill but okay
Heā€™s wrong and 1:1 is dumb, but you donā€™t know what the word ā€œshillā€ means.
>buy my 3.7" $200 manletheld
Where'd you even get Retroid shilling from my posts? I joined this conversation shitting on the retard saying there's too much black border on the Steam Deck's 16:10 screen.
I swear some of you schizos see shills behind every bush.
rgb30 also does gba with 3x integer scaling btw
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>arguing about size
Damn bitch, I didn't knew /hhg/ stood for /hysterical hoes general/
see >>11287125 and >>11287156
The unfortunate thing about the RGB30 is how cheap it feels otherwise it would be excellent, plus the audio is washy
Neither of those posts even mention Retroid anywhere nor are they mine. In fact that first one is that retard I mentioned.
retroid mini has abysmal screen to body ratio, steam deck is not portable, rgb30 actually fits in a pocket and plays retro games.
plug chink iems into it, i got a fkn electret+dynamic+BA one for $20
Heā€™s mentally ill.
no u
28xx, I really wanted one without light bleed and it was cheap.
It happens less if you adjust the frequency files, the cpu is overclocked by default in a ton of systems.
>FPS: 22.2
isn't god of war 2 supposed to be 60fps?
Performance mode is standard. I wonder what it'd be on high.
>you donā€™t know what the word ā€œshillā€ means.
Care to enlighten us, anon?
>hurdur pay 4 RGB30s for 3.7" manlet screen so you can play your handheld vidya + NES, PCE, etc. in the yellow cable aspect ratio
>in the yellow cable aspect ratio
*in the aspect ratio they were meant to be played on
play on deez nuts
what are the odds rp5 ship start date won't get delayed
Aight homie
>*uppercuts you in the crotch then pushes you full force with both palms*
So in conclusion the RG11287579XX NUTZ is both hadoukenable AND shoryukenable, but the low processing power will have you wondering how he can get his clothes on in the morning, let alone write and submit a post on 4chan. Overall I don't see myself returning to this device anytime soon unless his parents release an update by beating some sense into him.
HMMMMM I wonder why he didn't use a higher performance setting during the high-end battery test...
But all that space could still be utilized for extra controls a map or even a separate window/ webpage. Like they say, it's better to have a gun and not need one, than to need a gun and not have one. Same could be said of screen space, and a plan for climate change.
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But then he'd be even wider screen?
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Widescreen version

Released before the Miyoo Mini Flip
A Final Fight film would be so fucken badass.
thanks I hate it
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probably one way to turn your phone into a vertical handheld
SNES on RGB30 is peak. Integer scaled, over scale, 4.0" viewable area at native 8:7 with four (4) pixels cut from the top and bottom which are not missed.
Very nice, now show us GB/GBC, Gamegear, and Vertical Arcade games
Don't forget that the screen is 720x720, which means 3x pixel perfect GBA

I'd like to see 3:2 GBA on your 4:3 screen without shaders/post processing

>ultimate compromise.
EXACTLY. That way I can actually play all my games on one handheld instead of 2 or even 3. (4:3, 3:2, 16:9)
I already do this with my iPad but got the controller mostly as a shortcut remote for Procreate.
NTA, but your square very much bias your content to gg/gbc content more than finding a happy compromise for all the wider media.
Yes. Because want to play retro games, most of which are 4:3, 3:2, 1:1, and 10:9
I don't care about "wider media", and "wider media" doesn't run on devices that cost $60 to begin with.
Does anyone else's 353 boot with no games outside of the stock games from time to time? I'm reading that it happens from time to time but it's also not super well documented and I want to make sure I don't have a defective unit
Stop using Stock OS
Use reliable SD cards
Flash ArkOS (follow its instructions stupid), format SD2 as exfat
On advanced settings have SD2 mounted for games
Move a game to its respective SD2 folder
If it hangs booting it's failing to load SD2, meaning either the card is dying or the slot is faulty
>test a console with active cooling
>plug air intake/outtake by laying the chinkheld on a table
this is the kind of shit that should tell you not to watch shilltubers
Gotcha, the card that I got is supposed to be pretty reliable, so I'll go ahead and follow the other steps. Man do I wish things would just "work".
Well, the grips do give the intake some breathing room, but you're not wrong.

No such thing in this field but yeah, stock is always bad news because it's not only broken and abandoned, the longer time passes, the harder it becomes to find anyone who can help you.
Gotcha, I appreciate the help. Hopefully it ends up just being the os, though I guess worst case scenario I can just deal with one working sd slot and get a huge card for it. I imagine trying to get a replacement via anbernic would be like pulling a tooth
They'll try to charge you for a whole board, probably. By the way, is yours transparent? If so, do you get thin strips of light left and right of the screen? It's not light bleed in the traditional sense, more like the bezel is too small to cover it. Pisses me off.
>el powniƱo overlord is watching you play questionable romhacks
how is he this powerful
Nah, I got a 353m myself, but I do get the light you're describing from the bottom. Got it for the durability to take with me camping. Considering I'm already seeming to have issues with it, it's boding real well.
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How did they get away with this name?
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Too bad about the dogshit dpad and timing differences
Fpgbc sucks ass too
Maybe the mister handheld will be good
Can you link an article discussing the timing differences? when I search for it I just get Pokemon babies complaining about RTC

That's a real gbc with a screen mod. You can tell when it's an fpgbc by the border around the screen.

Ah nevermind I see what you meant now.
Am i reading the compatibility chart right.
Batocera is missing a switch, ps2, and vita emulator for ARM devices? Is that shit easy to add?
Man, android sleep mode is something else. I left a ps1 game on standby overnight and maybe lost 1% of battery.
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It's amazing how many people here (and elsewhere) think Game Gear games are supposed to have the same aspect ratio as Game Boy despite the fact the screen is very clearly 4:3.
All the pixels WILL be square except for CPS games. Besides, those are gimped or leftover SMS games, which is actual 4:3.
still 1% more than linux fake sleep
Good to know, thanks.
I love VB Wario Land, but for me it's Teleroboxer.
>Man do I wish things would just "work".
I can't think of any situation, even with official hardware, that stuff just works.
Look at Nintendo's retro games, that "just works" but you're stuck paying a monthly fee and you get a shit selection.
Same goes for sony or M$
Unfortunately all you can do is curate the things you want and do it yourself, it's worth once you have a good collection. It becomes very easy to setup a new device.
Credit where it's due, you'll never get an official release with stuttering audio at least.
I think the analog pocket is an ugly brick. It's like an apple product: sterile and corporate. (I mean that as insultingly as possible.)
Do you turn off wifi or anything else? Because I usually lose more than that.
It's cheaper to produce and that's all the thought that went into it.
That's why the selection sucks, if their emulator can't handle a game they just don't even add it
It reminds me of modern concrete buildings that are big brutalist soul destroying things, unlike classic architecture that has a unique culture and beauty.
basically this image but for game consoles.
Come on now, it's a bit worse than that. Shader compilation stutter is a modern emulator plague.

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