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File: RT64 OoT.jpg (196 KB, 1331x1003)
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Looks like how it was always meant to be and it's a regular plugin. Does anyone know when we can expect it for Retroarch? That dev said a couple months away in 2022. Also video:
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It's like a whole extra layer of atmosphere
I'm usually against tampering with old graphics but that does look nice and weirdly nostalgic
Looks like those bullshots you'd see in magazines that tricked you into thinking games looked that good
Nintendo would have made it look that way if they had the capabilities
looks the same though?
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Isn't Render96 out too? That mod that makes Mario 64 look like the tech demo
Tgwe difference is subtle...
it looks more real
So why aren't remasters just doing that?
Hard to think of a more worthless use case than ugly fullbright sunny exteriors with almost no objects
>I'm usually against tampering with old graphics but that does look nice and weirdly nostalgic
Same. Looks like a cool new way of experiencing your games without even really changing much
I'd try it but… I don't really like it. IMO big part of old graphics is the bold colors with basic shading. When you add ray tracing, they become all washed out and the contrast goes to shit. Same with old CGI, it just doesn't look the same in Blender. It's kind of like studio photo vs daylight photo, there's a reason you want "fake" artificial lighting vs "realistic" daylight.
Old graphics were clearly fine tuned with old limitations in mind. Ray tracing destroys that balance and fucks up the color palette. What you get in the end is like those shitty UE recreations of old games.
how to get this?
If they had capabilities, they'd build the game around those
They built N64 games around their limitations, stop trying to rewrite history and outsmart the devs to justify your lookin good UE4 shit
Just give me a real OoT remake already desu. Leave everything as it is and just add better graphcis and animations and more things in the overworld.
Why did they make theri bullshots look that way then?
>a real OoT remake
Uh they did
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It's not that impressive.
Looks like bland shit
I think its a fairly neat option. For me ideal OoT would include, original textures, raytracing and a steep difficulty hack, massively reduced item rate from grass, a rupee sink and maybe an endgame add-on
Looks alright. I'd at least try it out.
i snorted thank you anon
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n64 always had raytracing
why is he taking so much time?, is he looking for 100% compatibility?
>theri bullshots
It's a simple typo
I thought raytracing is reflections? Now it's shadows and lighting? Wat
Ray tracing is basically photorealistic lighting in general. Where instead of rough approximations for shadows, reflections etc. you "trace" every ray of light, how it bumps off of every surface. Generally this means that everything casts realistic smooth shadows, including shadows a model casts on itself.
>still completely empty
almost cinematic but what a waste of a click, and for some strange reason, they don't fix the textures on PC?
the PS2 version sucks 2
Finally, the way the developers intended it to be played.
dirt looks like cardboard
it's called "light"
sometimes it reflects, sometimes its absence makes a shadow, etc.
Raytracing is essentially an old dyanmic lighting technique conceived of in like the 60's (where almost everything invented comes from). Raytracing shadow quality varies and this is also why sometimes the younger generation will use raytracing as being synomous with any form of dynamic lighting.
I'd think you could find a better place to show off raytracing effects like bounce lighting, this hardly looks different than some post-processing thing
Best practice of showing off a tech demo with pre-existing assets is to just leave everything except what you changed alone.
The colors look more vibrant.HJYMHK
Looks like shit.
Screenshot reminds me of Thanksgiving morning or Sunday morning before church. Peaceful and uplifting.
That's not raytracing, but it is a neat effect.
N64 just needs better lighting, not textures or high poly models. Specially additive light effects.
From what I've been told, lighting engines are very complex and need to be fully redone from the start.
Oddly nostalgic and evocative post. Thank you.
If someone makes a multiplayer fzero/Ridge Racer hack (with this effect) that could be worth playing
>why is this field empty
I never understood the complaint.
For some reason this reminds me of smoking salvia I feel trapped inside of a unified crushing nostalgic flatness that all of reality cannot escape from which threatens to end all material existence
Same. Minus the salvia part.
Pretty much all psychedelic drugs give their own version of that sensation-concept breakdown
It's called brainrot.
It is called psychosis, actually. Psychedelics is just a rebranding of a group of drugs that mimic being psychotic.
They quite literally don't look amazing. >>11291253
>Hard to think of a more worthless use case than ugly fullbright sunny exteriors with almost no objects
>For some reason this reminds me of smoking salvia I feel trapped inside of a unified crushing nostalgic flatness that all of reality cannot escape from which threatens to end all material existence
Whatever happened to this shit?
They guy posted his Majora recomp with the tools and everyone was like
>wow! this is going to be such as easy process! all these projects had a runnable port in a week or so and they just need touching up! they'll all support ray tracing too!
Then fast forward to now, Majora's Mask and Goemon are the only ports.
They are just the usual shit talkers who say "X, Y, and Z" is the second coming of magical vidya miracles. Turns out it still requires work and is not a fully automatic process.

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