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>shit tons of physics objects and interactions
>can pick up, throw, flip, and manipulate all kinds of objects
>can use these same physics to dynamically create your own cover in a fight
>enemies can do all of this too
>objective focused level design, tons of optional objectives in every level
>shit loads of secrets, little progression puzzles, interactive environments
>can even flush toilets and open drawers like it's duke 3D meets deus ex
>gibbable enemies, can shoot off individual parts of limbs and send heads rolling because they are also physics objects
>enemy AI is quick to flank, suppress, push you out of cover and exploit the environment to their advantage
>often numerous ways to solve encounters such as gassing guys by dropping a gas grenade in a ventilation system or going in guns blazing
Basically PS2's answer to Half-Life 2, minus the vehicle sections
Sounds kino, what are the chances that this will be put on PlayStation plus?
Now that I think about it, that is likely to happen. It does have a mouse injector hack for you emulation boys, but for original hardware chads the game runs at a perfect 30fps from start to finish with any drops being negligible.

Also it's by the same people who made 50 cent blood on the sand.
Yeah it's a great game, and the shooting and explosions are really cool and satisfying too. Not Black-cool but still really cool.
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This game is so generic 6th gen console shooter there's an entire level where you attach hacking machines to doors and enemies spawn behind you. At least Half-Life 2 wasn't so predictable and had more than one enemy.
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>often numerous ways to solve encounters such as gassing guys by dropping a gas grenade in a ventilation system or going in guns blazing
I don't know what game you're referring to, but it's not this one. It's extremely linear and directed.
its a fun game, but holy shit is it so front loaded. that first mission is amazing nothing after it comes close. bummer.
The base in the snowy mountain at the end is the best mission though
>I don't know what game you're referring to
Cold Winter, I don't know why you're lying about how open the game can be. It draws its focus at times, but most arenas are open with routes for flanking, areas to explore, later missions like the Black Market Approach which has two obvious and different routes that take you into different areas before putting you back on the main path. Feels very Deus Ex-like.
>but most arenas are open with routes for flanking
The level design is straight lines with basic chest high cover arenas you've seen countless times before. This is literally nothing like Deus Ex.
It has numerous open areas for progression, optional objectives, entire branching paths. You seem to have missed it all or are being deliberately dishonest. Which is it?
>It has numerous open areas for progression
These levels are small by late 90s standards. The enemy AI is completely braindead. It's not an immersive sim in any way.
>optional objectives
The optional objectives are always shit like collect thing 2 inches from objective, hold X on objective.
>entire branching paths
>These levels are small
Some are, some are dense, some are brief. Size was never mentioned.
>immersive sim
You're the first person to say it, but it sure is like one.
>The optional objectives are always shit like collect thing 2 inches from objective
over simplification.
You were already told: >>11294964

Did you even play the game?
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>but it sure is like one.
This shit is way more like Rouge Warrior than Deus Ex. It's a braindead linear hallway FPS. Also the controls are some of the worst I've ever seen.
well me im a zoomer i hate every game ever!
Wait aren't you that 45 year old virgin who gets upset over every PS2 game including the bouncer?
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Already giving up defending this game I see.
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Hey it is you, I can always count on you to bump PS2 threads. Anyway for those unaware this guy got raped by sony and still can't get over that.
Soldier of Fortune 1&2 already had more detailed gore years prior.
Nah, Cold Winter is the superior immersive sim.
Cold Winter is a Rouge Warrior like.
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cold winter really reminds me of cold fear
Never heard, it's more an open-approach style console shooter, ala deus ex and you need to work harder to prove otherwise.

On my PS2 they're neighbors. Both good games. Cold Fear is like RE4 but good.
Here is how braindead and linear this game is. The game says the fire is spreading and you need to get out fast. So I thought I needed to climb out with an ambiguous timer. Nope there was no timer and no actual use for the physics engine, just like every other part of the game. Just walk forward.
Damn you can pick up and throw objects in this game? Very Deus Ex-like.
>Cold Fear is like RE4 but good
>implying RE4 isn't one of the greatest games ever made
I'm legitimately curious, how did you play RE4 and not derive enjoyment from it? How badly do you suck at shooting that you were filtered to the point of implying RE4 is 'not good'?
He's a rabid PS2 fanboy, the PS2 port of RE4 is inferior. You do the math.
fyi in this segment there's a couple dozen guards rushing you, he's using this section to misrepresent it as just these 3 because he's a 45 year old man who's really butthurt over the PS2. Also use the 4MB limit you fucking retard.
What are you talking about? That was the entire optional objective from the time it appears to the time it completes. All the optional objectives are minuscule things like that one where you either stand and do nothing while waiting for an elevator, or effortlessly eliminate 3 braindead enemies (like you've done 1000 times already).
Man Rogue Warrior fans are dumb as fuck.
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I guess there were these three clowns and the two equally unthreatening guards in front of the elevator. Hardly "a couple dozen guards rushing you". Although the thought of so many dumbass enemies all running at you in a conga line is pretty funny. I don't think the game engine could handle it.
Another one of the levels with an excellent branching path progression. Exploring the environment to find the parts for the mine detector and setting it up is truly gratifying, metroidvania brilliance.
If he was the resident RE4 PS2 autist or equivalent then I would imagine he'd continue with the whole 'PS2 version is better because lets you play as Leon wearing a gangster outfit' angle, but maybe he's upping his game. I'm really starting to think the GCN buck broke PS2 owners. Yeah, it might have sold 6x as much, but Honda Civics outsell Italian sports cars and I still wouldn't rather have a Honda Civic.
What does this have to do with Cold Winter?
Walking down an adjacent hallway to the same location isn't even a branching path.
>What does this have to do with Cold Winter?
You being a faggot.
>a branching path isn't a branching path
Interesting, tell us more.
Aren't you a fan of that hanson look-a-like homosexual leon? Hopping into threads about different games to defend your "hubando" sure isn't straight behavior.
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>gets called a fag
>immediately thinks about leon and uses 'husbando' in the same post
Only in a game this linear would that be considered a "branching path". It's literally just a short side road to the same location for fuck sake.
>admitting to it

>not denying it

re4fags are so easily baited.
Was this supposed to be impressive? In 2005 this was old hat.
Mogs fear and re4.
Not even you believe that.
It takes under a minute to circle back from one end of the "branching path", through the other one in reverse and get back to the start.
>The level design is straight lines
This guy is so easily broken its hilarious lmao 45 year old virgin retard
All I'm saying is a game has to be exceptionally linear for someone to consider a 13 second diversion a "branching path".
>PS2's answer to Half-Life 2
HL2 is a shit tech demo garbage.
I never found that radio, I just blew up the mines. That was a pretty cool alt path
Also you're being disingenous on purpose because the point of the minefield is to access a building on the side which isn't accessible if you don't go through it. That or the anon saying because you didn't notice things doesn't mean they don't exist is right.
Does anyone have a 100% savefile for this game?
That's just a small room with a pistol and a sniper in it.
Don't bother, sonyggers are always the same. We used to think it's the ps3nogames or ps4nogames... or ps5nogames that forced them to like shit but it turns out they were always like this. I thought the game was fun at times but comparing it to Deus Ex is downright retarded. If Cold Winter is like Deus Ex because sometimes, there's a second different corridor that takes you to the next segment, then Doom is like Deus Ex too.
Safe to say this and riddick are the best immersive sims of the mid 2000s.
>immersive sim

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