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Anyone using his shaders? I played a bit on random pal shader and don't wanna back to clean rgb because colors too bright and look wrong.
Actually just started using these ones, and honestly, I like em, but I'm a brainlet who can't be bothered fucking around with settings any more. I honestly just gave up on all the others because of the weird banding (I think? odd groupings of scanlines etc.) I kept getting on my TV. I just wanna have a nice shader that looks similar to the TV's i grew up with and play games, not piddle about with settings.
Using shaders made by youtubers is extremely cringe.
why the fuck would you want to emulate RF, even back in the day of actually playing with RF no one wanted to use it if there were better options
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Yeah I don't get this either. Why wouldn't you base your shaders off the best consumer tvs of the era with the best type of connection signal? Intentionally emulating a shitty tv and/or connection is incomprehensible to me. The RF Genesis video does look similar to the picture quality I remember on a shitbox color tv from the 1970s with the frame made of wood but not to the 34inch Trinitron I played most of the stuff on as a kid.
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>why the fuck would you want to emulate RF
Because the games were made with RF/Composite in mind
Tons of console games used dithering

He made RGB and S-Video shaders too
Don't pair those together like they're the same thing. Composite is LEAGUES ahead in quality from RF.
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Those connections also blurred the shit out of the picture and introduced unpleasant artifacts, RF especially. So unless you dig those artifacts specifically, there's better ways to blend dithering nowadays. Check out, for example, sonkun's composite presets. They blend dithering while remaining relatively sharp and artifact-free, unless you want the artifacts, in which case there's a preset for that.
I tried it. It's just a collection of parameter settings for Guest-Advanced, no?
I tried a couple of presets and found the image to be overly busy. Gilding the lily. It might be accurate from a technical perspective, but it doesn't work from a practical perspective. It still looks like a shader.

Meanwhile, the (at this point quite old) CRT-Royale shader still looks the best to me. It gets out of the way and feels more natural. It doesn't look *exactly* like a real CRT but it hits all the right notes to make the games look like they "ought to" look.
That's what all presets are these days. They just take either one of Guest's shaders or Royale, tweak the parameters, sometimes add a border and, more rarely, another shader for some other purpose (such as to blend dithering or for LOOKIN' GOOD smoothing). Not to say some of them don't look good, but they're not exactly doing something grand. They just know how to tweak and combine existing shaders effectively.
Yeah I totally want my games to look like dogshit just so a single effect in couple of levels in a couple of games works properly.
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RF larp is super cringe. Just aim for the composite look and you'll achieve blending without making it look like a turd for le vaporwave reasons
it reminds them of the good old days. also, some shaders are too different from what crts look like, so you might as well get something more authentic looking.
It’s not a single effect
Most 2D graphics were used with blending pixels in mind
OP also didn’t tell you how to enjoy your game so why shit on it?
>Most 2D graphics were used with blending pixels in mind
only in consoles with limited color palette. NES and Genesis? ok, but that's about it
zoomer detected. RF is identical to composite with no background interference. the rf output on some consoles is cleaner than composite too
that bottom pic looks like RF tho
No anon, most 2D
Along with dithering, pixel blending was a trick used in many games, you can see it when looking around backgrounds with randomly placed pixels
It was intentional, no one’s forcing you to do that though
We had our NES and SNES connected through RF at first and then switched to composite, the difference in clarity was night and day. I'm not saying composite is great, but it's noticeably better than RF.
I wonder how do you explain arcade games, anon
Easily, arcade games had varying degrees of screen quality
Games were made to look good on cabinet they used
And what about generic cabinets? Your logic is flawed because you know nothing and hope to convince others who know nothing.
I’m not trying to convince anyone to do anything
You’re the one that came in kicking and screaming
If you don’t think feathering and blending is a basic tool used by artists then you are delusional
Only for consoles with dogshit image output again, which were the minority. Wasn't a thing in 90% of arcades (which used RGB), PCE games, SNES games, 5th gen 2D titles, NeoGeo, etc
>Most 2D graphics were used with blending pixels in mind
Not really, most stuff looks better on anything but composite. Transparency is really the only thing that you need composite for. Most devs clearly didn't pay special attention to make sure that everything looks just right with composite and rather left it as is so long as it's good enough.
DOS games used dithering. Dithering was fucking everywhere on RGB home computers. Exercise some critical thinking and use your head instead of parroting trends.
>Not really, most stuff looks better on anything but composite
Not what I said
Sometimes consoles took advantage of it for blending effects, genius. PC games used it more for working around low color depths though.
For me? It's crt-consumer.glslp.
There are color-specific shaders, so you can adjust the colors even without using a crt shader.
>waterfall looks good, every other aspect of the game looks like blurry color bleeding shit


>waterfall looks like shit, 99.9% of the rest of the graphics look good

hmmm, tough choice
Rf does suck but it's how I spent the first like 10+ years of my life gaming. There was nothing more comfy than sitting in my basement late at night on the weekend playing star fox or madden 93 on our shitty TV hooked up via Rf. Games never looked better
Thankfully you don't have to choose anymore thanks to modern shaders. You can get the best of both.
How's this?
For comparison.
i prefer my settings
nigga this is filter not shader
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Thx Jesus i was born in a PAL region, so i shouldn't lose my eyes to your horrible dots and scanlines.
Because RF was the best looking way to play games. You weren't supposed to be able to differentiate each individual pixel. RGB looks like shit no matter what tv you put it on
RF and composite are visually indistinguishable. You get better audio with composite tough. Maybe youre thinking of component?
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Are you going for a faint scanlines look? it's similar to one of my presets
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You still can't differentiate between them on good crts, the blending effect is still there. They just look clearer rather than vaseline smudged like RF on a shit tv.
>RF was the best looking way to play games
No, composite was. It still has the blending effect but the image quality is substantially better.
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It's reasonably sharp, it blends.

This looks superb, what shader is this?
CRT-Royale; ntsc fringing and artifacting, diffusion weight, bloom underestimate levels, mask type, and border darkness all set to 0; ntsc chroma scaling set to 2; simulated crt gamma set to 2.2; min sigma set to .1; triad size set to 6 (or 8 for 256px shit like (S)NES). hdr works great with it despite everything on the internet saying otherwise
sorry, forgot i first used ntsc-adaptive before appending crt-royale to it
RF is for Atari
>no background interference
Says the guy who never used a RF connection back in the day.
This >>11317125
That's because of the shit video encoder which was heavily exploited by devs
32x had a better video encoder, probably some effects don't work on 32x but most of them should work

Also that shader you post on pic related is pathetic
May as well play without a shader, faggot
Yeah and so did Arcade games
But the dithering used in console games(and some computers) was Composite/RF based you fucking retard
Even Super Mario World uses dithering for the water which only works on Composite/RF
>99.9% of the rest of the graphics look good
They don't though
It looks like jagged fucking shit even on normal consumer Trinitrons
Plus depending on the console like Genesis or PSX you're getting terrible unresolved dithering and missing shit-ton of shades/colors

RGB is only good for arcade games(and Arcade ports like on the playstation and saturn ofc) and later consoles like the Dreamcast and onwards
No, you still have to choose.
It's just that now you can choose with a few button presses.
>Most devs clearly didn't pay special attention to make sure that everything looks just right with composite
Fucking nonsense
Every dev tested for composite/RF because that's what every consumer had at home

They couldn't however test on every single TV set on the planet which had:
>varied TVL count
>varied phosphor pitch
>varied beam spot size

There's an infamous game on DOS for this called Epic Pinball where the game only looks optimal at particular dot pitch because the dev who made the graphics went that fucking far
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As someone who grew up in the 70's and 80's and always hated CRTs with a firey passion, I find this quest to replicate it's shittiness on better modern screens surreal. I know the intent is that the blur somehow adds to things but I've never seen it that way. Just give me raw pixels in high def.
looks pretty good anon, thanks for sharing
>Every dev tested for composite/RF because that's what every consumer had at home
There are multiple devs confirming this, but it will never satisfy the deniers.
>Only for consoles with dogshit image output
Wrong you fucking dumbass
The guys who made Metal Slug literally talked about a ''a half-dot technique''
Mortal Kombat dev said he utilized color bleed too for the arcade version
This is likely talking about the horizontal smear of the CRT tube itself since both games obviously used RGB

Fucking hilarious you use PCE, a console which until recently only had proper colors in Composite

Bottom line: Blocky aliased graphics are garbage and horizontal smearing from shitty quality CRTs or color bleed from the video signals are acceptable ways to reduce that garbage aliasing and make the games look smoother whether via custom shaders or going the autistic mod hardware route
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Notice how the floor and Axel's pants in particular are less jagged on composite
How do the spotlights look with RGB?
notice how MD's output chips looks dogshit
the soundchip sounded like dogshit too, it was a dogshit console all around but westoids liked it
Notice how Axel's face becomes a total clusterfuck in composite
ok i can understand wanting color blending for dithers but what made you so asshurt about jaggies? or is this an attempt to appear more intelligent after reading a few classic gamespot reviews
you don't get it the developers designed axel's blue bandana intended to be dark orange on original hardware it was the way everyone played it, AXEL'S BANDANA IS NOT BLUE!!
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Aahhh just like I remember it, the true developer intention
it was the developer's intention to make his face look beat up to a pulp you see
>compositecucks unironically think this looks good
>Every dev tested for composite/RF because that's what every consumer had at home
I have no doubt that they tested their games on consumer hardware, I do have my (warranted) doubts that they paid special attention to or took advantage of how stuff looks on consumer hardware with the vast majority of assets in their games. Obviously waterfalls look way better with composite but does anything else? Not really, there's a few examples but they're the exception so I really wouldn't recommend composite shaders.
Don't know who "he" is, little more info needed if you want some feedback here

I mostly stick with newpixie+bezels though, and I like to crank my bloom and halation and afterglow way up though. i don't give half a flying fuck about "accuracy" (because all CRTs were different and most were shit), instead I enjoy just adapting the artistic impression of what it FELT like to me as a kid watching all those colors gleaming off the screen
>like dogshit
>with dogshit
>looks dogshit
>dogshit too, it was a dogshit

are you eating dogshit, mate?
he has to have his dogshit anon
Not my thing, I leave that for the Sega fans
I'm usimg composite on hd.

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