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What game file have you played the most?
>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team [GBA] (2005) {at school}
>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team [DS] (2005) {at home}
Never played Explorers (Time / Darkness / Sky) until now, because Sky kept crashing with no$gba.
These action replay codes are save file bug fixes that I wish I had known about in the late '00s.
2204AA98 00000007
2208380c 000000BF
2204ADD0 00000007
22083BA4 000000BF
(You enable it in cheats every time you load no$gba and then hit reset)
I max'd out the clock in both Pokémon Blue and Yellow as a kid, it stops at 255h55m. I probably played a thousand hours of gen1 total.

FF8 I probably played around 800hours accross numerous playthroughs
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It's probably one of my Forbidden Memories ones, I'm still trying to get all of the cards that can be won without PocketStation, but the RNG can be a bitch, so I don't see myself getting the 100% I want too soon, but I'm trying I guess.
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My first save in Sengoku Rance was back in 2012 and I still play the game on and off.
The maximum number of saves you can have in one profile is 999, and I have hit that limit and scrubbed my saves like three or four times. So somewhere in the range of four thousand saves.
I unfortunately had to give up my original profile after learning Japanese and switching from the translated version to the untranslated one as the files are totally incompatible, but by that time I already had almost everything in the game unlocked, so I just took a 100% save off the internet.
Out of all the save files I lost in my switchover to playing games in Japanese, it's the only one I really miss. Giving it up was bittersweet, but I was also really proud to have reached the point where I could play my favorite game in Japanese.
Longest single save was probably FFVII for me. Every Sunday, my extended family would get together at my grandma's house, I'd bring whatever console I had at the time, and me and my cousin would play games. FFVII's snowboarding segment was a huge hit though among all my cousins, female ones included. We Probably played about eight or so hours of it every weekend for a couple of years straight, with occasional breaks on the bike game.
MelonDS is the way to go nowadays
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Why are you using my image? Why do you have my Lufia 2 save file on your PC? lol. How bizarre. If you’re going to pretend to play Lufia 2 for 157 hours at least use your own image you thief.
Not a save file, but banilla worlo.
fucking hell man, what a game
Autism, in my /vr/?
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The one game ive played more than any other game ever is NBA JAM TE. It is the most fun game ever, pokemon is supremely boring in comparison.
If this is really yours, any idea if there is a better tactic than this >>11341941

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