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While the PS2 would likely become the best-selling console of its generation regardless, various studies and data suggest the above. I saw someone make a good argument the other day: Although the PS2’s install base is comparable to that of today’s most successful console, there is a stark contrast in game sales
>best-selling PS2 game (in 2013): 15 million copies
>today: 63 million copies and counting
>PS2 games that surpassed 10 million units sold: 3
>the current landscape: 22 and counting
i remember my sister and her bf mostly using it as a dvd player, we watched shit like dude where's my car every we instead of gaming
Sony was never good
Dunno about primarily but it undoubtedly bolstered its success. Peak Sony marketing all around.
No it was primarily used as a FIFA player
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>those console sales vs game sales
The PS2 was primarily bought because it was the successor to the illustrious PSX.
There was an NPD Group research that said 50% of peole only use it to watch DVDs. I remember the shitposting
You aren't factoring that ps2 has the largest library of any console by several magnititudes. Over 1.5 billion games sold at 200 million consoles is 7+ games per console
ps2 sold 50% more
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How do we know they didn't count games like MGS, FF and SotC as movies?
Xbox won. God knows people bought it for Halo.
I remember lobbying my parents to buy it on the basis that it was a DVD player but in reality we'd stopped renting movies at that point and never used it for DVDs.
Take a look at best selling PS1 games, you will see PS2 game sales make total sense. You're comparing apples to oranges, games today sell crazy high numbers on average compared to any single game in 2000s.
Today they have this approach
>Hype 1 game like no tomorrow, dump 100 million into advertising it
>This game lasts a whole gen, gets milked for years with seasons/DLC and then gets remasters/ports for a decade
Back in the day, they had way smaller ad budgets and published 3+ games per platform. And they just made a sequel instead of milking 1 game. There was also more games in general, more competition.
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yeah anon surely all those doujin and shovelware games like the simple 2000 series make the big difference here
ps2 didn't really sell much more than gamecube and xbox when you exclude 3rd world countries and sales after 6th gen was over. It only had a few million more units sold in the US by the time 7th gen started.
>Peak Sony marketing all around.
it's basic math anon. PS2 has one of the highest all time attach rates for consoles. More ps2 games were sold per console than gamecube or xbox.
why did you stop renting movies in 2000-2001? there wasn't really any good alternative yet and almost everyone had dial up
>PS2 sold 50% more
And the Xbox and Gamecube lost to the PSOne slim revision.
Who lost in sales, again?
dreamcast cope
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>Take a look at best selling PS1 games, you will see PS2 game sales make total sense
You are not factoring in that literally everyone and their momma burned PS1 games. It was comically easy
no, gamecube cope
I've never actually seen a burned PS1 game in person until I started making them myself. Mostly seems to be a south american/euro thing?
more than 4 trillon of piracy games copies sold in Hispano América, South Europe, Eastern Europe, Sout Asia and North africa
no they didn't. burning ps1 games was incredibly uncommon until exploits made it easier way after the console lifespan was already over.
for our case, yes
its a third world thing. markets with official support didn't see that stuff until after the console was done
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Let see how Albion was back then in early 2000
It was a better time
The thing I love most about piracy it is creative piracy consumer.
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It was my American Pie 2 system.
They were burning good games
but really is this a good use of your 4chan pass anon?
There is no Marvel Cinematic Multiverse in which PS2 was used as anglo dvd-player.

Everybody used their PS2 as a piracy videogame machine, here in Italia and in every single country of this round world.
>Piracy is so rampant that Sony Iberia has to make a TV ADS and it was broadcasted on TV in prime time hours (2000)
most people didn't even knew it could run DVD's
Why she look like Miyako in live action?
no, 32x cope
wrong gen
This. no one even knew about the dvd playback until years after dvd was already irrelevant. Only zoomers used them as dvd players. No one did that in the early 2000s
the store i went to printed the illustrations onto the cds, i respected the effort to make it feel more legitimate, they werent just blank cds with the game title scrawled onto them
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Was there any PS2 ad that advertised its ability to play DVDs?
No. It was basically a hidden feature.
nope, Sony was not smart enough to capitalized on this back then but oh well the PS2 still ended up the most successful console of all time
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A dvd player was very cheap in 2002 and illiterate tech normies would never buy a video game to watch movies
No, in fact the Gamecube and PS2 were neck-and-neck in sales until 2003, when people learned they could play DVDs on their PS2. After this, the PS2 sold another 130 million and became the best selling console of all time. Solely because it was an expensive DVD player. DVD players by 2003 were about $60.
that doesn't make sense. If dvd players were cheaper than ps2 then why would people buy a ps2 as a dvd player?
It's a joke anon
>Although the PS2’s install base is comparable to that of today’s most successful console, there is a stark contrast in game sales
Pick any retro console or handheld and do the math: total Software sales divided by total Hardware sales. (S / H)
I hope the numbers that you get will open your retarded low IQ mind and your retared green text theory
>Gamecube and PS2 were neck-and-neck in sales until 2003
Tell me about that Marvel Multiverse.
You guys will die in 60 years and still be butthurt about the GameCube coming in third that gen until that day, fabricating all kinds of copes
Is your sister hot?
is the switch going to outsell the ps2
I think it already did, or at least will pretty soon
Media was so much better when you had to buy a DVD player and a DVD and put a DVD in the player.
Everything feels so worthless now and you never feel like you chanced on some unheard of rare gem.

I'm not even actually old man. But fuck... everything sucks. Theaters are dying and older people cheer. All games are just an ocean of digital titles you'll never be able to sort through
I don't know in what "first world" country you live but this is a blatant lie, the same thing with the ps2, these two consoles were raped to hell and back
I'm nearing 40 and I think I've never seen an original ps1-2 disc
No, it was primarily bought because it had new games, played your old games, AND was a DVD player.

It's that combination of factors that led to most purchases at least in the US.

>survey in Japan

It was also barely more expensive than the very cheapest DVD player at that time. So I could see this being 'a' reason. Post the whole survey.

>you can't
I wouldn't say primarily but I know one guy who managed to convince his parents to buy him a PS2 by saying it also read DVDs. And when I say "buy him a PS2", I meant that literally. Just the PS2, no memory card, no game. He had to ask for a friend's copy of vice city which he replayed the beginning of again and again for months until he got a memory card. Fun times.

That said my favourite moment with that PS2 was when he called me over to watch the resident evil movie (on DVD, of course) and he was super fucking excited. We watched the movie the whole way through and right at the end when Mila is getting up off the ground in the hospital gown he goes "look look look, it's now!"

And then she gets up and he screams at me "YOU CAN ALMOST SEE HER VAGINA!"
Really I'm tired of this dumb narrative, so I'm going to post some facts. (You can check the figures with Google if you want.)
By the official figures, PS2 sold roughly 155 mln units in total, give or take. 1.527 billion games in total were sold for it.
GC sold 21.74 mln units (again, depending on source). That is about 7 times less. And the total of games sold for it was 208.58 mln. So again, about 7 times less, roughly 10 games per console.
Now, there's a bit of a caveat here. You see, BIG GC games often sold on the level of big PS2 games. Moreover, North America was Nintendo's biggest market, and GC was doing better here than in EU/Japan. So according to NPD, for example, Melee outsold FFX, KH and MGS2 there.
However, that only proves one point: Nintendo always put all effort into few big games, and it was all downhill from there. GC had 34 games that sold over a million copies, PS2 had 162. GC game sales graph falls off the cliff after few big titles, while on PS2 you have hundreds of games that reached Greatest Hits level sales. PS2 simply had way more games in total too, and while many of them didn't sell much, they still add to the sales total.
Tldr: it still sold a ton of games, stop coping
You aren't from the first world. Simple as. It wasn't a thing in the primary markets of US and japan.
Are you unable to do basic math? 21 million gamecubes and 200 million games is around 10 games per consoles but 1.5 billion games per 200 million is significantly lower at only 7-8 games per console. The numbers pretty much prove that ps2 was bought for DVDs when you compare it to the install rate of the other 6th gen consoles.
Completely wrong
The average DVD player was far cheaper than ps2 and there were way more standalone DVD players sold than ps2 consoles. This argument is just a tendie cope about gamecube being a huge failure.
Let's put into perspective for your rent free nintendo-brain:

>155.000.000 consoles sold
>1.500.000.000 games sold
>9,6 games sold per console

>22.000.000 consoles sold
>210.000.000 games sold
>9,5 games sold per console

Gamecube is a flop, so let's take Wii and NDS numbers:

>154.000.000 consoles sold
>950.000.000 games sold
>6,16 games sold per console

>102.000.000 consoles sold
>922.000.000 games sold

Non-retro, but needed for the nintendos to understand how the world works outside of their little bubble.

Nintendo Switch:
>143.000.000 consoles sold (As of June 30, 2024)
> games sold (As of June 30, 2024)
>8.85 games sold per console

By your logic, most of the Switch users just watch YouTube and Crunchyroll on it
Wii users: everyone installed a homebrew to be able to watch dvds back then
DS users: little Jimmy's first dildo (the stylus, ofc)
Is it 200 million though? I thought it was 150 million, which means 10 games per console is about right
Dude, PS2 sold 155 mln units, not 200 as you're claiming.
1527/155 = 9.85 games per PS2
208.58/21.74 = 9.59 games per GC
Literally slightly higher attach ratio than GC
I remember pirate DVDs played in black and white on the PS2, and the volume sometimes was very low. Also, via RGB the output was green because of sync on green. So basically a standalone player was better but it was still a useful feature.
How could people not know about it. The console had a DVD logo on it and Sony sold a remote control specifically for that purpose
>PS2 sold 155 mln units
>GBA: 81.51 mln units
>games sold in total: 377.42 mln
Less than 5 games per console
Meaning no one played games on GBA, it was a video player
It wasn't something Sony ever really advertised.
The remotes were rare and people already had standalone dvd players so most people didn't realize it.
ps2 sold 200 million consoles making its install rate far lower. You are just changing the numbers when it suits you like a blind fanboy. it is true that the DS is garbage
I didn't have any problem playing burned DVDs on my ps2. My modded ps1 however had trouble with certain brands of cd's for some reason though regardless of what write time i used, maybe it's the same for burned DVDs on the ps2.
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>Tony Hanks
Actually the 1.527 billion figure is from 2011. Sony continued producing PS2 until 2013.
By the way, it is pretty weird: I'm reading it "officially" released in Brazil in 2009. Also I shit you not, I think I saw somewhere that they "officially" released it somewhere in Africa literally last year or so, and it wasn't a joke article
i wouldnt say primarily, but i personally used mine as one and watched tons of dvds at several other people's houses on the ps2. way more often than a standalone dvd player, which i primarily remember using at high school. i would imagine there were quite a few people who convinced their parents to get a ps2 because of it.
Forgot my main point: in 2011, PS2 was at 150 million units mark, with 1.527 billion games sold. 160 million is a later figure, and frankly hardly matters since it's all 3rd world
I’m from a PAL country so it could be that. Could also be that the chinks didn’t make them properly.
Doesn’t mean people wouldn’t have been able to find out. It could have easily been mentioned in reviews or something and spread from there
Normies not interested in games didn't read any game console reviews.
It was a gamble buying blank cd's and dvd's sometimes, the cheap prices of the chink ones were tempting, plus you'd get like 200 of them.
you can't affirm the console wasn't pirated because it didn't happen in your country (thing that I highly doubt)
With the amount he spent on all those burning towers and disks, he might as well had just bought the games, lmao.
buying pirated ps1 games in brazil 10 years after the ps2 was already out hardly counts
1.5 billion games sold. piracy has nothing to do with the console sales outside of the third world
just because things happened before you were born doesnt mean it didnt happen at the time zoomzoom
Not really, aside from being an amazing console, there just weren't any serious alternatives.
Game Cube was coming from N64. A lot of people got shivers down their spines over the idea of spending another whole generation with almost nothing to play, about missing once again games from countless genres and companies. Game Cube was actually an improvement and had a much better and varied library than N64, with the Capcom alliance giving us some of its highlights, but people didn't trust them for very good reasons.
Xbox was a very American console. It didn't have the broad appeal of PS2, a console that would include lots of both Asian and Western games. It got some cool exclusives, like Halo or Ninja Gaiden, but it wasn't the default option for developers.
And PS2 was coming from PSX, one of the most beloved and succesful consoles ever. And several of their most famous games would get sequels on PS2: Silent Hill, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Tomb Raider, Ace Combat, Tekken... Some of them would get ports for Game Cube or Xbox, but you knew you wouldn't miss them on PS2. Because Playstation used to mean this. Having lots of great games and choosing your favorites. Never being forced to buy a game that doesn't particularly appeal to you because of a lack of options.
I accept your concession
You can't prove you aren't a faggot
ask your mom, wait, she is a whore and would fuck anything with a heart beat
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go be a retarded zoomer somewhere else
I accept your concession. It did require a modchip which is why ps1 piracy was practically nonexistant.
doesn't prove you aren't a faggot
holy fucking shit, you are so fucking ignorant it hurts, not everyone was a retarded kid like you back then
>no argument
I accept your concession. I'm older than you.
>survey conducted about a month after release, so the library was still fairly sparse
>owning a DVD player wasn't exactly widespread, so for many it was their first time owning a DVD player, meaning they were intrigued by the new to them format and didn't have another player
>if the PS2 were in a multiperson household, there's a good chance that more people on the house are movie watchers than game players
The PS2 was my first DVD player (and only DVD player for probably over a year), but I didn't buy it BECAUSE it was a DVD player, it was just a neat bonus.
The dvd player included was essentially the killer app, built in from day 1.
>third worlders could develop modchips and had access to writable discs and burn software but first worlders didnt
what kind of weird zoomer logic is this
At that time, the ABSOLUTE CHEAPEST DVD player was $400. It wasn't brand new but it was newish. It also had a lukewarm adoption rate until PS2 dropped. The next year's players decreased in price a bit but the PS2 also went on sale. It wasn't until like late 2002 that you could buy a significantly cheaper DVD player than the PS2. PS2 was also a good quality DVD player especially for the time, video output wise. The only real complaint that people had was it was noisy in operation but of course, that was compared with the large, heavy, usually all metal DVD players of the time.

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