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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11313790

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU

DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):

Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:


Vanilla/Boom: https://doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://doomworld.com/idgames/



FPS (Rolling schedule): http://clovr.xyz/
SB2R Kart Link removed til a new thing comes out per hoster himself >>11311817



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/Vertex Relocation/ PHASE 2
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : Boom
RULES AND CLAIMED SLOTS : https://pastebin.com/CrVTqGvr
BETA V5 : https://files.catbox.moe/j0p4fc.wad

Fore/vr/ Alone

=== NEWS ===
[10-12] Retro Jam 2 for Quake 1 released, /vr/ regulars among participants

[10-12] New GZDoom and Eternity versions dropped

[10-10] Doom 64 Unseen Evil released, adds missing enemies and 64-ifies Doom 1 and 2 levels

[10-10] Potetobloke reuploaded a ton of addons for Shut Up 'n Bleed

[10-9] Tetanus DX released with free to use texture set

[10-6] International Doom v8.0 released

[10-5] Duake (Doom weapon in Quake) released

[10-5] DBP68: Outposts of the Wasteland is out now!

[10-5] Quake 2 PSX mod released for KEX Quake 2

[10-3] Dark Forces' Heart of the Matter released

[10-3] Update 1 for the Nightdive port is out

[10-1] Blood: What Lies Beneath has been released

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [mm-dd] date bracket)
Thanks for filling up Anon
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Why, threads wouldn't be the same without each one of you, you silly devils. That's a given service, keep up with posting.
>Samus and Gordon
Yeah no
Why not?
Not the same genre
Maybe not for Samus since she’s only “first person” on the Gamecube and DS, but Gordon’s only ever been in first person shooters.
Not the same kind of fps
Maybe if it had slow movement, a weapon limit, and no interesting enemy/weapon variety. It’s not like this is strictly “Doom clone general”.
>but Gordon’s only ever been in first person shooters.
Why do you have to say exactly the wrong things, Anon?
Man i remember this shit.
possibly the best "Duke II" clone
Who cares, retro is retro
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>/Vertex Relocation/
FDAs recorded up to MAP08, if these are of any use. First map was done by the project lead, I believe? Would've been nice if it went through some visual revision and detailing. It's pretty bland looking otherwise, with flat walls and right angles mostly. The best looking room is the one leading up to exit I think, and ironically the brightest compared to the library and office rooms with ugly repeatable ceiling lights. Following maps submitted are good point of reference. Have to mention the building's front too, Alien Vendetta's MAP03 opening is not as grand but much better detailed. There's pretty much no lighting variation on MAP03, but layout is decent with varying corridors and rooms. Its starting area could use some kind of redesign too, the first room is a bland shoebox and the presence of sound blocking lines is puzzling.
>Why do you have to say exactly the wrong things, Anon?
Not AI. Photo referenced. I have a bunch of pictures I took of surfaces that I thought might make good textures is all.
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>Not the lasting encounters of the reaping kind
Guess "the third" works too, as in the third entry
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Pretty cool texture. It will be tricky to use on uneven walls, but it will probably be good at divisble by 128. Here, have 2 variants in doom palette.

I too enjoy making textures out of photographs, but so far I think I only had one true success. My hands are always unsteady when holding the phone.
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My only successful photo-based texture, for reference.
You can fix alignment with the perspective tool in gimp or Photoshop or whatever.
I have a bunch of pictures to go through on my phone/wherever but what I have so far is here
Looks p good tho.
you can also do a high pass thing to even out the light level across the texture, but I forget how. but you need to keep the DC component. so a notch filter I guess, cutting out the first harmonic
Yeah, like I said this was my one true success. I did try various tools, but didn't have much success with alignment.
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here's one way: https:// old . reddit . com/r/GIMP/comments/11p11be/what_tools_can_i_use_to_even_out_the_lighting_in/
>wavelet decompose
>average residual layer by pixelizing it
>hide the lowest frequency layer
example related. I removed the 7th decomposition. should tile better. pixelized 256x128 because it's two different textures
repost from 2 threads ago since project lead didn't update the map version in the pastebin

new version of map32 for /vertex relocation/ : https://files.catbox.moe/spug1v.wad
fixed the sunken windows, fixed a bleeding window, and gave the outhouse an interior.
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Yikes! This is getting out of hand. I'll just use this gun's alt fire and...
Photoshop has a simple high pass filter built in, and it's one of the only things I miss in gimp.
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not the most impressive shitter, but a shitter nonetheless
Whoever used that last needs to see a doctor, or a priest, possibly both.
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>high pass filter built in
Reminds me of when I used the alt fire of the BFG during the final expansion level of Heretic on one of the earlier versions of Guncaster where it just made everything fucking explode everywhere, first time using it there's just these giant beams of lights going BOOM all over the place and I was like "OH GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING" and then a bunch of dead maulotaurs everywhere
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anyone have any tips for detailing rocky/outside areas?
I'm trying to draw some map ideas for a mountain themed wad I plan to make but I can't think of how to make it look nice.
Picrel is my current doodle, this map is meant to be like the hilly plain leading into the mountain. Coloured areas are secrets
Also I worry about making the layout in general but the only way I think I'll learn is by making garbage and having it criticised
I can't really read this map, but here's some general ideas. Make sure individual landmasses are convex-shaped, in other words lower elevation shouldn't bite into the higher one that end before the edge. Add differently colored sectors inside the shapes to make them look grassy. Add brooks and waterfalls, that always works.
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I tried colouring the map to make it a bit clearer. The rectangular-ish piece below the funnel at the top is meant to be an overhang/arch as the mountain entrance. The idea I have for the map is the player to fight in the upper left and right grassy areas which will raise the brown steps leading into the entrance.
Is there a guide somewhere where I can learn how to do ACS?
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Played around a bit with recoloring earlier, if anyone wants to use these for something.
Make a normal geometric area, then split the linedefs a few times and drag the vertices around, don't try to convey "rockiness" in your sketch phase, since it will just make the design unreadable.
Rock clusters in corners, rocky overpasses, have a "hard" rock texture that sits higher than your sandy rock textures to break up the ground, vary the ground height a lot.
What version?
Should be there at least since 2.8, the current one is 2.10
Well hell. Missed it I guess. Would've made some projects a little easier.
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>removed wrong feedback, retarded statement
Looks like someone can't take criticism.
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>school experience terminal
This is a very cursed cloud
i'm playing pirate doom but most of the time the textures for interactable buttons show up as fully black.

i don't know much about modding or troubleshooting doom stuff, i just plopped down the wad.

anyone has an idea what might be the cause?
You can't obey everything others want because ones can contradict others. Or even contradict what you want yourself.
>he fell for the map "flow" meme
if you don't like exploring
if you don't like key hunting
if you don't like mazes
if you don't like having several open paths
can you really say you like Doom?
Alien Vendetta is still the best wad. It feels like a journey. High IQ doomers will know what I mean and will also agree.
might be an incompatible sourceport?
What port are you using to play it anon
>if you don't like mazes
Stop short of mazes.
is gordon using his helmet during gameplay?
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theoretical physics
more like theoretical helmets
Probably. You only get a HUD when you put on the suit.
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this one was a stone
Did you test what these look like in game
I thought I made a good one but it loos pretty bad when I actually tried it
Many others wads feel like a journey and are much better than AVendetta. Going Down and Valiant being the most prominent examples. I'm sorry, oldhead..
No, just kinda fucking around atm.
I don't like mazes. I am very bad at navigating them.
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people were already making "retro" wads in 2002
>He can't conceive of a map that has good flow but also features exploration and multiple paths
Maybe it's time to hang up that old Ultimate Doom Builder
For me? It's Quake.
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could you please explain the appeal of Quake to someone who frequently plays Doom? It never clicks with me every time I give it another chance.
x3 for 'fuck mazes'
Ruined Secret of Evermore
Ruined like every horror-tagged Doom mod ever
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what's the best E1 map and why is it E1M7
>terminal barons
>animation shitpost required
>whole big idea
>hell last ass
>basic dumb spooky
Depends on what you mean by maze. To me, Hunted is a maze.
>>hell last ass
The plasma in Osiris TC has a violent ear rape quality to it which I kinda dig.
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Which sourceports are working on this?
>The intermission screens and animated skies only work in source ports that are ID24-compliant. All other features work in MBF21-compliant source ports.
so only KEX for 100% minor compatibility I guess. otherwise should be playable in anything that supports MBF21, so DSDA-Doom, Woof, GZDoom, etc.
GZD has the intermission screens now, but not the animated skies or status bar (or fuel/plasma coexistence in the DM maps).
The Wheel of Pain is a pretty cool weapon, and I like being able to siphon off ammo from blood barrels.
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My experience and love of Quake comes from the fact that it's forever tied to the original campaign where you're exploring dark halls and castles with a very moody soundtrack in the background. The gunmetal textures, the gross enemies, the ogres with chainsaws which remind me of House of the Dead enemies, these are all things which would have been just as enjoyable with a bitching rock soundtrack, even a dark techno soundtrack. But NIN got there first with such dour sounds, something that's always attracted me to works.
I think you mean The* House of the Dead, friend dude
Got me there.
It was the same way for me until I powered through E1. And even then, once I became more accustomed to strategic usage of power ups (Red Armor, my beloved...), it sorta "clicked" for me, and I was able to enjoy the more exploratory nature of the game. Movement tech like slope- and rocket-jumping just furthered that, for me.
IMHO TBQH senpai, Quake's commercial campaigns just (mostly) have great elements that encourage experimentation and discovery, to a degree that the Doom IWADs necessarily lack. Though I do still see the cracks, the bright spots shine like gold. Wabi-sabi, nigga.
im so fucking pissed
>laptop decides to kill itself ~a month ago
>don't have the money to replace it
>fiending for DOOM like a fucking crackhead
>decide to shell out some cash ($4) for delta touch on phone
>one of the main selling points of it is that i occasionally play coop with a buddy and d-touch supports zandronum
>start shitty no mod test server on tspg after acquiring the new_new_colours.pk3 those faggots force me to have
>four times in a row, zandronum says it cant locate the file despite it being in the secondary data folder
>cant try to put it in the primary root folder bc android private policy removed the ability to see it entirely
>money wasted
>day ruined
Oh honey, you know you can use the map?
in addition to the HUD thing, he navigates radioactive spills.
the in-game model doesn't show it, but logically in-universe he does
Map don't help much for a goldfish memory that can't recall the location of locked doors, and colorblind eyes don't serve well in spotting marked lines on the map. So the best I can do is just see where I have and haven't been.
Use your map markers to mark shit like doors.
You're probably running it in a way, way later version than it was made for, odds are something got fucked about in the meantime.
>logically in-universe
It's contradictory because hes not wearing the helmet in water since he has to hold his breath but he had to have been wearing it in Xen.
>since he has to hold his breath
does he?
the hud shows the oxygen level too, i always thought it as the HEV suit reserve, not your literal lung capacity, although for gameplay purposes it lasts for a few seconds instead of minutes/hours
There's a version that can be played on newer versions on ModDB but it has an issue where a lot of the music is quieter than it should be.
Most ports allow you to change the colors of the map lines to eliminate the overlap you get from whatever form of colorblind you're fucked with.
That I should do more often. You have any idea if you can make the markers bigger? When I've tried that in the past they're always so teeny tiny on the map.

I've poked around with the settings before, admittedly not very hard because I'm not sure what'd be the best choice of colors, though this is something I'll have to sort out myself. I'll give it another try later on.
If you're using jizzyDoom then this might still work.
The original MBF could fake burning skies by just transferring an imitation of it, though people didn't start doing it until recent years.
GzD could abstract the ammo thing by just doing the same thing on its own end, which I suspect will be a pretty likely argument by old Chickenhead as to why he won't bother implementing ID24's approach to this on his end. Maybe someone would bake a compat patch for it, but who the fuck plays DM with GzD's sorry multiplayer?
wen rev tries 2 get me
A mod's already Zscriptified the entire of id24's stuff so it's not even really needed.
>but who the fuck plays DM with GzD's sorry multiplayer?
Only Hideous Destructor fans.
Does his model have it on when you see him in Opposing Force as he's boutta jump into the portal to xen?

Not like it matters you can imagine whatever.
Right, but that's co-op, and because the only option to play anything of its kind in multiplayer.
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No, his model in OF has sunglasses.
>gordon freeman's onlyfans
>he only wears sunglasses
oh my..
how hard is it to make custom enemies with their own behaviors in GZDoom? same question for weapons
just wondering if I need to actually lrn2code. making the sprites and stuff is easy enough as a 3Dfag
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Depends on how complex you want the behaviors to be, and what code language you use. DECORATE is the old way but still pretty powerful and easy to use. Zscript is the new hotness and it CAN be simple if you just stick to basic functions, though getting into fancy stuff will demand more.

Here's an example of some old DECORATE shit I bashed together years ago, to give you an idea on some of this shit, the See state up there with CRMD is the monster's sprite name, and the AABBCCDD are his walking frames, and A_chase is the basic command to make monsters walk towards their target.

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