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As some of you might remember, I've been compiling a list of various secrets, oddities and mysteries in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for several years now. Once again, the time has come for me to share this list with you.

This list has been compiled from a variety of sources, including old forum posts, fansites, videos, and my own observations while playing. Fellow anons on /vr/ have made the bulk majority of contributions to this list, and deserve due credit. By this same token: if you have a tidbit of your own that you'd like to contribute, please do, and I will add it to the list for future threads.

I should mention that this list is comprehensive, and thus includes many "secrets" that are already well-known for the sake of posterity. Regardless, novices and veterans alike will no doubt learn something new here.

And now, without further ado, I once again present to you... the many secrets, oddities and mysteries of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Please bear with me while I post all 117 entries on this list...

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>1. In the game's debug menu, a particular crash will cause a screen to appear with some gibberish. Alongside this gibberish, the phrase "I LOVE YOU" is displayed at the top.

>2. Hidden in the game's code is a fully functional Arwing from the StarFox series. This Arwing was used by the developers for testing various combat and camera control features. If you hack it into the game, you can fight it. Not only will it damage Link by trying to shoot him, but you can destroy it with numerous weapons, all of which will cause it to fall to the ground and explode.

>3. Signposts have some impressive physics effects. If you cut a sign and a piece of it all into the water, the piece will create a ripple and float. If you pound the ground near a broken sign with the Megaton Hammer, the pieces will jostle around. If you bomb a sign, pieces of it will fly all over the place.

>4. Most thrown objects won't hurt enemies (even rocks), but thrown pots will. They can even knock out Gerudo guards.

>5. Projectiles deflected from one enemy can hit and damage another enemy, even an enemy of a different type.

>6. When stunned, certain bosses such as Bongo Bongo (and even Ganondorf) can be killed with repeated, well-timed spin attacks before ever getting back up.

>7. You can swim faster by quickly tapping the B button, even though there is no prompt telling you this.

>8. You can change the pitch on your Ocarina by moving the analog stick around. You can also hold R to produce a flat note or Z to produce a sharp note.

>9. If Link is left idle in a cold environment such as the Ice Cavern, he will occasionally sneeze.

>10. Killing many enemies with a Light Arrow will yield a big purple rupee. This works on both small enemies such as Guays, and even larger enemies like the Big Moblin.

>11. If the game detects that you're playing a pirated copy, the game will mess with you in several ways, such as preventing Zelda from opening the barred doors during the castle escape sequence. Most amusingly, it will also make Zelda's hair appear big and poofy during the scene where Link first meets her as an adult in the Temple of Time.

>12. Go to Link's House in the future. Save and quit the game. The next time you load the game, Link will start here rather than the Temple of Time.

>13. There is a small pinboard on the wall in Link's house which records the high-scores and best times for various mini-games.

>14. Saria's House is the only home in Kokiri Village that has hearts on top of it (and several within it, as well). She is a love interest of Link, and her home is directly next to his. Mido's house is one of the furthest houses from both Saria and Link, and his house is the only one which contains treasure chests. The sign outside of his house also pompously states that this house is "The Home of the Great Mido - Leader of the Kokiri". There is some interesting symbolism going on here.

>15. Go into the Kokiri Forest shop. To the right of the merchant is what looks like a dark hallway. Walk into this area and you'll find a hidden blue rupee. Once taken, this rupee will never spawn again. There are several other (though more obvious) blue rupees in Kokiri Forest that will also never respawn once taken, such as the one behind Mido's house.

>16. The fairies which accompany the Kokiri children will change color every time the game is loaded, or when leaving and re-entering the forest.

>17. Although the game does not differentiate between them (in terms of Navi's hints, at least), there are actually two distinct types of Deku Scrubs. The green Deku Scrubs (which reside primarily inside the Deku Tree) shoot one projectile at a time, while the orange variety found in the Sacred Forest Meadow shoot three at a time. Also, the orange variety can be stunned with Deku Nuts, where the green variety cannot be.

>18. In the future, Saria no longer has her fairy.

>19. After beating the Forest Temple, return to where you first found Mido standing in the Lost Woods. He'll still be there, and if you speak to him, he will tell you that Saria had feelings for Link and awaited his return. He also apologizes for his actions, although he doesn't know that the child he knew and the fully grown man standing in front of him are actually the same person.

>20. Killing one of the hostile Skull Kids in the future Lost Woods will yield a huge orange rupee.

>21. In the past, you can plant a Magic Bean in the Lost Woods, in the same area where you can purchase the first Deku Stick upgrade. In the future, this plant has no immediate purpose, as it doesn't grant access to any hidden items or areas. However, it's actually a secret shortcut to the bridge connecting Hyrule Field and Kokiri Forest, making it easier to traverse the area.

>22. A Business Scrub will always leave you 3 hearts or 3 rupees when you buy something from them.

>23. There is a Gossip Stone hidden behind the Great Deku Tree (no, not the one next to it, a different one). It is impossible to access without exploits. If read using the Mask of Truth, it will state that any Kokiri who leaves the forest will die, but that one managed to survive. It's unclear if this is a reference to Link (since he not actually a Kokiri), or someone else.

>24. You can get both Deku Sticks and Deku Nuts from Deku Babas depending on how you kill them. If you stun a Deku Baba, it will straighten out and you can chop it down to receive a stick. If you kill it when it isn't straight, it will shrivel up when it dies and produce nuts instead.

>25. Despite being optional, Deku Nuts are one of the most useful items in the game. They can stun almost any enemy, cause Deku Scrubs and Business Scrubs to surface when hiding, instantly pop any Shaboms, kill any of Barinade's jellyfish (if they aren't moving), cause any placed Bombchus to explode, and can even stun and damage Ganon in the final battle.

>26. If you're climbing a wall with a Walltula on it and the Walltula sees you, it won't attack if you stop moving.

>27. Wallmasters will drop between three and four blue rupees, red rupees, or a combination of the two when they are defeated. They are the only enemy that can drop four individual items. Like many enemies, if you shoot them with a Light Arrow they'll drop purple rupees as well; except unlike every other enemy, they'll drop two instead of one.

>28. Blue Bubbles are attracted to bombs like bait. If you place one on the ground, any nearby Blue Bubble will fly to it, hover over it and then spin around it. Once damaged by the bomb's inevitable explosion, the bubble will lose its flame and start to panic, ignoring any other bombs placed (unless you allow it to survive and regain its fire shortly thereafter).

>29. Phantom Ganon has a very rare attack where he will charge himself up with energy and rush at you. This special attack is so rare that you may fight him dozens of times and never see it used. The attack seems to depend upon Phantom Ganon having both low health and facing a certain direction.

>30. Walking on the light brown paths running through Hyrule Field will prevent Stalchildren from spawning at night.

>31. Regular bottled Poes can be consumed like a potion, but the effects are random: you will either recover one heart, lose one heart, recover three hearts, or lose all of your hearts except one.

>32. Peahats are one of the stangest enemies in the game. During the day, they rest in the ground and attack if you get too close. During the night, they bed more deeply into the earth and "sleep". If attacked in this sleeping state, they will release miniature peahats to defend themselves. Most oddly, they are the only enemy that can drop two completely different types of loot at once.

>33. Some enemies respawn after being killed, such as Stalchildren, Guays and Leevers. If you kill enough of these enemies, larger versions will begin to spawn which will produce more rupees when killed. Stalchildren will get bigger every time, with an unlimited cap to their size, and will at first yield one blue rupee, then three red rupees. Leevers will eventually spawn a large purple version.

>34. If Link rolls into a tree (or alternatively, bashes it with the Megaton Hammer), rupees or hearts will usually fall from it. However, some trees will drop different items such as arrows or Deku Nuts. Each tree has its own unique "drop table" and will consistently produce the same few items when shaken.

>35. In the past, and during the daytime, go to the drawbridge leading into the Market. Walk up the chains of the drawbridge and stand at the top. Wait for nightfall, and once the drawbridge closes, walk across the stone block at the top. You'll get three red rupees. You can also acquire two of these three rupees without the drawbridge closing; just walk up the chains, and jump towards the center of the drawbridge on either side.

>36. When you first enter the Market, you'll notice a door that leads to a small guard house. There are many pots here, always containing a total of exactly 40 rupees. You can enter and exit this room as many times as you wish, and both the pots as well as the rupees inside them will respawn. This is an easy way to make some quick cash to spend in the Market's center.

>37. If you have a bottle and a bomb, there's an even easier way to make money in the Market area. First, exit the Market and enter Hyrule Field. Directly to the right of the drawbridge you'll see a few trees and a boulder. Bomb the boulder to reveal a grotto. Jump down and scoop up a fish in your bottle. Run back into the Market and approach the Beggar. Show him the fish you caught and he'll pay you 100 rupees for it. This takes all of one minute, and you can repeat the processes as needed. (You can do the same thing in the future Kakariko Village: there's a grotto behind the Magic Shop, and the Beggar resides nearby).

>38. The Beggar will purchase Bugs for 50 rupees, Fish for 100 rupees and Blue Fire for 150 rupees. He will not buy any healing items such as potions or fairies, however.

>39. In the Market, during daytime, there's a door in the eastern portion of the Back Alley which won't open. In the center of the Back Alley, there's a man with a green shirt who hangs out by himself, and he will comment on how strange it is that packs of dogs roam around at night if you speak to him. If you go back to the door at night time, you can go inside. This is the alley man's home. There's not much here except three pots which contains rupees and a magic jar. This area seems to have no other purpose.

>40. Right after Zelda escapes with Impa, go to the Back Alley in the Market. You'll find a dying soldier there. If you speak to him, he'll tell you that Ganondorf's forces attacked the king. At the end of the conversation, the soldier will go limp. Navi will note that he has stopped moving. The soldier will be gone once you acquire the Master Sword.

>41. In the Market, there are two crates next to the Shooting Gallery. If you break them during the daytime, you'll find nothing. During night time, a guard stands near them. The leftmost crate contains a green rupee, and the other contains a red rupee. These rupees will only appear at night, and the red rupee will never appear again after being taken. Outside of the Bombchu Bowling Alley, there's a set of stairs. If you walk up these stairs and onto the roof above during the daytime, you'll find several green rupees. Do this at night, and you'll find blue rupees instead. Like the red rupee, these blue rupees will never respawn again. Lastly, there are two crates outside of the Bazaar. Like the other two crates, you'll find nothing if you break them during daytime, but at night they each contain a single green rupee.

>42. After showing Zelda's Letter to the guard at the Death Mountain Trail gate, he'll tell you how to get a discount on the Hylian Shield sold at the Bazaar in the Market. The discount is completely random, and ranges from as little as 5 rupees to as many as 35 rupees. However, you can't buy the shield at all unless you have at least 80 rupees to begin with.

>43. If one of the dogs in the Market starts following you at night, play the Sun's Song and he'll still be there during the daytime. Dogs will also follow you into buildings.

>44. Go to the shooting gallery in either the past or future and pay to play. Don't shoot any rupees for the entire duration of the game. The owner will be insulted and look away from you until you leave. Also in the shooting gallery, change the camera view to first-person mode and look at the wall opposite the clerk. There are three pictures of strange demons which don't appear anywhere else in the game.

>45. Wearing masks can cause strange things to happen. Wearing any mask while talking to (almost) any character will change what they say to you -- even Princess Zelda. The Skull Mask will make Keese and Guays ignore you. The Bunny Hood will protect you from Stalchildren. Additionally, Deku Scrubs will react differently depending on what mask you wear when standing on the Forest Stage.

>46. If you're caught while sneaking around the Castle Grounds, you'll be thrown out by the front gate, where a guard stands. Speak to this guard, and you can pay him 10 rupees to open the gate for you. If you speak to him again afterwards, he'll say "KEEP IT A SECRET FROM EVERYONE.", which is a reference to the original Legend of Zelda.

>47. Suspended over the front gate leading to the Castle Grounds is a gargoyle statue. If you interact with it, it will tell you the time.

>48. Some things in the game are not only affected by whether it is day or night, but the specific time of day. For example, Dampe's grave digging tour runs from exactly 18:00 to 21:00. Additionally, some NPCs won't come out until later in the morning, even if the usual "day time" locations like shops or houses are already open. You can witness this most easily by entering Kakariko Village as soon as the morning chicken crows. If you enter certain areas early enough, no music will play.

>49. Go to the Hyrule Castle Grounds. Climb up the wall near the Gossip Stone on top of the hill (not near where you meet Malon, but further towards the castle). Face the front of the castle, and you'll notice two large, unlit torches beside the drawbridge. Shoot either of these torches: the one on the left will yield a red rupee when shot, the other will yield a large magic jar. If you do not have the magic meter yet, this torch will yield nothing.

>50. If you play one of the warp songs while inside a Great Fairy Fountain, you'll hear the Great Fairy's laughter for a moment.

>51. In Zelda's garden, there is an area where a single guard walks around a square of rupees. These rupees change in value every time you play.

>52. In the courtyard where you first meet Zelda, there are two windows. In one window, you can see portraits of Mario and other Nintendo characters. If you shoot this window with the slingshot, a red rupee will pop out. If you shoot the opposite window, a guard will appear. He'll then warn you not to cause trouble and throw a bomb at you.

>53. You can visit Zelda again after meeting her for the first time, but only once you've obtained the second spiritual stone. Once you've obtained three spiritual stones however, guards will be placed at the garden entrance and you won't be able to see her again.

>54. You can beat Jabu-Jabu's Belly before beating Dodongo's Cavern if you obtain the bombs, leave, and return at a later time. There are some interesting things to note here: first, if you do this, the text displayed after acquiring the Zora's Sapphire will reflect that you still need one spiritual stone, whereas it would normally tell you to go directly to the Temple of Time. This is some nice attention to detail. However, even if you've obtained the bombs and beaten Jabu-Jabu's Belly, you will not be able to purchase bombs from the Bazaar or Goron Shop before fully beating Dodongo's Cavern; likewise, neither the Bombchu Bowling Alley nor the Bombchu Shop will be open for business. As mentioned in the entry above, you only need two spiritual stones to visit Zelda again, and you can do this whether you beat Dodongo's or Jabu-Jabu's first; the game only checks for the number of spiritual stones and not a particular stone.

>55. If you have one heart or less, almost anything in the game can spawn a fairy when killed or destroyed.

>56. The presence of butterflies in odd places usually denotes a secret, such as a hidden grotto.

>57. If you walk slowly by a butterfly while holding a Deku Stick, it may begin to follow the stick. Keep walking slowly, trying to keep the butterfly as close to your stick as possible. If it follows you long enough, it will eventually touch the tip of your stick and turn into a fairy. Not all butterflies will do this.

>58. If you play Song of Storms next to an immature Magic Bean plant, the plant will pop up from the dirt and shoot out several fairies. Playing Song of Storms will also temporarily prevent the Lens of Truth from consuming magic power. If you have trouble seeing the flag posts leading through the Haunted Wastleland, just play the Song of Storms, and the occasional lightning strikes will illuminate the posts. There is a dried up pond outside of the Spirit Temple. Play the Song of Storms on the rock overlooking the pond, and it will fill with water and produce many fairies. This is also interesting because every fairy fountain contains a pool of water. Not only that, but the Song of Storms is used to summon fairies in various ways. Fairies really seem to like water.

>59. Occasionally, Navi may hover over a small spot on the ground and turn green. This usually indicates that you can play a song near that spot to make a Big Fairy appear. The Big Fairy has no wings and looks like a large orb of bright pink light. Unlike a normal fairy which only restores health, the Big Fairy restores both health and magic power, but it cannot be kept in a bottle. These spots can be found all over the world; even within dungeons. However, the song needed to summon the fairy is different for every spot.

>60. Playing Zelda's Lullaby next to a Gossip Stone will make a fairy appear. Play Song of Storms instead, and you can summon a Big Fairy.

>61. Playing Zelda's Lullaby will calm down an attacking flock of Cuccos. It can also be used to repair a broken signpost.

>62. Go to Lon Lon Ranch after freeing Epona, and Malon will challenge you to clear hurdles. Beat the record time and a cow will be delivered to Link's house.

>63. Play Epona's Song for Malon at night, before saving the ranch from Ingo. She'll tell you about her past and reveal things about her mother and Ingo.

>64. If you visit Talon at Lon Lon Ranch as a child, he'll challenge you to find three special cuccos amongst a group of regular cuccos. Talon throws the special cuccos into the flock at the beginning of the game, so you can make things much easier by picking up all of the regular cuccos and throwing them behind the counter that Talon sleeps against, isolating them from the special cuccos. You can also just w

>65. If you have an empty bottle, you can play Epona's Song for a cow and it will fill your bottle with milk.

>66. Running Epona into small enemies like Tektites will kill them. If she trots over the leaves of a mature Magic Bean plant, the plant will be destroyed (but don't worry, it will regrow). She can even knock Gerudo guards unconcious if she bumps into them without you being spotted. If you play Epona's Song and immediately begin running away, Epona will continue following you until she catches up with you.

>67. You can use a lit Deku Stick to ignite bombflowers. This is most useful in Goron City, where you can open the Goron Shop as well as the Lost Woods shortcut without even having acquired the Goron Bracelet first. This saves significant time when you first need to visit Saria in the Lost Woods and return to Goron City. Interestingly, there is a Goron in Goron City who says he has hidden a Deku Stick somewhere, and a nearby pot contains a single stick. In Darunia's room, there are also pots containing sticks. Using these sticks to open the Lost Woods shortcut early would appear to be their only intended purpose.

>68. Baby Dodongos will explode upon death. This explosion can be used to destroy objects like pots, or even other Baby Dodongos. This explosion will also destroy certain walls, just like bombs do. Similar to Blue Bubbles, Baby Dodongos are also attracted to bombs like bait and will slither towards any that are placed on the ground.

>69. Similar to King Dodongo, if you throw a bomb at a regular Dodongo while it inhales, it will swallow the bomb. This will kill it in one shot.

>70. Placed bombs will obstruct the movement of blade traps.

>71. In Dodongo's Cavern, go to the room with the blade traps in it. There is a heart hidden behind the stone block that you need to pull out.

>72. There are a few treasure chests which contain shields, such as the chest containing a Deku Shield at the top of Dodongo's Cavern. If you already have the shield that one of these chests contains, you will receive a blue rupee instead of the corresponding shield when opening that chest.

>73. The Kakariko Village music changes slightly depending on if Link is a child or adult.

>74. There is a red rupee hidden in the bed inside the Cucco Lady's house. Once taken, it will not reappear.

>75. Behind the Magic Shop in Kakariko Village, there are also two crates (right next to the open grotto hole). One of these also contains a red rupee, but like many others, this one will respawn after you take it.

>76. In the House of Skulltula, you can attack any of the family members who are still spiders. If you do so, they will sway back and forth. Run behind them and slash their exposed undersides again. If you do, they will scream in agony and will attempt to attack you the next time you're in range (unless you leave the house first).

>77. There is a hidden area inside the windmill of Kakariko Village. There is a small entranceway that you can see behind the spinning vanes. Within it, you'll see a small wooden peg. Use the Longshot to get up here and a stairwell will lead you to the top of the windmill, where a single lone chicken resides. This chicken has no apparent purpose other than letting you glide around.

>78. When you play the Song of Time to make a Time Block appear or disappear, the block literally travels through time, and will be removed from the past/future and placed into the current time. This can be witnessed in a small lava-filled passage in Goron City, where playing the Song of Time as an adult will make Time Blocks from the past move to the future.

>79. Some things in the game are completely random, for example: the Bazaar will give you a discount ranging from 5 to 35 rupees on the Hylian Shield if you spoke to the soldier in Kakariko first, the items Dampe' unearths during the grave digging tour are random (with the heart piece having a 10% chance to appear), and the rupees in Zelda's Courtyard Garden change in value each time you enter.

>80. Inside Fire Temple, in the big lava-filled room with the moving platforms, there is a platform in the northwest corner. Most platforms in this room will rumble and slowly descend into the lava if you stand on them, but this platform will instead raise up and bring you to a small hidden cave that contains pots with a few useful items.

>81. The Megaton Hammer has many lesser-known uses. If you use it to smash the ground near Baby Dodongos, it will kill any of them in range instantly. If you use it near Deku Scrubs or Business Scrubs, it will cause them to jump out of their grass patch. Use it near Tektites and Torch Slugs to flip them over and temporarily incapacitate them. If you see any Walltulas climbing on a wall or vine, use the hammer to smash the ground nearby and they will fall off and die.

>82. In the fight against Volvagia, placing a bomb on the last hole that he appeared from will damage him.

>83. Wearing the Goron Tunic will make you more resistant to any form of fire damage, as well as other damage such as spiked floors.

>84. The amount of time Link can withstand extreme heat or hold his breath underwater is dependent upon his number of available hearts, with 8 seconds allotted per heart. For example, if you have three hearts, you'll get 24 seconds of time.

>85. Swimming down a fast-flowing channel of water such as the stream in Zora's River will reward you with rupees. You'll be given green rupees incrementally, until eventually being rewarded with a blue rupee. The speed at which you travel through the water (which can be increased by jumping in with more interia, not resisting the flow, and tapping B to move faster) seems to increase the rate at which you receive the rupees.

>86. There is a pool of red rupees hidden under the waterfall where you enter Zora's Domain. Equip the Iron Boots and jump down from where you play Zelda's Lullaby.

>87. In the diving mini-game in Zora's Domain, there is a small chance that the Zora will toss an orange rupee into the water below.

>88. Farore's Wind will not only let you warp between rooms within a dungeon, it will also let you warp between different dungeons entirely. Simply create a warp point in one dungeon and then go to any other dungeon with a dungeon map inside of it. Use Farore's Wind again, and you'll be returned to the dungeon where you created the warp point.

>89. King Zora will offer you a kiss if you've already obtained the Zora Tunic before unfreezing him. Thankfully, Link declines.

>90. Dark Link mirrors Link in many ways; he even has the same number of hearts. If you try beating the game with only three hearts, Dark Link will have three as well, and can be killed in a matter of seconds with three hits from Din's Fire. Before he becomes hostile (when he's just standing against the tree in the center of the arena), throw a Deku Nut at him. He will start to behave very strangely, doing things such as mimicking Link's idle animations.

>91. You can acquire the Fire Arrows before beating the Water Temple, so long as you have the Bow and the Longshot. After acquiring the Longshot, simply leave the dungeon and acquire the Fire Arrows as you normally would and return to the dungeon when you wish.

>92. Fire Arrows will kill Freezards instantly.

>93. Like Deku Nuts, Din's Fire is also a (mostly) optional but extremely useful item. In addition to lighting torches and damaging just about any type of enemy, it can be used to burn cobwebs, burn certain wooden objects, and can even cause Morpha's tentacles to evaporate.

>94. You can use the Lens of Truth to see where a Dead Hand is hiding under the ground. Throw a bomb at the spot it's under to make it surface.

>95. Go to the Fishing Hole in the future. You can cast your fishing rod at the owner and catch his hat. This will make him very angry, and he will add a new rule to the Fishing Hole's signpost regarding this behavior. Additionally, you can opt to either return the hat to him or keep it hooked to the rod and cast it into the water. If you do, it can be permanently lost. The owner will then make you pay for it.

>96. If you sell the Running Man the Bunny Hood, he will always fill your wallet regardless of how much money you already have, meaning you can get up to 500 rupees at once (assuming you have the Giant's Wallet and 0 rupees to begin with, obviously). After selling the Running Man the Bunny Hood, if you stand in his path, he will run directly into you and knock you out of the way. During the game's end credits, characters will look and/or behave differently depending on choices you made throughout the game. The fishing shop owner won't have his hat if you took it from him and lost it, and the Running Man will have the Bunny Hood on if you sold it to him (and be running faster than usual as a result).

>97. This is by far the most useful of the dungeon warp songs. You can use it any time you need stock up on supplies. Lake Hylia has a lot of resources: there's three big patches of grass by the laboratory which makes it easy to farm rupees, hearts, magic etc., a nearby gossip stone (where you can easily get a fairy), and there's even a Business Scrub in the grotto under the tombstone who will sell you Deku Nuts. Basically, you can get everything you need from this one place, and it's only a single warp away. Yet another good reason to beat Ice Cavern before any other dungeon so you can have this incredibly useful song.

>98. During the past, go to Lake Hylia and visit the scarecrow who lets you record a song (the one in the back). During the final cutscene where Link meets Zelda again, wait a little while after the title appears. You'll hear your version of the song played. Your song will also play again using different instruments. Contrary to popular belief, this song is not your version of the Scarecrow's Song, but whatever song you recorded with the rear scarecrow.

>99. Like-Likes, ReDeads and Gibdos are valid hookshot targets. The Like-Like in the Shadow Barrier can be used to cross the first gap in the room, which is useful in a minimalist run. An interesting side note: despite the Like-Like being a creature moreso than an undead monster, the Like-Like makes the same kind of undead moaning sound as the ReDead and Gibdo, on top of all three being hookshot targets. (Maybe Like-Likes eat ReDeads and the digestion process is slow...).

>100. ReDeads will always walk towards another defeated ReDead. If allowed to approach the corpse, they will kneel down next to it. ReDeads (and Gibdos) won't notice you if you walk by them slowly. They'll hear you if you draw your sword, however.

>101. If you enter the Gerudo Fortress without the Hookshot or Longshot and you are captured by the guards, you will not be thrown into the prison; instead, you'll be kicked back to the Carpenter's Tent in the valley. It's worth mentioning that the Virtual Console version of the game (and potentially other post-N64 versions) have a glitch in which you can become stuck in the Gerudo prison if you don't have the longshot. The N64 dev team accounted for the possibility of players entering the Gerudo Fortress without the hookshot/longshot, but the team porting the game to the Virtual Console messed something up, clearly.

>102. The guards in Gerudo Fortress have reduced vision during nighttime.

>103. In and around the Gerudo Fortress are several signs and decorations which will produce rupees or items when you shoot them, such as the wooden crescent moon sign you see when first entering the Gerudo's Fortress area from Gerudo Valley, and many of the bovine skull ornaments within the fortress.

>104. Inside the Gerudo Fortress, there is a pot of soup in one of the rooms. Jump in it and you'll receive a red rupee. The soup will burn you, but you can avoid taking damage if you wear the Red Tunic and hop out quickly enough.

>105. At the top of the Gerudo Fortress compound, there is a small lookout which can only be reached by jumping down left from the wooden platform you Longshot up to after being imprisoned, onto a stone landing with a normally-inaccessible doorway. Make your way through the doorway and through the small area within, and you'll reach the lookout. Up there is a single wooden crate. Smash the crate to reveal a big purple rupee. Much like the Kokiri Shop rupee, this rupee will never appear again after being taken. What's more, from this lookout, you can use the Longshot to reach the heartpiece chest on top of the fortress.

>106. After freeing the carpenters in the Gerudo Fortress, you'll be met by a Gerudo warrior. Her clothes will match the color of the tunic Link is wearing.

>107. Outside of the Spirit Temple, there are trees with nuts on them. Shoot the nuts with your bow and a random item will pop out.

>108. It's easy to miss (or simply not pay attention to) but aside from the red, blue and green varities, there is also a "White Bubble" which has no flame. It is found only one place: a single room of the Spirit Temple. It has its own unique Navi hint just like the others do, but it just flies around and spins in mid-air instead of doing anything threatening.

>109. The nipples of the giant statue within Spirit Temple are Hookshot targets. If you touch the very tip of the nipples when hookshotting to them, you will be damaged.

>110. In the same room as the giant statue, there's a platform you'll eventually use to enter a hole in the statute's face, leading to two chambers where you'll fight Nabooru and Twinrova. The large chains suspending this platform are hookshot targets, and you can use the Longshot to reach them from the staircases on either side of the room, saving significant time if you fall off the platform or die during one of the final fights.

>111. The Ice Arrows are more useful than most realize. They not only deal the most damage of any arrow type, but they can freeze blade traps and Armos. Coolest of all, they have a unique effect on the Shadow Temple boss, Bongo Bongo. Shoot one of his hands and it will freeze, forcing Bongo to break the ice with his other hand. Strangely, you cannot even obtain the Ice Arrows without having beaten Shadow Temple first (unless you play the dungeons out of order, or skip keys in the Gerudo Training Ground), making the inclusion of this special effect even more unusual.

>112. Inside the main room of Ganon's Castle, there is a bridge leading into Ganon's Tower. Underneath this bridge is a false wall. Walk through it and you'll find a room filled with fairies floating around, and several Business Scrubs who sell useful supplies.

>113. If you equip the Hover Boots, walking on the platforms in the Fire Barrier won't cause them to descend into the lava.

>114. In the room where you first face the real Ganondorf, some of his attacks can destroy part of the floor. So can you, using the Megaton Hammer or a bomb.

>115. Ganondorf's cloak will become increasingly tattered as you fight him.

>116. You can unequip Adult Link's sword and shield. To unequip the sword, beat Ganondorf, and during the initial phase of the Ganon fight (when you lose the Master Sword), save and quit. When you reload, the Master Sword will no longer be assigned to the B button (so nothing will happen when you press it). The sword will still be in your inventory however, and can be re-equipped like any other such item. To unequip the mirror shield, first equip

>117. During the final battle with Ganon, you can parry his sword slashes with your own blade if you time your strikes just right.

. . .

That's everything for now. I hope you enjoyed reading.
Lot i didn't know after all these years. They crammed lot of stuff in.
Yep, and these are just things that have nothing to do with the main quest or any usual items like skulltulas, heart pieces, etc.
Currently reading and enjoying, but:
>23. There is a Gossip Stone hidden behind the Great Deku Tree (no, not the one next to it, a different one). It is impossible to access without exploits. If read using the Mask of Truth, it will state that any Kokiri who leaves the forest will die, but that one managed to survive. It's unclear if this is a reference to Link (since he not actually a Kokiri), or someone else.
I feel like this is deja-vu, but that gossip stone doesn't require exploits to reach at all. I remember finding and reading that one's "gossip" as a kid.
IIRC you can only reach it by sidehopping as a child multiple times and glitching over or using the hoverboots as adult and doing the same thing
i didn't know a good 30 or so of these. great posts.
Good work, anon. It amazes me that I can still learn new things about this game.

>8. You can change the pitch on your Ocarina by moving the analog stick around. You can also hold R to produce a flat note or Z to produce a sharp note.

I believe the Z and R buttons are reversed in this one
>38. The Beggar will purchase Bugs for 50 rupees, Fish for 100 rupees and Blue Fire for 150 rupees. He will not buy any healing items such as potions or fairies, however.

You could mention that bugs are basically an infinite money glitch as you will always dump three bugs from a bottle, meaning you can catch one and duplicate it by dumping it and catching two
>59. Occasionally, Navi may hover over a small spot on the ground and turn green. This usually indicates that you can play a song near that spot to make a Big Fairy appear. The Big Fairy has no wings and looks like a large orb of bright pink light. Unlike a normal fairy which only restores health, the Big Fairy restores both health and magic power, but it cannot be kept in a bottle. These spots can be found all over the world; even within dungeons. However, the song needed to summon the fairy is different for every spot.
i've heard this is a reference to zelda 1 or zelda 2, where the fairies in those games only heal 8 hearts but also fill up your magic. i know the big fairies in oot don't fill up your health like a small winged fairy, so it could be true, but i never played zelda 1 or 2
>118. If you remove the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Game Pak from the Control Deck, you can play a different game.
Neat list. I figured that drinking a Poe soul always damaged Link, didn't know it was random. Playing Epona's song for adult Malon seems like something I might've done the first time I played the game, then never did again once I found out you don't need to do it to unlock Epona.

I actually found out on my own last year that you could knock the guards out with pots, cause I ran out of arrows at one point while going through the fortress.

This is probably too well known for your list, but when Gohma goes up to the ceiling to lay her eggs, you can shoot her when her eye turns red and she'll fall down. Makes the easiest boss fight in the game even easier.
I loved reading all of these even though I'm not a hardcore fan of this game. I think I found a few errors though.

Number 64 and 116 seem to be incomplete. It seems they end abruptly and maybe this is just an error from trying to copy and paste. However number 97 seems to be a legitimate mistake since it doesn't mention the name of the song you're talking about. It just starts with "This is by far the most useful of the dungeon warp songs" without mentioning specifically what song. Maybe this is obvious to fans of this game, but it isn't obvious to me (someone who doesn't know much about this game).

Lastly, I might have something to add. I don't remember where I read this, but a long time ago I read somewhere that it's impossible to control the RNG in OoT because the developers somehow tied the RNG to the CPU cycles in the N64. Since the CPU does over 90 million cycles per second, it's impossible to run a TAS on real hardware to manipulate drops or whatever RNG you want. So even if you control your inputs frame-by-frame at 30 or 60 fps you will get different RNG. Maybe this isn't as rare as I think and maybe other N64 games do this or even other game consoles.

Good post OP 10/10 would read again
I'm pretty sure you can actually walk pretty far into the Deku Tree's roots just enough to be able to make these jumps
>However number 97 seems to be a legitimate mistake since it doesn't mention the name of the song you're talking about. It just starts with "This is by far the most useful of the dungeon warp songs" without mentioning specifically what song. Maybe this is obvious to fans of this game, but it isn't obvious to me (someone who doesn't know much about this game).
hes talking about serenade of water
#64 seems incomplete, the text cut
#97 is missing the song's name. It's obvious, but yeah
#116 also cuts out
Wasn't this all copied from a youtube channel
I messed up a few when copying off my spreadsheet, yeah. 64 should say, "you can also watch the shadows of the cuccos to guess where they land". 97 is serenade of water, and 116 should end with "first equip the Hylian Shield, then let a Like-Like eat you. The Hylian Shield will be lost (unless you kill the Like-Like and pick it back up, obviously), and the Mirror Shield will need to be re-equipped."
I don't know what you're referring to but I've been posting this list since 2017. It's very likely somebody who lurks /vr/ used my list to make a video though. It makes for easy content.
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> I read somewhere that it's impossible to control the RNG in OoT because the developers somehow tied the RNG to the CPU cycles in the N64.
I'd believe it. Enemies can drop some very random stuff in very random amounts. There is a predictable list of what they drop (pic related), but what actually causes those items to drop, yep, there doesn't seem to be a way to predict it.
>7. You can swim faster by quickly tapping the B button, even though there is no prompt telling you this.
are you going to dilate about this again like you did last time?
>getting this triggered when your faggot list of tutorial hints is criticized
not op i just remember you doing this same thing in the last thread. you also got upset about the throwing pot thing because you havent actually played the game and didnt realize how rare it would be to even find pots near enemies. find a better use of your time than shitting up good threads you retarded ass clown. last (you) from me
this is literally the first time i've seen this garbage
stop acting like you're some persecuted victim being stalked
OoT has so many odd little secrets. It adds to the mystery, it's easy to imagine that something like the unicorn fountain is still hidden away somewhere.
sadly datamining has pretty much killed hopes for anything like that, but the good news is that despite the game's code being blown open, that doesn't mean what's in the code is fully documented. some guy sifting through the data might see something like "red rupee located at coordinate 36y -1.0445x" or whatever but that information won't actually tell that it's a secret, where exactly to find it, or what to do to get it. so in a way there are still secrets to be found so long as there are individual actions and rewards to be documented.
the real oddity is how so many people are still hung up and fascinated by this game and their nostalgia for it. like most of the n64, it does not hold up very well. the lofty, untouchable, unassailable pedestal that their autistic, obsessive zealotry has put this game on is the true wonder here.
>tfw you see anyone enjoying an N64 game ever
>but a long time ago I read somewhere that it's impossible to control the RNG in OoT
The game does generate a new seed with the system time every time a scene is loaded, as you can see in the source code:


But as far as I know otherwise, the game's RNG is primitive and predictable once the game is running and there's nothing preventing RNG manipulation if you can figure out what the sRandInt value is.

I trust this anon's vast OoT knowledge a bit more than yours, anon. Why don't you to there and check before you say something like, "I'm pretty sure..." after he just spewed out 117 super obscure tidbits on the game.
To be fair, Majora's Mask gives the prompt for this particular trick.
Why dont you contribute to the project by going there and trying it before saying "nope not allowed :o)" Have you spent so much time leeching that you don't realize you can be a part of something?
The Longshot can be used to stun Ganon if you're out of Light Arrows. It won't be nearly as long as an arrow to his face, but it'll give just enough of an opening to loop around to his tail if you're fast.
Because I don't have a save file on the ready to test it out right now, but someone in the thread might
Because OP is just flat-out wrong about it being "impossible to access without exploits"
You can boot it up yourself
Turns out I had a save right at Gohma, so there it is. You can do it as child link
>what? no, it's not impossible without exploits
>you just have to walk up a particular part of the tree and then backflip over an object
i bet you're actually retarded enough to say backflipping over shit isn't an exploit. i'd bet money on you being retarded enough to say it, in fact.
unironically no u
It's clearly the developer intended way to get in
>the developer intended you to use exploits
>therefore it is inaccessible without exploits
fair enough
using links acrobatics is not an exploit, smoothbrain
so bombing yourself to get over an obstacle isn't an exploit either then? it's just using link's physics brah
>holding back and pressing A is... le exploit!
you seem so mad for not having the wonder and sense of exploration to have found that gossip stone yourself, when you were a kid. sad.
>anti OoT faggot just stirring the pot again
don't you ever get tired?
It's weird, because, while using links A button moves to get over the gap is clearly the intended way, if you are supposed to be able to access the place, it's weird that it's the only place you're 'supposed' to access that doesn't let you jump naturally.

That makes it really cool though, because it means it remains one of those almost 'out of bounds' feeling places that makes you question if there are other things hidden in 'my Dad works at Nintendo' feeling places in the game, making it more full of mystery.
you're right, and that's probably exactly why they made it like that so it would be difficult to get to. the point though is that OP is right, you can't just walk right into it or use some item like hookshot etc. to reach it easily. it requires an exploit. that's what makes it a good secret.
you can backflip over fences too, conveniently placed around the Forest Training Center where a boy teaches you how to backflip
is backflipping over the fences an exploit, sir re'tarde?
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the kid is teaching you basic combat moves, one of them is the backflip. you know, to use in combat.
>this same location has fences nearby (you can easily climb over, or just walk through), so clearly the developers intended for you to awkwardly backflip over them (which doesn't even work unless you're in an exact spot near them)
i know you're just the anti OoT fag pulling your usual jew tricks, but the scary part is that there's a small chance you're being serious and are actually this retarded
lurk more post less
The point is that there are ledges that cause you to auto jump, which the fences in the Training Center are, and those that don't and which you have to jump manually over to do that at all. This is just the only time in the game where doing this to get somewhere 'odd' actually leads to an intractable hidden object you're intended to actually find.
>i know you're just the anti OoT fag pulling your usual jew tricks
nigger i'm a fan of the game and played it religiously as a kid. there's nothing "exploitive" about circling around the deku tree's roots and backflipped over the very last one concealing a secret that developers intended for the most adventurous to find.
He's not being serious, he's just trying to ruin the thread, because that's what he always does. Link fucked his mom or something, I don't know.
didn't read, try again while attempting to sound white
concession accepted, shitposter-kun
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>be retarded
>post a video proving yourself wrong
>start typing like a bix nood
>le heckin concession accepted lol!
embarrassing frankly.
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Cool thread OP, thanks for sharing. I don't have any secrets per se but I've got some useful tips. Here's this info graph somebody posted one time, very helpful for getting through Haunted Wasteland. Also here's a short guide to beating Water Temple without the bow:

1 Enter dungeon.
2 Drop down to bottom, go through room with two torches outside.
3 Follow Ruto up, play song to lower water.
4 Drop down, light the two torches, get key #1 from inside the room that opens.
5 Exit room, go back into the main room and push the gerudo block on the bottom level, leading to the dragon water room with key #2.
6 Warp outside the dungeon and re-enter.
7 Jump down onto the second level.
8 Open the locked door on this level by lighting the torch next to it with Din's Fire.
9 Raise water level to middle.
10 Grab key #3 from the bottom of the central tower.
11 Go back outside the tower, grab key #4 from bombable wall room on second level (in the same area as where you met Ruto).
12 Swim back to the surface of the central room, hookshot up to top level, jump to song platform.
13 Raise water to highest level.
14 Go through top locked door, kill Dark Link, get the longshot.
15 Warp back outside and re-enter again.
16 Go down to torch room and lower water to bottom again.
17 Proceed to the room on the bottom level where you need to longshot past spikes to a locked door.
18 Open this door, proceed through the area therein and get the boss key.
19 Grab it, warp outside one more time, re-enter and head to Morpha!
There's a sign in Zora's Domain I think that tells you about this.
if you get the giant's wallet before going to ice cavern you can buy blue fire early, unfreeze king zora for the tunic so you don't need to backtrack after the dungeon and can warp straight from ice cavern to water temple.

also if you have more than one bottle there's only like 2 places you actually need blue fire to beat ice cavern so you can technically just buy all the blue fire you need beforehand and will never even need to collect any from the dungeon itself. you can get the money for this easily by selling fish from the grotto behind the kakariko shop to the beggar and then buying the blue fire from the same shop. takes like 3 mins to fully stock up and you can blow through ice cavern.
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>spamming his thread for over 10 years
And you've been seething about it for over 10 years, apparently. Honestly, contrary to what some of these guys say, I don't think you're even a troll; I think you legitimately do like the game and you're angry that someone else liked it more than you, to the point where they actually had the initiative to document interesting stuff while you huffed your own farts and pretended to have elder god knowledge of the game. Basically, OP proved he knew more than you and loved the game more than you, and you've been butthurt about it for years, so you have to belittle what he's doing to make yourself feel better about being the beta.

Your whole pattern is predictable:
>thread gets posted every 6 months or so
>some people learn new things
>some people contribute new things
>everybody has fun until some retarded faggot with a 3 inch erection shows up to tell you that the list is gay and you should feel bad
>singles out the most basic examples he can find like swimming or the pots to create easy arguments despite OP outright saying he includes the most well-known stuff for posterity, and there being tons of entries on the list that 99.9% of people would never find
Over and over and over, you just never stop. You can never let anyone enjoy the thread. You just rub your greasy little hands and scan over every word with your beady little eyes waiting for the perfect moment to expose your anus to everyone while laughing gleefully. It has become beyond sad and I genuinely believe you need empathy and compassion to overcome whatever mental sickness causes you to act this way.
Maybe they were big Marathon fans.
>so buttmad he forgets how to sage on /vr/
hearty kek
Guys please don't allow that dude to ruin the thread, just ignore him and continue posting cool stuff.
I like this one and I'll add an abbreviated version to the list.
This pretty much proves that alternate dungeon orders were intended/expected. Why would they bother adding this if they thought you'd DEFINITELY have the longshot before getting here?
Based anon, actually doing something
kek you're so dumb it's almost clever
oot being linear is the most laughable shit i've ever heard and i've only ever heard die hard zelda hate spergs on /vr/ try to argue it, only to get blown out every single time. this isn't even the most obvious example
>uhhh well yeah we left the entrance to ice cavern open with absolutely nothing preventing you from going in, we just assumed nobody would eveeer think of going there before forest temple
>xir is back at it again
Webm related, you every time OP makes this thread
>webm related
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Forgot to upload, was stunned by anon's blinding gayness
Nice thread, it's good to see an updated description of whats actually on it.
Your list is lackluster with a few really cool tidbits, dont get so assmasd when someone calls out your shit. I know youre trying and it's working but you can't please all the people all the time.
Bad reply, shut your goofy ass down and shut up.
Oot has non linear gameplay elements but isn't overall as non linear as og Zelda is. But they both have static plotlines, which is isn't a non linear game. Oot has a bunch of cool little things from other genres, but it's not based around those aspects. It has minor RPG mechanics, but it's not based around standard RPG mechanics. Just as it has non linear elements but the game isn't based on non linear plot lines or multiple endings, which is what comes to mind when one thinks of non linear games. It has a handful of divergent paths in the middle of the game that all lead to the same ending. Elite is a true non linear game, new Vegas is a good example as well, so is daggerfall. All of them have open ended gameplay with divergent plotlines and are created around those aspects.
this is a non-linear reply jesus
>this amount of samefagging because you got banned for being a faggot
The logical conclusion here would be to stop being a faggot
>isn't overall as non linear as og Zelda is
I don't hear people claim it is, but it IS less linear than the whole rest of the series was up til ALBW, and that really shouldn't be controversial.

>the game isn't based on non linear plot lines or multiple endings,
What you mean is it doesn't FORCE you to make decisions that LOCK YOU OUT of content, and hence make you replay the game to have different things happen in it. It doesn't have branching path structures in that sense, but the idea that a game that lets you skip the bottom of the well, getting Epona etc. or conversely go to Gerudo Valley ASAP once you become an adult and re-route your whole playthrough around these kinds of things is 'linear' is an abuse of the term.
>OoT isn't as non-linear as OG Zelda because muh dungeons
...even though it has 10x more items, actual quests that can be done at any time, puzzles with multiple solutions that aren't just "bomb wall", and a much larger world with a greater degree of scope and interactivity, not to mention warp songs and shortcuts (all of which, of course, do not contribute to linearity, because uh, uh some faggot one day decided dungeon orders are the only thing that determine linearity)
>a game is only reeeally non-linear if it has multiple endings n' stuff
who would've thought oblivion was a linear game, whoa
>descends into meaningless word soup about RPGs or something
please shut the fuck up
I did the math one time and the original Zelda 1 has something like 850ish orders in which you can play the dungeons. OoT has several thousand. When people say Z1 is less linear than OoT, they should really say "for the first half of the game", because OoT has more dungeons than Z1 and actually has more ways to complete them, it's just that the child dungeons are so restrictively ordered that most people write it off. Those same people also like to forget that several dungeons in Z1 also had item gates, and no, you could not just beat any dungeon from the beginning of the game.

tl;dr: OoT is quite possibly the least linear game in the series outside of BotW, dungeons and content alike.
You're trying too hard, Gomez.
>but the idea that a game that lets you skip the bottom of the well, getting Epona etc.
Yeah the optionsl epona part is cool and I never said it didn't have non linear parts, I said the game doesn't revolve around a non linear plot and only uses non linear gameplay sometimes. My gripe is the overuse of terms like non linear, not just for oot but lots of games that only use a few instance of non linearity. Then they get described as being a non linear game, which isn't true.

Yes oblivion and most tes games are linear in plot scope, daggerfall has something like 5 different endings. that is a non linear game in both plot and gameplay, from begining to end. Oot has a bunch of cool things to do, and that lends to what I said. Oot has some non linear gameplay.

>I did the math one time
Yeah, that would actually be nice to see if it was accurately equated, though, I doubt you did any such thing.
These are some really cool secrets/tips. I wish the game was harder so there was a reason to take advantage of a lot of this stuff, though. I never knew about big fairies.
>5 different endings
>all canon
>Yeah, that would actually be nice to see if it was accurately equated, though, I doubt you did any such thing.
not him but he might have been telling the truth. this blog came up with a similar number for LoZ1 at 872 orders.
it says only 55 for OoT (which still makes it one of the least linear games in the series), but there's more to it than that.
>#1 the guy is basing his 872 LoZ1 orders on the potential to sequence break by entering a dungeon, retrieving the item and then going to another dungeon, but he isn't doing the same thing for OoT (which you absolutely can do) -- very greasy
>#2 he completely neglects to account for how you can swap dodongo's/jabu jabu (not that many people would, but still)
>#3 he doesn't include gerudo training ground
>#4 he doesn't realize you can beat water temple first
considering a single additional dungeon would make the number of potential orders explode, the inclusion of several dungeons along with sequence breaks would absolutely put the potential orders in the thousands.
but that's because it isn't accounting for certain things like you can technically swap dodongo's/jabu (which may seem unrealistic but this guy is basing his 872 LoZ1 orders on equally unrealistic sequence breaks so it only seems fair to do the same for both).
Just do a minimalist run
>3 hearts
>no optional items
>no upgrades
>no shield until mirror
>go for 0 deaths if you're really nuts
OoT unironically becomes Dark Souls when you play like this.
There now are multiple hacks that change up the combat significantly to make it legitimately much harder. You can play those if you really want to experience the nuances of what it offers.
>do this exact challenge
>heh, this is easy...
>get to shadow temple
>holy shit i don't have the lens of truth what the fuck do i do
>fumble around, come up with tricky shit like shooting hookshot at the moving invisible platforms in the big cavern area to see where the floors are and timing jumps
>finally make it to the boss
>wow that was gay, at least the boss will be easy
>bongo bongo one-shots me
>have to do everything again, get on the boat, fight the two stalfos (who can also one shot you), and get through the room with the invisible platforms right before the boss door... again
>get raped many times before i actually pull it off because one single mistake is insta-death
>make it from wasteland/spirit to ganon's tower with little issue
>fight ganondorf
>one single missed swing against his energy orbs and you're back to babyville
>finally hill him
>surely ganon will be easy!
>oh wait, even though you killed ganondorf, you also have to make it through the crumbling tower (while fighting stalfos again who can one-shot you, surrounded by burning objects, on a timer)
>get raped a couple times more
>finally get to ganon
>he's 10x worse than ganondorf
>can one-shot you yet again, and because you have no upgrades, you run out of all your goodies quickly and have to rely on limited items in the arena
>he takes like 100 hits to kill (and if you die, you start from the crumbling tower all over again)
>get raped another ten dozen times
>try for several days in a row
>almost lose hope
>never give up, trust your instincts etc.
>wake up one day and push myself to be better
>strategize and tryhard bigly
>suddenly i'm clearing the entire pre-ganon sequence in 10 minutes with not one hit, get to ganon and rolling under his legs to hit his tail with the hammer, stunning with him hookshot to strafe for a hit with a 0.5 margin of error, etc.
>finally conquer the faggot
>sink my master sword into his gay head
i felt like a million dollars at the end.
I don't care a lot about the game itself but I enjoyed skimming this list
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You guys joke about this stuff, but in Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts you can buy hints from Bottles. He has one hint called "Stop n' Swop Truth", but it costs 6000 notes to buy and there are only 1900 in the whole game. Some dude hacked the game to give himself 6000 notes to buy it and they actually put a real response in for it, which said, "I'd tell you, buy then I'd have to kill you".
Sounds like it's time for a little adventure in Hyrule, bud.
It's always fun to see how the developers account for hackers doing things they're not supposed to.
>play legit copy of game on original hardware
>devs put content in game that you can only see by pirating and/or emulating
>tfw you realize you didn't get the full developer-intended experience and thus technically did not beat the game
OoT TASes can manipulate RNG just fine, people have played back TASes on real N64 hardware before. If anyone's saying OoT's RNG can't be manipulated they mean in real time for like speedruns and such, since yeah it's way too complex for a human player to even think about trying.
If you think of this as a "don't get hit run" it's really not that hard.

>holy shit i don't have the lens of truth what the fuck do i do
>fumble around, come up with tricky shit like shooting hookshot at the moving invisible platforms in the big cavern area to see where the floors are and timing jumps
Good thinking. Randomizers put you in situations where you have to think outside the box like this. I highly reccomend them if you want to get a lot more usage out of oot's gameplay.
This is so convoluted though. I’m not on board for this for both oot and loz. If sequence breaking is needed at all then it’s not really intended. Some of the sequence breaks sure, but it’s starts to become glitch territory. This is when the ability to talk about this game realistically ceases.
Why are you collecting lies?? lmao
>The graphics were, for its time, amazing. I remember as a kid, back in 1998, getting out of Kokiri Forest and having my eyes just pop out at how expansive Hyrule Field is. It was amazing. Nowadays, the graphics for this game are less impressive and the world actually feels very dead at times. There are barely any enemies in Hyrule Field and when there are, it’s at only the beginning of the game. It felt like there could have been more here.

OOT is unplayable today
I know, it's horrible.

cringe contrarianism is gay, type less like a fag ok
>If you think of this as a "don't get hit run" it's really not that hard.
spoken like somebody who has never actually done it
Haha I knew it was you. Don't worry, anon. Your three heart run is very impressive :)
you feeling okay?
Pretty sure the same guy who does this in zelda threads is the same one who shits up timesplitters and halo threads
knew a lot of this stuff but some things legitimately surprised me. i thought the discount on the shield was fixed at 20 rupees for some reason but it really does fluctuate. weird.
Having lots of enemies in Hyrule field is one of those things people think they want, but would hate in practice. All it would do would make walking across the thing even more tedious. Having only those floating ghosts as enemies in the field after the time skip is actually a smart move since they don’t slow you down. They also help make the world feel more bleak once Gannon comes to power.
>no shield until mirror
You have to get the Hylian Shield to climb Death Mountain as a kid. The rocks literally home in on kid Link and can't be dodged.
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you can walk backward and outpace them lol
both of these are unnecessary. you can make it through by just rolling straight forward with 3 hearts and 0 healing items. even if you're too shit to do this, you can just bottle a fairy. the hylian shield is 100% unneeded for the entire game, it just makes life easier.
he's cheating!
So it's a typical three heart challenge (not practice runs with fairies) but without the lense of truth? Big deal. Big deal. Play a rando and chances are you'll be doing shadow temple or haunted wasteland IN REVERSE without the lense
>OOT is unplayable today
only for idiots. People with taste can play it just fine.
Dins fire is optional if you get the redead to yell at you as the indiana jones wall is closing in on you in the shadow temple.
you need dins fire to even get into shadow temple bro. it can be done with fire arrows too but its much harder. you need cant beat the game without one or the other
I would like to see it done with fire arrows
yea you can sidehop to it pretty easily
if they really didnt want you back there, they wouldve made it a slippery slope. slippery slopes have special properties that wont allow you to jump while youre over them, not even with glitches like hovering
this was done multiple times throughout the games levels
but it wasnt done here, and they put a creepy gossip stone back there. its an easter egg, but it definitely seems pretty intended to me, especially given how loaded OoT is with easter eggs
it looks pretty tight, but honestly a lot more doable than i expected
iirc they home in on directly in front of you
thats why backwalking works
>haunted wasteland IN REVERSE without the lense
i had to do that once
had almost nothing, but had magic and nayrus love
turns out nayrus love actually cuts the health loss of getting lost in half. super helpful when i was trying to brute force the path
felt like such a badass for figuring that one out thankfully i knew about the backwalking over the sand pit on the other side or idve been so bummed lol
like, even people who literally only play OoT almost never use nayrus love
you dont need to backwalk at all so who cares
Mods are for fags
Low iq take
No, no... actually, you are the one with a low intelligence quotient. As previously established, you are also a fag (since you use mods), making you a dumb faggot. What now, dudefriend?
I cringed hard.
Heh... looks like you got filtered. You should have expected this when you addressed a man with a bigger penis. Try harder next time, queerchild.
Have any opinions to go with that verbal diarrhea?
>Evidence A: ur dumb
>Evidence B: ur GAY
Now address this rock solid hypothesis, or please, let us get on about our night.
Best game ever
>he doesn't play the entire game with only boss heart containers and bare minimum gear and then go back after beating ganon to get all the collectibles and optional items
>boss hearts
This is bait
>>116. You can unequip Adult Link's sword and shield. To unequip the sword, beat Ganondorf, and during the initial phase of the Ganon fight (when you lose the Master Sword), save and quit. When you reload, the Master Sword will no longer be assigned to the B button (so nothing will happen when you press it). The sword will still be in your inventory however, and can be re-equipped like any other such item. To unequip the mirror shield, first equip
This was fixed in Ver 1.2.
The actual way to do this is clearing the game with 3 hearts, and then going back to get everything except the boss containers.
it's more fun to play without boss hearts
my reasoning is this
>obviously not a challenge run since OoT is already easy when playing normally
>just want to clear the game and then have fun exploring and collecting goodies
>if you leave the boss hearts, you'll just spend tons of time wandering through empty dungeons you already cleared
obviously you'll have to go back for skulltulas and shit anyway (if you literally leave everything optional alone the first to round) but going back purely to the boss rooms will just add tons of time spent doing nothing either way
>Fishing Hole rules:
>No Sinking Lures
>No littering
>No running
>No casting at anyone
These are all hints: no sinking lure because there's a lure you can find, no running because you might find it by running around all over, and no casting at anyone because you can steal the fisherman's hat... but what about littering?
It's probably just referring to the fact that you can lose the hat in the pond after snagging it.
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master craftsman's son used to come to the fishing hole. he wouldn't pay to fish, just sit, drink cheap hylian beer and brood and stew about how totally laaame mom and dad are. he would get into quite a mood and throw beer cans and spill loose tobacco everywhere while rolling cigarettes, so the owner threw him out and added that rule. that's why he's so depressed and ends up an hero'ing in a forest filled with flute-playing tar babies and moles that shoot nuts.
Big if true
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Is the wolfos you fight in the sacred forest meadow the only overworld enemy (not counting grottos etc) that never respawns after being killed? I can't think of another one.
Think so
can you kill the composer brothers ghosts more than once? I forget
Do what Super Mario Broth does on twitter & compile them into an account. If you don't, some fagot Youtuber is just going to copy all your hard work. It's not like you OWN this trivia, but that's what's gonna happen eventually.
did you make this? Its cute
Yeah, I saw anon's post and it inspired me so I shit that out in a few minutes. It is now my official headcanon.
It's okay, I don't care. It's not like I made the game or anything, and half of the list was contributed by other people so most of the work has been done for me. I just enjoy talking about the game in my spare time, and if somebody else enjoyed my list enough to read the entire thing and copy it so they could make money off of it, then hell, good for them.
Just make a pastebin, retard.
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That is a man
it does look like there could be an adam's apple there but it could just be the angle. we need further proofs
That is a chick named Sarah Quillian who does a bunch of cosplay bullshit. You can't even look at actual women without seeing fags anymore. Take a break from the internets bro.
idk why but i like grog (craftman's son)
Pretty good thread, bros. I've added a couple new entries to the list and modified a few existing ones due to additional provided information by you guys. Thanks for your contributions, as always. Let's try to think up some more cool stuff. We haven't had a single one of these threads yet where I didn't learn something new, and I guarantee there's more cool stuff out there waiting for us.
>sulks around shirtless all day
>gives literally 0 fucks about anyone or anything
>just gets high on shrooms and whatever other shit he keeps in his bags
>just decides to leave society one day and move innawoods
he's relatable
have you seen her lady parts? no? then shut the fuck up

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