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This is a niche but fun genre. I've been trying to get into M1 Tank Platoon II and I think I may be too brainlet for it. Armored Fist 3 is a fun action-sim-type game though.
tank racer 1999
Pop'n Tanks! (1999)
M1 Tank Platoon, Series (1989)

these have some in them or am i misremembering?
Shogo Mobile Armor Division (1998)
Battlezone, Series (1998)
Uprising, Series (1997)
The 1980 original is about tanks. 1998 game is an RTS that happens to have (hover)tanks in it.
you can always easily recognize Novalogic games.

Never tried this one.
Theres a few good ones on PS2 (Tank Elite & Search And Destroy) and DS. Also Check out Panzer Front

It's decent, controlls can be a bit slow
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I like Panzer Front bis.
Novalogic games tend to take the approach "Quantity over quality", since they always have 40+ missions in all of them. Which I honestly don't mind. Please, if you're going to give me an arcadey experience, make sure it at least has enough content to cover every angle of it instead of a short forgettable 2 hour long experience.
I'm baffled by the hate that Battletanx gets. It's certainly not a sim but it's a fantastic vehicle combat game. The campy apocalypse story where 99% of women are killed by disease and the men form tank gangs to fight over the world's remaining pussy is great and would make for a good graphic novel. The campaign is fun and very replayable on higher difficulties and the multiplayer is top tier.
Probably for the reason you just highlighted. The lore is more interesting than the gameplay.
Novalogic made some fun games to play with the joystick controllers. All the Armored Fists, F-16/22s, whatever the helicopter game was called
Comanche. And also Werewolf vs. Comanche.
I played the shit out of Battletanx 64.
Yea, they certainly did, before they killed themselves through death by drowning in Delta Force titles.
That's not at all what I said. The gameplay is tight, like a more strategic twisted metal and more polished. Things like switching between different types of tanks on your team and postitoning them to set up flank maneuvers work really well. You have on rails goliath tanks to defend your queen lord at your base, and your enemies have them too so sometimes you have to abandon your attempt at their queen and assume control over your goliath to stop an attack. The gameplay is surprisingly deep.
>there's an entire site dedicated solely to tanksims


>with a review that calls it amongst the cream of the crop for tanksims
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I remember playing this against bots somewhere around 2004. Nice little timewaster.
What do you like about it, anon?
Heh, used to park my tank on the very edge of the map and have bots fly over my head and off the map to their doom.
Good times.
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>game seems fun
>noone else to play with
every single time
Battle City
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Recwar is godlike retro freeware made by a college dude in the Netherlands back in 2002
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Hovertank 3D is a game

There's also Battlecorps and RDF for SEGA CD but they're more challenging imo
I always forget this game exists but it's really fun
looks nice
This. I never actually owned Battletanx, but my brother and I rented it from blockbuster all the time. The multiplayer was great—all the modes were pretty fun, and gun buddies were cool. Without multiplayer, I don’t think it would’ve kept me interested as long as it did.
This filtered me so hard
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Namco's Assault in the arcade was my favorite twin stiick tank game of all time. It controlled great and the tank could fucking roll side to side to dodge, on top of the normal catepillar track controls.

You could also use launch platforms that sent the tank high in the sky to fire down on enemies on the other side of mountains and buildings. The 1980s sprite scaling was used well.

You could also pull the joysticks in opposite directions to transform the tank into an artillary mode that fired a powerful nortar type shot using a targeting reticle. It had fantatic range of gameplay for an 80s tank game.

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Namco leads the charge.
>1980 - Tank Battalion
>1985 - Battle City
>1987 - Blazer
>1988 - Assault
>1991 - Tank Force
Forgot some.
1993 - Cyber Sled
1994 - Cyber Commando
1996 - Tokyo Wars
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Does picrel count? Playing the Dreamcast version as a way to see what it could do.
I think i first played it when I was like 7 and didn't realize you could mix bullets until I was 9.
Lol just found out, there is a T72 sim game as well.
Now I'm sure the game became very obsolete after the findings of the russo chimpout.
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This one was cool
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It's not great but I had fun
tanks didn't get good until damage models in the 2010s

the older ones are just bland remakes of Battlezone, shit your divorced dad would find in a bargain bin
M1 Tank Platoon 2. It's a pretty complex sim.
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name three (5) good tank games that aren't divorced dad slop
No, first you have to justify that your standards aren't retarded.
HOLY SHIT, memory unlocked. I played this on MAME like 20 years ago. Such a cool game.
>divorced dad slop
you mean the divorced dad mark of excellence?
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Great little game, this one.
Does anyone know the name of this theme song? I know the victory song is The Army Goes Rolling Along.
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Fun arcade type of gameplay
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How realistic do you need your tank vidya? Steel Reign is all about them tanks but it is no sim.
I like realistic movements, physics, and some degree of realism in regards to your tactical options, like including telescoping sights, night vision, thermal imaging, changing round types, and if possible, including active defensive measures like smoke grenades.
Now that the dust has settled, is SWIV/Firepower 2000 the, dare I say it, quintessential divorced dad slop-em-up tankformer thoughsoever core? Or is it Blaster Master?
it's not worth the current loose price of $18 compared to what you could temporarily license on Steam
Veteran mode tank controls is kinda tricky at first, but actually fun once i got used to it.
Trying to flee / hide from enemy Panzer fire is very nerve wracking.
Trying to kill enemy Panzers is very difficult, but it's very satisfying once i got it.
Thus feels rewarding when i finally finish a mission.
Charming low budget PS1 game that i very recommend.

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