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> Some standalone emulators support netplay some don't
> Some support overlays
> Some support cheats
> Some support achievements
> Some support shaders
> Some support game library databases
> Picrel supports all of the above in a neat multi-platform single software package

Developer drama notwithstanding, is there any real reason to use a standalone emulator for 5th generation consoles and older? Granted, it's shit for anything newer than 5 gen, and the UI is not the best, but I still fail to see why anyone would rather choose standalone emulators when they can use Retroarch.
>Is there any real reason to use a standalone emulator for 5th generation consoles and older?
It's impossible to talk about it here without generating asshurt. That's about it, it's what I use for emulation nowadays because I'm too lazy to have separate emulators. I also haven't bothered trying to emulate past 5th gen yet, so I'm fine.
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Even normalfags are starting to steer clear from RA.
FBNeo core is shit for no supporting LUA scripts, cores dropping core features is a common issue with no solution in sight. RA's library capabilities are archaic and mogged violently by every frontend. Similarly, most netplay solutions within it are ass. Getting RA to an usable state involves evoking it with another frontend, at which point I can just make that load the superior standalones with the same effort, I'll only resort to it in edge cases when not given any other choice like 15hz output and ARM ewaste.
> DuckStation


> I am well aware of how licenses work. That's why I changed, to make it very clear and a deterrent due to certain parties violating the old license, by not attributing and stripping my copyright.

In other words:

> I licensed my code under GPL without understanding what that meant and now I'm angry at people making derivatives

DuckStation is great software, let alone a great emulator. But you cannot license your software under GPL and then complain when people make use of the rights granted by the license. That'd be like licensing your code under MIT and then complain when corporations use your code without giving you any money for it.
Duckstation isn't the only emulator out there you know
I know. I bring it up because its developer is one of the people that's vehemently opposed to RA, and has been for quite a while now. And having seen his opinions about the project and of software in general, it seems to be that his problem is with free software (GPL) rather than the actual project itself.
Huh I hadnt noticed DuckStation has taken the top spot for PSX emulators recently. Ill stick with Mednafen/Beetle until I have a reason not to since its still a great emulator and the developer isnt an enormous faggot.

I still use retroarch because its got great controller suppport, I only need one custom Steam input mapping (I stream to my TV), and, while not the best, I can easily use CRT Royale and other shaders. The only reason Im tempted to use standalone is for Reshade. I dont pay attention to dev drama, is it likely to cause significant problems for the project?
Outside of those features not being particularly appealing to me to use it as standard, I regularly emulate non-standard systems/computers. For the few cases that retroarch does have a core (the retroarch term) for it, it tends to be outdated and thus lacking in core (the actual word) features. For computer emulators (some of which are multi-emulators themselves), you might have to fiddle with a lot of settings which is just quicker in a standalone window.
1) Mobile phone tier UI for retards. Also yes I know about the taskbar to avoid going through that, except that taskbar just has the most basic stuff and doesn't let you access any settings. Also one day said bar was just gone, I hadn't done anything. The UI is so retarded I ended up only finding how to re-enable it while looking for something else
2) Stupid global controller setting, like if I want to play a Saturn game it asks me to set up "L2" and "R2", then automatically sets some Saturn buttons ot that and doesn't even tell me which
3) I've encounter so many glitches like it genuinely wouldn't let me set some hotkey to the button I wanted, nor would it let me delete the setting altogether to make sure nothing was bound to that setting
3) Playing an NES game with Mesen, won't let me change the NES palette so i'm stuck with some shitty NTSC-U style palette. It also won't let me have square pixels, forcing the stretch to 4:3 no matter the setting
4) Again playing an NES game in Retroarch with Mesen 0.99. Nor the save file neither the savestates are compatible with the actual Mesen 0.99 so you can't go back & forth

Pretty sure I'm forgetting things but this is my experience with Retroarch so far. Literally the ONLY reason I put up with this shit is because of the AI translation service. The day I can find a way to achieve similar AI translation with the press of a button with other emulators is the day I SHIFT+DEL the Retroarch folder with a giant grin on my face
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also for the record I also hate how other emus like PCSX2 and Duckstation are now also doing the mobile phone tier UI for retards

Duckstation is so insulting with its constant messages. You can't do ANYTHING in the settings without the emulator going "HURRR DURR JUST LETTING YOU KNOW WE'RE ASSUMING YOU'RE RETARDED AND DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS DOES" holy fucking shit, shut the fuck up already. If it wasn't for PGXP I would have stuck with mednafen too.
use whatever you like. the only people who are objectively wrong as the people who sperg out about accuracy even though they can't point to a single measurable difference. If it plays the game and has nice features you don't need buzzwords like cycle accurate. People will naturally want to use your emulator.
no, it's far more convenient to just use RA
Most everything that matters supports most features. Stop whining like you've being victimized. Take a breath, go outside, talk to a girl.
Who are you talking to anon? Nobody here is attacking you. You might want to take your own advice. Its gonna be ok
>announcing the arrow hit the mark this badly
is this like literally your first year on 4chan?
closing tab btw, keep hyperventilating if you want
Ofcourse as soon as I type this I try Vagrant Story on Mednafen and its full of glitches and artifacts. Configuring DuckStation now...
>be playing game
>done with it, load another game
>shaders won't work now unless I restart the program
>decide to play with gamepad (dual sense) this time
>load up shader
>gamepad stops working and I have to turn it off and turn it on again
what's with shader fuckery being so troublesome to handle?
you set the shader as a default? i dunno about the controller thing but if stuff is just working I try not to fuck with it. this kinda software used to be a lot more fucky than it is today
>you set the shader as a default?
no, I load it manually because I don't always use the same one

it all began with the latest update, wasn't like this previously, and no matter how much I update everything via online updater nothing gets fixed. I've been saying for months that I should give Ares a try but I'm too lazy to set a multiplatform emulator all over again from zero.
>load it manually
even across consoles? I have a global default CRT one and seperate defaults for handhelds (I have to set them again sometimes if I changed the global).

ah theres your problem. so long as it works I dont update shit, I always get more stuff breaking than anything. I think my retroarch version is 5 years old at this point and I rarely (with extra rare) have problems
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I don't care about any of the drama, or the fact that a lot of people here are very vocal about it, both liking it or disliking it, all I care about is that it's convenient and fits my use case for it quite well, so I'll keep using it and praising it when I think it's good. Also, I love the sleek XMB.
saw a few of his vids, he's a high tier sperg
Based pragmatist
That look like a PGXP issue
I dont have PGXP on

Amazing. My shaders are now broken too, slang files arent recognised at all. They were working fine earlier today. This thread has fucking cursed me.
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Do stand alone emus now have built in shaders?
duckstation has
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A lot of the complaints about RA are completely valid (the worst aspect is probably button mapping which is especially garbage if you want to map keyboard keys) but for me the good aspects outweigh the bad. Every system supporting VRR perfectly is a huge plus and I know stuff like scaling will behave how I want on every system. Also with so many /vr/ systems not using square pixel aspect ratios (in which case integer scaling is useless because it can't be done on both axes), being able to use sharp bilinear with every system is also great
which one wins in a fight?
Hey Daniel
I played VS start to finish on Beetle PSX no issues whatsoever
you're retarded dude
Video games, mods, and related software are mostly made by egocentric autists who still dream of "making it big" and becoming as famous as their childhood idols. This is the entire reason for the fabricated RetroArch "drama", along with normalfags who do not understand what free libre open-source software is.
>Most everything that matters supports most features.
Why settle for most when I can have all? Because it gets in the way of some patreon beggars?
they arent great though but you can use reshade

Im not trying to attack your precious emulator, so why are you attacking me? I had issues, as evidenced, glad you didnt. DuckStation worked practically out the box so Im gonna use that instead
You should try using the KDE plasma system settings panel if you love design consistency so much!
Google recommended this video to me because I watched one video about flatpak bloat on SteamOS.
It's being pumped by the algo to insomniacs like me and it still only has 56k~ views.
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>Supports using Retroarch shaders, Retro Achievements, and Screenscrapers for both Libretro cores and standalone emulators
>Can even launch bat scripts and Windows executables for the handful of niche emulators it's missing (Primehack, AM64DS, MelonPrimeDS, etc.)
>More customizable themes
>The BGM doesn't lag the UI for no fucking reason
>Works effortlessly on a portable drive by default

What's the catch? Is picrel endgame for emulation?
>the UI is not the best
What? That's the reason why I use RetroArch. It supports conbtrollers correctly. Standalone emulators are usually retarded when it's about supporting controllers.
You cannot use save games from the Internet like it's been for many a moon, in retroarch. My phantasy star IV save was deleted multiple times somehow so I tried to import a save game that was close to where I was, into retro arch and it's not compatible. Which is retarded because kega fusion can use them. I use retroarch sometimes, but I use standalone wayyyy more. Also, sometimes games will load from a zip and sometimes they just don't, this happens in every core on multiple devices, with revisions of retroarch that were pre installed, I installed, or someone else installed. I'm kinda over it at this point.
Duckstation is good and has been the best for years now but there's the drama. I just use it to play PS1 games.
I have had zero problem copying over saveram (not save states) files into where retroarch stores them, from other emulators such as Snes9x. A lot of emulators for the same system use the same normal save file formats. Don't try to load savestates between them since that is typically not the same..
Well I've had a helluvah headache trying to figure out why my phantasy star IV and only my phantasy star IV saves are being deleted at random. On top of not being able to use the save files that have been available for years, it's shit and fuck you why did you ever reply to me? To rub it in my face that it works for you?stupid fucking nothing person
if we start getting competing front-ends I'm gonna give up and go standalone, that shit will be bad for the consumer in the end
>youtube promos featuring switch emulation
are they trying to kill us
It's not even a competing frontend per se. It uses retroarch under the hood for all the 5th gen and below stuff. So it's more like a frontend for a frontend.
I've had the same experience as that anon with save files not being compatible with the original emulator retroarch is running, and with other emulators than Fusion

Like, every emulator I've tried in my life the save files were not only cross compatible with other emulators but also real hardware through flashcarts. But here comes retroarch and the save files aren't even compatible with the *SAME* emulator it's running. How the fuck is that even possible except as an intended "fuck you".
i doubt its intentional, the libretro forkers are probably just retarded, but all the same it is making me reconsider using retroarch at all, especially for 5th gen and up.
Stop promoting your mediocre video, Jamal.
I mostly stick to retroarch for everything but when I need to mess with sprites / layers / checking memory etc then I gotta get the standalone versions.
There are a lot of emulators that if you check the standalone they have way more options and extras that you wouldn't have guessed. I wondered why when emulators make the jump to retroarch they lose that stuff but I guess it would be a ness to navigate on retroarch UI, also not many people need those tools.
Zsnes for life, baby. Don't even need to configure anything outside file directories and what your screen's aspect ratio is.
There's Ares now, but aside from that RetroArch is the way to go for anything up to PS1 or Dreamcast. Nothing cozier than having it setup on my TV

Notice how he is specifically talking about GameCube and PS2
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Agreed. I'll never get the "RetroArch's UI is... LE BAD" people. Are you seriously getting filtered by an UI? Oh, it's built with controllers in mind? Well, yes, you have one in your hands I suppose, or are you playing with your keyboard? It's just a different approach to most emulators so these people think it's "wrong" and think it's bad for it to have all the settings you could want within it.

RetroArch's good, and so is its UI.
I don't even get the complaint about the UI being bad for M&KB.
It has a fully fledged desktop interface and config files you can use.

I could fault it on having too many options and menus, so that obscures you from unlocking the full potential until you learn what they do and how to enable them I guess.
>getting filtered by a menu
I use Emulation Station on my Steam Deck and Pi, which uses RA on its back end. As far as actually playing games, it works fine. ES feeds it the ROM and it’s off. It’s even improved the default settings over the years, such as actually saving your save to disk by default so you don’t lose hours of progress when RA crashes.

My main problem with RA is the UI. It took me 20 minutes and googling to figure out how to change the menu shortcut because instead of saving settings as you change them or on exit, RA requires you to manually save them in a separate menu. I had to set up shaders on every load because the menu option to save your settings is misleadingly labeled “Save Preset”, which implies you want to save a new preset like the ones RA comes with. If you want a CRT or analog filter, there’s options in both the settings and shaders menus that are managed separately from one another.

Controls can be another issue since RA assumes a 4 face button layout. Genesis and Turbografx are the only systems I play that don’t use that layout though, so it’s mostly fine for me. I’d never use RA for retro computers though.

Finally, I don’t like when RA has monopolized emulation. RA and mGBA are the only emulators available for Vita when I used it. The Vita never had the vibrant homebrew emulator scene like the PSP and 3DS did.
>requires manual saving
you're gonna struggle with retro
>misleadingly labeled "Save Preset"
it's not misleading, does exactly what it says, and its also got save default, save as core default, etc.
>options in both
pick one
>I'd never use RA for computers
noone does
>RA and mGBA are the only emulators available for Vita
RA isnt an emulator and who the fuck cares about the fucking Vita. not even Sony did. and Vita isnt retro

>emulation on deck
fuck off
Hey Anon, remember when everyone thought putting on their shit on the Internet Archive without alternatives was a good idea and they got surprised when it got taken out and all the shit with it? Centralizing is not an automatically good thing.
but they are right, 95% of the users do not know what they are doing
95% of users need to be told to RTFM or suffer the consequences.
wtf did i say about centralising
Why does RetroArch use srm as save file format? Standalone emulators use different formats.
With every save I’ve tried just renaming the file type from .sav or whatever to .srm works
Normalfags want shit to work with as little fiddling as possible.

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