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Despite having melee options that you can get through most of the games, the series is known for having plentiful ammo. I'm wondering: why?

I don't know if it's a wider audience thing, or if it's just a fail safe. The most efficient way to dispatch a foe is to down it, then kick it to prevent it from getting up. This however, counts as a "killed by fighting" rather than "killed by shooting". Have you ever tried to actually down enemies with only gunfire? You waste a lot of ammo. So players learn the more efficient method. but the game's ammo is balanced around using only firearms.
>You waste a lot of ammo.
You can't "waste" ammo in SH3 as the game has a dynamic ammo system that gives you more ammo if you use it up. Saving up ammo is detrimental in SH3.
Konami wanted to compete with Capcom in the survival horror genre, so their design philosophy on Silent Hill was to make the opposite of Resident Evil:

RE has pre-rendered backgrounds so SH is full 3D
RE uses static lighting so SH has dynamic
RE takes place on one estate so SH is an entire town
RE is gothic/scifi horror so SH is psychological
RE has anime characters so SH has real life ones
RE has limited inventory so SH has unlimited
RE has no melee so SH is melee heavy
RE is tight with resources so SH gives you plenty
the list goes on…
>the series is known for having plentiful ammo
Yes. I typically have 100+ pistol ammo at the end of these games.
I was watching a buddy play this and he somehow ended up at the church with almost no ammo and zero health items.

It's possible to struggle with resources, all of you just play more conservatively.
That's only in a couple spawns that are possible to miss. This isn't RE4 dynamic drops like you make it sound.
This is very common for SH3, especially playing on Hard difficulty. I’ve done it myself, and I’ve seen multiple people end up in that same spot. The fact of the matter is there’s barely any ammo pickups post-Hospital to the end of the game.

OP is full of shit and probably played on Normal difficulty at the hardest, and/or explored every nook and cranny for items ,in which case yeah, of fucking course you’re gonna end up with plenty resources

SH1 and 2 seems to have had more plentiful ammo, but still casual players on Hard mode are gonna have to conserve. SH4 was NOT plentiful on ammo and also had limited inventory.
Interesting theorum, if I do pontificate myself.
I've seen people say they ran out of resources in 4. By the end of the game I had far more supplies than I ever even used throughout the game.
For 1-2 there is so many resources on the city streets that people gloss over. I have only beaten sh3 once, but I would imagine the situation is the same for palevale. So players zip around from one dungeon to the next, and skip over the hidden ammo which bites them in the ass for hard mode.
The first half of SH3 IS just zipping from one dungeon to the other. The only outdoor sections are before the office and after the office, half a road each.
Yeah, but halfway you get to Paleville which has ammo all over. Hard mode makes bosses tanky so you need to actually scrounge for ammo in these modes.

I have replayed 2 countless times do I know you visit paleville twice, which resets ammo. I double checked maps, and both outdoor areas are laden with ammo. I can’t find sh3 outdoor maps and can’t confirm how much ammo is there or if it resets.
imagine how ridiculous they'd make her look in a remake
Silent Hill is like a twisted purgatory, whatever entity or entities are controlling it are manifesting the ammo themselves, or perhaps even the ammo is a manifestation of the player character's willingness to survive. As long as you search for it, some appears. It surely doesn't make sense why there are boxes of ammo everywhere therefore you can safely assume it's part of the manifestation.

Just as well, if the game was melee only it would be pretty drab, and the characters are regular people like you or me, so you need to give them some edge against the horrors they fight.
>Konami wanted to compete with Capcom in the survival horror genre
Then why did they shitcan Team Silent and outsourced the series to Western studios?
>the series is known for having plentiful ammo
Considering that melee wasn't really a reliable option in SH1, I'd say there isn't enough ammo. SH2 gives you just enough to get by imo. More if you manage to do the side quests/optional puzzles.

If you're down on bullets but doing good on health items, you have to resort to using melee weapons. If you are running low on health items, then you avoid getting hit by shooting at enemies from a distance. That's how the resource management aspect of the game works for me at least.
>melee wasn't really a reliable option in SH1
Did you even play the game? You get a Donkey Kong hammer in the hospital the fucking obliterates everything in your path.
Cause they are retarded
You arent good at the game
Because the games flat out didn't sell.
Melee is plenty viable in SH1. The steel pipe is a tremendous upgrade over the knife, and the game may as well roll the credits by the time you pick up the Hammer - nearly every enemy outside of bosses won't be able to lay a finger on you.
Huh, thats interesting. Just done replaying it and thought it got pretty stingy with ammo and health pick ups at the end, to the point i killed God with only a few handgun shots left, but i guess i was just not playing efficiently.
Post a webm of you BTFOing dogs, hobos, and pterodactyls with the hammer that takes 5 hours to swing NOW. Talk is cheap.

I forgot all about this when I made my original post but SH2 has the insane neck snap which lets you kill enemies after 2-3 shots on normal difficulty, so I'm forced to agree with OP. SH1 has this too but it only works with a handful of enemies and it takes more to knock them down.
The original trilogy sold well for the market at the time wtf
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>Konami lets hack writer, Kojima, do whatever he wants for two decades with limitless budgets
>They get rid of Team Silent within the span of 5 years for not meeting their unrealistic expectations
The funny part is that fans of Reddit Gear are still mad with Konami for some reason
He's wrong.
The only one I beat was SH2 on Normal, and by the time I got to the final boss I had tons of healing items and ammo. I think I may have focused too much on the "survival" element of survival horror and been increadibly conservative with resources.
MGS sells, SH doesn't
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RE rocks, so SH sucks
Horses for courses. Killing shit on the street is usually a waste of resources anyway
You played it properly. Now you can replay it with a better idea of what you can get away with and that might get you a different ending
RE focuses on gameplay so SH focuses on story
Meleeing on hard takes awhile as well. I’ll have to count again through an earlier save but the schoolkids took at least five steelpipe hits to take down, and that “melee hit” has a small window.
>dogs, hobos, and pterodactyls
I’m going to miss being chased down once I replay SH2.
Silent Hill also gives you unlimited saves
Good one. Also typewriter vs handwriting
I am digging more into hard mode. I believe the people who whined sh2 was easy only played normal and normal is gimped to be easy. Final boss and pyramid head fights both have a whopping 20k health on hard. Enemies seem more aggressive.

Also, you bump into walls more and the pipe has a new attack and the row boats need both sticks? It seems they used hard for ideas they weren’t certain if but wanted to try out.

My hard run led to me burn all my ammo on the pyramid head fights.
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>I am digging more into hard mode. I believe the people who whined sh2 was easy only played normal and normal is gimped to be easy.
I'm starting to feel the same. I was someone who not only ran around on 'normal' wailing on everything in SH2 but also with "2D controls".
>Also, you bump into walls more and the pipe has a new attack and the row boats need both sticks? It seems they used hard for ideas they weren’t certain if but wanted to try out.
The last week or so was the first time I heard about these differences in difficulty. A big one for melee: On beginner and easy, you can attack without having to be in the "ready" melee stance.
This thread had more translated screens if you're able to pull up archived threads.
Hard mode in 2 turns enemies into damage sponges, so you have to counter this by scouring levels for ammo.
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Yeah, there's a lot of subtle changes that most fan wikis and gamefaqs have not documented but these old guides did. Like there it says that melee weapons on Hard are much easier to make contact with walls and bounce off.

Also you can guard? I thought that was a feature that SH3 added! I think I randomly guarded and didn't put much thought into it.

My take is that hard mode is them putting in features that are experimental and they feared might alienate players. It has a lot of subtle mechanics people ignore.
Compared to the rest of the series, SH3 is really stingy with bullets. During my last playthrough of the series, I remember not getting much ammo from the hospital up until the Alessa fight.
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So enemies have Stamina and Endurance. Stamina is their HP, Endurance is how much damage they take before falling to the ground.

There's also "revival" rate depending on action level. Is this referring to respawn rate?
>MGS sells, SH doesn't
One million sales IS really good for that era. You have to remember devs didn't waste a trillion shekels on mo-cap or realistic visuals back then.
And if Konami had stuck with it, they would've been able to fill a very profitable niche once Capcom had shifted away towards more action-oriented RE games. Word of mouth about the old SH games (SH2 in particular) has spread to the point where there's millions of zoomers today who've seen extensive JewTube video essays on the matter

For two decades now they refused to actually capitalize on the series' legacy and instead tried to turn it into something it's not. They still refuse actually because the remake is ass
>One million sales IS really good for that era.
No it wasn't. MGS did something like 7 million. Resident Evil 1 sold around 5m on Playstation alone. Even smaller horror games like Parasite Eve and Dino Crisis were doing 2-3x that amount. SH3 and 4 couldn't even clear the paltry 400k to get a Greatest Hits release.
You could still profit from games that sold a million copies. You'll never be able to convince me that Konami didn't take a huge risk on Kojima's gay ass
>There was no budget issues at all - in fact the producer specifically comments that Konami gives them an unlimited budget with no questions asked.
And that was for Metal Gear Solid 2 by the way. Konami finally decided they've spent enough after investing like $150 million into MGSV
>There's also "revival" rate depending on action level. Is this referring to respawn rate?
That's enemies coming back to life after you've finished them. You'll see it happening a lot after clearing crowds in the hospital
>The only one I beat was SH2
Reddit Hill 2 posers are not a meme after all lol
It doesn't seem like the western games did much better since they killed the franchise for a decade after about 4 of them.
he's probably only played the remake kek
So what I’m seeing in this thread is when I finally play these games I should use as much ammo as possible. Despite seeing and loving the movie and the constant discourse online I really have managed to avoid pretty much all story spoilers. I’ll be honest, I haven’t played them because I don’t like emulating games I haven’t played on real hardware when it comes to major titles. It’s a quirk I have. Anyway, these games look amazing. Outside of 1-3 and the room, is downpour or any of the other retro titles any good? Or was it just 1-3 and then some people enjoying 4?
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Just play right now in order. 1-3 are essentials. 4 is uh... experimental and half the team left so it shows. A lot of the main talent went to make Siren, which had 2 games on the PS2 and are sadly stuck there.

Play on Normal which is your standard experience. Hard is actually hard. 2-4 have PC versions but SH1 is stuck on the PS1. There is a slow decomp project in the works. Ammo is pretty plentiful and flows like water and there's no item limit.
nah, it was Kojima the cock sucking faggot who killed SH for a decade with his walking simulator slop shilled by e-celebs and his pandering to his Hollywood buttsex buddies in his planned Silent Hills
shit take
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>1-3 are essentials. 4 is uh
Reddit Hill 2 poser detected
you animals are doing a great job at making everyone despises you
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>t. thinks PT a literal tech demo is one of the greatest horror games of all time
Kojima was rightfully fired btw, he will never touch MG again all what he can do is more walking simulators like Death Stranding while watching Konami remaking his masterpiece MGS3
some serious autism going on here
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Sh4 contains the only time a woman is portrayed shaving her armpits in video gaming history.
How? He killed with a game that never came out? With a demo that Konami is actively emulating and trying to copy the success of in their new shitty original Silent Hill games?
NTA but PT was just a pretentious tech demo desu. Also if that game had come out it would probably get outsold by RE7 which had a pretty similar gimmick
She's 17 anon...
>is actively emulating and trying to copy the success of
what success? it was a free demo. and are you going to tell me SH2 remake is stealing from PT? lmao
RE7 had a similar gimmick because they copied it from PT. Countless recent horror games, including recent Silent Hill suicide game, have copied it. Blooper team was ripping it off years before they got to remake SH2.
I dont give a shit about PT, never played it, didnt like it or Kojima for SH and dont really like Kojima in general. Youre still retarded.
Shit movie game you /v/ermin fap over obsessively. Go back and coom over remakes you absolute faggot
It was a huge critical success that influenced tons of horror games over the years. That free SH game about suicide and sakura flowers clearly apes a lot of it, and the people who made the remake of 2 started off ripping off PT just like tons of other horror game makers before moving on to rip off Resident Evil remakes.
>RE7 had a similar gimmick because they copied it from PT
RE7 was in development before PT. I'm pretty sure both Kojima and Capcom were inspired by the Amnesia games that were popular at the time.
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>Shit movie game
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PT was trash and had nothing to do with Silent Hill
and it was unoriginal slop copying the horror walking simulators without fighting back (which were trendy back then) such as Amnesia and Outlast
and if Kojima alone being responsible for Silent Hills was not enough to tell it was going to such then having the face of that faggot actor all over it was a bigger proog
also RE capitalized on that PT and Silent Hills drama with making RE7 a first person pseudo-walking simulator slop and it fucking sucked far worse than RE5 (the worst RE game since Code Veronica) so i have no doubt Silent Hills might have ended being worse than fucking Homecoming

we dodged a bullet when Kojima was fired, sadly it only lasted for 8 years and now Konami went back to raping Silent Hill with their nex projects
>I dont give a shit about PT, never played it, didnt like it or Kojima
so why you defending his rape of Silent Hill?
Development for RE7 began in 2014 the year PT came out, they even hired people from PT/Silent Hills to work on it. They both were copying the Amnesia stuff though. SIlent Hills wasn't even going to first person supposedly, they just did that for the teaser.
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>here is the survival horror kino Konami prevented Kojima from delivering back in 2015 bro!

it's crazy to me people still defend him.
MGSV was his fault, not konami's fault. heck, the entirety of konami's current existence is his fault.
>just give me another 80million dollars in 2015 that'll make MGSV good!
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>Hunter Schafer
>rape of silent hill
What do I care if Kojima rapes a bloated rotting corpse?
This >>11344985 is still a shit take
No, development for RE7 started in February of 2014. PT was released in August. I'm fairly certain they wouldn't abandon six months of work to copy Kojima
>they even hired people from PT/Silent Hills to work on it
Is that what happened to Kojima Productions after Konami got rid of the studio?
Holy shit kek
I don't know how Kojima caused Konami to make a bunch of remakes of stuff from 20 years ago. I tend to blame that on Capcom with the RE2 remake.
never forget Kojima not only killed SH and MG but he also killed Castlevania by turning it into a God Of War clone
>I tend to blame that on Capcom with the RE2 remake
after 20 years of cope from silent hill fans konami straight up rips off capcom lol
Kojima is responsible for Lord of Shadow?
I guess Kojima killed it by producing the best selling game in the franchise at the time. Crazy how that works.
to be fair it was developed by Bloober the biggest hack developers of horror games in modern times
but that SH game about bullying was made by Japanese people and it was....original....well at least compared to other horror games coming out now
I don't see how it's original to make a first person walking sim horror game. Felt like mid 2010s horror on Steam again, but with a bad Life is Strange style story.


>Konami eventually asked them to cease work on Lords of Shadow while it was still in its early stages, until David Cox showed the Japanese senior management the game and was offered help by video game designer Hideo KOJIMA THE HACK
>Cox stated that KOJIMA THE FAGGOT otherwise allowed MercurySteam a lot of freedom with the project
the project was going to be cancelled by fucking Kojima saved it which in turned doomed the CV series with not only one shitty game but two other shitty sequels
>this series is known for X
>im going to brap all over it to subvert le expectations
>you're welcome games media
it really wasnt. it had the standard Outlast-style loops that have been watered down to the most basic mechanics, which had been featured in blooper’s Medium, plus some crappy “deep” story jammed in to try and make it look like sh2
it was probably a retarded idea they were going to shitcan but decided to release for free last minute
I don't think you'd have to throw much out at that point, especially not with both using the first person view as it was the style at the time. Hard to play 7 and even certain parts of 8 and no see the PT influence there almost as much as stuff like Outlast or Amnesia.
Dunno what they mean by sh2 being easy. Brookhaven on hard is scary and dangerous. The nurses are the most aggressive enemies in the game.
Eileen is not 17 you twitter-poisoned moron
Both those games did cross that landmark though.
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>Eileen is not 17 you twitter-poisoned moron

Anon is likely thinking of Beautiful Angel Heather who is 17 who is distractedly beautiful.
Will she marry me?
life saving bump

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