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DOA Ultimate is 20 years old

and Helena is still the most gorgeous video game girl
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You're confusing her for Beautiful Angel Heather, the most distractingly beautiful character in video gaming history.
I’m more of a Kasumichad but I always appreciate a DoA thread anyway.
The amount of unlockable outfits in DoA Ultimate is absurd. I love it.
its a shame only U2 has so many
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I have to use for the first time my smelling into games machine
euro doa 1 has a lot too
They've been doing that regional content difference bullshit since the first game?
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Lei Fang is the best one
>DLC culture took all this from you
I prefer Hitomi.
Well she is young and she has class. That's the advantage she has over the other women.
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I wish Dead or Alive weren't such a coomer game, because out of all the fighters, It's my favorite looking game for environments and animations.
It's not even all that more erotic than the average fighting game when you get down to it. also don't be a faggot.
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Beat Time Attack mode and upload your high scores to Insignia. Leaderboards are a bit thin at the moment.
the fighting is still the most fluid of any I've played
you need to go back
I really wish publishers would put their old fighting games up online more often.
I miss real DOA.
Dead Or Alive 2 is overrated.
DOA3 is a better game.
And DOA4 is an even better game.
she's boring
Itagaki Dead Or Alive wasn't a coomer game
I have never given a shit about Time Attack and only barely cared at all about Survival mode

fighting other niggas is the only way to play
because Tomonobu wasn't beholden to traditional 2D fighting games like Virtua Fighter and Tekken were, who dutifully reproduced their predecessors' stiffness

he wanted Dead Or Alive to feel graceful to play, and it was necessary if the series was to feel more like a movie in action than a "video game" per se
I bet you beat niggas assholes with your 3 inch chode before getting sodomized by those same niggas with a glass dildo and then shopping for homeware on amazon
no, I've only ever gotten to play with family unfortunately

I'd beat you so bad you'd feel like you dropped soap tho
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anon be like
I bet you're one of those fags who want all sexy women in video games to be covered up, flat chested and have no ass. The same fags who never complain about the half-naked muscled men in video games through multiple franchises.
He made Xtreme. And 5 and 6 were no more coomer than their prequels, just maliciously monetized.
how do these retards keep living their lives after exposing themselves like this?
here you would be bullied to death, literally unironically
kasumi love
leifang love
Xtreme isn't coomer.
And yes they were.
You're boring.
I really hate the FGC for trying to look down on DOA all the time. DOA is fluid and graceful. They try to downplay the guard/reversal system but at the same time every single one of them is just some Tekken unga bunga who will spend the whole match back dashing till they can pull off the same combo they practiced to death rather than react to live gameplay.
for me its
and Lei Fang
I wish weren't such a retard
The only people who hate Dead Or Alive and specifically Itagaki Dead Or Alive are, 1) tribalists, and 2) "muh guaranteed damage" types who believe that fighting games should be turn-based and have extensive sections of solitaire

he designed DOA to be interactive, constantly back-and-forth, a real true *fighting* game, and that remains a foreign concept to the vast majority of the industry to this day

my brother
>It's not even all that more erotic than the average fighting game when you get down to it
I never said it was.
Coomers have such bad fucking reading comprehension AND are emotional little bitches who pop off at the mouth over nothing.

It's a coomer game because coomers are the only ones who discuss it fortunately.
Rather than talking about literally anything else about the game, they just waifufag all day every day, which was my point, and It's proven in this thread.

Merely lamenting the fact that, despite being one of the impressive-looking games when it came out, people only ever seem to talk about waifus and panty shots from the game, gets a bunch of retarded coomers twisting your words to get upset.
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I agree with the niggaz talking about the fluid gameplay, my brother and I used to play the shit out of 2 on Xbox. I would still be buying this franchise if they weren't a bunch of shekel grubbing kikes who want to charge you for EVERY FUCKING COSTUME.
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Well then, be the change you want to see. Talk about your favorite character's playstyle and how you view their matchups, or about the differences in mechanics that cause you to prefer one entry over the others.
Just sitting there and saying "Gosh, won't SOMEBODY talk about the gameplay!?" helps nobody.
You're seething at a plain observation that's an entirely reasonable interpretation of "coomer" being used as an adjective for the game when you hadn't once mentioned the community until just now.

In any case, multiplayer games can't have gameplay without a community to support it, and there's a healthy portion of gameplay discussion ITT for a dead fighter with no online that got overshadowed by a shitty gacha. You can find plenty more gameplay discussion if you look around Discord and Youtube. Or you can go to any /vg/ thread and see how thirstposting outnumbers anything else 3:1.
remember to ignore OO-word posters
do not engage in them, do not respond to them
>that webm
Hayabusa is and forever will be my favorite vidya character
>fuck Doom
>fuck Loom
>fuck Silent Hill 4: The Room
Friendly reminder that this is still up and free

white lace stockings loving chads
Didn't know this was even a thing. Is it active?
>It's a coomer game because coomers are the only ones who discuss it fortunately.
>Rather than talking about literally anything else about the game, they just waifufag all day every day, which was my point, and It's proven in this thread.
you're only looking at Team Nunja DOA5+ fags
Getting Away With Murder is tight
>Talk about your favorite character's playstyle and how you view their matchups
What's the point? All three of the games that matter are balanced and everyone can beat anyone else.

There are some characters who are more difficult to play well than others because they require particular skillsets not every player has, but that is with respect to piloting them, not trying to win with them.

Anyone for example should be able to play with Hitomi. She is designed as the easiest and most fundamentals-based character in the game. If you can't do decently with Hitomi, you've got issues going on most likely.

Now look at Bass, he has obvious shortcomings and strengths as opposed to being a well-rounded character. First off, he requires you to grab a lot. He also requires you to have an excellent sense of timing and rhythm. But as long as you have those, you will encounter no other difficulty nobody else does.

Brad Wong requires you to have great spatial awareness and a sense for positioning.

People shouldn't expect to jive with every character, and just because they don't doesn't mean those characters are lacking. I don't like Gen Fu or Ayane but I've no reason to say Gen Fu or Ayane sucks. They just operate in a way that is weird to me and outside of my comfort zone.
and your ego is thin as flakey ice
my otp
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it took me 10 seconds to make this out
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Oatmeal cookie-man approves of this thread.
looks like the japanese Howard Stern
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There's nothing sexual about gifting a 16 year of girl a micro bikini and asking her to wear it for you.
You're a woke incel who hates sexy women in video games, don't ya? You prefer them flat chested and trans, right?
Aside from Christie, are there any reasons to play DoA3 instead of Ultimate?
the stories and endings are probably the best of the series
My brother. Always preferred Helena best, I think it's the ponytail in the ribbon
I don't know, but I have all DOA games physically because of the pretty women on there and great gameplay. Unlike modern fighting games that like to cover them up and desexualize them because "wokeism".
If you need to ask then you don't care about the gameplay.
I never really got into DoA. I've only played the game at a cousin's house a couple of times. On a scale of Virtua Fighter to Blazblue/Guilty Gear. how insane/fantastical is the series as a whole?

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