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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11334470

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU

DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):

Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:


Vanilla/Boom: https://doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://doomworld.com/idgames/



FPS (Rolling schedule): http://clovr.xyz/
SB2R Kart Link removed til a new thing comes out per hoster himself >>11311817



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/Vertex Relocation/ PHASE 2
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : Boom
RULES AND CLAIMED SLOTS : https://pastebin.com/CrVTqGvr
BETA V5 : https://files.catbox.moe/j0p4fc.wad

Fore/vr/ Alone

=== NEWS ===
[10-24] Data Base, a single player map for Quake 2's Remaster is here:

[10-23] Doom Delta updated to v3.1.0 with Legacy of Rust support

[10-23] Nostalgia Zero is now on idgames

[10-22] Colourful hell updated to 1.02

[10-20] Nugget Doom 3.3.0 Released

[10-19] Tronyn, a Quake mapper, passed away at 42.

[10-12] Retro Jam 2 for Quake 1 released, /vr/ regulars among participants

[10-12] New GZDoom and Eternity versions dropped

[10-10] Doom 64 Unseen Evil released, adds missing enemies and 64-ifies Doom 1 and 2 levels

[10-10] Potetobloke reuploaded a ton of addons for Shut Up 'n Bleed

[10-9] Tetanus DX released with free to use texture set

[10-6] International Doom v8.0 released

[10-5] Duake (Doom weapon in Quake) released

[10-5] DBP68: Outposts of the Wasteland is out now!

[10-5] Quake 2 PSX mod released for KEX Quake 2

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [mm-dd] date bracket)
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>BJ picks up hundreds of gold bars like it's nothing
>gold is incredibly dense, much more dense than lead
how jacked is the old man exactly?
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There's no gold bars in Wolfenstein 3D though. There's crucifixes, chalices, royal crowns, and chests of treasure, these all entain some degree of gold, but not solid gold bricks.
Presumably, B.J has the same kind of pockets as Guybrush Threepwood, where can apparently lug around what must be a few tons of gold per episode (yet only 99 rounds of ammunition).
You forgot to add the new server tab

US West: http://clovr.xyz/
CA/US Midwest: https://macgu.fun/
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nice caco
You can atone by hosting a third server cluster in a region we do not have covered yet. Which is a lot of them.

I just beat this as Parias on Sunday for the first time. Brackenwood is the one real pain in the ass until you get your superweapon. And sump was the only level that stumped me for a little while. Final level was laughably easy with the items you stack up on hard.
>a few tons of gold per episode (yet only 99 rounds of ammunition).
I wonder if those two are connected
>chests of treasure
these must be heavy
NTA but Oceania, MENA, and SE Asia?
I admit, I have played it legimately few times before but last time I just noclipped to the end because fuck that map.
To name a few yah. US East could also count but I think most of those guys don't have a problem with the midwest server
I wonder what BJ's charge was that got him conviected sent into said German-run Prison by the start of the game? Soviet Collaboration, messing with German airways, or something else?
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How do I design combat in my Doom maps. Kinda feel like I'm just putting shit down at random? Sometimes the fights play OK but I'm worried I'm falling into a tiny number of fight rubrics that I know work
Wasn't it for being caught doing his espionage, the same way it is in the remakes (RTCW, Old Blood)?
have anons try your map and give unfiltered feedback
>what's heavier, a kilogramme of gold or a kilogramme of ammo?
He gets his protein from pork chops.
He's an American spy during WW2, what do you think?
Well, that settles that there question.
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Blake Stone has gold bars
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>sees a battered, heavily bleeding man
>still tries to steal the turkey leg
what a dick
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Anyone know the best use for the flamethrower is Serious Sam TSE?
Aggressively. It's an absurdly high damage weapon.
Whenever something is close enough to get hit by it.
I'm talking which enemies are most susceptible. E.g., the coach gun wiping out a single leaping kleer or a single granade liquidating cucurbito. A lot of times I find using the flamer is Pyrrhic because the proximity opens me up to attack. It was useful in that one bouncy room for sure, though.
I might be misremembering, but i recall using it on Kamikazes and the flame tics stunlocking them in place. I do remember using it for packs of Kleers though.
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So I remembered I have build gdx for playing blood and shadow warrior.
What do the difficulties change? I remember on like well done or something in blood the cultists throw bigger dynamite but that's all I recall.
I probably won't play on the hardest or second hardest for either but I'd still like to know plox
(in blood) Enemy hp and how many enemies in a level too.
I remember the axe-wielding guys will fall down if you hit them more consistently on lower skills than on higher ones.. So maybe all enemies have their behaviours changed in some way depending on skill
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that was really fucking good
thank you guys. now what wad should i play next?
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1st post an example. 2nd, in my opinion it really depends on what your goal is pace wise.

Doom is a fundamentally musical experience.

Do you want to keep the player moving? Then lots of traps and keep them constantly on the hunt for ammo.

Do you want them to explore? Then use lots of hitscanners with slightly obtuse progression.

Do you want them to feel crushed and uncomfortable? Go full slaughter mode.

So what is your goal?
What Lies Beneath, Maskim Xul, Spiral93
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Played up to e1m5 on lightly broiled
I must have played on well done or something before because I remember blood being much harder. the first couple levels were a little dicey with ammo but afterwards it's been fine although I do remember where a few secrets are so that helps.
Will probably save well done for a second proper playthrough. The carnival was cool with the little games the designers made and the train looked amazing
>What Lies Beneath
Your wife
There it is.
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A.I. is watching youtube?
1-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RudbZGybIKc
Sure enough, it was that secret I was looking for. Secrets in secrety rooms-- always get me.
I'm not surprised. I use the one that comes with instagram and it's amazingly robust.
I'm not too brushed up on anything more recent, but the blacklist stuff happened when a dude asked for help and the creator got slighted over one remark.
Is Sunlust peak Doom?
No, it's Something Else made out of Doom. Most modern Doom wads have very little to do with what Doom was intended to be.
It's been fed the Doom wiki and various videos that do nothing but show secrets.
What was Doom intended to be?
The gameplay presented in Doom itself, rather than what it has evolved into over 30 years of people finding newer and more extreme things to do with the engine.
What is the gameplay presented in Doom itself?
What is a man?
It literally plays like Doom
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Doom is like a porno
If we stayed with what was established in the iwads the Requiem guys would have been right and wad making would have died in the 90s.
Going Down for me.
Haven't played Sunlust yet, but is it nonstop slaughter maps? I don't mind the occasional ones here and there like the last couple of maps from GD, but a full megawad of them sounds exhausting.
>Going Down
Did you play Overboard yet?
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Not that guy but I always felt like classic Doom WADs are more like dungeon crawlers where the big focus is navigating a maze and shooting demons in the face. I feel like more modern big name WADs lean more into spectacle (Either through very pretty maps, fancy scripting stuff, or just really high monster counts) and/or combat puzzles.

That's not to say all WADs nowadays do this, just the ones that generally get the brightest spotlight on them. Now I'm fucking terrible at navigating mazes so I generally prefer small maps with mean fights like Plutonia. Going Down hits a pretty good sweet spot for me in terms of spectacle while being MOSTLY reasonable with monster counts, if memory serves right it goes completely apeshit towards the end. Damn I should replay Going Down.

Come to think of it, that other WAD Cyriak made was really my speed too. I can't remember the name now though, it has you on a boat and you sink it, and you can watch a single imp going into the water on the next stage and it feels like a bit out of a GamingGargoyle video.
It turns slaughterier the further you get into it, the early maps rarely break 200 demons
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And two seconds after I click post I realized the Anon RIGHT above my post gave me the name of the WAD I was trying to remember: Overboard. Please take this funny comic in exchange for putting up with my previous ramblings on bullshit.
>it has you on a boat and you sink it, and you can watch a single imp going into the water on the next stage
Sounds like the imp went over board.
>Come to think of it, that other WAD Cyriak made was really my speed too. I can't remember the name now though, it has you on a boat
see >>11346576
Oh damn NOW I am the one who is to slow to reply
are you guys drinking tonight
Not yet. Right now I'm busy with ERASER and the Clan [B0S] releases.
I'd get around it eventually. I've heard it's on part if not a bit better than GD
How are you liking Eraser? Can't go wrong with [B0S], A.L.T. is one of my faves. I think Dies Irae is one of the best maps I've ever played.
How would you redesign Doom so you didn't need keys to exist the map? What would be an interesting alternative?
Randomized passwords
Make it like Marathon, so you can always see what a switch does or have references like a number under a door and its switch.
Enemies drop money that you can use to open doors
Then you rape them
Each door displays a counter, which is the number of sectors that must have been entered for it to open.
System Shock's control percentage. Killing demons, flipping certain switches, etc. decreases demonic control and allows you to access more stuff.
That's not the secret AI is referencing. There's an untagged soulsphere secret behind a fake wall in the same staircase room that is marked with a pool of blood on the floor.
If it doesn't count, then it's not a secret.
It's really early in the morning but IT'S STILL SCREENSHOT SATURDAY MOTHERFUCKERS! WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN WORKING ON? Maps, mods, sprites? Now's a good time to post that shit! Or whenever you wake up and read this!
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Got the wrist gun in, I'll be adding a muzzleflash later though. Torn between doing the shield, drain hand, or kick attack next.
I didn't mean to spawn the golden boner, that little shit popped up when I pressed my "summon subweapon chest loot" key, and this was my second recording where he popped up, so he earned his place in the video.
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I finished another map for second mix community project.
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Well besides being indecisive on the animation thing. I've still been sweating Kustam's third meter there. The more I look and think about it the more I worry it's a bit of a convoluted bastard. That gauge on the right powers the big kicks, but you also need it to fire subweapons, though subweapons also run off their own ammunition supply.
Also when the meter runs dry you replenish it by using the subweapon key to fire off a drain beam, and your super kick button gets downgraded into regular kicks. I fear this is leaning into overdesigned territory. I may need to fuck around with this system more, but I'll be damned if I know where to take it at the moment, whatever changes I do will need to be on the smaller side.

On the plus side I think everything else about him is pretty good. He flows so much fucking better than how he used to play.
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Been occasionally playing with "BFG but point blank shot is nerfed" gun for every moving into the future project. I wonder if having a chance to produce random child projectiles would give people better understanding on how it works if they shoot it into the void.
Why did they make a higher level of hurtfloor that sometimes pierces the hazard suit? Why did they originally only put that special hurtfloor in a random area of "normal" high damage lava, on a single map?
the human eye can't see past 35fps anyway
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If you look at their other games, you'll notice Id Software had a sick sense of humor.
What the fuck I had no idea.
For me, its Alien Vendetta.
To the other guy that's playing AMC squad,have you finished episode 2? I have some question for you
be a dear
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I wonder if this was going to be a fps o a 3rd person shooter.
Dumb ahh Shubkin
Probably third person if they put effort into themed costumes.
This is a highly abstract NPCjak
>We might actually live to see Nega Duke

I hope this is somewhat playable.
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The best of the original levels pretty much are the short but mazelike techbases. Trying to go "outside" of that like in 2's city levels is where I think the quality went downhill.
Recommend for me
for guy who like ninja more than space monster
You want that LO WANG
There was some ninja-ish gameplay mod for ZDoom, but I can't remember what it was called. It had wall climbing, dual pistols, an angled version of the vanilla shotgun which looked pretty bad, and some sort of laser canon take on Duke's chaingun.
Abysm 2 expansion pack
Maybe it's because I'm playing on laptop but man is doom 2 kicking my ass in parts. At refueling base right now and I'm desperately secret hunting because I keep running out of ammo for literally everything because of the fucking meatballs that soak up everything.
I've forgotten how aids pain elementals are given that a lot of community mappers don't use them.
Cool map tho
Pain Elementals aren't so bad if you just give them a hug
unless you're playing Doom 64 lmao
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I'm late to the party but did you guys see the new Ashes stuff? looks like a campaign mod to Afterglow, called Kingdom of Ashes, new maps, enemies and guns. says it will probably be released by December
no idea who the dev is or if they've worked on anything before. I can barely even keep up with all the Ashes stuff

Pain elementals were not supposed to spew so many lost souls on that map, because the vanilla had the limits. You can always put that back on. Map10 is howerer 100% beatable on uv even without the limits. I've done it many times. Once you learn where the secrets are, it's not that bad map.
I did end up beating the level with 200 health and armour after grabbing the last couple secrets but by then I'd already beaten the map. I did find that sneaking from around a corner to shove an ssg shot up the pain elemental's soul-hole was pretty effective. Wasn't the vanilla soul limit like 18 or something?
On downtown right now, experiencing the peak of american architecture
Thank you, I needed that.
looks great.
I'm a bit confused tho. Is this not "official"? Fan games for fan games are always a trip.
It's a mod of a mod made by a guy who knows the devs of the original but isn't one himself.
He himself calls it semi-official, so it's probably best to think of it that way.
The fully upgraded Unmaker is kinda stupid OP actually.
I swear they nerfed the BFG in Doom 64
To be fair, if you manage to find 3 secret maps, you deserve a fucking op weapon.
And not die.
That's neat, but inspecting the second shell before he starts loading the rest is a bit much.
That's how the original Ashes ended up with more content, somebody else made it and the dude kind of incorporated it into the main thing.
Junk Food 4 has been released.
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>that trailer
>That statusbar
Thanks doc.
Dead Man Walking 2?
>On downtown right now, experiencing the peak of american architecture
Downtown is the peak of Sandy architecture, the next level is peak American architecture.
>that trailer
missed opportunity for a spectre in the last bed
for what it's worth the wiki says it was 3rd person and made by the same devs as Time to Kill.
>DOOM: Enemy Unknown / X-Doom: UAC Defense
Do want
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Wouldn't be too hard to do, could probably even use the original sprites because for some reason they blend well with an isometric view despite not being made for it.
it's a work in progress, apparently
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Post headphones you use to Doom
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I'm getting heartburn watching this.
Looks breddy gud.
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These ones
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oops I mean these ones but I do have those ones too.
Lydia's mugshot has had the Becky beaten out of her and is now looking increasingly more slavic.

Well done.
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I don't wanna do ass play with you

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This game fucking sucks
Shamblers take less damage from explosive weaponry, shoot em with your nailgun at range instead
Quake is just an improved Doom
But it doesn't have Doom's SOVL..
Doom and Quake both have soul, but different souls.
That's what makes them, by definition, based.
git gud
You Just gotta recognize the timing is all.
Start on Normal when starting a new game, not Hard.
This, jumping in on hard is going to be rough, fiends and shamblers have much better introductions on Normal.
What are some good vanilla mods with vanilla looks?
For what?
For playing
Sorry I meant wads not mods
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the Doom The Way id Did series is pretty good
Miller leaked more shit to feel relevant again?
Seems like it doesn't work that well
Scott Miller, the Apogee dude with a bloated ego.
>Scott Miller
Him, yeah. Founder of 3D Realms with huge ego issues that sold off its major IPs after neglecting DNF, the Apogee brand and then the company itself. Now works for one of the said parties founded by his friend as like a brand ambassador.
Nostalgia 1, 2 and Zero
Eviltech if you can stomach techbases and tired 80s music sequenced as midis
Memento Mori
Nostal Doom
Revolution and TV1998
Not sure if Machete counts but it's a great megawad anyway

Hope this helps
It does, but not because it is too hard sometimes.
I get the feeling you're the sort that will change your mind in due time however.
any good source ports for hellraiser? the amount of pits is mind numbing to get through without mid level saves.
"Microplastics are stored in the balls, and I'm lego-bricked up"

-Baron Bottlewater
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>Damn i'm mid
-Dude Dudem
Its time to kill ips and punch voice actors in an elevator
Looking good, that's some nice crunchy pixel art
Sennheiser my beloved

>tfw uploading images in incog mode isnt allowed
>tfw no face
I was looking for some a few years back, an audiophile friend recommended me some Philips 9000 something headphones in an X pricerange and I went with those. They're good.
...And I'm all out of toilets
>Killed Duke
>Debased Homeworld
>Killed Borderlands
what else am I missing
Same I've been using for like 7 years. Skull Candy Hesh Bluetooths with a 3mm jack for when I'm at my computer. 20 hour battery life which blew me away when I first got them. They've held up being tossed around this whole time in various settings with no degradation to the pads.
I have no idea where an audiophile would rank them, but I got them for 20 dollars and they're great for my needs. Battery is still perfect too.
I even used the mic to record sounds for Doom, so they're thread relevant.
He lost that USB drive, harassed the fuck out of his employees, and he was also personally scammed out of millions.
unpaid mall narc for emulators
and Battleborn
He also saw that Overwatch had a huge nsfw drawfag subreddit and made one himself for Battleborn then went on twitter acting surprised about it.
Oh fuck, I totally forgot about that shit, what an asshole.
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He did WHAT?
There was some mall that had an event on or something, and it had I think a 360 playing SNES or NES games for the kids to play, and that tosspot went and made a big thing about it on Twatter, complete with including Nintendo in on it.
The more I learn about Randy Bobandy the less I like that fella
That's what they get for not playing on original hardware.
greasy bastard
Agent those just nes minis, or did they use knockoffs. Also, you can but all that shit on Amazon. He should alert Nintendo.
What's worse, being Anthony Burch or Randy Pitchford?
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They suffice. I'd like better, I miss my DT 770 Pro, but I won't replace these until I need to.
To be honest I'd still rather be Randy than Anthony
If you suddenly became Randy, you could just fix his mistakes or at least start undoing the damage as best you can. Maybe release a proper duke game.
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aliens: colonial money laundering
>>Killed Borderlands
You're supposed to list BAD things he did
That wasn't money laundering, it was embezzlement (probably), which is a different crime. Did the same thing with DNF.
ah gomen
I'll hate randy more correctly now
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got to inmost dens.
I like all the weird window shapes and how acrobatic the level is. Wish the key bars had more switches, felt a little confused at first with where the fuck the button was because american REALLY fucking loves the colour brown apparently.
I really should study the official maps more just for neat room shapes or architecture bits to steal for my own maps, some of these maps look really nice still.
Downtown sucks though.
>Did the same thing with DNF
I don't see how. They only worked on it for the final stretch of development. I don't think enough was pumped into it on their end to siphon off the top.
Not like I'm looking at the numbers though.
Because they got some millions from Take2 and then hired just two dudes working in their mom's kitchen to try to crudely cobble something together from what there was.
>Downtown sucks though
Personally, I find The Factory and Industrial Zone to be worse, but it really doesn't help that they're so tightly packed, the levels never get that bad again afterwards.
Just not going to look for secrets anymore if I don't need health or ammo. Doom e2m1- it broke me with its simplicity and with the small size of the map. I couldn't believe it when I looked it up where it was. You know the secret. Uhghhhhh still seething.
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Good morning, I hate infinite height so much it's unreal
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>I hate infinite height so much it's unreal
poor unreal, rip
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what's he looking at?
I don't, but I FUCKING HATE wads relying on extreme vertical aiming at short distances. It's the clunkiest, the most unpleasant thing you can do with Doom combat after Icon of Sin.
The future of shootable eyeball switches... Sigil.
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At doomguy pumping his shotty
I got killed by a lost soul on the ceiling the other day biting my ass from half a mile up
>>Killed Borderlands
Borderlands isn't dead, BL4's coming out next year. Should it be dead? Probably, the last decent content was Bounty of Blood.
Hey dweebenheimers, Sunday Night Shitshow is up running Community Chest 2 with vanilla Complex Doom. It takes some getting used to, but don't worry, it's nowhere near the level of sheer retardation LCA or Clusterfuck are.
Just search "Sunday Night Shitshow" in Doomseeker and connect with Zandronum 3.2 to instantly kick a backend developer in the nuts.
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Where is everybody
>give the publishing rights for duke nukem to 3d realms
>Kurt Cobain immediately after shouting out civvie11 on twitter
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Why do you want to give the IP to Tim Willits?

Do you want him to have invented the Build Engine?
What were the things Anthony Burch did and didn't do that was bad beyond both Molyneux and Randy Bitchford?
It's a meme, anyway we are getting too offtopic
Doom is cool
3d realms might release another build duke nukem with Ion Fury level visuals.
At the very least they would put out a better complete version of Duke than Gearbox did. I think they actually took down an older better version when they launched their collection.
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Fuuuuuck I'm done. That was getting to be a bit of a chore at the end there.
>pick up final doom box
>burn my fingers
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Playing through Unloved recreationallyTM so I can get a feel for it without boring myself with its insistence on bullshit jumpscare ambushes.

I'm doing important science here, I'm trying to find the spookiest WAD for Halloween. Ad Mortem is first place of course but Unloved is pretty fun so far, feels like MyHouse.WAD but if had a ton of monsters n shit and no implied gayness.
>no implied gayness.
I don't know how people come to that conclusion, they are the same guy in two worlds not two gay guys.
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The undertones are definitely there man. But if that's enough to evoke a pang of distress from someone then their brain needs evaluated
Not really it started because one of the first youtubers to cover it thought it was two gay guys and a bunch of people didn't bother to read the letters and think about it themselves.
*hits blunt* What if it's about selfcest with your mirror self
the gay undertones shit was only a thing cause that one British dude in the zoomer video essay on the wad said it, it a a good video but that one was a stretch and i like men
I apologize, Mr. Semen, but I couldn't risk opening my backdoor until I was sure you'd bukakke'd the area. This is the last entrance to the Lustful Cockflex... every other has been sealed off to contain the ingaysion. When we realized that you might actually make it queer, we compared dicks to see who should stay behind to let you through. Obviously, I had the short one. My balleagues are waiting at the tip of the Limpdick reactor... masturbating to you. I mean - the reactor is shut down right now, but you can activate it on your way up the shaft. You'll have to flood the core anyway to get into the teledildonic labs. You're not authorized to know about those... but I can see you already barebacked a great deal more than any one man is supposed to.
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alright what's the name of that old stupid comic/animation where it goes:
>no john, you are the demons
>and then john was a zombie
it's on the tip of my tongue but I just can't remember
Repercussions of evil
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thank you so much
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It somehow turned into a trans allegory too, apparently. I'm dumb as shit and I just thought the house was cool as fuck, couldn't care less about the plot when half of it seems tailor-made for Youtube slop.

Unloved is another cool house of demons WAD, I might play it on HNTR just so less fuckers spawn. I don't mind the big gay, hell one of the WADs I wanna try next is yuricore, but it's like just forced I guess i just wanna
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Needs to be brighter
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I made a leg
>vrsounds isn't gonna be loaded until it can be made togglable
>might make a new skin pack that cuts the chaff. not an update to vrskins, just a new pack entirely
>complex might get removed from the randomizer because it breaks key sharing somehow, wtf
Cool, you adding a quick kick function? It might've already been in his old loadout but I don't remember, I didn't like playing him that much.
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Well with Kustam's original design, kick was permanently bound to altfire. Now it's on reload and you don't need to charge it, he just kicks out really hard by default.

Really a lot of things about Kustam's original design wasn't good, he didn't flow well and a lot of his mechanics encouraged cheesing, it sucked. Right now the only thing I'm worried about is the kick battery as you can see in this video. His core shooting and melee mechanics are good now.
you said pic at red door and i was waiting there
I've been following gmota long enough to know kustam's story (and why he sucks so much)
good to see you doing him justice, he has the best design out of the crew by far
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Kustam genuinely means a lot to me so I've been busting my ass to make sure he's good.
Taking that feedback on him and the other guys to heart has certainly helped make them all play better.
seems like the first OC to be wholly original (i.e. not a doomguy variation) so I can imagine the importance.
I'd love to get my own ideas realized but I have no idea where I'd even begin without knowing how to draw for shit.
Well I wouldn't say that, Kustam is Robocop, Gamma, Kuros, and a bit of Optimus Prime. Really I'd love to go back and change up Blaz's visual design a little more, I don't think he'll have green armor when I move off the Doom engine. Maybe jade plate, so lean more into blue-green rather than solid green.
Also Arti came first, though he's not GMOTA.
He's distinct enough to just be inspired by those characters instead of just mashing their designs together
>Arti was first
huh, I figured he was a doomguy edit too
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better pic than what i managed to take. well done

thats by different person I managed only take really awful ones
At first he kinda was, but he kinda mutated into his own thing, now he's like a Tokusatsu inspired weirdo. Like a cross between Kamen Rider Kuuga, Sharivan, and Japanese Spiderman.
Inspiration comes out of left field with me, I just roll with it.
that's how it works with most ppl. cast a line into your cerebral cortex and see what bites
It's funny how that shit works. I actually got the idea of giving Kustam a laser musket he bashes things with in melee while watching my buddy play Warriors Orochi and playing as Magoichi Saika.
Admittedly when I first started writing up Kustam's design, he was gonna use a rifle and a spear. Now I've come full circle with a rifle that is also a spear.
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>notice almost everyone is in view
>quick, hit F12
>think "shit, gamma was still cranked"
>open it in irfanview
>gamma looks normal, whew
>post it

had a poor impression of complex doom from peeking into those clusterfuck servers but vanilla was surprisingly fun, key bug notwithstanding. gonna try it sp
You're a top chap, Kegles.
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yah it's a lot more restrained but there's still some stupid enemies that will fuck you up if you don't have an arsenal established (bfg zombies, just why)
shame we'll have to axe it, cause not only are keys broken, so are dead simple tags
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i don't think the 35mm cycler upgrade on the taiga works
theres a little girl there
I have absolutely no idea what the hell I'm doing with this map (map15), I'm just making dozens of textures and I've yet to hit the part where all the enemy placements just click with what sort of encounters happen.
are you saying she tampered with the 35mm cycler upgrade on my taiga autocannon
she wouldn't do that
What mod has that Konata sprite?
also you just straight up die/mutate in 2 tics of floor damage when arriving to map20 of speed of doom regardless of your position
>rifle that is also a spear.
This also inadvertently circles back to the Doom alpha and its bayonet

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