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December will be here soon. You are doing your yearly Parasite Eve playthrough. Right? It’s the perfect Christmas game.
guess I'll finally do EX mode
Climbing the Chrysler building is the part I always least look forward to in my playthroughs. But my autism compels me to do it every single time. Good luck!
It's a Chritmas Eve game for me, the game is short enough to be able to play in one sitting. I always use the same file, I don't even remember how high the NG+ is at this point, like 5?
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Thread theme
>fixed camera angles
>turd based combat
Into the fucking trash it goes
Filtered. Go play RE4 or something similar. It was made for plebs like you.
Playin pe on christmas eve as snow falls outside is peak comfy. So many zoomers will never know that feel.
What are you talking? It isn't turn based.
Even worse, fucking tank controls in 2005 lmfao
yes i'm playing this kino
>Turnbased combat
Uhhh wrong game? PE isn't turn-based. At least not in the same way any other JRPG at the time was
No, but i played it for the first time a few months back. The roof spider took me a while to beat. Had the wrong adjustments to my guns. Went long range and less shots, and that done the job. Got the hang of saving health packs/where they were. Gun modifications were important and beat it fairly easily
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>perfect christmas game
>all of humanity is nearly destroyed by a being hellbent on eradicating all humans\forcing the direction of environmental adaptation
>only a half-asian, blonde fat-tiddied new york cop can save us

uhhhhh WHAT does this have to do with christmas again? other than it being snowy on some maps\areas?

i love aya but this thread is really reaching kek
christmas is day 3 during the game
There is snow outside but it also takes place during Christmas and there are trees, lights, and decorations in a few areas like the museum and hospital.

There really aren't a lot of other games that even take place during Christmas. All I can think of is Snatcher and Shenmue.
Why is everyone running around without coats if its NYC? It would be at least -23 doesn't make sense that there not dead from the cold
its a game you dork
>responding to a manlet
It's warmer because Eve is lighting everyone on fire.
Most of the Yakuza games, Alone in the Dark 2, Metal Gear 2
Actually I've been putting off PE2 for a long time. When is the best time for that? Heard it's a deserty vibe. Why!
whenever you feel like it
hope you like Resident Evil and wish Parasite Eve played more like Resident Evil
Like shouldn't Ben have froze to death in central park? And madea is only ever wearing a t shirt???
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be sure to play this after, it’s set on new year’s
Jesus, why yearly? This is some autistic shit. Games I have played 3 years ago are still fresh in my mind.
I'm gonna replay that.
In fact, I think this year I'm gonna play a bunch of DOS games that had xmas modes like Rise of the Triad and Tyrian. I'm sure there were others but I need to dig them up.
Play it during the summer to enhance the desert heat feel!
You need a mic to play this, right?
I already pointed out in an earlier post that I’m autistic enough to redo the Chrysler building every single time. So, yes, I probably unironically have a touch of the ‘tism.
>You need a mic to play this, right?
yeah there’s a ps2 headset, you have to tell her what to do in the game
Nah. Blue Stinger is better
you're comparing Dreamcast Deadspace to a PS1 JRPG, anon.
anybody else feel this game has a very feminine aura about it? every time I play this game I feel very weak, vulnerable and submissive. I haven't felt this way with any other game. it's a very vile, twisted and disturbing energy.
what are you thoughts on the aura of Tomb Raider, Fear Effect, Metroid, Bayonetta, Silent Hill 3, Mirror's Edge and Beyond Good & Evil, anon?
they had female protags and were a bit feminine, but nowhere NEAR the feminine energy I get from this game. it's fucking insane. it makes the Barbie games feel like Duke Nukem in comparison.
what specific parts of the game are you getting this vibe from, anon?
I have a save file I used to play every Christmas trying to max out my weapon and armor to all stats 999. I may be up to around 11 playthroughs on it. Stopped playing it yearly after life took a shit on me multiple times in quick succession but I may play it again this year. I started PE2 recently and was enjoying it but stopped near the beginning of disc 2 and I may have to start over because it's been too long since I last played.
Based on energy feelings what games would you recommend that you have played? Which ones you would recommend but there was too much excess? Also is Parasite Eve 2 and Vagrant Story the same or is this exclusively this game?
Judging by his comments (and the last time I think he actually spoke of this) he may have a talent for picking up the vibrational frequency being changed, especially his own. Just because things have horror or dark things in them does not mean it is all the same. In fact, instead of asking for the specific reasons you may be better off treating the game in its entirety as being that way in whole or in part.
Memory and experiencing are two separate things. I still listen to songs I know the lyrics to, I watch movie that I know the twists of, and eat meals of which flavours I can recall.
NTA but even for things that are more than their sum, you can usually identify specific causes for how they end up that way by imagining if X or Y component was different.
Pepsi Universe
pretty much anywhere in the game, and it REALLY gets strong in places with a lot of piano in the music (opening theme, aya's theme, kyrie, maya's theme). the entire game is a femme fatale 1 on 3 (Aya vs Melissa Eve, Maya Eve, and the child Eve (called "Ultimate Being" in the game but was "Eve" in the novel)) and a lot of that tension has very feminine tension when you see girls arguing. it's also a very feminine sister bonding between Aya and Maya. the only men in this game is a useless black guy, some weak beta basedcuck scientist, some weak whiny cop who got killed, and another cop who's a retard. it's all about the women in this game.
Conflict around birth, pregnancy, and menstruation.
Entire game is women vs women.
Aya is not strong and confident but fragile and vulnerable.
Eve taunts and gets pissy like a woman, and they argue like women rather than have a masculine confrontation.

The game feels like a catastrophe film around exploding femininity and attempting to contain it.
this might sounds controversial for /vr/ but I recommend some dark and serious manly games. DOOM, Halo, Duke Nukem, Gears of War, God of War, Warhammer, etc. the late 6th gen and 7th gen had tons of them. it helps get the testosterone back. AVOID games with feminine vibes like a lot of JRPGs.
I find Gears of War to be tedious.
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Uhh gee anon what does the game have to do with Christmas
Because the game is only like 5 hours long so it's easy to do a playthrough once a year? It's not like committing yourself to a full playthrough of FF7 yearly.
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a woman so disinterested in her date she quickly knocks him to the side so she can go shoot monsters with her automatic shotgun that fires freezing acid tranquilizer rounds doesn't seem very feminine to me. neither does the grimy backdrop of NYC. neither does any of the body horror. no musical timbre is "feminine" unless you ascribe such feelings to it. though, fun fact, did you know the music was composed by a woman?

>Entire game is women vs women
except all the parts it's one woman vs horribly mutated animals.

>Aya is not strong and confident
see my prior statements about her date.

>they argue like women rather than have a masculine confrontation.
you don't think a shootout is a masculine confrontation? Aya doesn't beat Eve with the right dialogue choices, anon, this isn't Planescape Torment.

>a useless black guy

i'm just not seeing all this pink and flowers and menstrual pads and secret diaries filled with boy gossip that you guys seem to be.
another thread ruined by schizos
The fuck is this fag talk. I 100%'d X-2 recently. Super feminine game. If anything it increased my testosterone which is what femininity does to me.
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I have been cursed with both severe retardation and extreme autism, what's the best way to emulate PS1 games if I want a solid CRT style shader and integer scaling so everything isn't blown the fuck up in fullscreen, but don't want to deal with Retrofartch?

As a humble offering to atone for my infantile mind, please accept a /vr/ related banner I saved aeons ago.
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I think I know what this anon means. This is a canon piece of art for it.
so the game was designed to appeal to straight men and lesbians?
I dunno about lesbians, but whoever did all the art for Arya was 100% nutting to it
Get an actual CRT and just use the independent one with no filters. Maybe adjust the upscaling options.
>you now remember that 3D art thread from like 2 years ago
Unfortunately that isn't possible within the next few months, I don't have a desk with enough space and I can't get rid of it for a while.
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>grew up on /vr/ pokemon and did gen 3 when it was some dead era for pokemon
>peer friend that kind of lightly verbally bullied me was a halo fanboy
>classmates that grew up on ps2 and instead played san andreas or god of war ps2 back in the day were typically extroverts in some way

I think you are on to something anon. Jap devs that made jarpigs were feminine energy like us. Hell just look at gen 1 pokemon ending being about not picking the strongest pokemon or the biggest final fantasy FF7 having female martial artist experts. Then look at halo, chad bullying to play on hardest difficulty, naked ai woman. Should have dumped by GBA for ps2 and asked for god of war for christmas. Bitchmade since childhood.
holy fucking shit Aya's heels gave me back my foot fetish. too bad she's 5'2" so she has small ugly gook feet, but shit 2 whole years of nofap and getting rid of my fetish down the fucking drain.
I hate that she only wears the black dress and those sexy heels in the first chapter. Should have been an alternate outfit for beating the game.
uhh no, I always play mgs2 during the winter months, followed by bully.
I'm sick of this trend where people gravitate towards demonic perverted filth for Christmas. No kid, you're not too cool for heaven. I get you wanna be hip and counter culture but rejecting our lord for satanic smut is not the way to go.
what could possibly be more anti-authoritarian than rejecting God?
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>a woman so disinterested in her date she quickly knocks him to the side so she can go shoot monsters with her automatic shotgun that fires freezing acid tranquilizer rounds doesn't seem very feminine to me
That's where you're wrong kiddo, she's a badass independent strong woman who doesn't need no man, not like your outdated views on how women should act.
Surprisingly no, despite your quads. She isn't some she-bitch, that is the second game.
Name a more Christmas appropriate game, then? I bet you can’t. Hard mode: no licensed, shovelware slop.
Simpson's Hit and Run on Christmas
That bitch never listens to my commands as a slav with a thick accent. I gave up on it after 1h of gameplay
Mednafen. It's pretty easy to set up everything, from controllers to inter scaling options and there's a mod for it that allows it to hook up to CRTs:

Not sure if there are any CRT shaders from my quick search, but I would think there are some considering the age of the project.
>no licensed shoverware slop
>>no license
non-negotiable lad
Last time I did that was in 2019. I beat the main game and got to the Chrysler Building in NG+, but Rad Roach raped me and I didn't have any recent save states. I rage quit so hard I laughed at the farce of a situation. Might try it again once December rolls around.
It's MGS1 for me, it fits the whole winter season actually. MGS2 is to be played on April 30th.
I've never played it but I've been wanting to start it soon, what makes it a good Christmas game?
Overrated trash
PE2 is better
>An competent but run-of-the-mill RE clone is better than the OG Parasite Eve

What an absolutely garbage opinion. The only way you could possibly justify it is if you are thinking about the sexy shower scene with Aya in it, and even that's a stretch since it's not a big part of the game.
>what makes it a good Christmas game
Takes place around (and on) Christmas. Lots of Christmas decorations. Snowy weather. It’s a great game to play around this time of year.
no animal crossing is the perfect christmas game
parasite eve is just jrpg RE2
Animal Crossing is a game for autists, women and children (but I repeat myself).
Okay thanks
>worse atmosphere
>retarded story
>worse music
>actionslop combat
Should have never been made. It adds nothing to the series and would lead to the abomination that is, and may Allah forgive me for uttering these words, The 3rd Birthday.
I wish. Let someone borrow my PE1 and PE2 20 years ago and never got them back.
Just use duckstation, bro. I’m not much of an emulatorfag either, but it’s not worth paying some retard on ebay just to play it again.
No one will ever love you.
This and if you really wanted you could by a bootleg or burn one yourself for a fraction of the price. They will work with n a disc drive be on a PC if you don't have a PlayStation
Anyone else find it crazy that there are no legal ways of playing this besides owning a PS1 copy or having a digital copy on the PS3/Vita? It’s one of Square’s best games. You’d think they would have at least remastered it by now.
rights issues.
i've heard even the novel's author didn't really like PE2.
They should retcon 2 and 3rd Birthday and then make their peace with the novelist. I want to own an official physical copy again but don’t want to use ebay. If a remaster is what it takes then so be it. 2 and 3 are shit anyway.
I'd rather that not happen with modern Squeenix after that Balan Wonderland shitshow, but that would've been a good idea 5-10 years ago.
True. Modern square would censor the shit out of it like they did with Dragon Quest 3. I suppose I’ll have to keep playing it on Duckstation.
there is literally nothing wrong with parasite eve 2. some of you need to tone down your retarded contrarianism. it’s clearly the better game.
There was never an issue with the author and I have no idea where that retarded idea ever got started.
How old are you people? My entire family is dead and playing Oddworld on the PS1 is one of my few happy memories. Sorry to make this about me but that's what I've been doing the past 10 years after my family died.

Is Parasite Eve worth it? Is anything worth it? Someone give me meaning in my life right fucking now, or you can maybe go play Monster Rancher, anyways I'm so fucking sick of it all
>half-asian, blonde fat-tiddied new york cop
that sounds like Christmas to me
I think Parasite Eve is a great game, and I have a lot of happy memories of playing it around Christmas time. Obviously, if you have no nostalgia or good memories attached, you might not have the same experience as me. Still worth playing, though. Sorry, about your family.
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> it’s clearly the better game.
Nigger, everyone knows PE2 is worse than PE. PE was lightning in a bottle, has a good, easy to follow but substantial story and the mechanics are easy enough to interact with but deep enough to master.

PE2 is just an RE clone with an arcadey twist, a story literally lifted from RE2 but with mitochondria and just plays worse than the OG PE. It's a bit harsh to say PE2 is a bad game (it's on the good side of okay, but it's nothing special), but trying to say PE2 is better than PE is the ultimate contrarian take.
Shit, I started a playthrough last year, I should probably pick it back up.
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Gex 3

(Jk it has more summer vibes)
Apparently anons on /v/ are getting excited that Sony may buy Kadokawa and release a remake or new PE game. I highly doubt it, but the turn of events is interesting though.
how long is this game that you couldn't finish it?
Jesus tap dancing Christ. I’d rather the series stay dead than to have those retards lay their hands on Parasite Eve.
I've only played PE2, not PE. How's it compare in terms of story, in terms of gameplay?
Better story and atmosphere for sure. Gameplay is less action oriented and more RPG-like. You aren’t able to attack until a meter fills up, but it’s better than it sounds. Gun customization system is very satisfying. God tier soundtrack. It’s a much better game than 2, imo.
Dont listen to this guy. PE2 is way better. All the stuff he said is good actually sucks
Don't listen to >>11396153, he's a retarded PE2fag that shits up PE1 threads, >>11395696 is 100% correct

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